2008-08-25 15:29:46 -04:00
< ? php
* Laconica - a distributed open - source microblogging tool
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 , Controlez - Vous , Inc .
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
if ( ! defined ( 'LACONICA' )) { exit ( 1 ); }
class InviteAction extends Action {
function is_readonly () {
return false ;
function handle ( $args ) {
parent :: handle ( $args );
if ( ! common_logged_in ()) {
$this -> client_error ( sprintf ( _ ( 'You must be logged in to invite other users to use %s' ),
common_config ( 'site' , 'name' )));
return ;
} else if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' ) {
2008-08-25 22:12:27 -04:00
$this -> send_invitation ();
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} else {
$this -> show_form ();
function send_invitation () {
2008-08-25 22:12:27 -04:00
$user = common_current_user ();
$profile = $user -> getProfile ();
$bestname = $profile -> getBestName ();
$sitename = common_config ( 'site' , 'name' );
$personal = $this -> trimmed ( 'personal' );
$addresses = explode ( " \n " , $this -> trimmed ( 'addresses' ));
foreach ( $addresses as $email ) {
$email = trim ( $email );
if ( ! Validate :: email ( $email , true )) {
$this -> show_form ( sprintf ( _ ( 'Invalid email address: %s' ), $email ));
return ;
foreach ( $addresses as $email ) {
$email = trim ( $email );
$recipients = array ( $email );
$headers [ 'From' ] = mail_notify_from ();
$headers [ 'To' ] = $email ;
$headers [ 'Subject' ] = sprintf ( _ ( '%1s has invited you to join them on %2s' ), $bestname , $sitename );
$body = sprintf ( _ ( " %1s has invited you to join them on %2s (%3s). \n \n " .
" %4s is a micro-blogging service that lets you keep up-to-date with people you know and people who interest you. \n \n " .
" You can also share news about yourself, your thoughts, or your life online with people who know about you. \n \n " .
" %5s said: \n \n %6s \n \n " .
" You can see %7s's profile page on %8s here: \n \n " .
" %9s \n \n " .
" If you'd like to try the service, click on the link below to accept the invitation. \n \n " .
" %10s \n \n " .
" If not, you can ignore this message. Thanks for your patience and your time. \n \n " .
" Sincerely, %11s \n " ),
$bestname , $sitename , common_root_url (),
$sitename ,
$bestname , $personal ,
$bestname , $sitename ,
common_local_url ( 'showstream' , array ( 'nickname' => $user -> nickname )),
common_local_url ( 'register' , array ( 'code' => $invite -> code )),
$sitename );
mail_send ( $recipients , $headers , $body );
common_show_header ( _ ( 'Invitation(s) sent' ));
common_element ( 'p' , NULL , _ ( 'Invitation(s) sent. You will be notified when your invitees accept the invitation and register on the site. Thanks for growing the community!' ));
common_show_footer ();
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function show_top ( $error = NULL ) {
if ( $error ) {
common_element ( 'p' , 'error' , $error );
} else {
2008-08-25 15:37:38 -04:00
common_element_start ( 'div' , 'instructions' );
common_element ( 'p' , NULL ,
2008-08-25 15:29:46 -04:00
_ ( 'Use this form to invite your friends and colleagues to use this service.' ));
2008-08-25 15:37:38 -04:00
common_element_end ( 'div' );
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function show_form ( $error = NULL ) {
global $config ;
common_show_header ( _ ( 'Invite new users' ), NULL , $error , array ( $this , 'show_top' ));
common_element_start ( 'form' , array ( 'method' => 'post' ,
'id' => 'invite' ,
'action' => common_local_url ( 'invite' )));
common_textarea ( 'addresses' , _ ( 'Email addresses' ),
$this -> trimmed ( 'addresses' ),
_ ( 'Addresses of friends to invite (one per line)' ));
common_textarea ( 'personal' , _ ( 'Personal message' ),
$this -> trimmed ( 'personal' ),
_ ( 'Optionally add a personal message to the invitation.' ));
common_submit ( 'preview' , _ ( 'Preview' ));
2008-08-25 15:37:38 -04:00
common_element_end ( 'form' );
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common_show_footer ();