2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
< ? php
* Laconica , the distributed open - source microblogging tool
* Plugin to check submitted notices with Mollom
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE : This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
* Mollom is a bayesian spam checker , wrapped into a webservice
* This plugin is based on the Drupal Mollom module
* @ category Plugin
* @ package Laconica
* @ author Brenda Wallace < brenda @ cpan . org >
* @ license http :// www . fsf . org / licensing / licenses / agpl - 3.0 . html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
if ( ! defined ( 'STATUSNET' )) {
exit ( 1 );
define ( 'MOLLOMPLUGIN_VERSION' , '0.1' );
define ( 'MOLLOM_API_VERSION' , '1.0' );
define ( 'MOLLOM_ANALYSIS_HAM' , 1 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_ANALYSIS_SPAM' , 2 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_ANALYSIS_UNSURE' , 3 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_MODE_DISABLED' , 0 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_MODE_CAPTCHA' , 1 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_MODE_ANALYSIS' , 2 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_FALLBACK_BLOCK' , 0 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_FALLBACK_ACCEPT' , 1 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_ERROR' , 1000 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_REFRESH' , 1100 );
define ( 'MOLLOM_REDIRECT' , 1200 );
* Plugin to check submitted notices with Mollom
* Mollom is a bayesian spam filter provided by webservice .
* @ category Plugin
* @ package Laconica
* @ author Brenda Wallace < shiny @ cpan . org >
* @ license http :// www . fsf . org / licensing / licenses / agpl - 3.0 . html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @ see Event
class MollomPlugin extends Plugin
2010-01-06 00:20:15 -05:00
public $public_key ;
public $private_key ;
public $servers ;
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function onStartNoticeSave ( $notice )
2010-01-06 00:20:15 -05:00
if ( $this -> public_key ) {
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
//Check spam
$data = array (
'post_body' => $notice -> content ,
'author_name' => $profile -> nickname ,
'author_url' => $profile -> homepage ,
'author_id' => $profile -> id ,
'author_ip' => $this -> getClientIp (),
$response = $this -> mollom ( 'mollom.checkContent' , $data );
if ( $response [ 'spam' ] == MOLLOM_ANALYSIS_SPAM ) {
2011-03-30 22:30:23 +02:00
throw new ClientException ( _m ( " Spam Detected. " ), 400 );
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( $response [ 'spam' ] == MOLLOM_ANALYSIS_UNSURE ) {
//if unsure, let through
if ( $response [ 'spam' ] == MOLLOM_ANALYSIS_HAM ) {
// all good! :-)
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
return true ;
function getClientIP () {
if ( isset ( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists ( 'REQUEST_METHOD' , $_SERVER )) {
// Note: order matters here; use proxy-forwarded stuff first
foreach ( array ( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' , 'CLIENT-IP' , 'REMOTE_ADDR' ) as $k ) {
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ $k ])) {
return $_SERVER [ $k ];
return '' ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Call a remote procedure at the Mollom server . This function will
* automatically add the information required to authenticate against
* Mollom .
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function mollom ( $method , $data = array ()) {
if ( ! extension_loaded ( 'xmlrpc' )) {
if ( ! dl ( 'xmlrpc.so' )) {
common_log ( LOG_ERR , " Can't pingback; xmlrpc extension not available. " );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Construct the server URL:
2010-01-06 00:20:15 -05:00
$public_key = $this -> public_key ;
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// Retrieve the list of Mollom servers from the database:
2010-01-06 00:20:15 -05:00
$servers = $this -> servers ;
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if ( $servers == NULL ) {
// Retrieve a list of valid Mollom servers from mollom.com:
$servers = $this -> xmlrpc ( 'http://xmlrpc.mollom.com/' . MOLLOM_API_VERSION , 'mollom.getServerList' , $this -> authentication ());
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Store the list of servers in the database:
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
// TODO! variable_set('mollom_servers', $servers);
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( is_array ( $servers )) {
// Send the request to the first server, if that fails, try the other servers in the list:
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
foreach ( $servers as $server ) {
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
$auth = $this -> authentication ();
$data = array_merge ( $data , $auth );
$result = $this -> xmlrpc ( $server . '/' . MOLLOM_API_VERSION , $method , $data );
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Debug output:
if ( isset ( $data [ 'session_id' ])) {
2010-01-06 00:09:07 -05:00
common_debug ( " called $method at server $server with session ID ' " . $data [ 'session_id' ] . " ' " );
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
else {
2010-01-06 00:09:07 -05:00
common_debug ( " called $method at server $server with no session ID " );
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( $errno = $this -> xmlrpc_errno ()) {
2010-01-06 00:09:07 -05:00
common_log ( LOG_ERR , sprintf ( 'Error @errno: %s - %s - %s - <pre>%s</pre>' , $this -> xmlrpc_errno (), $server , $this -> xmlrpc_error_msg (), $method , print_r ( $data , TRUE )));
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( $errno == MOLLOM_REFRESH ) {
// Retrieve a list of valid Mollom servers from mollom.com:
$servers = $this -> xmlrpc ( 'http://xmlrpc.mollom.com/' . MOLLOM_API_VERSION , 'mollom.getServerList' , $this -> authentication ());
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
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// Store the updated list of servers in the database:
//tODO variable_set('mollom_servers', $servers);
else if ( $errno == MOLLOM_ERROR ) {
return $result ;
else if ( $errno == MOLLOM_REDIRECT ) {
// Do nothing, we select the next client automatically.
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Reset the XMLRPC error:
$this -> xmlrpc_error ( 0 ); // FIXME: this is crazy.
else {
2010-01-06 00:09:07 -05:00
common_debug ( " Result = " . print_r ( $result , TRUE ));
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
return $result ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// If none of the servers worked, activate the fallback mechanism:
2010-01-06 00:09:07 -05:00
common_debug ( " none of the servers worked " );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
// _mollom_fallback();
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// If everything failed, we reset the server list to force Mollom to request a new list:
//TODO variable_set('mollom_servers', array());
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* This function generate an array with all the information required to
* authenticate against Mollom . To prevent that requests are forged and
* that you are impersonated , each request is signed with a hash computed
* based on a private key and a timestamp .
* Both the client and the server share the secret key that is used to
* create the authentication hash based on a timestamp . They both hash
* the timestamp with the secret key , and if the hashes match , the
* authenticity of the message has been validated .
* To avoid that someone can intercept a ( hash , timestamp ) - pair and
* use that to impersonate a client , Mollom will reject the request
* when the timestamp is more than 15 minutes off .
* Make sure your server ' s time is synchronized with the world clocks ,
* and that you don ' t share your private key with anyone else .
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
private function authentication () {
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:20:15 -05:00
$public_key = $this -> public_key ;
$private_key = $this -> private_key ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Generate a timestamp according to the dateTime format (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime):
$time = gmdate ( " Y-m-d \T H:i:s. \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0O " , time ());
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Calculate a HMAC-SHA1 according to RFC2104 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2104.txt):
$hash = base64_encode (
pack ( " H* " , sha1 (( str_pad ( $private_key , 64 , chr ( 0x00 )) ^ ( str_repeat ( chr ( 0x5c ), 64 ))) .
pack ( " H* " , sha1 (( str_pad ( $private_key , 64 , chr ( 0x00 )) ^ ( str_repeat ( chr ( 0x36 ), 64 ))) .
$time ))))
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Store everything in an array. Elsewhere in the code, we'll add the
// acutal data before we pass it onto the XML-RPC library:
$data [ 'public_key' ] = $public_key ;
$data [ 'time' ] = $time ;
$data [ 'hash' ] = $hash ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
return $data ;
function xmlrpc ( $url ) {
//require_once './includes/xmlrpc.inc';
$args = func_get_args ();
return call_user_func_array ( array ( 'MollomPlugin' , '_xmlrpc' ), $args );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Recursively turn a data structure into objects with 'data' and 'type' attributes .
* @ param $data
* The data structure .
* @ param $type
* Optional type assign to $data .
* @ return
* Object .
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_value ( $data , $type = FALSE ) {
$xmlrpc_value = new stdClass ();
$xmlrpc_value -> data = $data ;
if ( ! $type ) {
$type = $this -> xmlrpc_value_calculate_type ( $xmlrpc_value );
$xmlrpc_value -> type = $type ;
if ( $type == 'struct' ) {
// Turn all the values in the array into new xmlrpc_values
foreach ( $xmlrpc_value -> data as $key => $value ) {
$xmlrpc_value -> data [ $key ] = $this -> xmlrpc_value ( $value );
if ( $type == 'array' ) {
for ( $i = 0 , $j = count ( $xmlrpc_value -> data ); $i < $j ; $i ++ ) {
$xmlrpc_value -> data [ $i ] = $this -> xmlrpc_value ( $xmlrpc_value -> data [ $i ]);
return $xmlrpc_value ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Map PHP type to XML - RPC type .
* @ param $xmlrpc_value
* Variable whose type should be mapped .
* @ return
* XML - RPC type as string .
* @ see
* http :// www . xmlrpc . com / spec #scalars
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_value_calculate_type ( & $xmlrpc_value ) {
// http://www.php.net/gettype: Never use gettype() to test for a certain type [...] Instead, use the is_* functions.
if ( is_bool ( $xmlrpc_value -> data )) {
return 'boolean' ;
if ( is_double ( $xmlrpc_value -> data )) {
return 'double' ;
if ( is_int ( $xmlrpc_value -> data )) {
return 'int' ;
if ( is_array ( $xmlrpc_value -> data )) {
// empty or integer-indexed arrays are 'array', string-indexed arrays 'struct'
return empty ( $xmlrpc_value -> data ) || range ( 0 , count ( $xmlrpc_value -> data ) - 1 ) === array_keys ( $xmlrpc_value -> data ) ? 'array' : 'struct' ;
if ( is_object ( $xmlrpc_value -> data )) {
if ( $xmlrpc_value -> data -> is_date ) {
return 'date' ;
if ( $xmlrpc_value -> data -> is_base64 ) {
return 'base64' ;
$xmlrpc_value -> data = get_object_vars ( $xmlrpc_value -> data );
return 'struct' ;
// default
return 'string' ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Generate XML representing the given value .
* @ param $xmlrpc_value
* @ return
* XML representation of value .
function xmlrpc_value_get_xml ( $xmlrpc_value ) {
switch ( $xmlrpc_value -> type ) {
case 'boolean' :
return '<boolean>' . (( $xmlrpc_value -> data ) ? '1' : '0' ) . '</boolean>' ;
break ;
case 'int' :
return '<int>' . $xmlrpc_value -> data . '</int>' ;
break ;
case 'double' :
return '<double>' . $xmlrpc_value -> data . '</double>' ;
break ;
case 'string' :
// Note: we don't escape apostrophes because of the many blogging clients
// that don't support numerical entities (and XML in general) properly.
return '<string>' . htmlspecialchars ( $xmlrpc_value -> data ) . '</string>' ;
break ;
case 'array' :
$return = '<array><data>' . " \n " ;
foreach ( $xmlrpc_value -> data as $item ) {
$return .= ' <value>' . $this -> xmlrpc_value_get_xml ( $item ) . " </value> \n " ;
$return .= '</data></array>' ;
return $return ;
break ;
case 'struct' :
$return = '<struct>' . " \n " ;
foreach ( $xmlrpc_value -> data as $name => $value ) {
$return .= " <member><name> " . htmlentities ( $name ) . " </name><value> " ;
$return .= $this -> xmlrpc_value_get_xml ( $value ) . " </value></member> \n " ;
$return .= '</struct>' ;
return $return ;
break ;
case 'date' :
return $this -> xmlrpc_date_get_xml ( $xmlrpc_value -> data );
break ;
case 'base64' :
return $this -> xmlrpc_base64_get_xml ( $xmlrpc_value -> data );
break ;
return FALSE ;
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Perform an HTTP request .
* This is a flexible and powerful HTTP client implementation . Correctly handles
* GET , POST , PUT or any other HTTP requests . Handles redirects .
* @ param $url
* A string containing a fully qualified URI .
* @ param $headers
* An array containing an HTTP header => value pair .
* @ param $method
* A string defining the HTTP request to use .
* @ param $data
* A string containing data to include in the request .
* @ param $retry
* An integer representing how many times to retry the request in case of a
* redirect .
* @ return
* An object containing the HTTP request headers , response code , headers ,
* data and redirect status .
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function http_request ( $url , $headers = array (), $method = 'GET' , $data = NULL , $retry = 3 ) {
global $db_prefix ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
$result = new stdClass ();
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Parse the URL and make sure we can handle the schema.
$uri = parse_url ( $url );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( $uri == FALSE ) {
$result -> error = 'unable to parse URL' ;
return $result ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( ! isset ( $uri [ 'scheme' ])) {
$result -> error = 'missing schema' ;
return $result ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
switch ( $uri [ 'scheme' ]) {
case 'http' :
$port = isset ( $uri [ 'port' ]) ? $uri [ 'port' ] : 80 ;
$host = $uri [ 'host' ] . ( $port != 80 ? ':' . $port : '' );
$fp = @ fsockopen ( $uri [ 'host' ], $port , $errno , $errstr , 15 );
break ;
case 'https' :
// Note: Only works for PHP 4.3 compiled with OpenSSL.
$port = isset ( $uri [ 'port' ]) ? $uri [ 'port' ] : 443 ;
$host = $uri [ 'host' ] . ( $port != 443 ? ':' . $port : '' );
$fp = @ fsockopen ( 'ssl://' . $uri [ 'host' ], $port , $errno , $errstr , 20 );
break ;
default :
$result -> error = 'invalid schema ' . $uri [ 'scheme' ];
return $result ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Make sure the socket opened properly.
if ( ! $fp ) {
// When a network error occurs, we use a negative number so it does not
// clash with the HTTP status codes.
$result -> code = - $errno ;
$result -> error = trim ( $errstr );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Mark that this request failed. This will trigger a check of the web
// server's ability to make outgoing HTTP requests the next time that
// requirements checking is performed.
// @see system_requirements()
//TODO variable_set('drupal_http_request_fails', TRUE);
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
return $result ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Construct the path to act on.
$path = isset ( $uri [ 'path' ]) ? $uri [ 'path' ] : '/' ;
if ( isset ( $uri [ 'query' ])) {
$path .= '?' . $uri [ 'query' ];
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Create HTTP request.
$defaults = array (
// RFC 2616: "non-standard ports MUST, default ports MAY be included".
// We don't add the port to prevent from breaking rewrite rules checking the
// host that do not take into account the port number.
'Host' => " Host: $host " ,
'User-Agent' => 'User-Agent: Drupal (+http://drupal.org/)' ,
'Content-Length' => 'Content-Length: ' . strlen ( $data )
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// If the server url has a user then attempt to use basic authentication
if ( isset ( $uri [ 'user' ])) {
$defaults [ 'Authorization' ] = 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode ( $uri [ 'user' ] . ( ! empty ( $uri [ 'pass' ]) ? " : " . $uri [ 'pass' ] : '' ));
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// If the database prefix is being used by SimpleTest to run the tests in a copied
// database then set the user-agent header to the database prefix so that any
// calls to other Drupal pages will run the SimpleTest prefixed database. The
// user-agent is used to ensure that multiple testing sessions running at the
// same time won't interfere with each other as they would if the database
// prefix were stored statically in a file or database variable.
if ( is_string ( $db_prefix ) && preg_match ( " /^simpletest \ d+ $ / " , $db_prefix , $matches )) {
$defaults [ 'User-Agent' ] = 'User-Agent: ' . $matches [ 0 ];
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
foreach ( $headers as $header => $value ) {
$defaults [ $header ] = $header . ': ' . $value ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
$request = $method . ' ' . $path . " HTTP/1.0 \r \n " ;
$request .= implode ( " \r \n " , $defaults );
$request .= " \r \n \r \n " ;
$request .= $data ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
$result -> request = $request ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
fwrite ( $fp , $request );
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Fetch response.
$response = '' ;
while ( ! feof ( $fp ) && $chunk = fread ( $fp , 1024 )) {
$response .= $chunk ;
fclose ( $fp );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Parse response.
list ( $split , $result -> data ) = explode ( " \r \n \r \n " , $response , 2 );
$split = preg_split ( " / \r \n | \n | \r / " , $split );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
list ( $protocol , $code , $text ) = explode ( ' ' , trim ( array_shift ( $split )), 3 );
$result -> headers = array ();
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
// Parse headers.
while ( $line = trim ( array_shift ( $split ))) {
list ( $header , $value ) = explode ( ':' , $line , 2 );
if ( isset ( $result -> headers [ $header ]) && $header == 'Set-Cookie' ) {
// RFC 2109: the Set-Cookie response header comprises the token Set-
// Cookie:, followed by a comma-separated list of one or more cookies.
$result -> headers [ $header ] .= ',' . trim ( $value );
else {
$result -> headers [ $header ] = trim ( $value );
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
$responses = array (
100 => 'Continue' , 101 => 'Switching Protocols' ,
200 => 'OK' , 201 => 'Created' , 202 => 'Accepted' , 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information' , 204 => 'No Content' , 205 => 'Reset Content' , 206 => 'Partial Content' ,
300 => 'Multiple Choices' , 301 => 'Moved Permanently' , 302 => 'Found' , 303 => 'See Other' , 304 => 'Not Modified' , 305 => 'Use Proxy' , 307 => 'Temporary Redirect' ,
400 => 'Bad Request' , 401 => 'Unauthorized' , 402 => 'Payment Required' , 403 => 'Forbidden' , 404 => 'Not Found' , 405 => 'Method Not Allowed' , 406 => 'Not Acceptable' , 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required' , 408 => 'Request Time-out' , 409 => 'Conflict' , 410 => 'Gone' , 411 => 'Length Required' , 412 => 'Precondition Failed' , 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large' , 414 => 'Request-URI Too Large' , 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type' , 416 => 'Requested range not satisfiable' , 417 => 'Expectation Failed' ,
500 => 'Internal Server Error' , 501 => 'Not Implemented' , 502 => 'Bad Gateway' , 503 => 'Service Unavailable' , 504 => 'Gateway Time-out' , 505 => 'HTTP Version not supported'
// RFC 2616 states that all unknown HTTP codes must be treated the same as the
// base code in their class.
if ( ! isset ( $responses [ $code ])) {
$code = floor ( $code / 100 ) * 100 ;
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
switch ( $code ) {
case 200 : // OK
case 304 : // Not modified
break ;
case 301 : // Moved permanently
case 302 : // Moved temporarily
case 307 : // Moved temporarily
$location = $result -> headers [ 'Location' ];
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( $retry ) {
$result = drupal_http_request ( $result -> headers [ 'Location' ], $headers , $method , $data , -- $retry );
$result -> redirect_code = $result -> code ;
$result -> redirect_url = $location ;
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break ;
default :
$result -> error = $text ;
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
$result -> code = $code ;
return $result ;
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2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Construct an object representing an XML - RPC message .
* @ param $message
* String containing XML as defined at http :// www . xmlrpc . com / spec
* @ return
* Object
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_message ( $message ) {
$xmlrpc_message = new stdClass ();
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs = array (); // The stack used to keep track of the current array/struct
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs_types = array (); // The stack used to keep track of if things are structs or array
$xmlrpc_message -> current_struct_name = array (); // A stack as well
$xmlrpc_message -> message = $message ;
return $xmlrpc_message ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Parse an XML - RPC message . If parsing fails , the faultCode and faultString
* will be added to the message object .
* @ param $xmlrpc_message
* Object generated by xmlrpc_message ()
* @ return
* TRUE if parsing succeeded ; FALSE otherwise
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_message_parse ( & $xmlrpc_message ) {
// First remove the XML declaration
$xmlrpc_message -> message = preg_replace ( '/<\?xml(.*)?\?' . '>/' , '' , $xmlrpc_message -> message );
if ( trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> message ) == '' ) {
return FALSE ;
$xmlrpc_message -> _parser = xml_parser_create ();
// Set XML parser to take the case of tags into account.
xml_parser_set_option ( $xmlrpc_message -> _parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , FALSE );
// Set XML parser callback functions
xml_set_element_handler ( $xmlrpc_message -> _parser , array ( 'MollomPlugin' , 'xmlrpc_message_tag_open' ), array ( 'MollomPlugin' , 'xmlrpc_message_tag_close' ));
xml_set_character_data_handler ( $xmlrpc_message -> _parser , array ( 'MollomPlugin' , 'xmlrpc_message_cdata' ));
$this -> xmlrpc_message_set ( $xmlrpc_message );
if ( ! xml_parse ( $xmlrpc_message -> _parser , $xmlrpc_message -> message )) {
return FALSE ;
xml_parser_free ( $xmlrpc_message -> _parser );
// Grab the error messages, if any
$xmlrpc_message = $this -> xmlrpc_message_get ();
if ( $xmlrpc_message -> messagetype == 'fault' ) {
$xmlrpc_message -> fault_code = $xmlrpc_message -> params [ 0 ][ 'faultCode' ];
$xmlrpc_message -> fault_string = $xmlrpc_message -> params [ 0 ][ 'faultString' ];
return TRUE ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Store a copy of the $xmlrpc_message object temporarily .
* @ param $value
* Object
* @ return
* The most recently stored $xmlrpc_message
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_message_set ( $value = NULL ) {
static $xmlrpc_message ;
if ( $value ) {
$xmlrpc_message = $value ;
return $xmlrpc_message ;
function xmlrpc_message_get () {
return $this -> xmlrpc_message_set ();
function xmlrpc_message_tag_open ( $parser , $tag , $attr ) {
$xmlrpc_message = $this -> xmlrpc_message_get ();
$xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents = '' ;
$xmlrpc_message -> last_open = $tag ;
switch ( $tag ) {
case 'methodCall' :
case 'methodResponse' :
case 'fault' :
$xmlrpc_message -> messagetype = $tag ;
break ;
// Deal with stacks of arrays and structs
case 'data' :
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs_types [] = 'array' ;
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs [] = array ();
break ;
case 'struct' :
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs_types [] = 'struct' ;
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs [] = array ();
break ;
$this -> xmlrpc_message_set ( $xmlrpc_message );
function xmlrpc_message_cdata ( $parser , $cdata ) {
$xmlrpc_message = $this -> xmlrpc_message_get ();
$xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents .= $cdata ;
$this -> xmlrpc_message_set ( $xmlrpc_message );
function xmlrpc_message_tag_close ( $parser , $tag ) {
$xmlrpc_message = $this -> xmlrpc_message_get ();
$value_flag = FALSE ;
switch ( $tag ) {
case 'int' :
case 'i4' :
$value = ( int ) trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents );
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'double' :
$value = ( double ) trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents );
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'string' :
$value = $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents ;
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'dateTime.iso8601' :
$value = xmlrpc_date ( trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents ));
// $value = $iso->getTimestamp();
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'value' :
// If no type is indicated, the type is string
// We take special care for empty values
if ( trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents ) != '' || ( isset ( $xmlrpc_message -> last_open ) && ( $xmlrpc_message -> last_open == 'value' ))) {
$value = ( string ) $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents ;
$value_flag = TRUE ;
unset ( $xmlrpc_message -> last_open );
break ;
case 'boolean' :
$value = ( boolean ) trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents );
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'base64' :
$value = base64_decode ( trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents ));
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
// Deal with stacks of arrays and structs
case 'data' :
case 'struct' :
$value = array_pop ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs );
array_pop ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs_types );
$value_flag = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'member' :
array_pop ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_struct_name );
break ;
case 'name' :
$xmlrpc_message -> current_struct_name [] = trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents );
break ;
case 'methodName' :
$xmlrpc_message -> methodname = trim ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents );
break ;
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
if ( $value_flag ) {
if ( count ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs ) > 0 ) {
// Add value to struct or array
if ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs_types [ count ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs_types ) - 1 ] == 'struct' ) {
// Add to struct
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs [ count ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs ) - 1 ][ $xmlrpc_message -> current_struct_name [ count ( $xmlrpc_message -> current_struct_name ) - 1 ]] = $value ;
else {
// Add to array
$xmlrpc_message -> array_structs [ count ( $xmlrpc_message -> array_structs ) - 1 ][] = $value ;
else {
// Just add as a parameter
$xmlrpc_message -> params [] = $value ;
if ( ! in_array ( $tag , array ( " data " , " struct " , " member " ))) {
$xmlrpc_message -> current_tag_contents = '' ;
$this -> xmlrpc_message_set ( $xmlrpc_message );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Construct an object representing an XML - RPC request
* @ param $method
* The name of the method to be called
* @ param $args
* An array of parameters to send with the method .
* @ return
* Object
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_request ( $method , $args ) {
$xmlrpc_request = new stdClass ();
$xmlrpc_request -> method = $method ;
$xmlrpc_request -> args = $args ;
$xmlrpc_request -> xml = <<< EOD
< ? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
< methodCall >
< methodName > { $xmlrpc_request -> method } </ methodName >
< params >
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
foreach ( $xmlrpc_request -> args as $arg ) {
$xmlrpc_request -> xml .= '<param><value>' ;
$v = $this -> xmlrpc_value ( $arg );
$xmlrpc_request -> xml .= $this -> xmlrpc_value_get_xml ( $v );
$xmlrpc_request -> xml .= " </value></param> \n " ;
$xmlrpc_request -> xml .= '</params></methodCall>' ;
return $xmlrpc_request ;
function xmlrpc_error ( $code = NULL , $message = NULL , $reset = FALSE ) {
static $xmlrpc_error ;
if ( isset ( $code )) {
$xmlrpc_error = new stdClass ();
$xmlrpc_error -> is_error = TRUE ;
$xmlrpc_error -> code = $code ;
$xmlrpc_error -> message = $message ;
elseif ( $reset ) {
$xmlrpc_error = NULL ;
return $xmlrpc_error ;
function xmlrpc_error_get_xml ( $xmlrpc_error ) {
return <<< EOD
< methodResponse >
< fault >
< value >
< struct >
< member >
< name > faultCode </ name >
< value >< int > { $xmlrpc_error -> code } </ int ></ value >
</ member >
< member >
< name > faultString </ name >
< value >< string > { $xmlrpc_error -> message } </ string ></ value >
</ member >
</ struct >
</ value >
</ fault >
</ methodResponse >
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_date ( $time ) {
$xmlrpc_date = new stdClass ();
$xmlrpc_date -> is_date = TRUE ;
// $time can be a PHP timestamp or an ISO one
if ( is_numeric ( $time )) {
$xmlrpc_date -> year = gmdate ( 'Y' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> month = gmdate ( 'm' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> day = gmdate ( 'd' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> hour = gmdate ( 'H' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> minute = gmdate ( 'i' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> second = gmdate ( 's' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> iso8601 = gmdate ( 'Ymd\TH:i:s' , $time );
else {
$xmlrpc_date -> iso8601 = $time ;
$time = str_replace ( array ( '-' , ':' ), '' , $time );
$xmlrpc_date -> year = substr ( $time , 0 , 4 );
$xmlrpc_date -> month = substr ( $time , 4 , 2 );
$xmlrpc_date -> day = substr ( $time , 6 , 2 );
$xmlrpc_date -> hour = substr ( $time , 9 , 2 );
$xmlrpc_date -> minute = substr ( $time , 11 , 2 );
$xmlrpc_date -> second = substr ( $time , 13 , 2 );
return $xmlrpc_date ;
function xmlrpc_date_get_xml ( $xmlrpc_date ) {
return '<dateTime.iso8601>' . $xmlrpc_date -> year . $xmlrpc_date -> month . $xmlrpc_date -> day . 'T' . $xmlrpc_date -> hour . ':' . $xmlrpc_date -> minute . ':' . $xmlrpc_date -> second . '</dateTime.iso8601>' ;
function xmlrpc_base64 ( $data ) {
$xmlrpc_base64 = new stdClass ();
$xmlrpc_base64 -> is_base64 = TRUE ;
$xmlrpc_base64 -> data = $data ;
return $xmlrpc_base64 ;
function xmlrpc_base64_get_xml ( $xmlrpc_base64 ) {
return '<base64>' . base64_encode ( $xmlrpc_base64 -> data ) . '</base64>' ;
* Execute an XML remote procedural call . This is private function ; call xmlrpc ()
* in common . inc instead of this function .
* @ return
* A $xmlrpc_message object if the call succeeded ; FALSE if the call failed
function _xmlrpc () {
$args = func_get_args ();
$url = array_shift ( $args );
$this -> xmlrpc_clear_error ();
if ( is_array ( $args [ 0 ])) {
$method = 'system.multicall' ;
$multicall_args = array ();
foreach ( $args [ 0 ] as $call ) {
$multicall_args [] = array ( 'methodName' => array_shift ( $call ), 'params' => $call );
$args = array ( $multicall_args );
else {
$method = array_shift ( $args );
$xmlrpc_request = $this -> xmlrpc_request ( $method , $args );
$result = $this -> http_request ( $url , array ( " Content-Type " => " text/xml " ), 'POST' , $xmlrpc_request -> xml );
if ( $result -> code != 200 ) {
$this -> xmlrpc_error ( $result -> code , $result -> error );
return FALSE ;
$message = $this -> xmlrpc_message ( $result -> data );
// Now parse what we've got back
if ( ! $this -> xmlrpc_message_parse ( $message )) {
// XML error
$this -> xmlrpc_error ( - 32700 , t ( 'Parse error. Not well formed' ));
return FALSE ;
// Is the message a fault?
if ( $message -> messagetype == 'fault' ) {
$this -> xmlrpc_error ( $message -> fault_code , $message -> fault_string );
return FALSE ;
// Message must be OK
return $message -> params [ 0 ];
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Returns the last XML - RPC client error number
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_errno () {
$error = $this -> xmlrpc_error ();
return ( $error != NULL ? $error -> code : NULL );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Returns the last XML - RPC client error message
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00
function xmlrpc_error_msg () {
$error = xmlrpc_error ();
return ( $error != NULL ? $error -> message : NULL );
2011-04-25 19:18:43 +02:00
* Clears any previous error .
function xmlrpc_clear_error () {
$this -> xmlrpc_error ( NULL , NULL , TRUE );
2010-01-06 00:06:43 -05:00