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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */
// {{{ Header
* Generic date handling class for PEAR
* Handles time zones and changes from local standard to local Summer
* time (daylight-saving time) through the {@link Date_TimeZone} class.
* Supports several operations from {@link Date_Calc} on Date objects.
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Baba Buehler, Pierre-Alain Joye, Firman
* Wandayandi, C.A. Woodcock
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted under the terms of the BSD License.
* @category Date and Time
* @package Date
* @author Baba Buehler <baba@babaz.com>
* @author Pierre-Alain Joye <pajoye@php.net>
* @author Firman Wandayandi <firman@php.net>
* @author C.A. Woodcock <c01234@netcomuk.co.uk>
* @copyright 1997-2007 Baba Buehler, Pierre-Alain Joye, Firman Wandayandi, C.A. Woodcock
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
* BSD License
* @version CVS: $Id$
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Date
// }}}
// {{{ Error constants
// }}}
// {{{ Includes
require_once 'PEAR.php';
* Load Date_TimeZone
require_once 'Date/TimeZone.php';
* Load Date_Calc
require_once 'Date/Calc.php';
* Load Date_Span
require_once 'Date/Span.php';
// }}}
// {{{ General constants
* Whether to capture the micro-time (in microseconds) by default
* in calls to {@link Date::setNow()}. Note that this makes a call to
* {@link http://www.php.net/gettimeofday gettimeofday()}, which may
* not work on all systems.
* @since Constant available since Release 1.5.0
* Whether to correct, by adding the local Summer time offset, the
* specified time if it falls in the 'skipped hour' (encountered
* when the clocks go forward).
* N.B. if specified as 'false', and if a time zone that adjusts
* for Summer time is specified, then an object of this class will
* be set to a semi-invalid state if an invalid time is set. That
* is, an error will not be returned, unless the user then calls
* a function, directly or indirectly, that accesses the time
* part of the object. So, for example, if the user calls:
* <code>$date_object->formatLikeSQL('HH.MI.SS');</code>
* or:
* <code>$date_object->addSeconds(30);</code>
* an error will be returned if the time is invalid. However,
* if the user calls:
* <code>$date_object->addDays(1);</code>
* for example, such that the time is no longer invalid, then the
* object will no longer be in this invalid state. This behaviour
* is intended to minimize unexpected errors when a user uses the
* class to do addition with days only, and does not intend to
* access the time.
* Of course, this constant will be unused if the user chooses to
* work in UTC or a time zone without Summer time, in which case
* this situation will never arise.
* This constant is set to 'true' by default for backwards-compatibility
* reasons, however, you are recommended to set it to 'false'. Note that the
* behaviour is not intended to match that of previous versions of the class
* in terms of ignoring the Summer time offset when making calculations which
* involve dates in both standard and Summer time - this was recognized as a
* bug - but in terms of returning a PEAR error object when the user sets the
* object to an invalid date (i.e. a time in the hour which is skipped when
* the clocks go forwards, which in Europe would be a time such as 01.30).
* Backwards compatibility here means that the behaviour is the same as it
* used to be, less the bug.
* Note that this problem is not an issue for the user if any of these
* conditions are satisfied:
* <ol>
* <li>the user uses a time zone that does not observe Summer time, e.g. UTC</li>
* <li>the user never accesses the time, that is, he never makes a call to
* {@link Date::getHour()} or {@link Date::formatLikeStrftime()} using
* format code '<b>%H</b>', for example, even if he sets the time to
* something invalid</li>
* <li>the user sets DATE_CORRECTINVALIDTIME_DEFAULT to true</li>
* </ol>
* @since Constant available since Release 1.5.0
* @see Date::isValidTime(), DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT
* Whether to validate dates (i.e. day/month/year, ignoring the time) by
* disallowing invalid dates (e.g. 31st February) being set by the following
* functions:
* - {@link Date::setYear()}
* - {@link Date::setMonth()}
* - {@link Date::setDay()}
* If the constant is set to 'true', then the date will be checked (by
* default), and if invalid, an error will be returned with the Date object
* left unmodified.
* This constant is set to 'false' by default for backwards-compatibility
* reasons, however, you are recommended to set it to 'true'.
* Note that {@link Date::setHour()}, {@link Date::setMinute()},
* {@link Date::setSecond()} and {@link Date::setPartSecond()}
* allow an invalid date/time to be set regardless of the value of this
* constant.
* @see Date::isValidDate(), Date::isValidTime(), Date::isNull(),
* @since Constant available since Release 1.5.0
* Whether, by default, to accept times including leap seconds (i.e. '23.59.60')
* when setting the date/time, and whether to count leap seconds in the
* following functions:
* - {@link Date::addSeconds()}
* - {@link Date::subtractSeconds()}
* - {@link Date_Calc::addSeconds()}
* - {@link Date::round()}
* - {@link Date::roundSeconds()}
* This constant is set to 'false' by default for backwards-compatibility
* reasons, however, you are recommended to set it to 'true'.
* Note that this constant does not affect {@link Date::addSpan()} and
* {@link Date::subtractSpan()} which will not count leap seconds in any case.
* @since Constant available since Release 1.5.0
define('DATE_COUNT_LEAP_SECONDS', false);
* Method to call when user invokes {@link Date::format()}
* @since Constant available since Release 1.5.1
define('DATE_FORMAT_METHOD', 'formatLikeStrftime');
// }}}
// {{{ Output format constants (used in {@link Date::getDate()})
define('DATE_FORMAT_ISO', 1);
* "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS(.S*)?(Z|(+/-)HH:MM)?"
* long int, seconds since the unix epoch
// }}}
// {{{ Class: Date
* Generic date handling class for PEAR
* Supports time zones with the Date_TimeZone class. Supports several
* operations from Date_Calc on Date objects.
* Note to developers: the class stores the local time and date in the
* local standard time. That is, it does not store the time as the
* local Summer time when and if the time zone is in Summer time. It
* is much easier to store local standard time and remember to offset
* it when the user requests it.
* @category Date and Time
* @package Date
* @author Baba Buehler <baba@babaz.com>
* @author Pierre-Alain Joye <pajoye@php.net>
* @author Firman Wandayandi <firman@php.net>
* @author C.A. Woodcock <c01234@netcomuk.co.uk>
* @copyright 1997-2007 Baba Buehler, Pierre-Alain Joye, Firman Wandayandi, C.A. Woodcock
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
* BSD License
* @version Release: 1.5.0a1
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Date
class Date
// {{{ Properties
* The year
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $year;
* The month
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $month;
* The day
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $day;
* The hour
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $hour;
* The minute
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $minute;
* The second
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $second;
* The parts of a second
* @var float
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.4.3
public $partsecond;
* The year in local standard time
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardyear;
* The month in local standard time
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardmonth;
* The day in local standard time
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardday;
* The hour in local standard time
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardhour;
* The minute in local standard time
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardminute;
* The second in local standard time
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardsecond;
* The part-second in local standard time
* @var float
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $on_standardpartsecond;
* Whether the object should accept and count leap seconds
* @var bool
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $ob_countleapseconds;
* Whether the time is valid as a local time (an invalid time
* is one that lies in the 'skipped hour' at the point that
* the clocks go forward)
* @var bool
* @access private
* @see Date::isValidTime()
* @since Property available since Release 1.5.0
public $ob_invalidtime = null;
* Date_TimeZone object for this date
* @var object Date_TimeZone object
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.0
public $tz;
* Defines the default weekday abbreviation length
* Formerly used by {@link Date::formatLikeStrftime()}, but now
* redundant - the abbreviation for the current locale of the machine
* is used.
* @var int
* @access private
* @since Property available since Release 1.4.4
public $getWeekdayAbbrnameLength = 3;
// }}}
// {{{ Constructor
* Constructor
* Creates a new Date Object initialized to the current date/time in the
* system-default timezone by default. A date optionally
* passed in may be in the ISO 8601, TIMESTAMP or UNIXTIME format,
* or another Date object. If no date is passed, the current date/time
* is used.
* If a date is passed and an exception is returned by {@link Date::setDate()}
* there is nothing that this function can do, so for this reason, it
* is advisable to pass no parameter and to make a separate call to
* Date::setDate(). A date/time should only be passed if known to be a
* valid ISO 8601 string or a valid Unix timestamp.
* @param mixed $date optional ISO 8601 date/time to initialize;
* or, a Unix time stamp
* @param bool $pb_countleapseconds whether to count leap seconds
* (defaults to
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDate()
public function Date(
$date = null,
$pb_countleapseconds = DATE_COUNT_LEAP_SECONDS
$this->ob_countleapseconds = $pb_countleapseconds;
if (is_a($date, 'Date')) {
} else {
if (!is_null($date)) {
// 'setDate()' expects a time zone to be already set:
} else {
// }}}
// {{{ copy()
* Copy values from another Date object
* Makes this Date a copy of another Date object. This is a
* PHP4-compatible implementation of {@link Date::__clone()} in PHP5.
* @param object $date Date object to copy
* @return void
* @access public
public function copy($date)
$this->year = $date->year;
$this->month = $date->month;
$this->day = $date->day;
$this->hour = $date->hour;
$this->minute = $date->minute;
$this->second = $date->second;
$this->partsecond = $date->partsecond;
$this->on_standardyear = $date->on_standardyear;
$this->on_standardmonth = $date->on_standardmonth;
$this->on_standardday = $date->on_standardday;
$this->on_standardhour = $date->on_standardhour;
$this->on_standardminute = $date->on_standardminute;
$this->on_standardsecond = $date->on_standardsecond;
$this->on_standardpartsecond = $date->on_standardpartsecond;
$this->ob_countleapseconds = $date->ob_countleapseconds;
$this->ob_invalidtime = $date->ob_invalidtime;
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone($date->getTZID());
$this->getWeekdayAbbrnameLength = $date->getWeekdayAbbrnameLength;
// }}}
// {{{ __clone()
* Copy values from another Date object
* Makes this Date a copy of another Date object. For PHP5
* only.
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::copy()
public function __clone()
// This line of code would be preferable, but will only
// compile in PHP5:
// $this->tz = clone $this->tz;
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone($this->getTZID());
// }}}
// {{{ isNull()
* Returns whether the object is null (i.e. no date has been set)
* If the object is set to an invalid date, then this function will
* still return 'false'. To check whether the date is valid use
* either {@link Date::isValidDate()} (to check the day/month/year
* part of the object only) or {@link Date::isValidTime()} (to check
* the time, in addition to the day/month/year part).
* @return bool
* @access public
* @see Date::setDate(), Date::isValidDate(), Date::isValidTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function isNull()
return is_null($this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ isValidDate()
* Returns whether the date (i.e. day/month/year) is valid
* It is not possible to set the object to an invalid date using
* {@link Date::setDate()}, but it is possible to do so using the
* following functions:
* - {@link Date::setYear()}
* - {@link Date::setMonth()}
* - {@link Date::setDay()}
* However you can prevent this possibility (by default) by setting
* {@link DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT} to 'true', in which case
* these three functions will return an error if they specify an
* invalid date, and the object will be unmodified.
* Note that this function only checks the day/month/year part of
* the object. Even if this is valid, it is still possible for the
* time to be invalid (see {@link DATE_CORRECTINVALIDTIME_DEFAULT}).
* To check the time as well, use {@link Date::isValidTime()}.
* @return bool
* @access public
* @see Date::setDate(), Date::isNull(), Date::isValidTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function isValidDate()
!Date::isNull() &&
Date_Calc::isValidDate($this->year, $this->month, $this->day);
// }}}
// {{{ setDate()
* Sets the date/time of the object based on the input date and format
* Accepts a string in three possible formats, and in this order of
* precedence:
* - ISO 8601 date (see {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601})
* - Time-Stamp (i.e. 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS')
* - Unix time-stamp (see {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time})
* Note that if you want to pass a Unix time-stamp then you need to set
* the $format parameter to {@link DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME}, or else use the
* method {@link Date::setFromTime()}.
* The input string should be a date/time representation in one of the
* following general formats:
* - <b><date>T<time><time-zone></b>
* - <b><date> <time><time-zone></b> (non-ISO-standard)
* - <b><date><time><time-zone></b> (non-ISO-standard)
* - <b><date>T<time></b> i.e. without optional <time-zone> representation
* - <b><date> <time></b>
* - <b><date><time></b>
* - <b><date></b> i.e. without optional <time> representation
* that is, the representation must be comprised of a <b><date></b> part,
* with an optional <b><time></b> part, which itself may include an optional
* <time-zone> part, each of which may consist of any one of the permitted
* formats detailed below. The <b><date></b> and <b><time</b> representations
* should be divided with the time designator <b>T</b> according to the ISO 8601
* standard, although this method also permits representations divided by a
* space, or by no delimiter at all.
* The <b><date></b> representation should be in one of the following formats:
* - <b>Calendar date</b>: <b>YYYY-MM-DD</b> (extended format) or
* <b>YYYYMMDD</b> (basic format), where [YYYY]
* indicates the four-digit year (0000-9999), [MM]
* indicates the month (01-12) and [DD] indicates the
* day of the month [01-31]
* - <b>ISO week date</b>: <b>YYYY-Www-D</b> (extended format) or
* <b>YYYYWwwD</b> (basic format), where [YYYY]
* indicates the ISO year (slightly different from the
* calendar year (see below)), [Www] indicates the ISO
* week no prefixed by the letter 'W' (W01-W53) and
* [D] indicates the ISO week-day (1-7), beginning on
* Monday and ending on Sunday. (Also see
* {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date}.)
* - <b>Ordinal date</b>: <b>YYYY-DDD</b> (extended format) or
* <b>YYYYDDD</b> (basic format), where [YYYY]
* indicates the four-digit year (0000-9999) and [DDD]
* indicates the day of the year (001-366)
* The <b><time></b> representation should be in one of the following formats:
* - <b>hh:mm:ss</b> (extended format) or <b>hhmmss</b> (basic format)
* - <b>hh:mm</b> (extended format) or <b>hhmm</b> (basic format)
* - <b>hh</b> (extended format) or <b>hh</b> (basic format)
* where [hh] represents the hour (00-24), [mm] represents the minute (00-59)
* and [ss] represents the second (00-60)
* Format parameter should be one of the specified DATE_FORMAT_* constants:
* - <b>{@link DATE_FORMAT_ISO}</b> - 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'
* - <b>{@link DATE_FORMAT_ISO_EXTENDED}</b> - 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS(Z|(+/-)HH:MM)?'
* - <b>{@link DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME}</b> - long integer of the no of seconds since
* the Unix Epoch
* (1st January 1970 00.00.00 GMT)
* @param string $date input date
* @param int $format optional format constant
* (DATE_FORMAT_*) of the input date.
* This parameter is not needed,
* except to force the setting of the
* date from a Unix time-stamp (for
* which use
* (Defaults to
* {@link DATE_FORMAT_ISO}.)
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault value to return if repeated
* hour is specified (defaults
* to false)
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::isNull(), Date::isValidDate(), Date::isValidTime(),
* Date::setFromTime()
public function setDate(
$format = DATE_FORMAT_ISO,
$pb_repeatedhourdefault = false
if ($format == DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME) {
if (is_numeric($date)) {
// Assume Unix time-stamp:
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError("'$date' not valid Unix time-stamp");
} elseif (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4,4})-?(' .
'(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|' . // [mm]-[dd]
'W(0[1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])-?([1-7])|' . // ISO week date
'(0(0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])|[12][0-9]{2,2}|3([0-5][0-9]|6[1-6]))' . // [ddd]
')([T\s]?' .
'([01][0-9]|2[0-3])(:?' . // [hh]
'([0-5][0-9])(:?' . // [mm]
'([0-5][0-9]|60)([,.][0-9]+)?)?)?' . // [ss]
'(Z|[+\-][0-9]{2,2}(:?[0-5][0-9])?)?)?$/i', // offset
$date, $regs)
) {
if (substr($regs[2], 0, 1) == "W") {
// ISO week date (YYYY-Www-D)
$hs_date = Date_Calc::isoWeekToDate(
"%Y %m %d"
if (PEAR::isError($hs_date)) {
return $hs_date;
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) = explode(" ", $hs_date);
} elseif (strlen($regs[2]) == 3) {
// ISO ordinal date (YYYY-DDD)
$hn_jd = Date_Calc::firstDayOfYear($regs[1]) + $regs[2] - 1;
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) =
explode(" ", Date_Calc::daysToDate($hn_jd, "%Y %m %d"));
} else {
// ISO calendar date (YYYY-MM-DD)
// These formats are extremely close to each other. This regex
// is very loose and accepts almost any butchered format you could
// throw at it. e.g. 2003-10-07 19:45:15 and 2003-10071945:15
// are the same thing in the eyes of this regex, even though the
// latter is not a valid ISO 8601 date.
$hs_year = $regs[1];
$hs_month = $regs[3];
$hs_day = $regs[4];
if (!Date_Calc::isValidDate($hs_day, $hs_month, $hs_year)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"'" .
) .
"' is invalid calendar date",
if (isset($regs[17])) {
if ($regs[17] == "Z") {
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone("UTC");
} else {
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone("UTC" . $regs[17]);
isset($regs[11]) && $regs[11] != "" ?
$regs[11] : 0,
isset($regs[13]) && $regs[13] != "" ?
$regs[13] : 0,
isset($regs[15]) && $regs[15] != "" ?
$regs[15] : 0,
isset($regs[16]) && $regs[16] != "" ?
$regs[16] : 0.0,
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Date '$date' not in ISO 8601 format",
// }}}
// {{{ setNow()
* Sets to local current time and time zone
* @param bool $pb_setmicrotime whether to set micro-time (defaults to the
* value of the constant
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setNow($pb_setmicrotime = DATE_CAPTURE_MICROTIME_BY_DEFAULT)
if ($pb_setmicrotime) {
$ha_unixtime = gettimeofday();
} else {
$ha_unixtime = array("sec" => time());
$this->setDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $ha_unixtime["sec"]) .
(isset($ha_unixtime["usec"]) ?
"." . sprintf("%06d", $ha_unixtime["usec"]) :
// }}}
// {{{ round()
* Rounds the date according to the specified precision (defaults
* to nearest day)
* The precision parameter must be one of the following constants:
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_YEAR}</b>
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_MONTH}</b>
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_DAY}</b> (default)
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_HOUR}</b>
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_10MINUTES}</b>
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_MINUTE}</b>
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_10SECONDS}</b>
* - <b>{@link DATE_PRECISION_SECOND}</b>
* The precision can also be specified as an integral offset from
* one of these constants, where the offset reflects a precision
* of 10 to the power of the offset greater than the constant.
* For example:
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_YEAR - 1)</b> - rounds the date to the nearest 10 years
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_YEAR - 3)</b> - rounds the date to the nearest 1000
* years
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + 1)</b> - rounds the date to 1 decimal
* point of a second
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + 3)</b> - rounds the date to 3 decimal
* points of a second
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND - 1)</b> - rounds the date to the nearest 10
* seconds (thus it is equivalent to
* @param int $pn_precision a 'DATE_PRECISION_*' constant (defaults to
* @param bool $pb_correctinvalidtime whether to correct, by adding the
* local Summer time offset, the rounded
* time if it falls in the skipped hour
* (defaults to
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function round(
$pn_precision = DATE_PRECISION_DAY,
if ($pn_precision <= DATE_PRECISION_DAY) {
$hn_secondraw) =
$this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
$this->second :
$this->second + $this->partsecond,
if (is_float($hn_secondraw)) {
$hn_second = intval($hn_secondraw);
$hn_partsecond = $hn_secondraw - $hn_second;
} else {
$hn_second = $hn_secondraw;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
true, // This is unlikely anyway, but the
// day starts with the repeated hour
// the first time around
// ($pn_precision >= DATE_PRECISION_HOUR)
if ($this->tz->getDSTSavings() % 3600000 == 0 ||
($this->tz->getDSTSavings() % 60000 == 0 &&
$pn_precision >= DATE_PRECISION_MINUTE)
) {
$hn_secondraw) =
$this->on_standardpartsecond == 0.0 ?
$this->on_standardsecond :
$this->on_standardsecond +
if (is_float($hn_secondraw)) {
$hn_second = intval($hn_secondraw);
$hn_partsecond = $hn_secondraw - $hn_second;
} else {
$hn_second = $hn_secondraw;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
// Very unlikely anyway (as I write, the only time zone like this
// is Lord Howe Island in Australia (offset of half an hour)):
// (This algorithm could be better)
$hn_secondraw) =
$this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
$this->second :
$this->second + $this->partsecond,
if (is_float($hn_secondraw)) {
$hn_second = intval($hn_secondraw);
$hn_partsecond = $hn_secondraw - $hn_second;
} else {
$hn_second = $hn_secondraw;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
false, // This will be right half the time
); // This will be right
// some of the time
// (depends on Summer
// time offset)
// }}}
// {{{ roundSeconds()
* Rounds seconds up or down to the nearest specified unit
* N.B. this function is equivalent to calling:
* <code>$date_object->round(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + $pn_precision);</code>
* @param int $pn_precision number of digits after the decimal point
* @param bool $pb_correctinvalidtime whether to correct, by adding the
* local Summer time offset, the rounded
* time if it falls in the skipped hour
* (defaults to
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function roundSeconds(
$pn_precision = 0,
DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + $pn_precision,
// }}}
// {{{ trunc()
* Truncates the date according to the specified precision (by
* default, it truncates the time part of the date)
* The precision parameter must be one of the following constants:
* - {@link DATE_PRECISION_DAY} (default)
* The precision can also be specified as an integral offset from
* one of these constants, where the offset reflects a precision
* of 10 to the power of the offset greater than the constant.
* For example:
* - <b>DATE_PRECISION_YEAR</b> - truncates the month, day and time
* part of the year
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_YEAR - 1)</b> - truncates the unit part of the
* year, e.g. 1987 becomes 1980
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_YEAR - 3)</b> - truncates the hundreds part of the
* year, e.g. 1987 becomes 1000
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + 1)</b> - truncates the part of the second
* less than 0.1 of a second, e.g.
* 3.26301 becomes 3.2 seconds
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + 3)</b> - truncates the part of the second
* less than 0.001 of a second, e.g.
* 3.26301 becomes 3.263 seconds
* - <b>(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND - 1)</b> - truncates the unit part of the
* seconds (thus it is equivalent to
* @param int $pn_precision a 'DATE_PRECISION_*' constant (defaults
* to {@link DATE_PRECISION_DAY})
* @param bool $pb_correctinvalidtime whether to correct, by adding the
* local Summer time offset, the
* truncated time if it falls in the
* skipped hour (defaults to
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function trunc(
$pn_precision = DATE_PRECISION_DAY,
if ($pn_precision <= DATE_PRECISION_DAY) {
if ($pn_precision <= DATE_PRECISION_YEAR) {
$hn_month = 0;
$hn_day = 0;
$hn_hour = 0;
$hn_minute = 0;
$hn_second = 0;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
$hn_invprecision = DATE_PRECISION_YEAR - $pn_precision;
if ($hn_invprecision > 0) {
$hn_year = intval($this->year / pow(10, $hn_invprecision)) *
pow(10, $hn_invprecision);
// (Conversion to int necessary for PHP <= 4.0.6)
} else {
$hn_year = $this->year;
} elseif ($pn_precision == DATE_PRECISION_MONTH) {
$hn_year = $this->year;
$hn_month = $this->month;
$hn_day = 0;
$hn_hour = 0;
$hn_minute = 0;
$hn_second = 0;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
} elseif ($pn_precision == DATE_PRECISION_DAY) {
$hn_year = $this->year;
$hn_month = $this->month;
$hn_day = $this->day;
$hn_hour = 0;
$hn_minute = 0;
$hn_second = 0;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
true, // This is unlikely anyway, but the
// day starts with the repeated
// hour the first time around
// Precision is at least equal to DATE_PRECISION_HOUR
if ($pn_precision == DATE_PRECISION_HOUR) {
$this->addSeconds($this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
-$this->second :
-$this->second - $this->partsecond);
// (leap seconds irrelevant)
} elseif ($pn_precision <= DATE_PRECISION_MINUTE) {
if ($pn_precision == DATE_PRECISION_10MINUTES) {
$this->addMinutes(-$this->minute % 10);
$this->addSeconds($this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
-$this->second :
-$this->second - $this->partsecond);
// (leap seconds irrelevant)
} elseif ($pn_precision == DATE_PRECISION_10SECONDS) {
$this->addSeconds($this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
-$this->second % 10 :
(-$this->second % 10) - $this->partsecond);
// (leap seconds irrelevant)
} else {
// Assume Summer time offset cannot be composed of part-seconds:
$hn_precision = $pn_precision - DATE_PRECISION_SECOND;
$hn_partsecond = intval($this->on_standardpartsecond *
pow(10, $hn_precision)) /
pow(10, $hn_precision);
// }}}
// {{{ truncSeconds()
* Truncates seconds according to the specified precision
* N.B. this function is equivalent to calling:
* <code>
* $date_object->trunc(DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + $pn_precision);
* </code>
* @param int $pn_precision number of digits after the decimal point
* @param bool $pb_correctinvalidtime whether to correct, by adding the
* local Summer time offset, the
* truncated time if it falls in the
* skipped hour (defaults to
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function truncSeconds(
$pn_precision = 0,
DATE_PRECISION_SECOND + $pn_precision,
// }}}
// {{{ getDate()
* Gets a string (or other) representation of this date
* Returns a date in the format specified by the DATE_FORMAT_* constants,
* which should be one of the following:
* - {@link DATE_FORMAT_ISO} (default)
* @param int $format format constant (DATE_FORMAT_*) of the output date
* @return string the date in the requested format (defaults to
* {@link DATE_FORMAT_ISO})
* @access public
public function getDate($format = DATE_FORMAT_ISO)
switch ($format) {
$ret = $this->formatLikeStrftime("%Y-%m-%d %T");
$format = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S";
if ($this->getTZID() == 'UTC') {
$format .= "Z";
$ret = $this->formatLikeStrftime($format);
$format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S";
if ($this->getTZID() == 'UTC') {
$format .= "Z";
$ret = $this->formatLikeStrftime($format);
$format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%s";
if ($this->getTZID() == 'UTC') {
$format .= "Z";
$ret = $this->formatLikeStrftime($format);
$ret = $this->formatLikeStrftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
$ret = $this->getTime();
if (!PEAR::isError($ret)) {
$ret = (string)$ret;
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ format()
* Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string
* This function is an alias for the method specified by the constant
* {@link DATE_FORMAT_METHOD} (which defaults to 'formatLikeStrftime'
* for backwards-compatibility).
* @return string date/time in given format
* @access public
* @see Date::formatLikeStrftime(), Date::formatLikeDate(),
* Date::formatLikeSQL()
public function format()
$ha_args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(
array(&$this, DATE_FORMAT_METHOD),
// }}}
// {{{ formatLikeStrftime()
* Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string,
* based on {@link http://www.php.net/strftime strftime()}
* Formats the date in the given format, much like
* strftime(). Most strftime() options are supported.
* Formatting options:
* - <b>%a</b> - abbreviated weekday name (Sun, Mon, Tue)
* - <b>%A</b> - full weekday name (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
* - <b>%b</b> - abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, Mar)
* - <b>%B</b> - full month name (January, February, March)
* - <b>%C</b> - century number (the year divided by 100 and truncated
* to an integer, range 00 to 99)
* - <b>%d</b> - day of month (range 00 to 31)
* - <b>%D</b> - equivalent to '<b>%m/%d/%y</b>'
* - <b>%e</b> - day of month without leading noughts (range 0 to 31)
* - <b>%E</b> - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day Julian day} -
* no of days since Monday, 24th November, 4714 B.C. (in
* the proleptic Gregorian calendar)
* - <b>%g</b> - like '<b>%G</b>', but without the century
* - <b>%G</b> - the 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week
* number (see '<b>%V</b>'). This has the same
* format and value as '<b>%Y</b>', except that if
* the ISO week number belongs to the previous or
* next year, that year is used instead.
* - <b>%h</b> - hour as decimal number without leading noughts (0
* to 23)
* - <b>%H</b> - hour as decimal number (00 to 23)
* - <b>%i</b> - hour as decimal number on 12-hour clock without
* leading noughts (1 to 12)
* - <b>%I</b> - hour as decimal number on 12-hour clock (01 to 12)
* - <b>%j</b> - day of year (range 001 to 366)
* - <b>%m</b> - month as decimal number (range 01 to 12)
* - <b>%M</b> - minute as a decimal number (00 to 59)
* - <b>%n</b> - newline character ("\n")
* - <b>%o</b> - raw timezone offset expressed as '+/-HH:MM'
* - <b>%O</b> - dst-corrected timezone offset expressed as '+/-HH:MM'
* - <b>%p</b> - either 'am' or 'pm' depending on the time
* - <b>%P</b> - either 'AM' or 'PM' depending on the time
* - <b>%r</b> - time in am/pm notation; equivalent to
* '<b>%I:%M:%S %p</b>'
* - <b>%R</b> - time in 24-hour notation; equivalent to
* '<b>%H:%M</b>'
* - <b>%s</b> - seconds including the micro-time (the decimal
* representation less than one second to six
* decimal places
* - <b>%S</b> - seconds as a decimal number (00 to 59)
* - <b>%t</b> - tab character ("\t")
* - <b>%T</b> - current time; equivalent to '<b>%H:%M:%S</b>'
* - <b>%u</b> - day of week as decimal (1 to 7; where 1 = Monday)
* - <b>%U</b> - week number of the current year as a decimal
* number, starting with the first Sunday as the first
* day of the first week (i.e. the first full week of
* the year, and the week that contains 7th January)
* (00 to 53)
* - <b>%V</b> - the {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date ISO 8601:1988}
* week number of the current year
* as a decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1
* is the first week that has at least 4 days in the
* current year, and with Monday as the first day of
* the week. (Use '<b>%G</b>' or '<b>%g</b>' for the
* year component that corresponds to the week number
* for the specified timestamp.)
* - <b>%w</b> - day of week as decimal (0 to 6; where 0 = Sunday)
* - <b>%W</b> - week number of the current year as a decimal
* number, starting with the first Monday as the first
* day of the first week (i.e. the first full week of
* the year, and the week that contains 7th January)
* (00 to 53)
* - <b>%y</b> - year as decimal (range 00 to 99)
* - <b>%Y</b> - year as decimal including century (range 0000 to
* 9999)
* - <b>%Z</b> - Abbreviated form of time zone name, e.g. 'GMT', or
* the abbreviation for Summer time if the date falls
* in Summer time, e.g. 'BST'.
* - <b>%%</b> - literal '%'
* The following codes render a different output to that of
* {@link http://www.php.net/strftime strftime()}:
* - <b>%e</b> - in 'strftime()' a single digit is preceded by a space
* - <b>%h</b> - in 'strftime()' is equivalent to '<b>%b</b>'
* - <b>%U</b> - '<b>%U</b>' and '<b>%W</b>' are different in
* 'strftime()' in that if week 1 does not start on 1st
* January, '00' is returned, whereas this function
* returns '53', that is, the week is counted as the
* last of the previous year.
* - <b>%W</b>
* @param string $format the format string for returned date/time
* @return string date/time in given format
* @access public
* @see Date::format(), Date::formatLikeDate(), Date::formatLikeSQL()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.1
public function formatLikeStrftime($format)
$output = "";
$hn_isoyear = null;
$hn_isoweek = null;
$hn_isoday = null;
for ($strpos = 0; $strpos < strlen($format); $strpos++) {
$char = substr($format, $strpos, 1);
if ($char == "%") {
$nextchar = substr($format, $strpos + 1, 1);
switch ($nextchar) {
case "a":
$output .= Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname(
case "A":
$output .= Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname(
case "b":
$output .= Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname($this->month);
case "B":
$output .= Date_Calc::getMonthFullname($this->month);
case "C":
$output .= sprintf("%02d", intval($this->year / 100));
case "d":
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $this->day);
case "D":
$output .= sprintf(
case "e":
$output .= $this->day;
case "E":
$output .= Date_Calc::dateToDays(
case "g":
if (is_null($hn_isoyear)) {
list($hn_isoyear, $hn_isoweek, $hn_isoday) =
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $hn_isoyear % 100);
case "G":
if (is_null($hn_isoyear)) {
list($hn_isoyear, $hn_isoweek, $hn_isoday) =
$output .= sprintf("%04d", $hn_isoyear);
case 'h':
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= sprintf("%d", $this->hour);
case "H":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $this->hour);
case "i":
case "I":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hour = $this->hour + 1 > 12 ?
$this->hour - 12 :
$output .= $hour == 0 ?
12 :
($nextchar == "i" ?
$hour :
sprintf('%02d', $hour));
case "j":
$output .= sprintf(
case "m":
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $this->month);
case "M":
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $this->minute);
case "n":
$output .= "\n";
case "O":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$offms = $this->getTZOffset();
$direction = $offms >= 0 ? "+" : "-";
$offmins = abs($offms) / 1000 / 60;
$hours = $offmins / 60;
$minutes = $offmins % 60;
$output .= sprintf("%s%02d:%02d", $direction, $hours, $minutes);
case "o":
$offms = $this->tz->getRawOffset($this);
$direction = $offms >= 0 ? "+" : "-";
$offmins = abs($offms) / 1000 / 60;
$hours = $offmins / 60;
$minutes = $offmins % 60;
$output .= sprintf("%s%02d:%02d", $direction, $hours, $minutes);
case "p":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= $this->hour >= 12 ? "pm" : "am";
case "P":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= $this->hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
case "r":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hour = $this->hour + 1 > 12 ?
$this->hour - 12 :
$output .= sprintf(
"%02d:%02d:%02d %s",
$hour == 0 ? 12 : $hour,
$this->hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"
case "R":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= sprintf("%02d:%02d", $this->hour, $this->minute);
case "s":
$output .= str_replace(
(float)((float)$this->second +
case "S":
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $this->second);
case "t":
$output .= "\t";
case "T":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= sprintf(
case "u":
$hn_dayofweek = $this->getDayOfWeek();
$output .= $hn_dayofweek == 0 ? 7 : $hn_dayofweek;
case "U":
$ha_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear7th(
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $ha_week[1]);
case "V":
if (is_null($hn_isoyear)) {
list($hn_isoyear, $hn_isoweek, $hn_isoday) =
$output .= $hn_isoweek;
case "w":
$output .= $this->getDayOfWeek();
case "W":
$ha_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear7th(
$output .= sprintf("%02d", $ha_week[1]);
case 'y':
$output .= sprintf(
'%0' .
($this->year < 0 ? '3' : '2') .
$this->year % 100
case "Y":
$output .= sprintf(
'%0' .
($this->year < 0 ? '5' : '4') .
case "Z":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$output .= $this->getTZShortName();
case "%":
$output .= "%";
$output .= $char . $nextchar;
} else {
$output .= $char;
return $output;
// }}}
// {{{ _getOrdinalSuffix()
* Returns appropriate ordinal suffix (i.e. 'th', 'st', 'nd' or 'rd')
* @param int $pn_num number with which to determine suffix
* @param bool $pb_uppercase boolean specifying if the suffix should be
* capitalized
* @return string
* @access private
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _getOrdinalSuffix($pn_num, $pb_uppercase = true)
switch (($pn_numabs = abs($pn_num)) % 100) {
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
$hs_suffix = "th";
switch ($pn_numabs % 10) {
case 1:
$hs_suffix = "st";
case 2:
$hs_suffix = "nd";
case 3:
$hs_suffix = "rd";
$hs_suffix = "th";
return $pb_uppercase ? strtoupper($hs_suffix) : $hs_suffix;
// }}}
// {{{ _spellNumber()
* Converts a number to its word representation
* Private helper function, particularly for {@link Date::formatLikeSQL()}.
* N.B. The second argument is the 'SP' code which can be specified in the
* format string for 'formatLikeSQL()' and is interpreted as follows:
* - <b>SP</b> - returns upper-case spelling, e.g. 'FOUR HUNDRED'
* - <b>Sp</b> - returns spelling with first character of each word
* capitalized, e.g. 'Four Hundred'
* - <b>sp</b> - returns lower-case spelling, e.g. 'four hundred'
* @param int $pn_num number to be converted to words
* @param bool $pb_ordinal boolean specifying if the number should
* be ordinal
* @param string $ps_capitalization string for specifying capitalization
* options
* @param string $ps_locale language name abbreviation used for
* formatting numbers as spelled-out words
* @return string
* @access private
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _spellNumber(
$pb_ordinal = false,
$ps_capitalization = "SP",
$ps_locale = "en_GB"
include_once "Numbers/Words.php";
$hs_words = Numbers_Words::toWords($pn_num, $ps_locale);
if (Pear::isError($hs_words)) {
return $hs_words;
if ($pb_ordinal && substr($ps_locale, 0, 2) == "en") {
if (($pn_rem = ($pn_numabs = abs($pn_num)) % 100) == 12) {
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -2) . "fth";
} elseif ($pn_rem >= 11 && $pn_rem <= 15) {
$hs_words .= "th";
} else {
switch ($pn_numabs % 10) {
case 1:
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -3) . "first";
case 2:
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -3) . "second";
case 3:
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -3) . "ird";
case 5:
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -2) . "fth";
switch (substr($hs_words, -1)) {
case "e":
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -1) . "th";
case "t":
$hs_words .= "h";
case "y":
$hs_words = substr($hs_words, 0, -1) . "ieth";
$hs_words .= "th";
if (($hs_char = substr($ps_capitalization, 0, 1)) ==
strtolower($hs_char)) {
$hb_upper = false;
$hs_words = strtolower($hs_words);
} elseif (($hs_char = substr($ps_capitalization, 1, 1)) ==
strtolower($hs_char)) {
$hb_upper = false;
$hs_words = ucwords($hs_words);
} else {
$hb_upper = true;
$hs_words = strtoupper($hs_words);
return $hs_words;
// }}}
// {{{ _formatNumber()
* Formats a number according to the specified format string
* Private helper function, for {@link Date::formatLikeSQL()}, which
* interprets the codes '<b>SP</b>' and '<b>TH</b>' and the combination
* of the two as follows:
* - <b>TH</b> - Ordinal number
* - <b>SP</b> - Spelled cardinal number
* - <b>SPTH</b> - Spelled ordinal number (combination of '<b>SP</b>'
* and '<b>TH</b>' in any order)
* - <b>THSP</b>
* Code '<b>SP</b>' can have the following three variations (which
* can also be used in combination with '<b>TH</b>'):
* - <b>SP</b> - returns upper-case spelling, e.g. 'FOUR HUNDRED'
* - <b>Sp</b> - returns spelling with first character of each word
* capitalized, e.g. 'Four Hundred'
* - <b>sp</b> - returns lower-case spelling, e.g. 'four hundred'
* Code '<b>TH</b>' can have the following two variations (although in
* combination with code '<b>SP</b>', the case specification of
* '<b>SP</b>' takes precedence):
* - <b>TH</b> - returns upper-case ordinal suffix, e.g. 400TH
* - <b>th</b> - returns lower-case ordinal suffix, e.g. 400th
* N.B. The format string is passed by reference, in order to pass back
* the part of the format string that matches the valid codes '<b>SP</b>'
* and '<b>TH</b>'. If none of these are found, then it is set to an
* empty string; If both codes are found then a string is returned with
* code '<b>SP</b>' preceding code '<b>TH</b>' (i.e. '<b>SPTH</b>',
* '<b>Spth</b>' or '<b>spth</b>').
* @param int $pn_num integer to be converted to words
* @param string &$ps_format string of formatting codes (max. length 4)
* @param int $pn_numofdigits no of digits to display if displayed as
* numeral (i.e. not spelled out), not
* including the sign (if negative); to
* allow all digits specify 0
* @param bool $pb_nopad boolean specifying whether to suppress
* padding with leading noughts (if displayed
* as numeral)
* @param bool $pb_nosign boolean specifying whether to suppress the
* display of the sign (if negative)
* @param string $ps_locale language name abbreviation used for
* formatting
* @param string $ps_thousandsep optional thousand-separator (e.g. a comma)
* numbers as spelled-out words
* @param int $pn_padtype optional integer to specify padding (if
* displayed as numeral) - can be
* @return string
* @access private
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _formatNumber(
$pb_nopad = false,
$pb_nosign = false,
$ps_locale = "en_GB",
$ps_thousandsep = null,
$pn_padtype = STR_PAD_LEFT
$hs_code1 = substr($ps_format, 0, 2);
$hs_code2 = substr($ps_format, 2, 2);
$hs_sp = null;
$hs_th = null;
if (strtoupper($hs_code1) == "SP") {
$hs_sp = $hs_code1;
if (strtoupper($hs_code2) == "TH") {
$hs_th = $hs_code2;
} elseif (strtoupper($hs_code1) == "TH") {
$hs_th = $hs_code1;
if (strtoupper($hs_code2) == "SP") {
$hs_sp = $hs_code2;
$hn_absnum = abs($pn_num);
if ($pn_numofdigits > 0 && strlen($hn_absnum) > $pn_numofdigits) {
$hn_absnum = intval(substr($hn_absnum, -$pn_numofdigits));
$hs_num = $hn_absnum;
if (!is_null($hs_sp)) {
// Spell out number:
$ps_format = $hs_sp .
(is_null($hs_th) ? "" : ($hs_sp == "SP" ? "TH" : "th"));
return $this->_spellNumber(
!$pb_nosign && $pn_num < 0 ?
$hn_absnum * -1 :
} else {
// Display number as Arabic numeral:
if (!$pb_nopad) {
$hs_num = str_pad($hs_num, $pn_numofdigits, "0", $pn_padtype);
if (!is_null($ps_thousandsep)) {
for ($i = strlen($hs_num) - 3; $i > 0; $i -= 3) {
$hs_num = substr($hs_num, 0, $i) .
$ps_thousandsep .
substr($hs_num, $i);
if (!$pb_nosign) {
if ($pn_num < 0) {
$hs_num = "-" . $hs_num;
} elseif (!$pb_nopad) {
$hs_num = " " . $hs_num;
if (!is_null($hs_th)) {
$ps_format = $hs_th;
return $hs_num .
substr($hs_th, 0, 1) == "T"
} else {
$ps_format = "";
return $hs_num;
// }}}
// {{{ formatLikeSQL()
* Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string,
* based on SQL date-formatting codes
* Most codes reproduce the no of digits equal to the length of the
* code, for example, '<b>YYY</b>' will return the last 3 digits of
* the year, and so the year 2007 will produce '007', and the year 89
* will produce '089', unless the no-padding code is used as in
* '<b>NPYYY</b>', which will return '89'.
* For negative values, the sign will be discarded, unless the
* '<b>S</b>' code is used in combination, but note that for positive
* values the value will be padded with a leading space unless it
* is suppressed with the no-padding modifier, for example for 2007:
* - <b>YYYY</b> - returns '2007'
* - <b>SYYYY</b> - returns ' 2007'
* - <b>NPSYYYY</b> - returns '2007'
* The no-padding modifier '<b>NP</b>' can be used with numeric codes
* to suppress leading (or trailing in the case of code '<b>F</b>')
* noughts, and with character-returning codes such as '<b>DAY</b>'
* to suppress trailing spaces, which will otherwise be padded to the
* maximum possible length of the return-value of the code; for
* example, for Monday:
* - <b>Day</b> - returns 'Monday ' because the maximum length of
* this code is 'Wednesday';
* - <b>NPDay</b> - returns 'Monday'
* N.B. this code affects the code immediately following only, and
* without this code the default is always to apply padding.
* Most character-returning codes, such as '<b>MONTH</b>', will
* set the capitalization according to the code, so for example:
* - <b>MONTH</b> - returns upper-case spelling, e.g. 'JANUARY'
* - <b>Month</b> - returns spelling with first character of each word
* capitalized, e.g. 'January'
* - <b>month</b> - returns lower-case spelling, e.g. 'january'
* Where it makes sense, numeric codes can be combined with a following
* '<b>SP</b>' code which spells out the number, or with a '<b>TH</b>'
* code, which renders the code as an ordinal ('<b>TH</b>' only works
* in English), for example, for 31st December:
* - <b>DD</b> - returns '31'
* - <b>DDTH</b> - returns '31ST'
* - <b>DDth</b> - returns '31st'
* - <b>DDSP</b> - returns 'THIRTY-ONE'
* - <b>DDSp</b> - returns 'Thirty-one'
* - <b>DDsp</b> - returns 'thirty-one'
* - <b>DDSPTH</b> - returns 'THIRTY-FIRST'
* - <b>DDSpth</b> - returns 'Thirty-first'
* - <b>DDspth</b> - returns 'thirty-first'
* All formatting options:
* - <b>-</b> (All punctuation and white-space is reproduced unchanged)
* - <b>/</b>
* - <b>,</b>
* - <b>.</b>
* - <b>;</b>
* - <b>:</b>
* - <b>"text"</b> - Quoted text is reproduced unchanged (escape using
* '\')
* - <b>AD</b> - AD indicator with or without full stops
* - <b>A.D.</b>
* - <b>AM</b> - Meridian indicator with or without full stops
* - <b>A.M.</b>
* - <b>BC</b> - BC indicator with or without full stops
* - <b>B.C.</b>
* - <b>BCE</b> - BCE indicator with or without full stops
* - <b>B.C.E.</b>
* - <b>CC</b> - Century, i.e. the year divided by 100, discarding the
* remainder; '<b>S</b>' prefixes negative years with a
* minus sign
* - <b>SCC</b>
* - <b>CE</b> - CE indicator with or without full stops
* - <b>C.E.</b>
* - <b>D</b> - Day of week (0-6), where 0 represents Sunday
* - <b>DAY</b> - Name of day, padded with blanks to display width of the
* widest name of day in the locale of the machine
* - <b>DD</b> - Day of month (1-31)
* - <b>DDD</b> - Day of year (1-366)
* - <b>DY</b> - Abbreviated name of day
* - <b>FFF</b> - Fractional seconds; no radix character is printed. The
* no of '<b>F</b>'s determines the no of digits of the
* part-second to return; e.g. 'HH:MI:SS.FF'
* - <b>F[integer]</b> - The integer after '<b>F</b>' specifies the
* number of digits of the part-second to return.
* This is an alternative to using several
* '<b>F</b>'s in sequence, and '<b>F3</b>' is thus
* equivalent to using '<b>FFF</b>'.
* - <b>HH</b> - Hour of day (0-23)
* - <b>HH12</b> - Hour of day (1-12)
* - <b>HH24</b> - Hour of day (0-23)
* - <b>ID</b> - Day of week (1-7) based on the ISO 8601 standard (see
* '<b>IW</b>')
* - <b>IW</b> - Week of year (1-52 or 1-53) based on the
* {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date ISO 8601 standard}
* - <b>IYYY</b> - 4-digit year based on the ISO 8601 standard (see
* '<b>IW</b>'); '<b>S</b>' prefixes negative years with a
* minus sign
* - <b>SIYYY</b>
* - <b>IYY</b> - Last 3, 2, or 1 digit(s) of ISO year
* - <b>IY</b>
* - <b>I</b>
* - <b>J</b> - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day Julian day} -
* the number of days since Monday, 24th November, 4714 B.C.
* (proleptic Gregorian calendar)
* - <b>MI</b> - Minute (0-59)
* - <b>MM</b> - Month (01-12; January = 01)
* - <b>MON</b> - Abbreviated name of month
* - <b>MONTH</b> - Name of month, padded with blanks to display width of
* the widest name of month in the date language used for
* - <b>PM</b> - Meridian indicator with or without full stops
* - <b>P.M.</b>
* - <b>Q</b> - Quarter of year (1, 2, 3, 4; January - March = 1)
* - <b>RM</b> - Roman numeral month (I-XII; January = I); N.B. padded
* with leading spaces.
* - <b>SS</b> - Second (0-59)
* - <b>SSSSS</b> - Seconds past midnight (0-86399)
* - <b>TZC</b> - Abbreviated form of time zone name, e.g. 'GMT', or the
* abbreviation for Summer time if the date falls in Summer
* time, e.g. 'BST'.
* N.B. this is not a unique identifier - for this purpose
* use the time zone region (code '<b>TZR</b>').
* - <b>TZH</b> - Time zone hour; '<b>S</b>' prefixes the hour with the
* correct sign, (+/-), which otherwise is not displayed.
* Note that the leading nought can be suppressed with the
* no-padding code '<b>NP</b>'). Also note that if you
* combine with the '<b>SP</b>' code, the sign will not be
* spelled out. (I.e. '<b>STZHSp</b>' will produce '+One',
* for example, and not 'Plus One'.
* '<b>TZH:TZM</b>' will produce, for example, '+05:30'.
* (Also see '<b>TZM</b>' format code)
* - <b>STZH</b>
* - <b>TZI</b> - Whether or not the date is in Summer time (daylight
* saving time). Returns '1' if Summer time, else '0'.
* - <b>TZM</b> - Time zone minute, without any +/- sign. (Also see
* '<b>TZH</b>' format element)
* - <b>TZN</b> - Long form of time zone name, e.g.
* 'Greenwich Mean Time', or the name of the Summer time if
* the date falls in Summer time, e.g.
* 'British Summer Time'. N.B. this is not a unique
* identifier - for this purpose use the time zone region
* (code '<b>TZR</b>').
* - <b>TZO</b> - Time zone offset in ISO 8601 form - that is, 'Z' if
* UTC, else [+/-][hh]:[mm] (which would be equivalent
* to '<b>STZH:TZM</b>'). Note that this result is right
* padded.
* with spaces by default, (i.e. if 'Z').
* - <b>TZS</b> - Time zone offset in seconds; '<b>S</b>' prefixes
* negative sign with minus sign '-' if negative, and no
* sign if positive (i.e. -43200 to 50400).
* - <b>STZS</b>
* - <b>TZR</b> - Time zone region, that is, the name or ID of the time
* zone e.g. 'Europe/London'. This value is unique for
* each time zone.
* - <b>U</b> - Seconds since the Unix Epoch -
* January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT
* - <b>W</b> - 'Absolute' week of month (1-5), counting week 1 as
* 1st-7th of the year, regardless of the day
* - <b>W1</b> - Week of year (1-54), counting week 1 as the week that
* contains 1st January
* - <b>W4</b> - Week of year (1-53), counting week 1 as the week that
* contains 4th January (i.e. first week with at least 4
* days)
* - <b>W7</b> - Week of year (1-53), counting week 1 as the week that
* contains 7th January (i.e. first full week)
* - <b>WW</b> - 'Absolute' week of year (1-53), counting week 1 as
* 1st-7th of the year, regardless of the day
* - <b>YEAR</b> - Year, spelled out; '<b>S</b>' prefixes negative
* years with 'MINUS'; N.B. '<b>YEAR</b>' differs from
* '<b>YYYYSP</b>' in that the first will render 1923,
* for example, as 'NINETEEN TWENTY-THREE, and the
* - <b>SYEAR</b>
* - <b>YYYY</b> - 4-digit year; '<b>S</b>' prefixes negative years
* with a minus sign
* - <b>SYYYY</b>
* - <b>YYY</b> - Last 3, 2, or 1 digit(s) of year
* - <b>YY</b>
* - <b>Y</b>
* - <b>Y,YYY</b> - Year with thousands-separator in this position; five
* possible separators
* - <b>Y.YYY</b>
* - <b>Y<EFBFBD>YYY</b> - N.B. space-dot (mid-dot, interpunct) is valid only in
* ISO 8859-1 (so take care when using UTF-8 in
* particular)
* - <b>Y'YYY</b>
* - <b>Y YYY</b>
* In addition the following codes can be used in combination with other
* codes;
* Codes that modify the next code in the format string:
* - <b>NP</b> - 'No Padding' - Returns a value with no trailing blanks
* and no leading or trailing noughts; N.B. that the
* default is to include this padding in the return string.
* N.B. affects the code immediately following only.
* Codes that modify the previous code in the format string (can only
* be used with integral codes such as '<b>MM</b>'):
* - <b>TH</b> - Ordinal number
* - <b>SP</b> - Spelled cardinal number
* - <b>SPTH</b> - Spelled ordinal number (combination of '<b>SP</b>'
* and '<b>TH</b>' in any order)
* - <b>THSP</b>
* Code '<b>SP</b>' can have the following three variations (which can
* also be used in combination with '<b>TH</b>'):
* - <b>SP</b> - returns upper-case spelling, e.g. 'FOUR HUNDRED'
* - <b>Sp</b> - returns spelling with first character of each word
* capitalized, e.g. 'Four Hundred'
* - <b>sp</b> - returns lower-case spelling, e.g. 'four hundred'
* Code '<b>TH</b>' can have the following two variations (although in
* combination with code '<b>SP</b>', the case specification of
* '<b>SP</b>' takes precedence):
* - <b>TH</b> - returns upper-case ordinal suffix, e.g. 400TH
* - <b>th</b> - returns lower-case ordinal suffix, e.g. 400th
* @param string $ps_format format string for returned date/time
* @param string $ps_locale language name abbreviation used for formatting
* numbers as spelled-out words
* @return string date/time in given format
* @access public
* @see Date::format(), Date::formatLikeStrftime(), Date::formatLikeDate()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function formatLikeSQL($ps_format, $ps_locale = "en_GB")
if (!preg_match(
'/^("([^"\\\\]|\\\\\\\\|\\\\")*"|(D{1,3}|S?C+|' .
'HH(12|24)?|I[DW]|S?IY*|J|M[IM]|Q|SS(SSS)?|S?TZ[HS]|' .
'TZM|U|W[W147]?|S?Y{1,3}([,.<2E>\' ]?YYY)*)(SP(TH)?|' .
'TH(SP)?)?|AD|A\.D\.|AM|A\.M\.|BCE?|B\.C\.(E\.)?|CE|' .
'C\.E\.|DAY|DY|F(F*|[1-9][0-9]*)|MON(TH)?|NP|PM|' .
)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Invalid date format '$ps_format'",
$ret = "";
$i = 0;
$hb_nopadflag = false;
$hb_showsignflag = false;
$hn_weekdaypad = null;
$hn_monthpad = null;
$hn_isoyear = null;
$hn_isoweek = null;
$hn_isoday = null;
$hn_tzoffset = null;
while ($i < strlen($ps_format)) {
$hb_lower = false;
if ($hb_nopadflag) {
$hb_nopad = true;
} else {
$hb_nopad = false;
if ($hb_showsignflag) {
$hb_nosign = false;
} else {
$hb_nosign = true;
$hb_nopadflag = false;
$hb_showsignflag = false;
switch ($hs_char = substr($ps_format, $i, 1)) {
case "-":
case "/":
case ",":
case ".":
case ";":
case ":":
case " ":
$ret .= $hs_char;
$i += 1;
case "\"":
$i + 1
$ret .= str_replace(
array('\\\\', '\\"'),
array('\\', '"'),
$i += strlen($ha_matches[0][0]) + 1;
case "a":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "A":
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "A.D.") {
$ret .= $this->year >= 0 ?
($hb_lower ? "a.d." : "A.D.") :
($hb_lower ? "b.c." : "B.C.");
$i += 4;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "AD") {
$ret .= $this->year >= 0 ?
($hb_lower ? "ad" : "AD") :
($hb_lower ? "bc" : "BC");
$i += 2;
} else {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "A.M.") {
$ret .= $this->hour < 12 ?
($hb_lower ? "a.m." : "A.M.") :
($hb_lower ? "p.m." : "P.M.");
$i += 4;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "AM") {
$ret .= $this->hour < 12 ?
($hb_lower ? "am" : "AM") :
($hb_lower ? "pm" : "PM");
$i += 2;
case "b":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "B":
// Check for 'B.C.E.' first:
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 6)) == "B.C.E.") {
if ($this->year >= 0) {
$hs_era = $hb_lower ? "c.e." : "C.E.";
$ret .= $hb_nopad ?
$hs_era :
str_pad($hs_era, 6, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$ret .= $hb_lower ? "b.c.e." : "B.C.E.";
$i += 6;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "BCE") {
if ($this->year >= 0) {
$hs_era = $hb_lower ? "ce" : "CE";
$ret .= $hb_nopad ?
$hs_era :
str_pad($hs_era, 3, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$ret .= $hb_lower ? "bce" : "BCE";
$i += 3;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "B.C.") {
$ret .= $this->year >= 0 ?
($hb_lower ? "a.d." : "A.D.") :
($hb_lower ? "b.c." : "B.C.");
$i += 4;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "BC") {
$ret .= $this->year >= 0 ?
($hb_lower ? "ad" : "AD") :
($hb_lower ? "bc" : "BC");
$i += 2;
case "c":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "C":
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "C.E.") {
if ($this->year >= 0) {
$hs_era = $hb_lower ? "c.e." : "C.E.";
$ret .= $hb_nopad ?
$hs_era :
str_pad($hs_era, 6, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$ret .= $hb_lower ? "b.c.e." : "B.C.E.";
$i += 4;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "CE") {
if ($this->year >= 0) {
$hs_era = $hb_lower ? "ce" : "CE";
$ret .= $hb_nopad ?
$hs_era :
str_pad($hs_era, 3, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$ret .= $hb_lower ? "bce" : "BCE";
$i += 2;
} else {
// Code C(CCC...):
$hn_codelen = 1;
while (strtoupper(substr(
$i + $hn_codelen,
)) == "C") {
// Check next code is not 'CE' or 'C.E.'
if ($hn_codelen > 1 &&
$i + $hn_codelen - 1,
)) == "C.E." ||
$i + $hn_codelen - 1,
)) == "CE"
)) {
$hn_century = intval($this->year / 100);
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
$hs_century = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_century)) {
return $hs_century;
$ret .= $hs_century;
$i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "d":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "D":
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "DAY") {
$hs_day = Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname(
if (!$hb_nopad) {
if (is_null($hn_weekdaypad)) {
// Set week-day padding variable:
$hn_weekdaypad = 0;
foreach (Date_Calc::getWeekDays() as $hs_weekday) {
$hn_weekdaypad = max(
$hs_day = str_pad(
" ",
$ret .= $hb_lower ?
strtolower($hs_day) :
(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "A" ?
strtoupper($hs_day) :
$i += 3;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "DY") {
$hs_day = Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname(
$ret .= $hb_lower ?
strtolower($hs_day) :
(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "Y" ?
strtoupper($hs_day) :
$i += 2;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "DDD" &&
strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 3)) != "DAY" &&
strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 2)) != "DY"
) {
$hn_day = Date_Calc::dayOfYear(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
$hs_day = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_day)) {
return $hs_day;
$ret .= $hs_day;
$i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "DD" &&
strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 3)) != "DAY" &&
strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 2)) != "DY"
) {
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_day = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_day)) {
return $hs_day;
$ret .= $hs_day;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} else {
// Code 'D':
$hn_day = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
$hs_day = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_day)) {
return $hs_day;
$ret .= $hs_day;
$i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "f":
case "F":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_codelen = 1;
if (is_numeric(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1))) {
while (is_numeric(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1))) {
$hn_partsecdigits = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, $hn_codelen - 1);
} else {
while (strtoupper(substr(
$i + $hn_codelen,
)) == "F") {
// Check next code is not F[numeric]:
if ($hn_codelen > 1 &&
is_numeric(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1))) {
$hn_partsecdigits = $hn_codelen;
$hs_partsec = (string)$this->partsecond;
if (preg_match(
)) {
$hs_partsec =
str_repeat("0", $ha_matches[4] - strlen($ha_matches[1])) .
$ha_matches[1] .
} else {
$hs_partsec = substr($hs_partsec, 2);
$hs_partsec = substr($hs_partsec, 0, $hn_partsecdigits);
// '_formatNumber() will not work for this because the
// part-second is an int, and we want it to behave like a float:
if ($hb_nopad) {
$hs_partsec = rtrim($hs_partsec, "0");
if ($hs_partsec == "") {
$hs_partsec = "0";
} else {
$hs_partsec = str_pad(
$ret .= $hs_partsec;
$i += $hn_codelen;
case "h":
case "H":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "HH12") {
$hn_hour = $this->hour % 12;
if ($hn_hour == 0) {
$hn_hour = 12;
$hn_codelen = 4;
} else {
// Code 'HH' or 'HH24':
$hn_hour = $this->hour;
$hn_codelen = strtoupper(substr(
)) == "HH24" ? 4 : 2;
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
$hs_hour = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_hour)) {
return $hs_hour;
$ret .= $hs_hour;
$i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "i":
case "I":
if (is_null($hn_isoyear)) {
list($hn_isoyear, $hn_isoweek, $hn_isoday) =
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "ID" &&
strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 3)) != "DAY"
) {
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_isoday = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_isoday)) {
return $hs_isoday;
$ret .= $hs_isoday;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "IW") {
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_isoweek = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_isoweek)) {
return $hs_isoweek;
$ret .= $hs_isoweek;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} else {
// Code I(YYY...):
$hn_codelen = 1;
while (strtoupper(substr(
$i + $hn_codelen,
)) == "Y") {
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
$hs_isoyear = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_isoyear)) {
return $hs_isoyear;
$ret .= $hs_isoyear;
$i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "j":
case "J":
$hn_jd = Date_Calc::dateToDays(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
// Allow sign if negative; allow all digits (specify nought);
// suppress padding:
$hs_jd = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_jd)) {
return $hs_jd;
$ret .= $hs_jd;
$i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "m":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "M":
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "MI") {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_minute = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_minute)) {
return $hs_minute;
$ret .= $hs_minute;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "MM") {
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_month = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_month)) {
return $hs_month;
$ret .= $hs_month;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 5)) == "MONTH") {
$hs_month = Date_Calc::getMonthFullname($this->month);
if (!$hb_nopad) {
if (is_null($hn_monthpad)) {
// Set month padding variable:
$hn_monthpad = 0;
foreach (Date_Calc::getMonthNames() as $hs_monthofyear) {
$hn_monthpad = max(
$hs_month = str_pad(
" ",
$ret .= $hb_lower ?
strtolower($hs_month) :
(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "O" ?
strtoupper($hs_month) :
$i += 5;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "MON") {
$hs_month = Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname($this->month);
$ret .= $hb_lower ?
strtolower($hs_month) :
(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "O" ?
strtoupper($hs_month) :
$i += 3;
case "n":
case "N":
// No-Padding rule 'NP' applies to the next code (either trailing
// spaces or leading/trailing noughts):
$hb_nopadflag = true;
$i += 2;
case "p":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "P":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "P.M.") {
$ret .= $this->hour < 12 ?
($hb_lower ? "a.m." : "A.M.") :
($hb_lower ? "p.m." : "P.M.");
$i += 4;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "PM") {
$ret .= $this->hour < 12 ?
($hb_lower ? "am" : "AM") :
($hb_lower ? "pm" : "PM");
$i += 2;
case "q":
case "Q":
// N.B. Current implementation ignores the day and year, but
// it is possible that a different implementation might be
// desired, so pass these parameters anyway:
$hn_quarter = Date_Calc::quarterOfYear(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
$hs_quarter = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_quarter)) {
return $hs_quarter;
$ret .= $hs_quarter;
$i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "r":
$hb_lower = true;
// no break
case "R":
// Code 'RM':
switch ($this->month) {
case 1:
$hs_monthroman = "i";
case 2:
$hs_monthroman = "ii";
case 3:
$hs_monthroman = "iii";
case 4:
$hs_monthroman = "iv";
case 5:
$hs_monthroman = "v";
case 6:
$hs_monthroman = "vi";
case 7:
$hs_monthroman = "vii";
case 8:
$hs_monthroman = "viii";
case 9:
$hs_monthroman = "ix";
case 10:
$hs_monthroman = "x";
case 11:
$hs_monthroman = "xi";
case 12:
$hs_monthroman = "xii";
$hs_monthroman = $hb_lower ?
$hs_monthroman :
$ret .= $hb_nopad ?
$hs_monthroman :
str_pad($hs_monthroman, 4, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$i += 2;
case "s":
case "S":
// Check for 'SSSSS' before 'SS':
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 5)) == "SSSSS") {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 5, 4);
$hn_second = Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight(
$hs_second = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_second)) {
return $hs_second;
$ret .= $hs_second;
$i += 5 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "SS") {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_second = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_second)) {
return $hs_second;
$ret .= $hs_second;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} else {
// One of the following codes:
// 'SC(CCC...)'
// 'SY(YYY...)'
// 'SIY(YYY...)'
// 'STZH'
// 'STZS'
// 'SYEAR'
$hb_showsignflag = true;
if ($hb_nopad) {
$hb_nopadflag = true;
case "t":
case "T":
// Code TZ[...]:
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZR") {
// This time-zone-related code can be called when the time is
// invalid, but the others should return an error:
$ret .= $this->getTZID();
$i += 3;
} else {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZC") {
$ret .= $this->getTZShortName();
$i += 3;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZH") {
if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
$hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
$hn_tzh = intval($hn_tzoffset / 3600000);
// Suppress sign here (it is added later):
$hs_tzh = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_tzh)) {
return $hs_tzh;
// Display sign, even if positive:
$ret .= ($hb_nosign ? "" : ($hn_tzh >= 0 ? '+' : '-')) .
$i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZI") {
$ret .= ($this->inDaylightTime() ? '1' : '0');
$i += 3;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZM") {
if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
$hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
$hn_tzm = intval(($hn_tzoffset % 3600000) / 60000);
// Suppress sign:
$hs_tzm = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_tzm)) {
return $hs_tzm;
$ret .= $hs_tzm;
$i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZN") {
$ret .= $this->getTZLongName();
$i += 3;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZO") {
if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
$hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
$hn_tzh = intval(abs($hn_tzoffset) / 3600000);
$hn_tzm = intval((abs($hn_tzoffset) % 3600000) / 60000);
if ($hn_tzoffset == 0) {
$ret .= $hb_nopad ? "Z" : "Z ";
} else {
// Display sign, even if positive:
$ret .= ($hn_tzoffset >= 0 ? '+' : '-') .
sprintf("%02d", $hn_tzh) .
":" .
sprintf("%02d", $hn_tzm);
$i += 3;
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZS") {
if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
$hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
$hn_tzs = intval($hn_tzoffset / 1000);
$hs_tzs = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_tzs)) {
return $hs_tzs;
$ret .= $hs_tzs;
$i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "u":
case "U":
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_unixtime = $this->getTime();
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
// Allow sign if negative; allow all digits (specify nought);
// suppress padding:
$hs_unixtime = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_unixtime)) {
return $hs_unixtime;
$ret .= $hs_unixtime;
$i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "w":
case "W":
// Check for 'WW' before 'W':
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "WW") {
$hn_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYearAbsolute(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_week = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
return $hs_week;
$ret .= $hs_week;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "W1") {
$hn_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear1st(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_week = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
return $hs_week;
$ret .= $hs_week;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "W4") {
$ha_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear4th(
$hn_week = $ha_week[1];
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_week = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
return $hs_week;
$ret .= $hs_week;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} elseif (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "W7") {
$ha_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear7th(
$hn_week = $ha_week[1];
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
$hs_week = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
return $hs_week;
$ret .= $hs_week;
$i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
} else {
// Code 'W':
$hn_week = Date_Calc::weekOfMonthAbsolute(
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
$hs_week = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
return $hs_week;
$ret .= $hs_week;
$i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
case "y":
case "Y":
// Check for 'YEAR' first:
if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "YEAR") {
switch (substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) {
case "YE":
$hs_spformat = "SP";
case "Ye":
$hs_spformat = "Sp";
$hs_spformat = "sp";
if (($hn_yearabs = abs($this->year)) < 100 ||
$hn_yearabs % 100 < 10) {
$hs_numberformat = $hs_spformat;
// Allow all digits (specify nought); padding irrelevant:
$hs_year = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_year)) {
return $hs_year;
$ret .= $hs_year;
} else {
// Year is spelled 'Nineteen Twelve' rather than
// 'One thousand Nine Hundred Twelve':
$hn_century = intval($this->year / 100);
$hs_numberformat = $hs_spformat;
// Allow all digits (specify nought); padding irrelevant:
$hs_century = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_century)) {
return $hs_century;
$ret .= $hs_century . " ";
$hs_numberformat = $hs_spformat;
// Discard sign; padding irrelevant:
$hs_year = $this->_formatNumber(
if (Pear::isError($hs_year)) {
return $hs_year;
$ret .= $hs_year;
$i += 4;
} else {
// Code Y(YYY...):
$hn_codelen = 1;
while (strtoupper(substr(
$i + $hn_codelen,
)) == "Y") {
$hs_thousandsep = null;
$hn_thousandseps = 0;
if ($hn_codelen <= 3) {
while (preg_match(
'/([,.<2E>\' ])YYY/i',
$i + $hn_codelen,
)) {
$hn_codelen += 4;
$hs_thousandsep = $ha_matches[1];
// Check next code is not 'YEAR'
if ($hn_codelen > 1 &&
$i + $hn_codelen - 1,
)) == "YEAR") {
$hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
$hs_year = $this->_formatNumber(
$hn_codelen -
if (Pear::isError($hs_year)) {
return $hs_year;
$ret .= $hs_year;
$i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
$ret .= $hs_char;
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ formatLikeDate()
* Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string,
* based on {@link http://www.php.net/date date()}
* All date() formatting options are supported except '<b>B</b>'. This
* function also responds to the DATE_* constants, such as DATE_COOKIE,
* which are specified at:
* {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.constants.php}
* Formatting options:
* (Day)
* - <b>d</b> - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01 to 31)
* - <b>D</b> - A textual representation of a day, three letters ('Mon'
* to 'Sun')
* - <b>j</b> - Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31)
* - <b>l</b> - [lowercase 'L'] A full textual representation of the day
* of the week ('Sunday' to 'Saturday')
* - <b>N</b> - ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week
* (1 (for Monday) to 7 (for Sunday)) (see '<b>W</b>')
* - <b>S</b> - English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2
* characters ('st', 'nd', 'rd' or 'th')
* - <b>w</b> - Numeric representation of the day of the week (0 (for
* Sunday) to 6 (for Saturday))
* - <b>z</b> - The day of the year, starting from 0 (0 to 365)
* (Week)
* - <b>W</b> - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date ISO-8601}
* week number of year, weeks starting on Monday (00 to 53)
* (Month)
* - <b>F</b> - A full textual representation of a month ('January' to
* 'December')
* - <b>m</b> - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
* (01 to 12)
* - <b>M</b> - A short textual representation of a month, three letters
* ('Jan' to 'Dec')
* - <b>n</b> - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
* (1 to 12)
* - <b>t</b> - Number of days in the given month (28 to 31)
* (Year)
* - <b>L</b> - Whether it is a leap year (1 if it is a leap year, 0
* otherwise)
* - <b>o</b> - ISO-8601 year number (see '<b>W</b>'). This has the same
* value as '<b>Y</b>', except that if the ISO week number
* ('<b>W</b>') belongs to the previous or next year, that
* year is used instead.
* - <b>Y</b> - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits (0000
* to 9999)
* - <b>y</b> - A two digit representation of a year (00 to 99)
* (Time)
* - <b>a</b> - Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem ('am' or
* 'pm')
* - <b>A</b> - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem ('AM' or
* 'PM')
* - <b>g</b> - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros (1 to 12)
* - <b>G</b> - 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros (0 to 23)
* - <b>h</b> - 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros (01 to 12)
* - <b>H</b> - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros (00 to 23)
* - <b>i</b> - Minutes with leading zeros (00 to 59)
* - <b>s</b> - Seconds, with leading zeros (00 to 59)
* - <b>u</b> - Milliseconds, e.g. '54321'
* (Time Zone)
* - <b>e</b> - Timezone identifier, e.g. Europe/London
* - <b>I</b> - Whether or not the date is in Summer time (1 if Summer
* time, 0 otherwise)
* - <b>O</b> - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours, e.g. '+0200'
* - <b>P</b> - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between
* hours and minutes, e.g. '+02:00'
* - <b>T</b> - Timezone abbreviation, e.g. 'GMT', 'EST'
* - <b>Z</b> - Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west
* of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is
* always positive. (-43200 to 50400)
* (Full Date/Time)
* - <b>c</b> - ISO 8601 date, e.g. '2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00'
* - <b>r</b> - RFC 2822 formatted date, e.g.
* 'Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200'
* - <b>U</b> - Seconds since the Unix Epoch
* (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
* @param string $ps_format the format string for returned date/time
* @return string date/time in given format
* @access public
* @see Date::format(), Date::formatLikeStrftime(), Date::formatLikeSQL()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function formatLikeDate($ps_format)
$hs_formatlikesqlstr = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ps_format); ++$i) {
switch ($hs_char = substr($ps_format, $i, 1)) {
case 'd':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'DD';
case 'D':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPDy';
case 'j':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPDD';
case 'l':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPDay';
case 'N':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'ID';
case 'S':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'th';
case 'w':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'D';
case 'z':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= '"' . ($this->getDayOfYear() - 1) . '"';
case 'W':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'IW';
case 'F':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPMonth';
case 'm':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'MM';
case 'M':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPMon';
case 'n':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPMM';
case 't':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= '"' . $this->getDaysInMonth() . '"';
case 'L':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= '"' . ($this->isLeapYear() ? 1 : 0) . '"';
case 'o':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'IYYY';
case 'Y':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'YYYY';
case 'y':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'YY';
case 'a':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'am';
case 'A':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'AM';
case 'g':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPHH12';
case 'G':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'NPHH24';
case 'h':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'HH12';
case 'H':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'HH24';
case 'i':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'MI';
case 's':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'SS';
case 'u':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'SSFFF';
case 'e':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'TZR';
case 'I':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'TZI';
case 'O':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'STZHTZM';
case 'P':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'STZH:TZM';
case 'T':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'TZC';
case 'Z':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'TZS';
case 'c':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SSSTZH:TZM';
case 'r':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS STZHTZM';
case 'U':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= 'U';
case '\\':
$hs_char = substr($ps_format, ++$i, 1);
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= '"' .
($hs_char == '\\' ? '\\\\' : $hs_char) .
case '"':
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= '"\\""';
$hs_formatlikesqlstr .= '"' . $hs_char . '"';
$ret = $this->formatLikeSQL($hs_formatlikesqlstr);
if (PEAR::isError($ret) &&
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Invalid date format '$ps_format'",
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ setFromTime()
* Sets the date/time using a Unix time-stamp
* This may only be valid for dates from 1970 to ~2038. N.B. this
* function makes a call to {@link http://www.php.net/gmdate gmdate()}
* @param int $pn_timestamp Unix time-stamp
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::getTime(), Date::setDate()
public function setFromTime($pn_timestamp)
// Unix Time; N.B. Unix Time is defined relative to GMT,
// so it needs to be adjusted for the current time zone;
// however we do not know if it is in Summer time until
// we have converted it from Unix time:
// Get current time zone details:
$hs_id = $this->getTZID();
// Input Unix time as UTC:
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone("UTC");
$this->setDate(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $pn_timestamp));
// Convert back to correct time zone:
// }}}
// {{{ getTime()
* Returns the date/time as Unix time-stamp (as returned for example by
* {@link http://www.php.net/time time()})
* This may only be valid for dates from 1970 to ~2038. N.B. this
* function makes a call to {@link http://www.php.net/gmmktime gmmktime()}
* @return int number of seconds since the Unix epoch
* @access public
public function getTime()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
$ret = $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
} else {
// Use 'gmmktime()' and offset result (to get UTC):
return gmmktime(
) -
$this->tz->getRawOffset() / 1000; // N.B. Unix-time excludes
// leap seconds by
// definition
// }}}
// {{{ getTZID()
* Returns the unique ID of the time zone, e.g. 'America/Chicago'
* @return string the time zone ID
* @access public
* @see Date::setTZByID(), Date::getTZLongName(),
* Date::getTZShortName(), Date_TimeZone
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getTZID()
return $this->tz->getID();
// }}}
// {{{ _setTZToDefault()
* sets time zone to the default time zone
* If PHP version >= 5.1.0, uses date_default_timezone_get(),
* else the value returned by
* '{@link http://www.php.net/date date("e")}'
* if valid, else the default specified if the global
* constant '$GLOBALS["_DATE_TIMEZONE_DEFAULT"]', which if itself
* left unset, defaults to "UTC".
* N.B. this is a private method; to set the time zone to the
* default publicly you should call '{@link Date::setTZByID()}',
* that is, with no parameter (or a parameter of null).
* @return void
* @access private
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _setTZToDefault()
if (function_exists('version_compare') &&
version_compare(phpversion(), "5.1.0", ">=") &&
Date_TimeZone::isValidID($hs_id = date_default_timezone_get()) ||
Date_TimeZone::isValidID($hs_id = date("e"))
) {
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone($hs_id);
} else {
$this->tz = Date_TimeZone::getDefault();
// }}}
// {{{ setTZ()
* Sets the time zone of this Date
* Sets the time zone of this date with the given
* Date_TimeZone object. Does not alter the date/time,
* only assigns a new time zone. For conversion, use
* {@link Date::convertTZ()}.
* @param object $tz the Date_TimeZone object to use. If called with a
* parameter that is not a Date_TimeZone object, will
* fall through to setTZByID().
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setTZByID(), Date::convertTZ(),
* Date_TimeZone::Date_TimeZone(), Date_TimeZone
public function setTZ($tz)
if (is_a($tz, 'Date_Timezone')) {
} else {
$res = $this->setTZByID($tz);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
// }}}
// {{{ setTZByID()
* Sets the time zone of this date with the given time zone ID
* The time zone IDs are drawn from the 'tz data-base' (see
* {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoneinfo}), which is the de facto
* internet and IT standard. (There is no official standard, and
* the tz data-base is not intended to be a regulating body
* anyway.) Lists of valid IDs are maintained at:
* - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_zoneinfo_timezones}
* - {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php}
* If no time-zone is specified and PHP version >= 5.1.0, the time
* zone is set automatically to the output of date_default_timezone_get()
* if set and valid, else the value returned by
* '{@link http://www.php.net/date date("e")}'
* if valid, else the default specified if the global
* constant '$GLOBALS["_DATE_TIMEZONE_DEFAULT"]', which if itself
* left unset, defaults to "UTC".
* N.B. this function preserves the local date and time, that is,
* whether in local Summer time or local standard time. For example,
* if the time is set to 11.00 Summer time, and the time zone is then
* set to another time zone, using this function, in which the date
* falls in standard time, then the time will remain set to 11.00 UTC,
* and not 10.00. You can convert a date to another time zone by
* calling '{@link Date::convertTZ()}', which preserves the actual
* time as measured against UTC.
* The ID can also be specified as a UTC offset in one of the following
* forms, i.e. an offset with no geographical or political base:
* - <b>UTC[+/-][h]</b> - e.g. UTC-1 (the preferred form)
* - <b>UTC[+/-][hh]</b> - e.g. UTC+03
* - <b>UTC[+/-][hh][mm]</b> - e.g. UTC-0530
* - <b>UTC[+/-][hh]:[mm]</b> - e.g. UTC+03:00
* N.B. 'UTC' seems to be technically preferred over 'GMT'. GMT-based
* IDs still exist in the tz data-base, but beware of POSIX-style
* offsets which are the opposite way round to what people normally
* expect.
* @param string $ps_id a valid time zone id, e.g. 'Europe/London'
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::getTZID(), Date::setTZ(), Date::convertTZByID(),
* Date_TimeZone::isValidID(), Date_TimeZone::Date_TimeZone(),
* Date_TimeZone
public function setTZByID($ps_id = null)
// Whether the date is in Summer time forms the default for
// the new time zone (if needed, which is very unlikely anyway).
// This is mainly to prevent unexpected (defaulting) behaviour
// if the user is in the repeated hour, and switches to a time
// zone that is also in the repeated hour (e.g. 'Europe/London'
// and 'Europe/Lisbon').
$hb_insummertime = $this->inDaylightTime();
if (PEAR::isError($hb_insummertime)) {
if ($hb_insummertime->getCode() == DATE_ERROR_INVALIDTIME) {
$hb_insummertime = false;
} else {
return $hb_insummertime;
if (is_null($ps_id)) {
} elseif (Date_TimeZone::isValidID($ps_id)) {
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone($ps_id);
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Invalid time zone ID '$ps_id'",
// }}}
// {{{ getTZLongName()
* Returns the long name of the time zone
* Returns long form of time zone name, e.g. 'Greenwich Mean Time'.
* N.B. if the date falls in Summer time, the Summer time name will be
* returned instead, e.g. 'British Summer Time'.
* N.B. this is not a unique identifier for the time zone - for this
* purpose use the time zone ID.
* @return string the long name of the time zone
* @access public
* @see Date::getTZID(), Date::getTZShortName(),
* Date_TimeZone::getLongName()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getTZLongName()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->tz->getLongName($this->inDaylightTime());
// }}}
// {{{ getTZShortName()
* Returns the short name of the time zone
* Returns abbreviated form of time zone name, e.g. 'GMT'. N.B. if the
* date falls in Summer time, the Summer time name will be returned
* instead, e.g. 'BST'.
* N.B. this is not a unique identifier - for this purpose use the
* time zone ID.
* @return string the short name of the time zone
* @access public
* @see Date::getTZID(), Date::getTZLongName(),
* Date_TimeZone::getShortName()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getTZShortName()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->tz->getShortName($this->inDaylightTime());
// }}}
// {{{ getTZOffset()
* Returns the DST-corrected offset from UTC for the given date
* Gets the offset to UTC for a given date/time, taking into
* account daylight savings time, if the time zone observes it and if
* it is in effect.
* N.B. that the offset is calculated historically
* and in the future according to the current Summer time rules,
* and so this function is proleptically correct, but not necessarily
* historically correct. (Although if you want to be correct about
* times in the distant past, this class is probably not for you
* because the whole notion of time zones does not apply, and
* historically there are so many time zone changes, Summer time
* rule changes, name changes, calendar changes, that calculating
* this sort of information is beyond the scope of this package
* altogether.)
* @return int the corrected offset to UTC in milliseconds
* @access public
* @see Date_TimeZone::getOffset()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getTZOffset()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->tz->getOffset($this->inDaylightTime());
// }}}
// {{{ inDaylightTime()
* Tests if this date/time is in DST
* Returns true if daylight savings time is in effect for
* this date in this date's time zone.
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault value to return if repeated hour is
* specified (defaults to false)
* @return boolean true if DST is in effect for this date
* @access public
* @see Date_TimeZone::hasDaylightTime(), Date_TimeZone::inDaylightTime()
public function inDaylightTime($pb_repeatedhourdefault = false)
if (!$this->tz->hasDaylightTime()) {
return false;
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
// The return value is 'cached' whenever the date/time is set:
return $this->hour != $this->on_standardhour ||
$this->minute != $this->on_standardminute ||
$this->second != $this->on_standardsecond ||
$this->partsecond != $this->on_standardpartsecond ||
$this->day != $this->on_standardday ||
$this->month != $this->on_standardmonth ||
$this->year != $this->on_standardyear;
// (these last 3 conditions are theoretical
// possibilities but normally will never occur)
// }}}
// {{{ convertTZ()
* Converts this date to a new time zone
* Previously this might not have worked correctly if your system did
* not allow {@link http://www.php.net/putenv putenv()} or if
* {@link http://www.php.net/localtime localtime()} did not work in
* your environment, but this implementation is no longer used.
* @param object $tz Date_TimeZone object to convert to
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::convertTZByID(), Date::toUTC(),
* Date_TimeZone::Date_TimeZone(), Date_TimeZone
public function convertTZ($tz)
if ($this->getTZID() == $tz->getID()) {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_rawoffset = $tz->getRawOffset() - $this->tz->getRawOffset();
$this->tz = new Date_TimeZone($tz->getID());
$hn_standardpartsecond) =
// }}}
// {{{ toUTC()
* Converts this date to UTC and sets this date's timezone to UTC
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::convertTZ(), Date::convertTZByID(), Date::toUTCbyOffset()
public function toUTC()
if ($this->getTZID() == "UTC") {
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$res = $this->convertTZ(new Date_TimeZone("UTC"));
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
// }}}
// {{{ convertTZByID()
* Converts this date to a new time zone, given a valid time zone ID
* Previously this might not have worked correctly if your system did
* not allow {@link http://www.php.net/putenv putenv()} or if
* {@link http://www.php.net/localtime localtime()} did not work
* in your environment, but this implementation is no longer used.
* @param string $ps_id a valid time zone id, e.g. 'Europe/London'
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::convertTZ(), Date::toUTC(), Date::setTZByID(),
* Date_TimeZone::isValidID(), Date_TimeZone::Date_TimeZone(),
* Date_TimeZone
public function convertTZByID($ps_id)
if (!Date_TimeZone::isValidID($ps_id)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Invalid time zone ID '$ps_id'",
$res = $this->convertTZ(new Date_TimeZone($ps_id));
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
// }}}
// {{{ toUTCbyOffset()
* Converts the date/time to UTC by the offset specified
* This function is no longer called from within the Date class
* itself because a time zone can be set using a pure offset
* (e.g. UTC+1), i.e. not a geographical time zone. However
* it is retained for backwards compaibility.
* @param string $ps_offset offset of the form '<b>[+/-][hh]:[mm]</b>',
* '<b>[+/-][hh][mm]</b>', or '<b>Z</b>'
* @return bool
* @access private
* @see Date::toUTC(), Date::convertTZ(), Date::convertTZByID()
public function toUTCbyOffset($ps_offset)
if ($ps_offset == "Z" ||
preg_match('/^[+\-](00:?00|0{1,2})$/', $ps_offset)) {
$hs_tzid = "UTC";
} elseif (preg_match(
)) {
$hs_tzid = "UTC" . $ps_offset;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid offset '$ps_offset'");
// If the time is invalid, it does not matter here:
// Now the time will be valid because it is a time zone that
// does not observe Summer time:
// }}}
// {{{ addYears()
* Converts the date to the specified no of years from the given date
* To subtract years use a negative value for the '$pn_years'
* parameter
* @param int $pn_years years to add
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function addYears($pn_years)
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) =
explode(" ", Date_Calc::addYears(
"%Y %m %d"
// }}}
// {{{ addMonths()
* Converts the date to the specified no of months from the given date
* To subtract months use a negative value for the '$pn_months'
* parameter
* @param int $pn_months months to add
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function addMonths($pn_months)
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) =
explode(" ", Date_Calc::addMonths(
"%Y %m %d"
// }}}
// {{{ addDays()
* Converts the date to the specified no of days from the given date
* To subtract days use a negative value for the '$pn_days' parameter
* @param int $pn_days days to add
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function addDays($pn_days)
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) =
explode(" ", Date_Calc::addDays(
"%Y %m %d"
// }}}
// {{{ addHours()
* Converts the date to the specified no of hours from the given date
* To subtract hours use a negative value for the '$pn_hours' parameter
* @param int $pn_hours hours to add
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function addHours($pn_hours)
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_standardhour) =
// }}}
// {{{ addMinutes()
* Converts the date to the specified no of minutes from the given date
* To subtract minutes use a negative value for the '$pn_minutes' parameter
* @param int $pn_minutes minutes to add
* @return void
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function addMinutes($pn_minutes)
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_standardminute) =
// }}}
// {{{ addSeconds()
* Adds a given number of seconds to the date
* @param mixed $sec the no of seconds to add as integer or float
* @param bool $pb_countleap whether to count leap seconds (defaults to
* value of count-leap-second object property)
* @return void
* @access public
public function addSeconds($sec, $pb_countleap = null)
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
if (!is_int($sec) && !is_float($sec)) {
settype($sec, 'int');
if (!is_null($pb_countleap)) {
$pb_countleap = $this->ob_countleapseconds;
if ($pb_countleap) {
// Convert to UTC:
$hn_standardpartsecond) =
$this->tz->getRawOffset() * -1,
$hn_secondraw) =
$hn_standardpartsecond == 0.0 ?
$hn_standardsecond :
$hn_standardsecond +
if (is_float($hn_secondraw)) {
$hn_standardsecond = intval($hn_secondraw);
$hn_standardpartsecond = $hn_secondraw - $hn_standardsecond;
} else {
$hn_standardsecond = $hn_secondraw;
$hn_standardpartsecond = 0.0;
$hn_standardpartsecond) =
} else {
// Use local standard time:
$hn_secondraw) =
$this->on_standardpartsecond == 0.0 ?
$this->on_standardsecond :
$this->on_standardsecond +
if (is_float($hn_secondraw)) {
$hn_standardsecond = intval($hn_secondraw);
$hn_standardpartsecond = $hn_secondraw - $hn_standardsecond;
} else {
$hn_standardsecond = $hn_secondraw;
$hn_standardpartsecond = 0.0;
// }}}
// {{{ subtractSeconds()
* Subtracts a given number of seconds from the date
* @param mixed $sec the no of seconds to subtract as integer or
* float
* @param bool $pb_countleap whether to count leap seconds (defaults to
* value of count-leap-second object property)
* @return void
* @access public
public function subtractSeconds($sec, $pb_countleap = null)
if (is_null($pb_countleap)) {
$pb_countleap = $this->ob_countleapseconds;
$res = $this->addSeconds(-$sec, $pb_countleap);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
// }}}
// {{{ addSpan()
* Adds a time span to the date
* A time span is defined as a unsigned no of days, hours, minutes
* and seconds, where the no of minutes and seconds must be less than
* 60, and the no of hours must be less than 24.
* A span is added (and subtracted) according to the following logic:
* Hours, minutes and seconds are added such that if they fall over
* a leap second, the leap second is ignored, and not counted.
* For example, if a leap second occurred at 23.59.60, the
* following calculations:
* - 23.59.59 + one second
* - 23.59.00 + one minute
* - 23.00.00 + one hour
* would all produce 00.00.00 the next day.
* A day is treated as equivalent to 24 hours, so if the clocks
* went backwards at 01.00, and one day was added to the time
* 00.30, the result would be 23.30 the same day.
* This is the implementation which is thought to yield the behaviour
* that the user is most likely to expect, or in another way of
* looking at it, it is the implementation that produces the least
* unexpected behaviour. It basically works in hours, that is, a day
* is treated as exactly equivalent to 24 hours, and minutes and
* seconds are treated as equivalent to 1/60th and 1/3600th of an
* hour. It should be obvious that working in days is impractical;
* working in seconds is problematic when it comes to adding days
* that fall over leap seconds, where it would appear to most users
* that the function adds only 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
* It is also problematic to work in any kind of mixture of days,
* hours, minutes, and seconds, because then the addition of a span
* would sometimes depend on which order you add the constituent
* parts, which undermines the concept of a span altogether.
* If you want alternative functionality, you must use a mixture of
* the following functions instead:
* - {@link Date::addYears()}
* - {@link Date::addMonths()}
* - {@link Date::addDays()}
* - {@link Date::addHours()}
* - {@link Date::addMinutes()}
* - {@link Date::addSeconds()}
* @param object $span the time span to add
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date_Span
public function addSpan($span)
if (!is_a($span, 'Date_Span')) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid argument - not 'Date_Span' object");
} elseif ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_days = $span->day;
$hn_standardhour = $this->on_standardhour + $span->hour;
$hn_standardminute = $this->on_standardminute + $span->minute;
$hn_standardsecond = $this->on_standardsecond + $span->second;
if ($hn_standardsecond >= 60) {
$hn_standardsecond -= 60;
if ($hn_standardminute >= 60) {
$hn_standardminute -= 60;
if ($hn_standardhour >= 24) {
$hn_standardhour -= 24;
list($hn_standardyear, $hn_standardmonth, $hn_standardday) =
" ",
"%Y %m %d"
// }}}
// {{{ subtractSpan()
* Subtracts a time span from the date
* N.B. it is impossible for this function to count leap seconds,
* because the result would be dependent on which order the consituent
* parts of the span are subtracted from the date. Therefore, leap
* seconds are ignored by this function. If you want to count leap
* seconds, use {@link Date::subtractSeconds()}.
* @param object $span the time span to subtract
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date_Span
public function subtractSpan($span)
if (!is_a($span, 'Date_Span')) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid argument - not 'Date_Span' object");
} elseif ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
$hn_days = -$span->day;
$hn_standardhour = $this->on_standardhour - $span->hour;
$hn_standardminute = $this->on_standardminute - $span->minute;
$hn_standardsecond = $this->on_standardsecond - $span->second;
if ($hn_standardsecond < 0) {
$hn_standardsecond += 60;
if ($hn_standardminute < 0) {
$hn_standardminute += 60;
if ($hn_standardhour < 0) {
$hn_standardhour += 24;
list($hn_standardyear, $hn_standardmonth, $hn_standardday) =
" ",
"%Y %m %d"
// }}}
// {{{ dateDiff()
* Subtract supplied date and return answer in days
* If the second parameter '$pb_ignoretime' is specified as false, the time
* parts of the two dates will be ignored, and the integral no of days
* between the day/month/year parts of the two dates will be returned. If
* either of the two dates have an invalid time, the integral no of days
* will also be returned, else the returned value will be the no of days as
* a float, with each hour being treated as 1/24th of a day and so on.
* For example,
* - 21/11/2007 13.00 minus 21/11/2007 01.00
* returns 0.5
* Note that if the passed date is in the past, a positive value will be
* returned, and if it is in the future, a negative value will be returned.
* @param object $po_date date to subtract
* @param bool $pb_ignoretime whether to ignore the time values of the two
* dates in subtraction (defaults to false)
* @return mixed days between two dates as int or float
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function dateDiff($po_date, $pb_ignoretime = false)
if ($pb_ignoretime || $this->ob_invalidtime) {
return Date_Calc::dateToDays(
) -
$hn_secondscompare = $po_date->getStandardSecondsPastMidnight();
if (PEAR::isError($hn_secondscompare)) {
if ($hn_secondscompare->getCode() != DATE_ERROR_INVALIDTIME) {
return $hn_secondscompare;
return Date_Calc::dateToDays(
) -
$hn_seconds = $this->getStandardSecondsPastMidnight();
// If time parts are equal, return int, else return float:
return Date_Calc::dateToDays(
) -
) +
($hn_seconds == $hn_secondscompare ? 0 :
($hn_seconds - $hn_secondscompare) / 86400);
// }}}
// {{{ inEquivalentTimeZones()
* Tests whether two dates are in equivalent time zones
* Equivalence in this context consists in the time zones of the two dates
* having:
* - an equal offset from UTC in both standard and Summer time (if
* the time zones observe Summer time)
* - the same Summer time start and end rules, that is, the two time zones
* must switch from standard time to Summer time, and
* vice versa, on the same day and at the same time
* An example of two equivalent time zones is 'Europe/London' and
* 'Europe/Lisbon', which in London is known as GMT/BST, and in Lisbon as
* @param object $po_date1 the first Date object to compare
* @param object $po_date2 the second Date object to compare
* @return bool true if the time zones are equivalent
* @access public
* @static
* @see Date_TimeZone::isEquivalent()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function inEquivalentTimeZones($po_date1, $po_date2)
return $po_date1->tz->isEquivalent($po_date2->getTZID());
// }}}
// {{{ compare()
* Compares two dates
* Suitable for use in sorting functions
* @param object $od1 the first Date object to compare
* @param object $od2 the second Date object to compare
* @return int 0 if the dates are equal, -1 if '$od1' is
* before '$od2', 1 if '$od1' is after '$od2'
* @access public
* @static
public function compare($od1, $od2)
$d1 = new Date($od1);
$d2 = new Date($od2);
// If the time zones are equivalent, do nothing:
if (!Date::inEquivalentTimeZones($d1, $d2)) {
// Only a time zone with a valid time can be converted:
if ($d2->isValidTime()) {
} elseif ($d1->isValidTime()) {
} else {
// No comparison can be made without guessing the time:
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Both dates have invalid time",
$days1 = Date_Calc::dateToDays(
$days2 = Date_Calc::dateToDays(
if ($days1 < $days2) {
return -1;
if ($days1 > $days2) {
return 1;
$hn_hour1 = $d1->getStandardHour();
if (PEAR::isError($hn_hour1)) {
return $hn_hour1;
$hn_hour2 = $d2->getStandardHour();
if (PEAR::isError($hn_hour2)) {
return $hn_hour2;
if ($hn_hour1 < $hn_hour2) {
return -1;
if ($hn_hour1 > $hn_hour2) {
return 1;
if ($d1->getStandardMinute() < $d2->getStandardMinute()) {
return -1;
if ($d1->getStandardMinute() > $d2->getStandardMinute()) {
return 1;
if ($d1->getStandardSecond() < $d2->getStandardSecond()) {
return -1;
if ($d1->getStandardSecond() > $d2->getStandardSecond()) {
return 1;
if ($d1->getStandardPartSecond() < $d2->getStandardPartSecond()) {
return -1;
if ($d1->getStandardPartSecond() > $d2->getStandardPartSecond()) {
return 1;
return 0;
// }}}
// {{{ before()
* Test if this date/time is before a certain date/time
* @param object $when the Date object to test against
* @return boolean true if this date is before $when
* @access public
public function before($when)
$hn_compare = Date::compare($this, $when);
if (PEAR::isError($hn_compare)) {
return $hn_compare;
if ($hn_compare == -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ after()
* Test if this date/time is after a certain date/time
* @param object $when the Date object to test against
* @return boolean true if this date is after $when
* @access public
public function after($when)
$hn_compare = Date::compare($this, $when);
if (PEAR::isError($hn_compare)) {
return $hn_compare;
if ($hn_compare == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ equals()
* Test if this date/time is exactly equal to a certain date/time
* @param object $when the Date object to test against
* @return boolean true if this date is exactly equal to $when
* @access public
public function equals($when)
$hn_compare = Date::compare($this, $when);
if (PEAR::isError($hn_compare)) {
return $hn_compare;
if ($hn_compare == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ isFuture()
* Determine if this date is in the future
* @return boolean true if this date is in the future
* @access public
public function isFuture()
$now = new Date();
return $this->after($now);
// }}}
// {{{ isPast()
* Determine if this date is in the past
* @return boolean true if this date is in the past
* @access public
public function isPast()
$now = new Date();
return $this->before($now);
// }}}
// {{{ isLeapYear()
* Determine if the year in this date is a leap year
* @return boolean true if this year is a leap year
* @access public
public function isLeapYear()
return Date_Calc::isLeapYear($this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getJulianDate()
* Returns the no of days (1-366) since 31st December of the previous year
* N.B. this function does not return (and never has returned) the 'Julian
* Date', as described, for example, at:
* - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day}
* If you want the day of the year (0-366), use {@link Date::getDayOfYear()}
* instead. If you want the true Julian Day, call one of the following:
* - {@link Date::formatLikeStrftime()} using code '<b>%E</b>'
* - {@link Date::formatLikeSQL()} using code '<b>J</b>'
* There currently is no function that calls the Julian Date (as opposed
* to the 'Julian Day'), although the Julian Day is an approximation.
* @return int the Julian date
* @access public
* @see Date::getDayOfYear()
* @deprecated Method deprecated in Release 1.5.0
public function getJulianDate()
return Date_Calc::julianDate($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getDayOfYear()
* Returns the no of days (1-366) since 31st December of the previous year
* @return int an integer between 1 and 366
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getDayOfYear()
return Date_Calc::dayOfYear($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getDayOfWeek()
* Gets the day of the week for this date (0 = Sunday)
* @return int the day of the week (0 = Sunday)
* @access public
public function getDayOfWeek()
return Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getWeekOfYear()
* Gets the week of the year for this date
* @return int the week of the year
* @access public
public function getWeekOfYear()
return Date_Calc::weekOfYear($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getQuarterOfYear()
* Gets the quarter of the year for this date
* @return int the quarter of the year (1-4)
* @access public
public function getQuarterOfYear()
return Date_Calc::quarterOfYear($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getDaysInMonth()
* Gets number of days in the month for this date
* @return int number of days in this month
* @access public
public function getDaysInMonth()
return Date_Calc::daysInMonth($this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getWeeksInMonth()
* Gets the number of weeks in the month for this date
* @return int number of weeks in this month
* @access public
public function getWeeksInMonth()
return Date_Calc::weeksInMonth($this->month, $this->year);
// }}}
// {{{ getDayName()
* Gets the full name or abbreviated name of this weekday
* @param bool $abbr abbreviate the name
* @param int $length length of abbreviation
* @return string name of this day
* @access public
public function getDayName($abbr = false, $length = 3)
if ($abbr) {
return Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname(
} else {
return Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname(
// }}}
// {{{ getMonthName()
* Gets the full name or abbreviated name of this month
* @param boolean $abbr abbreviate the name
* @return string name of this month
* @access public
public function getMonthName($abbr = false)
if ($abbr) {
return Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname($this->month);
} else {
return Date_Calc::getMonthFullname($this->month);
// }}}
// {{{ getNextDay()
* Get a Date object for the day after this one
* The time of the returned Date object is the same as this time.
* @return object Date object representing the next day
* @access public
public function getNextDay()
$ret = new Date($this);
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ getPrevDay()
* Get a Date object for the day before this one
* The time of the returned Date object is the same as this time.
* @return object Date object representing the previous day
* @access public
public function getPrevDay()
$ret = new Date($this);
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ getNextWeekday()
* Get a Date object for the weekday after this one
* The time of the returned Date object is the same as this time.
* @return object Date object representing the next week-day
* @access public
public function getNextWeekday()
$ret = new Date($this);
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) =
explode(" ", Date_Calc::nextWeekday(
"%Y %m %d"
$ret->setDayMonthYear($hs_day, $hs_month, $hs_year);
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ getPrevWeekday()
* Get a Date object for the weekday before this one
* The time of the returned Date object is the same as this time.
* @return object Date object representing the previous week-day
* @access public
public function getPrevWeekday()
$ret = new Date($this);
list($hs_year, $hs_month, $hs_day) =
explode(" ", Date_Calc::prevWeekday(
"%Y %m %d"
$ret->setDayMonthYear($hs_day, $hs_month, $hs_year);
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ getYear()
* Returns the year field of the date object
* @return int the year
* @access public
public function getYear()
return $this->year;
// }}}
// {{{ getMonth()
* Returns the month field of the date object
* @return int the minute
* @access public
public function getMonth()
return $this->month;
// }}}
// {{{ getDay()
* Returns the day field of the date object
* @return int the day
* @access public
public function getDay()
return $this->day;
// }}}
// {{{ _getErrorInvalidTime()
* Returns invalid time PEAR Error
* @return object
* @access private
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _getErrorInvalidTime()
return PEAR::raiseError(
"Invalid time '" .
) .
"' specified for date '" .
) .
"' and in this timezone",
// }}}
// {{{ _secondsInDayIsValid()
* If leap seconds are observed, checks if the seconds in the day is valid
* Note that only the local standard time is accessed.
* @return bool
* @access private
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _secondsInDayIsValid()
if ($this->ob_countleapseconds) {
// Convert to UTC:
$hn_partsecond) =
$this->tz->getRawOffset() * -1,
return Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight(
$hn_second +
) <
Date_Calc::getSecondsInDay($hn_day, $hn_month, $hn_year);
} else {
return $this->getStandardSecondsPastMidnight() < 86400;
// }}}
// {{{ isValidTime()
* Returns whether the stored date/time is valid, i.e as a local time
* for the current time-zone.
* An invalid time is one that lies in the 'skipped hour' at the point
* that the clocks go forward (if the time-zone uses Summer time).
* Note that the stored date (i.e. the day/month/year), is set more
* strictly: it is not possible to set an invalid day/month/year
* using {@link Date::setDate()} and it is only possible to do so with
* {@link setYear()} etc. for backwards-compatibility (and anyway, this
* can be switched off by default by setting
* {@link DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT} to 'true').
* The object is able to store an invalid time because a user might
* unwittingly and correctly store a valid time, and then add one day so
* as to put the object in the 'skipped' hour (when the clocks go forward).
* This could be corrected by a conversion to Summer time (by adding one
* hour); however, if the user then added another day, and had no need for
* or interest in the time anyway, the behaviour may be rather unexpected.
* And anyway in this situation, the time originally specified would now,
* two days on, be valid again.
* So this class allows an invalid time like this so long as the user does
* not in any way make use of or request the time while it is in this
* semi-invalid state, in order to allow for for the fact that he might be
* only interested in the date, and not the time, and in order not to behave
* in an unexpected way, especially without throwing an exception to tell
* the user about it.
* @return bool
* @access public
* @see Date::isValidDate(), Date::isNull(),
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function isValidTime()
return !$this->ob_invalidtime;
// }}}
// {{{ getHour()
* Returns the hour field of the date object
* @return int the hour
* @access public
public function getHour()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->hour;
// }}}
// {{{ getMinute()
* Returns the minute field of the date object
* @return int the minute
* @access public
public function getMinute()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->minute;
// }}}
// {{{ getSecond()
* Returns the second field of the date object
* @return int the second
* @access public
public function getSecond()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->second;
// }}}
// {{{ getSecondsPastMidnight()
* Returns the no of seconds since midnight (0-86400) as float
* @return float float which is at least 0 and less than 86400
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getSecondsPastMidnight()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight(
) +
// }}}
// {{{ getPartSecond()
* Returns the part-second field of the date object
* @return float the part-second
* @access protected
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getPartSecond()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->partsecond;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardYear()
* Returns the year field of the local standard time
* @return int the year
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardYear()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardyear;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardMonth()
* Returns the month field of the local standard time
* @return int the minute
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardMonth()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardmonth;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardDay()
* Returns the day field of the local standard time
* @return int the day
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardDay()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardday;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardHour()
* Returns the hour field of the local standard time
* @return int the hour
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardHour()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardhour;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardMinute()
* Returns the minute field of the local standard time
* @return int the minute
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardMinute()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardminute;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardSecond()
* Returns the second field of the local standard time
* @return int the second
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardSecond()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardsecond;
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardSecondsPastMidnight()
* Returns the no of seconds since midnight (0-86400) of the
* local standard time as float
* @return float float which is at least 0 and less than 86400
* @access public
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardSecondsPastMidnight()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight(
) +
// }}}
// {{{ getStandardPartSecond()
* Returns the part-second field of the local standard time
* @return float the part-second
* @access protected
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function getStandardPartSecond()
if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
return $this->on_standardpartsecond;
// }}}
// {{{ _addOffset()
* Add a time zone offset to the passed date/time
* @param int $pn_offset the offset to add in milliseconds
* @param int $pn_day the day
* @param int $pn_month the month
* @param int $pn_year the year
* @param int $pn_hour the hour
* @param int $pn_minute the minute
* @param int $pn_second the second
* @param float $pn_partsecond the part-second
* @return array array of year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
* and part-second
* @access private
* @static
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function _addOffset(
if ($pn_offset == 0) {
return array((int)$pn_year,
if ($pn_offset % 3600000 == 0) {
$hn_hour) =
$pn_offset / 3600000,
$hn_minute = (int)$pn_minute;
$hn_second = (int)$pn_second;
$hn_partsecond = (float)$pn_partsecond;
} elseif ($pn_offset % 60000 == 0) {
$hn_minute) =
$pn_offset / 60000,
$hn_second = (int)$pn_second;
$hn_partsecond = (float)$pn_partsecond;
} else {
$hn_secondraw) =
$pn_offset / 1000,
$pn_partsecond == 0.0 ?
$pn_second :
$pn_second + $pn_partsecond,
); // N.B. do not count
// leap seconds
if (is_float($hn_secondraw)) {
$hn_second = intval($hn_secondraw);
$hn_partsecond = $hn_secondraw - $hn_second;
} else {
$hn_second = $hn_secondraw;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
return array($hn_year,
// }}}
// {{{ setLocalTime()
* Sets local time (Summer-time-adjusted) and then calculates local
* standard time
* @param int $pn_day the day
* @param int $pn_month the month
* @param int $pn_year the year
* @param int $pn_hour the hour
* @param int $pn_minute the minute
* @param int $pn_second the second
* @param float $pn_partsecond the part-second
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified (defaults
* to false)
* @param bool $pb_correctinvalidtime whether to correct, by adding the
* local Summer time offset, the
* specified time if it falls in the
* skipped hour (defaults to
* @return void
* @access protected
* @see Date::setStandardTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setLocalTime(
$pb_repeatedhourdefault = false,
settype($pn_day, "int");
settype($pn_month, "int");
settype($pn_year, "int");
settype($pn_hour, "int");
settype($pn_minute, "int");
settype($pn_second, "int");
settype($pn_partsecond, "float");
$hb_insummertime =
$pn_month, $pn_year, Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight(
) + $pn_partsecond),
if (PEAR::isError($hb_insummertime)) {
if ($hb_insummertime->getCode() != DATE_ERROR_INVALIDTIME) {
return $hb_insummertime;
} elseif ($pb_correctinvalidtime) {
// Store passed time as local standard time:
$this->on_standardday = $pn_day;
$this->on_standardmonth = $pn_month;
$this->on_standardyear = $pn_year;
$this->on_standardhour = $pn_hour;
$this->on_standardminute = $pn_minute;
$this->on_standardsecond = $pn_second;
$this->on_standardpartsecond = $pn_partsecond;
// Add Summer time offset to passed time:
$this->partsecond) =
$this->ob_invalidtime = !$this->_secondsInDayIsValid();
} else {
// Hedge bets - if the user adds/subtracts a day, then the time
// will be uncorrupted, and if the user does
// addition/subtraction with the time, or requests the time,
// then return an error at that point:
$this->day = $pn_day;
$this->month = $pn_month;
$this->year = $pn_year;
$this->hour = $pn_hour;
$this->minute = $pn_minute;
$this->second = $pn_second;
$this->partsecond = $pn_partsecond;
$this->ob_invalidtime = true;
} else {
// Passed time is valid as local time:
$this->day = $pn_day;
$this->month = $pn_month;
$this->year = $pn_year;
$this->hour = $pn_hour;
$this->minute = $pn_minute;
$this->second = $pn_second;
$this->partsecond = $pn_partsecond;
$this->ob_invalidtime = !$this->_secondsInDayIsValid();
if ($hb_insummertime) {
// Calculate local standard time:
$this->on_standardpartsecond) =
$this->tz->getDSTSavings() * -1,
} else {
// Time is already local standard time:
$this->on_standardday = $pn_day;
$this->on_standardmonth = $pn_month;
$this->on_standardyear = $pn_year;
$this->on_standardhour = $pn_hour;
$this->on_standardminute = $pn_minute;
$this->on_standardsecond = $pn_second;
$this->on_standardpartsecond = $pn_partsecond;
// }}}
// {{{ setStandardTime()
* Sets local standard time and then calculates local time (i.e.
* Summer-time-adjusted)
* @param int $pn_day the day
* @param int $pn_month the month
* @param int $pn_year the year
* @param int $pn_hour the hour
* @param int $pn_minute the minute
* @param int $pn_second the second
* @param float $pn_partsecond the part-second
* @return void
* @access protected
* @see Date::setLocalTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setStandardTime(
settype($pn_day, "int");
settype($pn_month, "int");
settype($pn_year, "int");
settype($pn_hour, "int");
settype($pn_minute, "int");
settype($pn_second, "int");
settype($pn_partsecond, "float");
$this->on_standardday = $pn_day;
$this->on_standardmonth = $pn_month;
$this->on_standardyear = $pn_year;
$this->on_standardhour = $pn_hour;
$this->on_standardminute = $pn_minute;
$this->on_standardsecond = $pn_second;
$this->on_standardpartsecond = $pn_partsecond;
$this->ob_invalidtime = !$this->_secondsInDayIsValid();
if ($this->tz->inDaylightTimeStandard(array($pn_day, $pn_month,
$pn_year, Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight(
) + $pn_partsecond))) {
// Calculate local time:
$this->partsecond) =
} else {
// Time is already local time:
$this->day = $pn_day;
$this->month = $pn_month;
$this->year = $pn_year;
$this->hour = $pn_hour;
$this->minute = $pn_minute;
$this->second = $pn_second;
$this->partsecond = $pn_partsecond;
// }}}
// {{{ setYear()
* Sets the year field of the date object
* If specified year forms an invalid date, then PEAR error will be
* returned, unless the validation is over-ridden using the second
* parameter.
* @param int $y the year
* @param bool $pb_validate whether to check that the new date is valid
* (defaults to {@link DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT})
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDayMonthYear(), Date::setDateTime()
public function setYear($y, $pb_validate = DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT)
if ($pb_validate && !Date_Calc::isValidDate($this->day, $this->month, $y)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"'" .
) .
"' is invalid calendar date",
} else {
// }}}
// {{{ setMonth()
* Sets the month field of the date object
* If specified year forms an invalid date, then PEAR error will be
* returned, unless the validation is over-ridden using the second
* parameter.
* @param int $m the month
* @param bool $pb_validate whether to check that the new date is valid
* (defaults to {@link DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT})
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDayMonthYear(), Date::setDateTime()
public function setMonth($m, $pb_validate = DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT)
if ($pb_validate && !Date_Calc::isValidDate($this->day, $m, $this->year)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"'" .
) .
"' is invalid calendar date",
} else {
// }}}
// {{{ setDay()
* Sets the day field of the date object
* If specified year forms an invalid date, then PEAR error will be
* returned, unless the validation is over-ridden using the second
* parameter.
* @param int $d the day
* @param bool $pb_validate whether to check that the new date is valid
* (defaults to {@link DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT})
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDayMonthYear(), Date::setDateTime()
public function setDay($d, $pb_validate = DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT)
if ($pb_validate && !Date_Calc::isValidDate($d, $this->month, $this->year)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"'" .
) .
"' is invalid calendar date",
} else {
// }}}
// {{{ setDayMonthYear()
* Sets the day, month and year fields of the date object
* If specified year forms an invalid date, then PEAR error will be
* returned. Note that setting each of these fields separately
* may unintentionally return a PEAR error if a transitory date is
* invalid between setting these fields.
* @param int $d the day
* @param int $m the month
* @param int $y the year
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDateTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setDayMonthYear($d, $m, $y)
if (!Date_Calc::isValidDate($d, $m, $y)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"'" .
) .
"' is invalid calendar date",
} else {
// }}}
// {{{ setHour()
* Sets the hour field of the date object
* Expects an hour in 24-hour format.
* @param int $h the hour
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified (defaults
* to false)
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setHourMinuteSecond(), Date::setDateTime()
public function setHour($h, $pb_repeatedhourdefault = false)
if ($h > 23 || $h < 0) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid hour value '$h'");
} else {
$ret = $this->setHourMinuteSecond(
$this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
$this->second :
$this->second + $this->partsecond,
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ setMinute()
* Sets the minute field of the date object
* @param int $m the minute
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified (defaults
* to false)
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setHourMinuteSecond(), Date::setDateTime()
public function setMinute($m, $pb_repeatedhourdefault = false)
if ($m > 59 || $m < 0) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid minute value '$m'");
} else {
$ret = $this->setHourMinuteSecond(
$this->partsecond == 0.0 ?
$this->second :
$this->second + $this->partsecond,
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ setSecond()
* Sets the second field of the date object
* @param mixed $s the second as integer or float
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified
* (defaults to false)
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setHourMinuteSecond(), Date::setDateTime()
public function setSecond($s, $pb_repeatedhourdefault = false)
if ($s > 60 || // Leap seconds possible
$s < 0) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid second value '$s'");
} else {
$ret = $this->setHourMinuteSecond(
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ setPartSecond()
* Sets the part-second field of the date object
* @param float $pn_ps the part-second
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified (defaults
* to false)
* @return void
* @access protected
* @see Date::setHourMinuteSecond(), Date::setDateTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setPartSecond($pn_ps, $pb_repeatedhourdefault = false)
if ($pn_ps >= 1 || $pn_ps < 0) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid part-second value '$pn_ps'");
} else {
$ret = $this->setHourMinuteSecond(
$this->second + $pn_ps,
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ setHourMinuteSecond()
* Sets the hour, minute, second and part-second fields of the date object
* N.B. if the repeated hour, due to the clocks going back, is specified,
* the default is to assume local standard time.
* @param int $h the hour
* @param int $m the minute
* @param mixed $s the second as integer or float
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified
* (defaults to false)
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDateTime()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setHourMinuteSecond($h, $m, $s, $pb_repeatedhourdefault = false)
// Split second into integer and part-second:
if (is_float($s)) {
$hn_second = intval($s);
$hn_partsecond = $s - $hn_second;
} else {
$hn_second = (int)$s;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
// }}}
// {{{ setDateTime()
* Sets all the fields of the date object (day, month, year, hour, minute
* and second)
* If specified year forms an invalid date, then PEAR error will be
* returned. Note that setting each of these fields separately
* may unintentionally return a PEAR error if a transitory date is
* invalid between setting these fields.
* N.B. if the repeated hour, due to the clocks going back, is specified,
* the default is to assume local standard time.
* @param int $pn_day the day
* @param int $pn_month the month
* @param int $pn_year the year
* @param int $pn_hour the hour
* @param int $pn_minute the minute
* @param mixed $pm_second the second as integer or float
* @param bool $pb_repeatedhourdefault whether to assume Summer time if a
* repeated hour is specified
* (defaults to false)
* @return void
* @access public
* @see Date::setDayMonthYear(), Date::setHourMinuteSecond()
* @since Method available since Release 1.5.0
public function setDateTime(
$pb_repeatedhourdefault = false
if (!Date_Calc::isValidDate($d, $m, $y)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"'" .
) .
"' is invalid calendar date",
} else {
// Split second into integer and part-second:
if (is_float($pm_second)) {
$hn_second = intval($pm_second);
$hn_partsecond = $pm_second - $hn_second;
} else {
$hn_second = (int)$pm_second;
$hn_partsecond = 0.0;
// }}}
// }}}
* Local variables:
* mode: php
* tab-width: 4
* c-basic-offset: 4
* c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
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