diff --git a/plugins/Msn/extlib/phpmsnclass/msn.class.php b/plugins/Msn/extlib/phpmsnclass/msn.class.php
index c387bbeae9..030cc5dc04 100644
--- a/plugins/Msn/extlib/phpmsnclass/msn.class.php
+++ b/plugins/Msn/extlib/phpmsnclass/msn.class.php
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class MSN {
private $ABAuthHeader;
private $ABService;
private $Contacts;
+ private $IgnoreList;
public $server = 'messenger.hotmail.com';
public $port = 1863;
@@ -107,18 +108,6 @@ class MSN {
// for YIM: 518 bytes
public $max_msn_message_len = 1664;
public $max_yahoo_message_len = 518;
- // Begin added for StatusNet
- private $aContactList = array();
- private $switchBoardSessions = array();
- /**
- * Event Handler Functions
- */
- private $myEventHandlers = array();
- // End added for StatusNet
private function Array2SoapVar($Array,$ReturnSoapVarObj=true,$TypeName=null,$TypeNameSpace=null)
@@ -158,6 +147,15 @@ class MSN {
$this->log_message("*** someone kill me ***");
+ private function IsIgnoreMail($Email)
+ {
+ if($this->IgnoreList==false) return false;
+ foreach($this->IgnoreList as $Pattern)
+ {
+ if(preg_match($Pattern,$Email)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
public function __construct ($Configs=array(), $timeout = 15, $client_id = 0x7000800C)
$this->user = $Configs['user'];
@@ -171,6 +169,7 @@ class MSN {
$this->backup_file = isset($Configs['backup_file']) ? $Configs['backup_file'] : true;
$this->update_pending = isset($Configs['update_pending']) ? $Configs['update_pending'] : true;
+ $this->IgnoreList=isset($Configs['IgnoreList'])?$Configs['IgnoreList']:false;
if($this->Emotions = isset($Configs['Emotions']) ? $Configs['Emotions']:false)
foreach($this->Emotions as $EmotionFilePath)
@@ -532,99 +531,6 @@ class MSN {
return true;
- $ABContactAdd=new SoapParam($this->Array2SoapVar($ABContactAddArray),'ABContactAdd');
- // add contact for WLM
- $ticket = htmlspecialchars($this->ticket['contact_ticket']);
- $displayName = htmlspecialchars($display);
- $user = $email;
- $XML = '
- CFE80F9D-180F-4399-82AB-413F33A1FA11
- false
- ContactSave
- false
- '.$ticket.'
- 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- LivePending
- '.$user.'
- true
- '.$displayName.'
- true
- $header_array = array(
- 'SOAPAction: '.$this->addcontact_soap,
- 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
- 'User-Agent: MSN Explorer/9.0 (MSN 8.0; TmstmpExt)'
- );
- $this->debug_message("*** URL: $this->addcontact_url");
- $this->debug_message("*** Sending SOAP:\n$XML");
- $curl = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->addcontact_url);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header_array);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
- if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $XML);
- $data = curl_exec($curl);
- $http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
- curl_close($curl);
- $this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
- if ($http_code != 200) {
- preg_match('#(.*)(.*)#', $data, $matches);
- if (count($matches) == 0) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't add contact (network: $network) $email");
- return false;
- }
- $faultcode = trim($matches[1]);
- $faultstring = trim($matches[2]);
- $this->log_message("*** can't add contact (network: $network) $email, error code: $faultcode, $faultstring");
- return false;
- }
- $this->log_message("*** add contact (network: $network) $email");
- if ($sendADL && !feof($this->NSfp)) {
- @list($u_name, $u_domain) = @explode('@', $email);
- foreach (array('1', '2') as $l) {
- $str = '';
- $len = strlen($str);
- // NS: >>> ADL {id} {size}
- $this->ns_writeln("ADL $this->id $len");
- $this->ns_writedata($str);
- }
- }
- $this->UpdateContacts();
- return true;
function delMemberFromList($memberID, $email, $network, $list) {
@@ -934,7 +840,7 @@ class MSN {
$http_code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$this->debug_message("*** Get Result:\n$data");
- if(($http_code != 200)||(!$returnData)) return array();
+ if($http_code != 200) return array();
$p = $data;
$aMemberships = array();
while (1) {
@@ -1562,7 +1468,7 @@ class MSN {
$start_tm = time();
$ping_tm = time();
stream_set_timeout($this->NSfp, $this->NSStreamTimeout);
- $aContactList = $this->getMembershipList(true);
+ $aContactList = $this->getMembershipList();
if ($this->update_pending) {
if (is_array($aContactList)) {
$pending = 'Pending';
@@ -2102,6 +2008,11 @@ class MSN {
$this->log_message("NS: <<< RNG $data");
@list(/* RNG */, $sid, $server, /* auth_type */, $ticket, $email, $name, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
@list($sb_ip, $sb_port) = @explode(':', $server);
+ if($this->IsIgnoreMail($email))
+ {
+ $this->log_message("*** Ignore RNG from $email");
+ break;
+ }
$this->log_message("*** RING from $email, $sb_ip:$sb_port");
$this->addContact($email,1,$email, true);
@@ -2132,7 +2043,7 @@ class MSN {
- $code = substr($data,0,3);
+ $code = substr($data,0,3);
if (is_numeric($code)) {
$this->error = "Error code: $code, please check the detail information from: http://msnpiki.msnfanatic.com/index.php/Reference:Error_List";
$this->debug_message("*** NS: $this->error");
@@ -2329,7 +2240,7 @@ class MSN {
- $LastActive=time();
+ if(!$this->IsIgnoreMail($user)) $LastActive = time();
$code = substr($data, 0, 3);
@@ -2725,7 +2636,7 @@ class MSN {
- $LastActive = time();
+ if(!$this->IsIgnoreMail($user)) $LastActive = time();
if (feof($this->SBFp))
@@ -3089,7 +3000,7 @@ X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
$start_tm = time();
$ping_tm = time();
stream_set_timeout($this->NSfp, $this->NSStreamTimeout);
- $this->aContactList = $this->getMembershipList(true);
+ $this->aContactList = $this->getMembershipList();
if ($this->update_pending) {
if (is_array($this->aContactList)) {
$pending = 'Pending';
@@ -3182,7 +3093,7 @@ X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
// NS: >>> CHG {id} {status} {clientid} {msnobj}
$this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
- $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
+ $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
// NS: >>> UUX {id} length
$str = ''.htmlspecialchars($this->psm).'';
$len = strlen($str);
@@ -3201,477 +3112,465 @@ X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
$data = $this->ns_readln();
- /*if($data===false)
- {
- if(count($this->ChildProcess)<$this->MAXChildProcess)
+ if($data === false) {
+ // There was no data / an error when reading from the socket so reconnect
+ $this->signon();
+ } else {
+ switch (substr($data,0,3))
- $Index=0;
- foreach($this->MessageQueue as $User => $Message)
- {
- if(!trim($User)) continue;
- if($Inxdex>=$this->MAXChildProcess-count($this->ChildProcess)) break;
- if((!$Message['XFRSent'])||($Message['XFRSent']&&(time()-$this->MessageQueue[$User]['ReqTime']>$this->ReqSBXFRTimeout)))
- {
- $this->MessageQueue[$User]['XFRSent']=true;
- $this->MessageQueue[$User]['ReqTime']=time();
- $this->log_message("*** Request SB for $User");
- $this->ns_writeln("XFR $this->id SB");
- $Index++;
+ case 'SBS':
+ // after 'USR {id} OK {user} {verify} 0' response, the server will send SBS and profile to us
+ // NS: <<< SBS 0 null
+ break;
+ case 'RFS':
+ // FIXME:
+ // NS: <<< RFS ???
+ // refresh ADL, so we re-send it again
+ if (is_array($aADL)) {
+ foreach ($aADL as $str) {
+ $len = strlen($str);
+ // NS: >>> ADL {id} {size}
+ $this->ns_writeln("ADL $this->id $len");
+ $this->ns_writedata($str);
+ }
- }
- }
- if($this->ProcessSendMessageFileQueue()) continue;
- break;
- }*/
- switch (substr($data,0,3))
- {
- case 'SBS':
- // after 'USR {id} OK {user} {verify} 0' response, the server will send SBS and profile to us
- // NS: <<< SBS 0 null
- break;
- case 'RFS':
- // FIXME:
- // NS: <<< RFS ???
- // refresh ADL, so we re-send it again
- if (is_array($aADL)) {
- foreach ($aADL as $str) {
- $len = strlen($str);
- // NS: >>> ADL {id} {size}
- $this->ns_writeln("ADL $this->id $len");
- $this->ns_writedata($str);
+ break;
+ case 'LST':
+ // NS: <<< LST {email} {alias} 11 0
+ @list(/* LST */, $email, /* alias */, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ @list($u_name, $u_domain) = @explode('@', $email);
+ if (!isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][1])) {
+ $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][1]['Allow'] = 'Allow';
+ $this->log_message("*** add to our contact list: $u_name@$u_domain");
- }
- break;
- case 'LST':
- // NS: <<< LST {email} {alias} 11 0
- @list(/* LST */, $email, /* alias */, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
- @list($u_name, $u_domain) = @explode('@', $email);
- if (!isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][1])) {
- $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][1]['Allow'] = 'Allow';
- $this->log_message("*** add to our contact list: $u_name@$u_domain");
- }
- break;
- case 'ADL':
- // randomly, we get ADL command, someome add us to their contact list for MSNP15
- // NS: <<< ADL 0 {size}
- @list(/* ADL */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
- if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
- {
- $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
- preg_match('##', $data, $matches);
- if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0)
+ break;
+ case 'ADL':
+ // randomly, we get ADL command, someome add us to their contact list for MSNP15
+ // NS: <<< ADL 0 {size}
+ @list(/* ADL */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
- $u_domain = $matches[1];
- $u_name = $matches[2];
- $network = $matches[4];
- if (isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]))
- $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) add us to their list (but already in our list): $u_name@$u_domain");
- else
+ $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
+ preg_match('##', $data, $matches);
+ if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0)
- $re_login = false;
- $cnt = 0;
- foreach (array('Allow', 'Reverse') as $list)
+ $u_domain = $matches[1];
+ $u_name = $matches[2];
+ $network = $matches[4];
+ if (isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]))
+ $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) add us to their list (but already in our list): $u_name@$u_domain");
+ else
- if (!$this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list))
+ $re_login = false;
+ $cnt = 0;
+ foreach (array('Allow', 'Reverse') as $list)
- if ($re_login) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list");
- continue;
- }
- $aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
- if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
- // failed to login? ignore it
- $this->log_message("*** can't re-login, something wrong here");
- $this->log_message("*** can't add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list");
- continue;
- }
- $re_login = true;
- $this->ticket = $aTickets;
- $this->log_message("**** get new ticket, try it again");
if (!$this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list))
- $this->log_message("*** can't add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list");
- continue;
+ if ($re_login) {
+ $this->log_message("*** can't add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
+ if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
+ // failed to login? ignore it
+ $this->log_message("*** can't re-login, something wrong here");
+ $this->log_message("*** can't add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $re_login = true;
+ $this->ticket = $aTickets;
+ $this->log_message("**** get new ticket, try it again");
+ if (!$this->addMemberToList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list))
+ {
+ $this->log_message("*** can't add $u_name@$u_domain (network: $network) to $list");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network][$list] = false;
+ $cnt++;
- $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network][$list] = false;
- $cnt++;
+ $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) add us to their list: $u_name@$u_domain");
- $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) add us to their list: $u_name@$u_domain");
- }
- $str = '';
- $len = strlen($str);
- }
- else
- $this->log_message("*** someone add us to their list: $data");
- $this->AddUsToMemberList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network);
- }
- break;
- case 'RML':
- // randomly, we get RML command, someome remove us to their contact list for MSNP15
- // NS: <<< RML 0 {size}
- @list(/* RML */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
- if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
- {
- $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
- preg_match('##', $data, $matches);
- if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0)
- {
- $u_domain = $matches[1];
- $u_name = $matches[2];
- $network = $matches[4];
- if (isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]))
- {
- $aData = $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network];
- foreach ($aData as $list => $id)
- $this->delMemberFromList($id, $u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list);
- unset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]);
- $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) remove us from their list: $u_name@$u_domain");
+ $str = '';
+ $len = strlen($str);
- $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) remove us from their list (but not in our list): $u_name@$u_domain");
- $this->RemoveUsFromMemberList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network);
+ $this->log_message("*** someone add us to their list: $data");
+ $this->AddUsToMemberList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network);
- else
- $this->log_message("*** someone remove us from their list: $data");
- }
- break;
- case 'MSG':
- // randomly, we get MSG notification from server
- // NS: <<< MSG Hotmail Hotmail {size}
- @list(/* MSG */, /* Hotmail */, /* Hotmail */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
- if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0) {
- $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
- $aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
- $header = true;
- $ignore = false;
- $maildata = '';
- foreach ($aLines as $line) {
- $line = rtrim($line);
- if ($header) {
- if ($line === '') {
- $header = false;
+ break;
+ case 'RML':
+ // randomly, we get RML command, someome remove us to their contact list for MSNP15
+ // NS: <<< RML 0 {size}
+ @list(/* RML */, /* 0 */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
+ {
+ $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
+ preg_match('##', $data, $matches);
+ if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 0)
+ {
+ $u_domain = $matches[1];
+ $u_name = $matches[2];
+ $network = $matches[4];
+ if (isset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]))
+ {
+ $aData = $this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network];
+ foreach ($aData as $list => $id)
+ $this->delMemberFromList($id, $u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network, $list);
+ unset($this->aContactList[$u_domain][$u_name][$network]);
+ $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) remove us from their list: $u_name@$u_domain");
+ }
+ else
+ $this->log_message("*** someone (network: $network) remove us from their list (but not in our list): $u_name@$u_domain");
+ $this->RemoveUsFromMemberList($u_name.'@'.$u_domain, $network);
+ }
+ else
+ $this->log_message("*** someone remove us from their list: $data");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'MSG':
+ // randomly, we get MSG notification from server
+ // NS: <<< MSG Hotmail Hotmail {size}
+ @list(/* MSG */, /* Hotmail */, /* Hotmail */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0) {
+ $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
+ $aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
+ $header = true;
+ $ignore = false;
+ $maildata = '';
+ foreach ($aLines as $line) {
+ $line = rtrim($line);
+ if ($header) {
+ if ($line === '') {
+ $header = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncasecmp($line, 'Content-Type:', 13) == 0) {
+ if (strpos($line, 'text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification') === false &&
+ strpos($line, 'text/x-msmsgsoimnotification') === false) {
+ // we just need text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification
+ // or text/x-msmsgsoimnotification
+ $ignore = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- if (strncasecmp($line, 'Content-Type:', 13) == 0) {
- if (strpos($line, 'text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification') === false &&
- strpos($line, 'text/x-msmsgsoimnotification') === false) {
- // we just need text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification
- // or text/x-msmsgsoimnotification
- $ignore = true;
+ if (strncasecmp($line, 'Mail-Data:', 10) == 0) {
+ $maildata = trim(substr($line, 10));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ignore) {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore MSG for: $line");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($maildata == '') {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore MSG not for OIM");
+ break;
+ }
+ $re_login = false;
+ if (strcasecmp($maildata, 'too-large') == 0) {
+ $this->log_message("*** large mail-data, need to get the data via SOAP");
+ $maildata = $this->getOIM_maildata();
+ if ($maildata === false) {
+ $this->log_message("*** can't get mail-data via SOAP");
+ // maybe we need to re-login again
+ $aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
+ if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
+ // failed to login? ignore it
+ $this->log_message("*** can't re-login, something wrong here, ignore this OIM");
+ break;
+ }
+ $re_login = true;
+ $this->ticket = $aTickets;
+ $this->log_message("**** get new ticket, try it again");
+ $maildata = $this->getOIM_maildata();
+ if ($maildata === false) {
+ $this->log_message("*** can't get mail-data via SOAP, and we already re-login again, so ignore this OIM");
- continue;
- if (strncasecmp($line, 'Mail-Data:', 10) == 0) {
- $maildata = trim(substr($line, 10));
+ // could be a lots of ..., so we can't use preg_match here
+ $p = $maildata;
+ $aOIMs = array();
+ while (1) {
+ $start = strpos($p, '');
+ $end = strpos($p, '');
+ if ($start === false || $end === false || $start > $end) break;
+ $end += 4;
+ $sOIM = substr($p, $start, $end - $start);
+ $aOIMs[] = $sOIM;
+ $p = substr($p, $end);
+ }
+ if (count($aOIMs) == 0) {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore empty OIM");
- }
- if ($ignore) {
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore MSG for: $line");
- break;
- }
- if ($maildata == '') {
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore MSG not for OIM");
- break;
- }
- $re_login = false;
- if (strcasecmp($maildata, 'too-large') == 0) {
- $this->log_message("*** large mail-data, need to get the data via SOAP");
- $maildata = $this->getOIM_maildata();
- if ($maildata === false) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't get mail-data via SOAP");
- // maybe we need to re-login again
- $aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
- if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
- // failed to login? ignore it
- $this->log_message("*** can't re-login, something wrong here, ignore this OIM");
- break;
- }
- $re_login = true;
- $this->ticket = $aTickets;
- $this->log_message("**** get new ticket, try it again");
- $maildata = $this->getOIM_maildata();
- if ($maildata === false) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't get mail-data via SOAP, and we already re-login again, so ignore this OIM");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // could be a lots of ..., so we can't use preg_match here
- $p = $maildata;
- $aOIMs = array();
- while (1) {
- $start = strpos($p, '');
- $end = strpos($p, '');
- if ($start === false || $end === false || $start > $end) break;
- $end += 4;
- $sOIM = substr($p, $start, $end - $start);
- $aOIMs[] = $sOIM;
- $p = substr($p, $end);
- }
- if (count($aOIMs) == 0) {
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore empty OIM");
- break;
- }
- foreach ($aOIMs as $maildata) {
- // T: 11 for MSN, 13 for Yahoo
- // S: 6 for MSN, 7 for Yahoo
- // RT: the datetime received by server
- // RS: already read or not
- // SZ: size of message
- // E: sender
- // I: msgid
- // F: always 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009
- // N: sender alias
- preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
- if (count($matches) == 0) {
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore OIM maildata without type");
- continue;
- }
- $oim_type = $matches[1];
- if ($oim_type = 13)
- $network = 32;
- else
- $network = 1;
- preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
- if (count($matches) == 0) {
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore OIM maildata without sender");
- continue;
- }
- $oim_sender = $matches[1];
- preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
- if (count($matches) == 0) {
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore OIM maildata without msgid");
- continue;
- }
- $oim_msgid = $matches[1];
- preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
- $oim_size = (count($matches) == 0) ? 0 : $matches[1];
- preg_match('##', $maildata, $matches);
- $oim_time = (count($matches) == 0) ? 0 : $matches[1];
- $this->log_message("*** You've OIM sent by $oim_sender, Time: $oim_time, MSGID: $oim_msgid, size: $oim_size");
- $sMsg = $this->getOIM_message($oim_msgid);
- if ($sMsg === false) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't get OIM, msgid = $oim_msgid");
- if ($re_login) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't get OIM via SOAP, and we already re-login again, so ignore this OIM");
+ foreach ($aOIMs as $maildata) {
+ // T: 11 for MSN, 13 for Yahoo
+ // S: 6 for MSN, 7 for Yahoo
+ // RT: the datetime received by server
+ // RS: already read or not
+ // SZ: size of message
+ // E: sender
+ // I: msgid
+ // F: always 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009
+ // N: sender alias
+ preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
+ if (count($matches) == 0) {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore OIM maildata without type");
- $aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
- if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
- // failed to login? ignore it
- $this->log_message("*** can't re-login, something wrong here, ignore this OIM");
+ $oim_type = $matches[1];
+ if ($oim_type = 13)
+ $network = 32;
+ else
+ $network = 1;
+ preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
+ if (count($matches) == 0) {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore OIM maildata without sender");
- $re_login = true;
- $this->ticket = $aTickets;
- $this->log_message("**** get new ticket, try it again");
+ $oim_sender = $matches[1];
+ preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
+ if (count($matches) == 0) {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore OIM maildata without msgid");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $oim_msgid = $matches[1];
+ preg_match('#(.*)#', $maildata, $matches);
+ $oim_size = (count($matches) == 0) ? 0 : $matches[1];
+ preg_match('##', $maildata, $matches);
+ $oim_time = (count($matches) == 0) ? 0 : $matches[1];
+ $this->log_message("*** You've OIM sent by $oim_sender, Time: $oim_time, MSGID: $oim_msgid, size: $oim_size");
$sMsg = $this->getOIM_message($oim_msgid);
if ($sMsg === false) {
- $this->log_message("*** can't get OIM via SOAP, and we already re-login again, so ignore this OIM");
+ $this->log_message("*** can't get OIM, msgid = $oim_msgid");
+ if ($re_login) {
+ $this->log_message("*** can't get OIM via SOAP, and we already re-login again, so ignore this OIM");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $aTickets = $this->get_passport_ticket();
+ if (!$aTickets || !is_array($aTickets)) {
+ // failed to login? ignore it
+ $this->log_message("*** can't re-login, something wrong here, ignore this OIM");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $re_login = true;
+ $this->ticket = $aTickets;
+ $this->log_message("**** get new ticket, try it again");
+ $sMsg = $this->getOIM_message($oim_msgid);
+ if ($sMsg === false) {
+ $this->log_message("*** can't get OIM via SOAP, and we already re-login again, so ignore this OIM");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->log_message("*** MSG (Offline) from $oim_sender (network: $network): $sMsg");
+ //$this->ReceivedMessage($oim_sender,$sMsg,$network,true);
+ $this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $oim_sender, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => true));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'UBM':
+ // randomly, we get UBM, this is the message from other network, like Yahoo!
+ // NS: <<< UBM {email} $network $type {size}
+ @list(/* UBM */, $from_email, $network, $type, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
+ {
+ $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
+ $aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
+ $header = true;
+ $ignore = false;
+ $sMsg = '';
+ foreach ($aLines as $line) {
+ $line = rtrim($line);
+ if ($header) {
+ if ($line === '') {
+ $header = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncasecmp($line, 'TypingUser:', 11) == 0) {
+ $ignore = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ $aSubLines = @explode("\r", $line);
+ foreach ($aSubLines as $str) {
+ if ($sMsg !== '')
+ $sMsg .= "\n";
+ $sMsg .= $str;
+ }
- $this->log_message("*** MSG (Offline) from $oim_sender (network: $network): $sMsg");
- //$this->ReceivedMessage($oim_sender,$sMsg,$network,true);
- $this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $oim_sender, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => true));
+ if($ignore)
+ {
+ $this->log_message("*** ingnore from $from_email: $line");
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->log_message("*** MSG from $from_email (network: $network): $sMsg");
+ //$this->ReceivedMessage($from_email,$sMsg,$network,false);
+ $this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $from_email, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => false));
- }
- break;
- case 'UBM':
- // randomly, we get UBM, this is the message from other network, like Yahoo!
- // NS: <<< UBM {email} $network $type {size}
- @list(/* UBM */, $from_email, $network, $type, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
- if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
- {
- $data = $this->ns_readdata($size);
- $aLines = @explode("\n", $data);
- $header = true;
- $ignore = false;
- $sMsg = '';
- foreach ($aLines as $line) {
- $line = rtrim($line);
- if ($header) {
- if ($line === '') {
- $header = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (strncasecmp($line, 'TypingUser:', 11) == 0) {
- $ignore = true;
+ break;
+ case 'UBX':
+ // randomly, we get UBX notification from server
+ // NS: <<< UBX email {network} {size}
+ @list(/* UBX */, /* email */, /* network */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ // we don't need the notification data, so just ignore it
+ if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
+ $this->ns_readdata($size);
+ break;
+ case 'CHL':
+ // randomly, we'll get challenge from server
+ // NS: <<< CHL 0 {code}
+ @list(/* CHL */, /* 0 */, $chl_code,) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ $fingerprint = $this->getChallenge($chl_code);
+ // NS: >>> QRY {id} {product_id} 32
+ // NS: >>> fingerprint
+ $this->ns_writeln("QRY $this->id $this->prod_id 32");
+ $this->ns_writedata($fingerprint);
+ $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
+ if($this->PhotoStickerFile!==false)
+ $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
+ break;
+ case 'CHG':
+ // NS: <<< CHG {id} {status} {code}
+ // ignore it
+ // change our status to online first
+ break;
+ case 'XFR':
+ // sometimes, NS will redirect to another NS
+ // MSNP9
+ // NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} 0 {server}
+ // MSNP15
+ // NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} U D
+ // for normal switchboard XFR
+ // NS: <<< XFR {id} SB {server} CKI {cki} U messenger.msn.com 0
+ @list(/* XFR */, /* {id} */, $server_type, $server, /* CKI */, $cki_code, /* ... */) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ @list($ip, $port) = @explode(':', $server);
+ if ($server_type != 'SB') {
+ // maybe exit?
+ // this connection will close after XFR
+ $this->NSLogout();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(count($this->MessageQueue))
+ {
+ foreach($this->MessageQueue as $User => $Message)
+ {
+ //$this->ChildProcess[$ChildPid]
+ $this->log_message("*** XFR SB $User");
+ $pid=pcntl_fork();
+ if($pid)
+ {
+ //Parrent Process
+ $this->ChildProcess[$pid]=$User;
- continue;
- }
- $aSubLines = @explode("\r", $line);
- foreach ($aSubLines as $str) {
- if ($sMsg !== '')
- $sMsg .= "\n";
- $sMsg .= $str;
+ elseif($pid==-1)
+ {
+ $this->log_message("*** Fork Error $User");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Child Process
+ $this->log_message("*** Child Process Start for $User");
+ unset($Message['XFRSent']);
+ unset($Message['ReqTime']);
+ $bSBresult = $this->switchboard_control($ip, $port, $cki_code, $User, $Message);
+ if ($bSBresult === false)
+ {
+ // error for switchboard
+ $this->log_message("!!! error for sending message to ".$User);
+ }
+ die;
+ }
+ unset($this->MessageQueue[$User]);
- if($ignore)
+ /*
+ $bSBresult = $this->switchboard_control($ip, $port, $cki_code, $aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser], $sMessage);
+ if ($bSBresult === false) {
+ // error for switchboard
+ $this->log_message("!!! error for sending message to ".$aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser]);
+ $aOfflineUsers[] = $aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser];
+ }*/
+ break;
+ case 'QNG':
+ // NS: <<< QNG {time}
+ //@list(/* QNG */, $this->ping_wait) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ //if ($this->ping_wait == 0) $this->ping_wait = 50;
+ //if (is_int($use_ping) && $use_ping > 0) $ping_wait = $use_ping;
+ //Mod by Ricky Set Online
+ break;
+ case 'RNG':
+ if($this->PhotoStickerFile!==false)
+ $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
+ else
+ $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
+ // someone is trying to talk to us
+ // NS: <<< RNG {session_id} {server} {auth_type} {ticket} {email} {alias} U {client} 0
+ $this->log_message("NS: <<< RNG $data");
+ @list(/* RNG */, $sid, $server, /* auth_type */, $ticket, $email, $name, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
+ @list($sb_ip, $sb_port) = @explode(':', $server);
+ if($this->IsIgnoreMail($email))
- $this->log_message("*** ingnore from $from_email: $line");
+ $this->log_message("*** Ignore RNG from $email");
- $this->log_message("*** MSG from $from_email (network: $network): $sMsg");
- //$this->ReceivedMessage($from_email,$sMsg,$network,false);
- $this->callHandler('IMin', array('sender' => $from_email, 'message' => $sMsg, 'network' => $network, 'offline' => false));
- }
- break;
- case 'UBX':
- // randomly, we get UBX notification from server
- // NS: <<< UBX email {network} {size}
- @list(/* UBX */, /* email */, /* network */, $size,) = @explode(' ', $data);
- // we don't need the notification data, so just ignore it
- if (is_numeric($size) && $size > 0)
- $this->ns_readdata($size);
- break;
- case 'CHL':
- // randomly, we'll get challenge from server
- // NS: <<< CHL 0 {code}
- @list(/* CHL */, /* 0 */, $chl_code,) = @explode(' ', $data);
- $fingerprint = $this->getChallenge($chl_code);
- // NS: >>> QRY {id} {product_id} 32
- // NS: >>> fingerprint
- $this->ns_writeln("QRY $this->id $this->prod_id 32");
- $this->ns_writedata($fingerprint);
- $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
- if($this->PhotoStickerFile!==false)
- $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
- break;
- case 'CHG':
- // NS: <<< CHG {id} {status} {code}
- // ignore it
- // change our status to online first
- break;
- case 'XFR':
- // sometimes, NS will redirect to another NS
- // MSNP9
- // NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} 0 {server}
- // MSNP15
- // NS: <<< XFR {id} NS {server} U D
- // for normal switchboard XFR
- // NS: <<< XFR {id} SB {server} CKI {cki} U messenger.msn.com 0
- @list(/* XFR */, /* {id} */, $server_type, $server, /* CKI */, $cki_code, /* ... */) = @explode(' ', $data);
- @list($ip, $port) = @explode(':', $server);
- if ($server_type != 'SB') {
- // maybe exit?
- // this connection will close after XFR
- $this->NSLogout();
- continue;
- }
- if(count($this->MessageQueue))
- {
- foreach($this->MessageQueue as $User => $Message)
+ $this->log_message("*** RING from $email, $sb_ip:$sb_port");
+ $this->addContact($email,1,$email, true);
+ $pid=pcntl_fork();
+ if($pid)
- //$this->ChildProcess[$ChildPid]
- $this->log_message("*** XFR SB $User");
- $pid=pcntl_fork();
- if($pid)
- {
- //Parrent Process
- $this->ChildProcess[$pid]=$User;
- break;
- }
- elseif($pid==-1)
- {
- $this->log_message("*** Fork Error $User");
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- //Child Process
- $this->log_message("*** Child Process Start for $User");
- unset($Message['XFRSent']);
- unset($Message['ReqTime']);
- $bSBresult = $this->switchboard_control($ip, $port, $cki_code, $User, $Message);
- if ($bSBresult === false)
- {
- // error for switchboard
- $this->log_message("!!! error for sending message to ".$User);
- }
- die;
- }
+ //Parrent Process
+ $this->ChildProcess[$pid]='RNG';
+ break;
+ }
+ elseif($pid==-1)
+ {
+ $this->log_message("*** Fork Error $User");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Child Process
+ $this->log_message("*** Ring Child Process Start for $User");
+ $this->switchboard_ring($sb_ip, $sb_port, $sid, $ticket,$email);
+ die;
- unset($this->MessageQueue[$User]);
- }
- /*
- $bSBresult = $this->switchboard_control($ip, $port, $cki_code, $aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser], $sMessage);
- if ($bSBresult === false) {
- // error for switchboard
- $this->log_message("!!! error for sending message to ".$aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser]);
- $aOfflineUsers[] = $aMSNUsers[$nCurrentUser];
- }*/
- break;
- case 'QNG':
- // NS: <<< QNG {time}
- //@list(/* QNG */, $this->ping_wait) = @explode(' ', $data);
- //if ($this->ping_wait == 0) $this->ping_wait = 50;
- //if (is_int($use_ping) && $use_ping > 0) $ping_wait = $use_ping;
- //Mod by Ricky Set Online
- break;
- case 'RNG':
- if($this->PhotoStickerFile!==false)
- $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid ".rawurlencode($this->MsnObj($this->PhotoStickerFile)));
- else
- $this->ns_writeln("CHG $this->id NLN $this->clientid");
- // someone is trying to talk to us
- // NS: <<< RNG {session_id} {server} {auth_type} {ticket} {email} {alias} U {client} 0
- $this->log_message("NS: <<< RNG $data");
- @list(/* RNG */, $sid, $server, /* auth_type */, $ticket, $email, $name, ) = @explode(' ', $data);
- @list($sb_ip, $sb_port) = @explode(':', $server);
- $this->log_message("*** RING from $email, $sb_ip:$sb_port");
- $this->addContact($email,1,$email, true);
- $pid=pcntl_fork();
- if($pid)
- {
- //Parrent Process
- $this->ChildProcess[$pid]='RNG';
- }
- elseif($pid==-1)
- {
- $this->log_message("*** Fork Error $User");
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- //Child Process
- $this->log_message("*** Ring Child Process Start for $User");
- $this->switchboard_ring($sb_ip, $sb_port, $sid, $ticket,$email);
- die;
- }
- break;
- case 'OUT':
- // force logout from NS
- // NS: <<< OUT xxx
- $this->log_message("*** LOGOUT from NS");
- return $this->NsLogout();
- default:
- $code = substr($data,0,3);
- if (is_numeric($code)) {
- $this->error = "Error code: $code, please check the detail information from: http://msnpiki.msnfanatic.com/index.php/Reference:Error_List";
- $this->debug_message("*** NS: $this->error");
+ case 'OUT':
+ // force logout from NS
+ // NS: <<< OUT xxx
+ $this->log_message("*** LOGOUT from NS");
return $this->NsLogout();
- }
- break;
+ default:
+ $code = substr($data,0,3);
+ if (is_numeric($code)) {
+ $this->error = "Error code: $code, please check the detail information from: http://msnpiki.msnfanatic.com/index.php/Reference:Error_List";
+ $this->debug_message("*** NS: $this->error");
+ return $this->NsLogout();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
@@ -3680,7 +3579,7 @@ X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
$lastActive = $this->switchBoardSessions[$to]['lastActive'];
$joined = $this->switchBoardSessions[$to]['joined'];
- //TODO Probably not needed (we're not running in a loop anymore)
+ //FIXME Probably not needed (we're not running in a loop anymore)
$this->log_message("*** SB Okay, kill me now!");
@@ -3725,7 +3624,7 @@ X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
return true;
- //TODO Not sure if this is needed?
+ //FIXME Not sure if this is needed?
private function endSBSession($socket) {
if (feof($this->SBFp))
@@ -3746,12 +3645,13 @@ X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
if($network === 1 && isset($this->switchBoardSessions[$to])) {
$recipient = $name . $host;
$this->debug_message("*** Sending Message to $recipient using existing SB session");
- $this->sendMessageViaSB($message, $recipient);
+ return $this->sendMessageViaSB($message, $recipient);
} else {
$this->debug_message("*** Not MSN network or no existing SB session");
+ //TODO implement creation of SB session etc
+ return true;