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# No Docker and shell installation
## Prerequisites
The following software packages are *required* for this software to
run correctly.
- PHP 8.0+
- Postgres 10+/MariaDB 10.2+
- Web server
- Mail server
Apache, lighttpd and nginx will all work. CGI mode is recommended and
also some variant of 'suexec' (or a properly setup php-fpm pool)
NOTE: mod_rewrite or its equivalent is extremely useful.
The mail server is used for sending notifications and password resets,
among other things.
### PHP modules
Your PHP installation must include the following PHP extensions for a
functional setup of GNU social:
- bcmath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics
- ctype Locale support
- curl Fetching files by HTTP.
- exif Exchangeable image information.
- gd Image manipulation (scaling).
- gmp For Salmon signatures (part of OStatus)
- iconv Locale support
- intl Internationalization support (transliteration et al).
- json For WebFinger lookups and more.
- mbstring String manipulation
- mysql The native driver for MariaDB connections.
- opcache Improved PHP performance by precompilation
- openssl (compiled in for Debian, enabled manually in Arch Linux)
- pcre Perl Compatible Regular Expression
- readline For interactive scripts
- Session User sessions
- SimpleXML XML parser
- Tokenizer Reflection and annotations
NOTE: Some distros require manual enabling in the relevant php.ini for
some modules, even if they're included in the main PHP package.
#### Better performance
For some functionality, you will also need the following extensions:
- opcache Improves performance a _lot_. Included in PHP, must be
enabled manually in php.ini for most distributions. Find
and set at least: opcache.enable=1
- mailparse Efficient parsing of email requires this extension.
Submission by email or SMS-over-email uses this.
- sphinx A client for the sphinx server, an alternative to MySQL
or Postgresql fulltext search. You will also need a
Sphinx server to serve the search queries.
- gettext For multiple languages. Default on many PHP installs;
will be emulated if not present.
- exif For thumbnails to be properly oriented.
You may also experience better performance from your site if you configure
a PHP cache/accelerator. Most distributions come with "opcache" support.
Enable it in your php.ini where it is documented together with its settings.
### Getting it up and running
Installing the basic GNU Social web component is relatively easy,
especially if you've previously installed PHP packages.
1. Download and unpack the release tarball or clone the `git` repository on
your Web server. Usually a command like this will work:
tar zxf gnusocial-*.tar.gz
...which will make a `gnusocial-x.y.z` directory in your current directory.
(If you don't have shell access on your Web server, you may have to unpack
the tarball on your local computer and FTP the files to the server. Checkout
[Instal without Docker with only web access](./install/
2. Move the tarball to a directory of your choosing in your Web root
directory. Usually something like this will work:
mv gnusocial-x.y.z /var/www/gnusocial
This will often make your GNU social instance available in the gnusocial
path of your server, like "". "social" or
"blog" might also be good path names. If you know how to configure
virtual hosts on your web server, you can try setting up
"" or the like.
You need "rewrite" support on your webserver. This is used for "Fancy URL"
support, which you can read more about further down in this
3. Make your target directory writeable by the Web server, please note however
that 'a+w' will give _all_ users write access and securing the webserver is
not within the scope of this document, but reading more on this subject is
chmod a+w /var/www/gnusocial/
On some systems, this will work as a more secure alternative:
chgrp www-data /var/www/gnusocial/
chmod g+w /var/www/gnusocial/
If your Web server runs as another user besides "www-data", try
that user's default group instead. As a last resort, you can create
a new group like "gnusocial" and add the Web server's user to the group.
4. Create a database to hold your site data. Something like this
should work (you will be prompted for your database password):
mysqladmin -u "root" -p create social
Note that GNU social should have its own database; you should not share
the database with another program. You can name it whatever you want,
(If you don't have shell access to your server, you may need to use
a tool like phpMyAdmin to create a database. Check your hosting
service's documentation for how to create a new database.)
5. Create a new database account that GNU social will use to access the
database. If you have shell access, this will probably work from the
MariaDB/PostgreSQL shell:
GRANT ALL on social.*
TO 'social'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'agoodpassword';
You should change the user identifier 'social' and 'agoodpassword'
to your preferred new database username and password. You may want to
test logging in to MariaDB/PostgreSQL as this new user.
6. Run `bin/configure`
7. You should now be able to navigate to your social site's main directory
and see the "Public Feed", which will probably be empty. You can
now register new user, post some notices, edit your profile, etc.
### Fancy URLs
By default, GNU social will use URLs that include the main PHP program's
name in them. For example, a user's home profile might be found at either
of these URLS depending on the webserver's configuration and capabilities:
It's possible to configure the software to use fancy URLs so it looks like
this instead:
These "fancy URLs" are more readable and memorable for users. To use
fancy URLs, you must either have Apache 2.x with .htaccess enabled and
mod_rewrite enabled, -OR- know how to configure "url redirection" in
your server (like lighttpd or nginx).
TODO Add webserver sample configs
1. See the instructions for each respective webserver software
- For Apache, inspect the `docs/webserver/htaccess.sample` file and save it as
`.htaccess` after making any necessary modifications. Our sample
file is well commented.
- For lighttpd, inspect the `docs/webserver/lighttpd.conf.example` file and apply the
appropriate changes in your virtualhost configuration for lighttpd.
- For nginx, inspect the `docs/webserver/nginx.conf.sample` file and apply the appropriate
- For other webservers, we gladly accept contributions of
server configuration examples.
2. Ensure your webserver is properly configured and has its settings
applied (remember to reload/restart it)