Merge branch 'uiredesign' of /var/www/trunk into uiredesign

This commit is contained in:
Evan Prodromou 2009-01-16 19:59:27 +00:00
commit 69d6404f26
7 changed files with 698 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class NewnoticeAction extends Action
common_broadcast_notice($notice); common_broadcast_notice($notice);
if ($this->boolean('ajax')) { if ($this->boolean('ajax')) {
common_start_html('text/xml;charset=utf-8', true); $this->startHTML('text/xml;charset=utf-8', true);
$this->elementStart('head'); $this->elementStart('head');
$this->element('title', null, _('Notice posted')); $this->element('title', null, _('Notice posted'));
$this->elementEnd('head'); $this->elementEnd('head');

js/jquery.form.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
* jQuery Form Plugin
* version: 2.17 (06-NOV-2008)
* @requires jQuery v1.2.2 or later
* Examples and documentation at:
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* Revision: $Id$
;(function($) {
Usage Note:
Do not use both ajaxSubmit and ajaxForm on the same form. These
functions are intended to be exclusive. Use ajaxSubmit if you want
to bind your own submit handler to the form. For example,
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myForm').bind('submit', function() {
target: '#output'
return false; // <-- important!
Use ajaxForm when you want the plugin to manage all the event binding
for you. For example,
$(document).ready(function() {
target: '#output'
When using ajaxForm, the ajaxSubmit function will be invoked for you
at the appropriate time.
* ajaxSubmit() provides a mechanism for immediately submitting
* an HTML form using AJAX.
$.fn.ajaxSubmit = function(options) {
// fast fail if nothing selected (
if (!this.length) {
log('ajaxSubmit: skipping submit process - no element selected');
return this;
if (typeof options == 'function')
options = { success: options };
options = $.extend({
url: this.attr('action') || window.location.toString(),
type: this.attr('method') || 'GET'
}, options || {});
// hook for manipulating the form data before it is extracted;
// convenient for use with rich editors like tinyMCE or FCKEditor
var veto = {};
this.trigger('form-pre-serialize', [this, options, veto]);
if (veto.veto) {
log('ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-pre-serialize trigger');
return this;
// provide opportunity to alter form data before it is serialized
if (options.beforeSerialize && options.beforeSerialize(this, options) === false) {
log('ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSerialize callback');
return this;
var a = this.formToArray(options.semantic);
if ( {
options.extraData =;
for (var n in {
if([n] instanceof Array) {
for (var k in[n])
a.push( { name: n, value:[n][k] } )
a.push( { name: n, value:[n] } );
// give pre-submit callback an opportunity to abort the submit
if (options.beforeSubmit && options.beforeSubmit(a, this, options) === false) {
log('ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSubmit callback');
return this;
// fire vetoable 'validate' event
this.trigger('form-submit-validate', [a, this, options, veto]);
if (veto.veto) {
log('ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-submit-validate trigger');
return this;
var q = $.param(a);
if (options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET') {
options.url += (options.url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + q; = null; // data is null for 'get'
else = q; // data is the query string for 'post'
var $form = this, callbacks = [];
if (options.resetForm) callbacks.push(function() { $form.resetForm(); });
if (options.clearForm) callbacks.push(function() { $form.clearForm(); });
// perform a load on the target only if dataType is not provided
if (!options.dataType && {
var oldSuccess = options.success || function(){};
callbacks.push(function(data) {
$(, arguments);
else if (options.success)
options.success = function(data, status) {
for (var i=0, max=callbacks.length; i < max; i++)
callbacks[i].apply(options, [data, status, $form]);
// are there files to upload?
var files = $('input:file', this).fieldValue();
var found = false;
for (var j=0; j < files.length; j++)
if (files[j])
found = true;
// options.iframe allows user to force iframe mode
if (options.iframe || found) {
// hack to fix Safari hang (thanks to Tim Molendijk for this)
// see:
if ($.browser.safari && options.closeKeepAlive)
$.get(options.closeKeepAlive, fileUpload);
// fire 'notify' event
this.trigger('form-submit-notify', [this, options]);
return this;
// private function for handling file uploads (hat tip to YAHOO!)
function fileUpload() {
var form = $form[0];
if ($(':input[@name=submit]', form).length) {
alert('Error: Form elements must not be named "submit".');
var opts = $.extend({}, $.ajaxSettings, options);
var s = jQuery.extend(true, {}, $.extend(true, {}, $.ajaxSettings), opts);
var id = 'jqFormIO' + (new Date().getTime());
var $io = $('<iframe id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" />');
var io = $io[0];
if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera)
io.src = 'javascript:false;document.write("");';
$io.css({ position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', left: '-1000px' });
var xhr = { // mock object
aborted: 0,
responseText: null,
responseXML: null,
status: 0,
statusText: 'n/a',
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {},
getResponseHeader: function() {},
setRequestHeader: function() {},
abort: function() {
this.aborted = 1;
$io.attr('src','about:blank'); // abort op in progress
var g =;
// trigger ajax global events so that activity/block indicators work like normal
if (g && ! $.active++) $.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxSend", [xhr, opts]);
if (s.beforeSend && s.beforeSend(xhr, s) === false) { &&;
if (xhr.aborted)
var cbInvoked = 0;
var timedOut = 0;
// add submitting element to data if we know it
var sub = form.clk;
if (sub) {
var n =;
if (n && !sub.disabled) {
options.extraData = options.extraData || {};
options.extraData[n] = sub.value;
if (sub.type == "image") {
options.extraData[name+'.x'] = form.clk_x;
options.extraData[name+'.y'] = form.clk_y;
// take a breath so that pending repaints get some cpu time before the upload starts
setTimeout(function() {
// make sure form attrs are set
var t = $form.attr('target'), a = $form.attr('action');
target: id,
method: 'POST',
action: opts.url
// ie borks in some cases when setting encoding
if (! options.skipEncodingOverride) {
encoding: 'multipart/form-data',
enctype: 'multipart/form-data'
// support timout
if (opts.timeout)
setTimeout(function() { timedOut = true; cb(); }, opts.timeout);
// add "extra" data to form if provided in options
var extraInputs = [];
try {
if (options.extraData)
for (var n in options.extraData)
$('<input type="hidden" name="'+n+'" value="'+options.extraData[n]+'" />')
// add iframe to doc and submit the form
io.attachEvent ? io.attachEvent('onload', cb) : io.addEventListener('load', cb, false);
finally {
// reset attrs and remove "extra" input elements
$form.attr('action', a);
t ? $form.attr('target', t) : $form.removeAttr('target');
}, 10);
function cb() {
if (cbInvoked++) return;
io.detachEvent ? io.detachEvent('onload', cb) : io.removeEventListener('load', cb, false);
var operaHack = 0;
var ok = true;
try {
if (timedOut) throw 'timeout';
// extract the server response from the iframe
var data, doc;
doc = io.contentWindow ? io.contentWindow.document : io.contentDocument ? io.contentDocument : io.document;
if (doc.body == null && !operaHack && $.browser.opera) {
// In Opera 9.2.x the iframe DOM is not always traversable when
// the onload callback fires so we give Opera 100ms to right itself
operaHack = 1;
setTimeout(cb, 100);
xhr.responseText = doc.body ? doc.body.innerHTML : null;
xhr.responseXML = doc.XMLDocument ? doc.XMLDocument : doc;
xhr.getResponseHeader = function(header){
var headers = {'content-type': opts.dataType};
return headers[header];
if (opts.dataType == 'json' || opts.dataType == 'script') {
var ta = doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
xhr.responseText = ta ? ta.value : xhr.responseText;
else if (opts.dataType == 'xml' && !xhr.responseXML && xhr.responseText != null) {
xhr.responseXML = toXml(xhr.responseText);
data = $.httpData(xhr, opts.dataType);
ok = false;
$.handleError(opts, xhr, 'error', e);
// ordering of these callbacks/triggers is odd, but that's how $.ajax does it
if (ok) {
opts.success(data, 'success');
if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [xhr, opts]);
if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [xhr, opts]);
if (g && ! --$.active) $.event.trigger("ajaxStop");
if (opts.complete) opts.complete(xhr, ok ? 'success' : 'error');
// clean up
setTimeout(function() {
xhr.responseXML = null;
}, 100);
function toXml(s, doc) {
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
doc.async = 'false';
doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, 'text/xml');
return (doc && doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.tagName != 'parsererror') ? doc : null;
* ajaxForm() provides a mechanism for fully automating form submission.
* The advantages of using this method instead of ajaxSubmit() are:
* 1: This method will include coordinates for <input type="image" /> elements (if the element
* is used to submit the form).
* 2. This method will include the submit element's name/value data (for the element that was
* used to submit the form).
* 3. This method binds the submit() method to the form for you.
* The options argument for ajaxForm works exactly as it does for ajaxSubmit. ajaxForm merely
* passes the options argument along after properly binding events for submit elements and
* the form itself.
$.fn.ajaxForm = function(options) {
return this.ajaxFormUnbind().bind('submit.form-plugin',function() {
return false;
}).each(function() {
// store options in hash
$(":submit,input:image", this).bind('click.form-plugin',function(e) {
var form = this.form;
form.clk = this;
if (this.type == 'image') {
if (e.offsetX != undefined) {
form.clk_x = e.offsetX;
form.clk_y = e.offsetY;
} else if (typeof $.fn.offset == 'function') { // try to use dimensions plugin
var offset = $(this).offset();
form.clk_x = e.pageX - offset.left;
form.clk_y = e.pageY -;
} else {
form.clk_x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
form.clk_y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
// clear form vars
setTimeout(function() { form.clk = form.clk_x = form.clk_y = null; }, 10);
// ajaxFormUnbind unbinds the event handlers that were bound by ajaxForm
$.fn.ajaxFormUnbind = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(":submit,input:image", this).unbind('click.form-plugin');
* formToArray() gathers form element data into an array of objects that can
* be passed to any of the following ajax functions: $.get, $.post, or load.
* Each object in the array has both a 'name' and 'value' property. An example of
* an array for a simple login form might be:
* [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
* It is this array that is passed to pre-submit callback functions provided to the
* ajaxSubmit() and ajaxForm() methods.
$.fn.formToArray = function(semantic) {
var a = [];
if (this.length == 0) return a;
var form = this[0];
var els = semantic ? form.getElementsByTagName('*') : form.elements;
if (!els) return a;
for(var i=0, max=els.length; i < max; i++) {
var el = els[i];
var n =;
if (!n) continue;
if (semantic && form.clk && el.type == "image") {
// handle image inputs on the fly when semantic == true
if(!el.disabled && form.clk == el)
a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
var v = $.fieldValue(el, true);
if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
for(var j=0, jmax=v.length; j < jmax; j++)
a.push({name: n, value: v[j]});
else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined')
a.push({name: n, value: v});
if (!semantic && form.clk) {
// input type=='image' are not found in elements array! handle them here
var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0, max=inputs.length; i < max; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
var n =;
if(n && !input.disabled && input.type == "image" && form.clk == input)
a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
return a;
* Serializes form data into a 'submittable' string. This method will return a string
* in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
$.fn.formSerialize = function(semantic) {
//hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
return $.param(this.formToArray(semantic));
* Serializes all field elements in the jQuery object into a query string.
* This method will return a string in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
$.fn.fieldSerialize = function(successful) {
var a = [];
this.each(function() {
var n =;
if (!n) return;
var v = $.fieldValue(this, successful);
if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
for (var i=0,max=v.length; i < max; i++)
a.push({name: n, value: v[i]});
else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined')
a.push({name:, value: v});
//hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
return $.param(a);
* Returns the value(s) of the element in the matched set. For example, consider the following form:
* <form><fieldset>
* <input name="A" type="text" />
* <input name="A" type="text" />
* <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B1" />
* <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B2"/>
* <input name="C" type="radio" value="C1" />
* <input name="C" type="radio" value="C2" />
* </fieldset></form>
* var v = $(':text').fieldValue();
* // if no values are entered into the text inputs
* v == ['','']
* // if values entered into the text inputs are 'foo' and 'bar'
* v == ['foo','bar']
* var v = $(':checkbox').fieldValue();
* // if neither checkbox is checked
* v === undefined
* // if both checkboxes are checked
* v == ['B1', 'B2']
* var v = $(':radio').fieldValue();
* // if neither radio is checked
* v === undefined
* // if first radio is checked
* v == ['C1']
* The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
* (per
* The default value of the successful argument is true. If this value is false the value(s)
* for each element is returned.
* Note: This method *always* returns an array. If no valid value can be determined the
* array will be empty, otherwise it will contain one or more values.
$.fn.fieldValue = function(successful) {
for (var val=[], i=0, max=this.length; i < max; i++) {
var el = this[i];
var v = $.fieldValue(el, successful);
if (v === null || typeof v == 'undefined' || (v.constructor == Array && !v.length))
v.constructor == Array ? $.merge(val, v) : val.push(v);
return val;
* Returns the value of the field element.
$.fieldValue = function(el, successful) {
var n =, t = el.type, tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (typeof successful == 'undefined') successful = true;
if (successful && (!n || el.disabled || t == 'reset' || t == 'button' ||
(t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !el.checked ||
(t == 'submit' || t == 'image') && el.form && el.form.clk != el ||
tag == 'select' && el.selectedIndex == -1))
return null;
if (tag == 'select') {
var index = el.selectedIndex;
if (index < 0) return null;
var a = [], ops = el.options;
var one = (t == 'select-one');
var max = (one ? index+1 : ops.length);
for(var i=(one ? index : 0); i < max; i++) {
var op = ops[i];
if (op.selected) {
// extra pain for IE...
var v = $.browser.msie && !(op.attributes['value'].specified) ? op.text : op.value;
if (one) return v;
return a;
return el.value;
* Clears the form data. Takes the following actions on the form's input fields:
* - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
* - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
* - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
* - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
* - button elements will *not* be effected
$.fn.clearForm = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$('input,select,textarea', this).clearFields();
* Clears the selected form elements.
$.fn.clearFields = $.fn.clearInputs = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var t = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (t == 'text' || t == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')
this.value = '';
else if (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio')
this.checked = false;
else if (tag == 'select')
this.selectedIndex = -1;
* Resets the form data. Causes all form elements to be reset to their original value.
$.fn.resetForm = function() {
return this.each(function() {
// guard against an input with the name of 'reset'
// note that IE reports the reset function as an 'object'
if (typeof this.reset == 'function' || (typeof this.reset == 'object' && !this.reset.nodeType))
* Enables or disables any matching elements.
$.fn.enable = function(b) {
if (b == undefined) b = true;
return this.each(function() {
this.disabled = !b
* Checks/unchecks any matching checkboxes or radio buttons and
* selects/deselects and matching option elements.
$.fn.selected = function(select) {
if (select == undefined) select = true;
return this.each(function() {
var t = this.type;
if (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio')
this.checked = select;
else if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'option') {
var $sel = $(this).parent('select');
if (select && $sel[0] && $sel[0].type == 'select-one') {
// deselect all other options
this.selected = select;
// helper fn for console logging
// set $.fn.ajaxSubmit.debug to true to enable debug logging
function log() {
if ($.fn.ajaxSubmit.debug && window.console && window.console.log)
window.console.log('[jquery.form] ' +,''));

View File

@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
// count character on keyup // count character on keyup
function counter(event){ function counter(event){
var maxLength = 140; var maxLength = 140;
var currentLength = $("#status_textarea").val().length; var currentLength = $("#notice_data-text").val().length;
var remaining = maxLength - currentLength; var remaining = maxLength - currentLength;
var counter = $("#counter"); var counter = $("#counter");
counter.text(remaining); counter.text(remaining);
if (remaining <= 0) { if (remaining <= 0) {
$("#status_form").addClass("response_error"); $("#form_notice").addClass("response_error");
} else { } else {
$("#status_form").removeClass("response_error"); $("#form_notice").removeClass("response_error");
} }
} }
function submitonreturn(event) { function submitonreturn(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) { if (event.keyCode == 13) {
$("#status_form").submit(); $("#form_notice").submit();
event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault();
event.stopPropagation(); event.stopPropagation();
return false; return false;
@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
return true; return true;
} }
if ($("#status_textarea").length) { if ($("#notice_data-text").length) {
$("#status_textarea").bind("keyup", counter); $("#notice_data-text").bind("keyup", counter);
$("#status_textarea").bind("keydown", submitonreturn); $("#notice_data-text").bind("keydown", submitonreturn);
// run once in case there's something in there // run once in case there's something in there
counter(); counter();
// set the focus // set the focus
$("#status_textarea").focus(); $("#notice_data-text").focus();
} }
// XXX: refactor this code // XXX: refactor this code
@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
var PostNotice = { dataType: 'xml', var PostNotice = { dataType: 'xml',
beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { if ($("#status_textarea").get(0).value.length == 0) { beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) { if ($("#notice_data-text").get(0).value.length == 0) {
$("#status_form").addClass("response_error"); $("#form_notice").addClass("warning");
return false; return false;
} }
$("#status_form input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#notice_action-submit").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#status_form input[type=submit]").addClass("disabled"); $("#notice_action-submit").addClass("disabled");
return true; return true;
}, },
success: function(xml) { if ($("#error", xml).length > 0 || $("#command_result", xml).length > 0) { success: function(xml) { if ($("#error", xml).length > 0 || $("#command_result", xml).length > 0) {
@ -150,28 +150,37 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
alert(result); alert(result);
} }
else { else {
$("#notices").prepend(document._importNode($("li", xml).get(0), true)); $("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(document._importNode($("li", xml).get(0), true));
$("#status_textarea").val(""); $("#notice_data-text").val("");
counter(); counter();
$(".notice_single:first").css({display:"none"}); $("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"});
$(".notice_single:first").fadeIn(2500); $("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(2500);
} }
$("#status_form input[type=submit]").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#notice_action-submit").removeAttr("disabled");
$("#status_form input[type=submit]").removeClass("disabled"); $("#notice_action-submit").removeClass("disabled");
} }
}; };
$("#status_form").ajaxForm(PostNotice); $("#form_notice").ajaxForm(PostNotice);
$("#status_form").each(addAjaxHidden); $("#form_notice").each(addAjaxHidden);
function () {
function () {
}); });
function doreply(nick,id) { function doreply(nick,id) {
rgx_username = /^[0-9a-zA-Z\-_.]*$/; rgx_username = /^[0-9a-zA-Z\-_.]*$/;
if (nick.match(rgx_username)) { if (nick.match(rgx_username)) {
replyto = "@" + nick + " "; replyto = "@" + nick + " ";
if ($("#status_textarea").length) { if ($("#notice_data-text").length) {
$("#status_textarea").val(replyto); $("#notice_data-text").val(replyto);
$("form#status_form input#inreplyto").val(id); $("form#form_notice input#inreplyto").val(id);
$("#status_textarea").focus(); $("#notice_data-text").focus();
return false; return false;
} }
} }

View File

@ -436,16 +436,16 @@ class Action extends HTMLOutputter // lawsuit
$this->element('dt', array('id' => 'site_content_license'), _('Laconica software license')); $this->element('dt', array('id' => 'site_content_license'), _('Laconica software license'));
$this->elementStart('dd', array('id' => 'site_content_license_cc')); $this->elementStart('dd', array('id' => 'site_content_license_cc'));
$this->elementStart('p'); $this->elementStart('p');
$this->text(_('Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the contributors and available under the ')); $this->element('img', array('id' => 'license_cc',
'src' => common_config('license', 'image'),
'alt' => common_config('license', 'title')));
$this->text(_('All content and data are available under the '));
$this->element('a', array('class' => 'license', $this->element('a', array('class' => 'license',
'rel' => 'external license', 'rel' => 'external license',
'href' => common_config('license', 'url')), 'href' => common_config('license', 'url')),
common_config('license', 'title')); common_config('license', 'title'));
$this->text(_('. Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname.')); $this->text(_('license.'));
$this->elementEnd('p'); $this->elementEnd('p');
$this->element('img', array('id' => 'license_cc',
'src' => common_config('license', 'image'),
'alt' => common_config('license', 'title')));
$this->elementEnd('dd'); $this->elementEnd('dd');
} }

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $config =
'license' => 'license' =>
array('url' => '', array('url' => '',
'title' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 3.0', 'title' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 3.0',
'image' => ''), 'image' => ''),
'mail' => 'mail' =>
array('backend' => 'mail', array('backend' => 'mail',
'params' => null), 'params' => null),

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ position:relative;
margin:0 auto; margin:0 auto;
width:1004px; width:1004px;
width:71.714em; width:71.714em;
} }
h1 { h1 {
font-size:2.1em; font-size:2.1em;
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ margin-bottom:18px;
#footer { #footer {
float:left; float:left;
width:100%; width:68%;
padding-bottom:11px; padding-bottom:11px;
} }
@ -254,6 +253,9 @@ margin-left:0;
#licenses {
#licenses dt { #licenses dt {
font-weight:bold; font-weight:bold;
@ -261,17 +263,16 @@ display:none;
} }
#licenses dd { #licenses dd {
margin-bottom:11px; margin-bottom:11px;
} }
#site_content_license_cc p { #site_content_license_cc p {
} }
#site_content_license_cc img { #site_content_license_cc img {
float:left; display:inline;
margin-left:-100%; vertical-align:top;
} }
@ -632,11 +633,7 @@ padding-left:28px;
.notice .author { .notice .author {
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View File

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