// return 'select tag, count(tag) as weight from subscription left join profile_tag on tagger = subscriber where subscribed=%d and subscriber != subscribed and tagger = tagged group by tag order by weight desc';
return'select profile_tag.tag, count(profile_tag.tag) as weight from subscription left join (profile_tag, profile_list) on profile_tag.tagger = subscribed and profile_tag.tag = profile_list.tag and profile_tag.tagger = profile_tag.tagger where subscriber=%d and subscribed != subscriber and profile_tag.tagger = profile_tag.tagged and profile_list.private = false and profile_tag.tag is not null group by profile_tag.tag order by weight desc';
// return 'select tag, count(tag) as weight from subscription left join profile_tag on tagger = subscriber where subscribed=%d and subscribed != subscriber and tagger = tagged and tag is not null group by tag order by weight desc';