2008-06-26 11:03:36 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env php
2008-06-22 22:27:10 -04:00
* Laconica - a distributed open-source microblogging tool
2009-06-20 16:12:55 -07:00
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, Control Yourself, Inc.
2008-06-22 22:27:10 -04:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2008-08-13 11:46:03 -04:00
define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));
2008-08-27 10:23:36 -04:00
2009-06-28 16:13:08 -04:00
$shortoptions = 'fi::';
$longoptions = array('id::', 'foreground');
2009-06-22 17:07:14 -07:00
$helptext = <<<END_OF_XMPP_HELP
Daemon script for receiving new notices from Jabber users.
2009-06-20 14:58:47 -07:00
2009-06-24 19:31:12 -07:00
-i --id Identity (default none)
2009-06-28 16:13:08 -04:00
-f --foreground Stay in the foreground (default background)
2009-06-20 14:58:47 -07:00
2009-06-22 17:07:14 -07:00
2008-06-22 22:27:10 -04:00
2009-06-22 17:07:14 -07:00
require_once INSTALLDIR.'/scripts/commandline.inc';
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/common.php';
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/jabber.php';
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/daemon.php';
2008-08-27 16:54:07 -04:00
2008-06-26 11:12:02 -04:00
# This is kind of clunky; we create a class to call the global functions
# in jabber.php, which create a new XMPP class. A more elegant (?) solution
# might be to use make this a subclass of XMPP.
2008-12-23 14:49:23 -05:00
class XMPPDaemon extends Daemon
2009-06-28 16:13:08 -04:00
function XMPPDaemon($resource=null, $daemonize=true)
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
2009-06-28 16:13:08 -04:00
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
static $attrs = array('server', 'port', 'user', 'password', 'host');
foreach ($attrs as $attr)
$this->$attr = common_config('xmpp', $attr);
if ($resource) {
2009-06-24 19:31:12 -07:00
$this->resource = $resource . 'daemon';
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
} else {
$this->resource = common_config('xmpp', 'resource') . 'daemon';
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "INITIALIZE XMPPDaemon {$this->user}@{$this->server}/{$this->resource}");
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function connect()
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$connect_to = ($this->host) ? $this->host : $this->server;
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Connecting to $connect_to on port $this->port");
$this->conn = jabber_connect($this->resource);
if (!$this->conn) {
return false;
jabber_send_presence("Send me a message to post a notice", 'available',
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
null, 'available', 100);
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
return !$this->conn->isDisconnected();
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function name()
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
return strtolower('xmppdaemon.'.$this->resource);
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function run()
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if ($this->connect()) {
$this->conn->addEventHandler('message', 'handle_message', $this);
$this->conn->addEventHandler('presence', 'handle_presence', $this);
$this->conn->addEventHandler('reconnect', 'handle_reconnect', $this);
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function handle_reconnect(&$pl)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
$this->conn->presence('Send me a message to post a notice', 'available', null, 'available', 100);
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function get_user($from)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$user = User::staticGet('jabber', jabber_normalize_jid($from));
return $user;
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function handle_message(&$pl)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if ($pl['type'] != 'chat') {
if (mb_strlen($pl['body']) == 0) {
$from = jabber_normalize_jid($pl['from']);
# Forwarded from another daemon (probably a broadcaster) for
# us to handle
if ($this->is_self($from)) {
$from = $this->get_ofrom($pl);
if (is_null($from) || $this->is_self($from)) {
$user = $this->get_user($from);
if (!$user) {
$this->from_site($from, 'Unknown user; go to ' .
common_local_url('imsettings') .
' to add your address to your account');
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Message from unknown user ' . $from);
if ($this->handle_command($user, $pl['body'])) {
} else if ($this->is_autoreply($pl['body'])) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Ignoring auto reply from ' . $from);
} else if ($this->is_otr($pl['body'])) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Ignoring OTR from ' . $from);
} else if ($this->is_direct($pl['body'])) {
preg_match_all('/d[\ ]*([a-z0-9]{1,64})/', $pl['body'], $to);
$to = preg_replace('/^d([\ ])*/', '', $to[0][0]);
$body = preg_replace('/d[\ ]*('. $to .')[\ ]*/', '', $pl['body']);
$this->add_direct($user, $body, $to, $from);
} else {
$this->add_notice($user, $pl);
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function is_self($from)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
return preg_match('/^'.strtolower(jabber_daemon_address()).'/', strtolower($from));
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function get_ofrom($pl)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$xml = $pl['xml'];
$addresses = $xml->sub('addresses');
if (!$addresses) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Forwarded message without addresses');
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
return null;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$address = $addresses->sub('address');
if (!$address) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Forwarded message without address');
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
return null;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if (!array_key_exists('type', $address->attrs)) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'No type for forwarded message');
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
return null;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$type = $address->attrs['type'];
if ($type != 'ofrom') {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Type of forwarded message is not ofrom');
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
return null;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if (!array_key_exists('jid', $address->attrs)) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'No jid for forwarded message');
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
return null;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$jid = $address->attrs['jid'];
if (!$jid) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Could not get jid from address');
2008-12-23 14:21:29 -05:00
return null;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$this->log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Got message forwarded from jid ' . $jid);
return $jid;
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function is_autoreply($txt)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if (preg_match('/[\[\(]?[Aa]uto[-\s]?[Rr]e(ply|sponse)[\]\)]/', $txt)) {
return true;
2009-02-17 12:08:53 -05:00
} else if (preg_match('/^System: Message wasn\'t delivered. Offline storage size was exceeded.$/', $txt)) {
return true;
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
} else {
return false;
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function is_otr($txt)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if (preg_match('/^\?OTR/', $txt)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function is_direct($txt)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if (strtolower(substr($txt, 0, 2))=='d ') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function from_site($address, $msg)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$text = '['.common_config('site', 'name') . '] ' . $msg;
jabber_send_message($address, $text);
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function handle_command($user, $body)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$inter = new CommandInterpreter();
$cmd = $inter->handle_command($user, $body);
if ($cmd) {
$chan = new XMPPChannel($this->conn);
return true;
} else {
return false;
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function add_notice(&$user, &$pl)
2008-12-13 19:22:39 -05:00
$body = trim($pl['body']);
2009-04-18 19:00:20 +02:00
$content_shortened = common_shorten_links($body);
2008-11-28 16:01:14 -05:00
if (mb_strlen($content_shortened) > 140) {
2009-04-18 19:00:20 +02:00
$from = jabber_normalize_jid($pl['from']);
$this->from_site($from, "Message too long - maximum is 140 characters, you sent ".mb_strlen($content_shortened));
2008-11-28 16:01:14 -05:00
2009-04-18 19:00:20 +02:00
$notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content_shortened, 'xmpp');
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
if (is_string($notice)) {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, $notice);
'Added notice ' . $notice->id . ' from user ' . $user->nickname);
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function handle_presence(&$pl)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
$from = jabber_normalize_jid($pl['from']);
switch ($pl['type']) {
case 'subscribe':
# We let anyone subscribe
'Accepted subscription from ' . $from);
case 'subscribed':
case 'unsubscribed':
case 'unsubscribe':
'Ignoring "' . $pl['type'] . '" from ' . $from);
if (!$pl['type']) {
$user = User::staticGet('jabber', $from);
if (!$user) {
$this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Presence from unknown user ' . $from);
if ($user->updatefrompresence) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Updating ' . $user->nickname .
' status from presence.');
$this->add_notice($user, $pl);
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function log($level, $msg)
2009-06-28 16:38:59 -04:00
$text = 'XMPPDaemon('.$this->resource.'): '.$msg;
common_log($level, $text);
if (!$this->daemonize)
$line = common_log_line($level, $text);
echo $line;
echo "\n";
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
2008-12-23 14:33:23 -05:00
function subscribed($to)
2008-12-23 14:19:07 -05:00
jabber_special_presence('subscribed', $to);
2008-06-22 22:27:10 -04:00
2009-04-16 21:07:59 +01:00
// Abort immediately if xmpp is not enabled, otherwise the daemon chews up
// lots of CPU trying to connect to unconfigured servers
if (common_config('xmpp','enabled')==false) {
print "Aborting daemon - xmpp is disabled\n";
2009-06-28 16:13:08 -04:00
if (have_option('i', 'id')) {
$id = get_option_value('i', 'id');
2009-06-22 17:07:14 -07:00
} else if (count($args) > 0) {
2009-06-24 19:31:12 -07:00
$id = $args[0];
2009-06-22 17:07:14 -07:00
} else {
2009-06-24 19:31:12 -07:00
$id = null;
2009-06-22 17:07:14 -07:00
2008-06-26 11:03:36 -04:00
2009-06-28 16:13:08 -04:00
$foreground = have_option('f', 'foreground');
2009-06-28 16:33:08 -04:00
$daemon = new XMPPDaemon($id, !$foreground);
2008-06-22 22:27:10 -04:00
2008-09-16 17:08:13 -04:00