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Hoa is a <strong>modular</strong>, <strong>extensible</strong> and
<strong>structured</strong> set of PHP libraries.<br />
Moreover, Hoa aims at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds.
# Hoa\Consistency
This library provides a thin layer between PHP VMs and libraries to ensure
consistency accross VM versions and library versions.
[Learn more](https://central.hoa-project.net/Documentation/Library/Consistency).
## Installation
With [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/), to include this library into
your dependencies, you need to
require [`hoa/consistency`](https://packagist.org/packages/hoa/consistency):
$ composer require hoa/consistency '~1.0'
For more installation procedures, please read [the Source
## Testing
Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed:
$ composer install
Then, to run all the test suites:
$ vendor/bin/hoa test:run
For more information, please read the [contributor
## Quick usage
We propose a quick overview of how the consistency API ensures foreward and
backward compatibility, also an overview of the [PSR-4
autoloader](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/) and the xcallable API.
### Foreward and backward compatibility
The `Hoa\Consistency\Consistency` class ensures foreward and backward
#### Example with keywords
The `Hoa\Consistency\Consistency::isKeyword` checks whether a specific word is
reserved by PHP or not. Let's say your current PHP version does not support the
`callable` keyword or type declarations such as `int`, `float`, `string` etc.,
the `isKeyword` method will tell you if they are reserved keywords: Not only
for your current PHP version, but maybe in an incoming version.
$isKeyword = Hoa\Consistency\Consistency::isKeyword('yield');
It avoids to write algorithms that might break in the future or for your users
living on the edge.
#### Example with identifiers
PHP identifiers are defined by a regular expression. It might change in the
future. To prevent breaking your algorithms, you can use the
`Hoa\Consistency\Consistency::isIdentifier` method to check an identifier is
correct regarding current PHP version:
$isValidIdentifier = Hoa\Consistency\Consistency::isIdentifier('foo');
#### Flexible entities
Flexible entities are very simple. If we declare `Foo\Bar\Bar` as a flexible
entity, we will be able to access it with the `Foo\Bar\Bar` name or `Foo\Bar`.
This is very useful if your architecture evolves but you want to keep the
backward compatibility. For instance, it often happens that you create a
`Foo\Bar\Exception` class in the `Foo/Bar/Exception.php` file. But after few
versions, you realise other exceptions need to be introduced, so you need an
`Exception` directory. In this case, `Foo\Bar\Exception` should move as
`Foo\Bar\Exception\Exception`. If this latter is declared as a flexible entity,
backward compatibility will be kept.
Another example is the “entry-class” (informal naming).
`Hoa\Consistency\Consistency` is a good example. This is more convenient to
write `Hoa\Consistency` instead of `Hoa\Consistency\Consistency`. This is
possible because this is a flexible entity.
#### Throwable & co.
The `Throwable` interface has been introduced to represent a whole new exception
architecture in PHP. Thus, to be compatible with incoming PHP versions, you
might want to use this interface in some cases. Hopefully, the `Throwable`
interface will be created for you if it does not exists.
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
### Autoloader
`Hoa\Consistency\Autoloader` is a [PSR-4
compatible](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/) autoloader. It simply works as
* `addNamespace` is used to map a namespace prefix to a directory,
* `register` is used to register the autoloader.
The API also provides the `load` method to force the load of an entity,
`unregister` to unregister the autoloader, `getRegisteredAutoloaders` to get
a list of all registered autoloaders etc.
For instance, to map the `Foo\Bar` namespace to the `Source/` directory:
$autoloader = new Hoa\Consistency\Autoloader();
$autoloader->addNamespace('Foo\Bar', 'Source');
$baz = new Foo\Bar\Baz(); // automatically loaded!
### Xcallable
Xcallables are “extended callables”. It is a unified API to invoke callables of
any kinds, and also extends some Hoa's API (like
[`Hoa\Stream`](https://central.hoa-project.net/Resource/Library/Stream)). It
understands the following kinds:
* `'function'` as a string,
* `'class::method'` as a string,
* `'class', 'method'` as 2 string arguments,
* `$object, 'method'` as 2 arguments,
* `$object, ''` as 2 arguments, the “able” is unknown,
* `function (…) { … }` as a closure,
* `['class', 'method']` as an array of strings,
* `[$object, 'method']` as an array.
To use it, simply instanciate the `Hoa\Consistency\Xcallable` class and use it
as a function:
$xcallable = new Hoa\Consistency\Xcallable('strtoupper');
* Will output:
* string(3) "FOO"
The `Hoa\Consistency\Xcallable::distributeArguments` method invokes the callable
but the arguments are passed as an array:
This is also possible to get a unique hash of the callable:
* Will output:
* string(19) "function#strtoupper"
Finally, this is possible to get a reflection instance of the current callable
(can be of kind [`ReflectionFunction`](http://php.net/ReflectionFunction),
[`ReflectionMethod`](http://php.net/ReflectionMethod) or
* Will output:
* object(ReflectionFunction)#42 (1) {
* ["name"]=>
* string(10) "strtoupper"
* }
When the object is set but not the method, the latter will be deduced if
possible. If the object is of kind
[`Hoa\Stream`](http://central.hoa-project.net/Resource/Library/Stream), then
according to the type of the arguments given to the callable, the
`writeInteger`, `writeString`, `writeArray` etc. method will be used. If the
argument is of kind `Hoa\Event\Bucket`, then the method name will be deduced
based on the data contained inside the event bucket. This is very handy. For
instance, the following example will work seamlessly:
->attach(new Hoa\File\Write('Exceptions.log'));
The `attach` method on `Hoa\Event\Event` transforms its argument as an
xcallable. In this particular case, the method to call is unknown, we only have
an object (of kind `Hoa\File\Write`). However, because this is a stream, the
method will be deduced according to the data contained in the event bucket fired
on the `hoa://Event/Exception` event channel.
## Documentation
[hack book of `Hoa\Consistency`](https://central.hoa-project.net/Documentation/Library/Consistency)
contains detailed information about how to use this library and how it works.
To generate the documentation locally, execute the following commands:
$ composer require --dev hoa/devtools
$ vendor/bin/hoa devtools:documentation --open
More documentation can be found on the project's website:
## Getting help
There are mainly two ways to get help:
* On the [`#hoaproject`](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#hoaproject)
IRC channel,
* On the forum at [users.hoa-project.net](https://users.hoa-project.net).
## Contribution
Do you want to contribute? Thanks! A detailed [contributor
guide](https://hoa-project.net/Literature/Contributor/Guide.html) explains
everything you need to know.
## License
Hoa is under the New BSD License (BSD-3-Clause). Please, see
[`LICENSE`](https://hoa-project.net/LICENSE) for details.