Merge branch '0.9.x' of into 0.9.x
Conflicts: install.php lib/noticeform.php
This commit is contained in:
@ -170,12 +170,6 @@ StartShowBody: called before showing the <body> element and children
EndShowBody: called after showing the <body> element (and </body>)
- $action: action object being shown
StartHeadChildren: called before showing the children of <head> element (after <head> tag)
- $action: action object being shown
EndHeadChildren: called after showing the children of <head> element (before </head>)
- $action: action object being shown
StartPersonalGroupNav: beginning of personal group nav menu
- $action: action object being shown
@ -271,3 +265,9 @@ GetValidDaemons: Just before determining which daemons to run
HandleQueuedNotice: Handle a queued notice at queue time (or immediately if no queue)
- &$notice: notice to handle
StartShowHeadElements: Right after the <head> tag
- $action: the current action
EndShowHeadElements: Right before the </head> tag; put <script>s here if you need them in <head>
- $action: the current action
@ -293,6 +293,105 @@ require_once INSTALLDIR.'/lib/twitterapi.php';
function join($args, $apidata)
common_debug("in groups api action");
$this->auth_user = $apidata['user'];
$group = $this->get_group($apidata['api_arg'], $apidata);
if (empty($group)) {
$this->clientError('Not Found', 404, $apidata['content-type']);
return false;
$this->clientError(_('You are already a member of that group'), $code = 403);
return false;
if (Group_block::isBlocked($group, $this->auth_user->getProfile())) {
$this->clientError(_('You have been blocked from that group by the admin.'), 403);
return false;
$member = new Group_member();
$member->group_id = $group->id;
$member->profile_id = $this->auth_user->id;
$member->created = common_sql_now();
$result = $member->insert();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($member, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
$this->serverError(sprintf(_('Could not join user %s to group %s'),
$this->auth_user->nickname, $group->nickname));
switch($apidata['content-type']) {
case 'xml':
case 'json':
$this->clientError(_('API method not found!'), $code = 404);
function leave($args, $apidata)
common_debug("in groups api action");
$this->auth_user = $apidata['user'];
$group = $this->get_group($apidata['api_arg'], $apidata);
if (empty($group)) {
$this->clientError('Not Found', 404, $apidata['content-type']);
return false;
if(! $this->auth_user->isMember($group)){
$this->clientError(_('You are not a member of that group'), $code = 403);
return false;
$member = new Group_member();
$member->group_id = $group->id;
$member->profile_id = $this->auth_user->id;
if (!$member->find(true)) {
$this->serverError(_('Could not find membership record.'));
$result = $member->delete();
if (!$result) {
common_log_db_error($member, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
$this->serverError(sprintf(_('Could not remove user %s to group %s'),
$this->auth_user->nickname, $group->nickname));
switch($apidata['content-type']) {
case 'xml':
case 'json':
$this->clientError(_('API method not found!'), $code = 404);
function is_member($args, $apidata)
@ -326,4 +425,29 @@ require_once INSTALLDIR.'/lib/twitterapi.php';
$this->clientError(_('API method not found!'), $code = 404);
function create($args, $apidata)
function update($args, $apidata)
function update_group_logo($args, $apidata)
function destroy($args, $apidata)
function tag($args, $apidata)
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ function main()
function haveExternalLibrary($external_library)
if (isset($external_library['include']) && ! @include_once $external_library['include'] ) {
if (isset($external_library['include']) && !haveIncludeFile($external_library['include'])) {
return false;
if (isset($external_library['check_function']) && ! function_exists($external_library['check_function'])) {
@ -120,16 +120,15 @@ class Action extends HTMLOutputter // lawsuit
// XXX: attributes (profile?)
if (Event::handle('StartHeadChildren', array($this))) {
if (Event::handle('StartShowHeadElements', array($this))) {
Event::handle('EndHeadChildren', array($this));
Event::handle('EndShowHeadElements', array($this));
@ -355,6 +354,7 @@ class Action extends HTMLOutputter // lawsuit
Event::handle('EndShowFooter', array($this));
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class NoticeForm extends Form
$this->action = $action;
$this->content = $content;
$this->inreplyto = $inreplyto;
if ($user) {
$this->user = $user;
} else {
@ -47,10 +47,48 @@ class AutocompleteAction extends Action
private $result;
* Last-modified date for page
* When was the content of this page last modified? Based on notice,
* profile, avatar.
* @return int last-modified date as unix timestamp
function lastModified()
foreach($this->users as $user){
$max = max($max,strtotime($user->modified),strtotime($user->profile->modified));
foreach($this->groups as $group){
$max = max($max,strtotime($group->modified));
return $max;
* An entity tag for this page
* Shows the ETag for the page, based on the notice ID and timestamps
* for the notice, profile, and avatar. It's weak, since we change
* the date text "one hour ago", etc.
* @return string etag
function etag()
return '"' . implode(':', array($this->arg('action'),
crc32($this->arg('q')), //the actual string can have funny characters in we don't want showing up in the etag
$this->lastModified())) . '"';
function prepare($args)
$this->results = array();
$q = $this->arg('q');
$limit = $this->arg('limit');
if($limit > 200) $limit=200; //prevent DOS attacks
@ -63,7 +101,8 @@ class AutocompleteAction extends Action
while($user->fetch()) {
$profile = Profile::staticGet($user->id);
$this->results[]=array('nickname' => $user->nickname, 'fullname'=> $profile->fullname, 'type'=>'user');
@ -74,7 +113,7 @@ class AutocompleteAction extends Action
$group->whereAdd('nickname like \'' . trim($group->escape($q), '\'') . '%\'');
while($group->fetch()) {
$this->results[]=array('nickname' => $group->nickname, 'fullname'=> $group->fullname, 'type'=>'group');
return true;
@ -83,7 +122,14 @@ class AutocompleteAction extends Action
function handle($args)
foreach($this->results as $result) {
$results = array();
foreach($this->users as $user){
$results[]=array('nickname' => $user->nickname, 'fullname'=> $user->profile->fullname, 'type'=>'user');
foreach($this->groups as $group){
$results[]=array('nickname' => $group->nickname, 'fullname'=> $group->fullname, 'type'=>'group');
foreach($results as $result) {
print json_encode($result) . "\n";
@ -4,34 +4,19 @@
var MeteorUpdater = function()
return {
return {
init: function(server, port, timeline)
Meteor.callbacks["process"] = function(data) {
var d = JSON.parse(data);
init: function(server, port, timeline)
Meteor.callbacks["process"] = function(data) {
var user_url = $('address .url')[0].href+d['user']['screen_name'];
var wlh = window.location.href;
if (wlh.indexOf('?') > 0) {
wlh = wlh.slice(0, wlh.indexOf('?'))
if (timeline == 'public' ||
user_url+'/all' == wlh ||
user_url == wlh) {
|||| = server;
Meteor.port = port;
Meteor.joinChannel(timeline, 0);
|||| = server;
Meteor.port = port;
Meteor.joinChannel(timeline, 0);
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class PiwikAnalyticsPlugin extends Plugin
function __construct($root=null, $id=null)
$this->piwikroot = $root;
$this->piwikid = $id;
$this->piwikId = $id;
@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
protected $favorurl = null;
protected $deleteurl = null;
* When it's time to initialize the plugin, calculate and
* pass the URLs we need.
function onInitializePlugin()
$this->replyurl = common_local_url('newnotice');
@ -57,31 +62,26 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
// FIXME: need to find a better way to pass this pattern in
$this->deleteurl = common_local_url('deletenotice',
array('notice' => '0000000000'));
return true;
function onEndShowScripts($action)
$path = null;
$timeline = $this->_getTimeline($action);
$a = $action->trimmed('action');
// If there's not a timeline on this page,
// just return true
switch ($a) {
case 'public': case 'all': case 'replies': case 'showstream':
$path = array($a);
case 'tag':
$tag = $action->trimmed('tag');
if (!empty($tag)) {
$path = array('tag', $tag);
} else {
return true;
return true;
if (empty($timeline)) {
return true;
$timeline = $this->_pathToChannel($path);
$base = $action->selfUrl();
if (mb_strstr($base, '?')) {
$url = $base . '&realtime=1';
} else {
$url = $base . '?realtime=1';
$scripts = $this->_getScripts();
@ -97,16 +97,22 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
$user_id = 0;
if ($action->boolean('realtime')) {
$realtimeUI = ' RealtimeUpdate.initPopupWindow();';
else {
$iconurl = common_path('plugins/Realtime/icon_external.gif');
$realtimeUI = ' RealtimeUpdate.addPopup("'.$url.'", "'.$timeline.'", "'. $iconurl .'");';
$action->elementStart('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript'));
$(document).ready(function() {
' . $this->_updateInitialize($timeline, $user_id) . '
$script = ' $(document).ready(function() { '.
$this->_updateInitialize($timeline, $user_id).
'}); ';
return true;
@ -116,15 +122,23 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
$paths = array();
// TODO: Replies timeline
// Add to the author's timeline
$user = User::staticGet('id', $notice->profile_id);
if (!empty($user)) {
$paths[] = array('showstream', $user->nickname);
// Add to the public timeline
if ($notice->is_local ||
($notice->is_local == 0 && !common_config('public', 'localonly'))) {
foreach (array('public', 'all', 'replies', 'showstream') as $a) {
$paths[] = array($a);
$paths[] = array('public');
// Add to the tags timeline
$tags = $this->getNoticeTags($notice);
if (!empty($tags)) {
@ -133,6 +147,46 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
// Add to inbox timelines
// XXX: do a join
$inbox = new Notice_inbox();
$inbox->notice_id = $notice->id;
if ($inbox->find()) {
while ($inbox->fetch()) {
$user = User::staticGet('id', $inbox->user_id);
$paths[] = array('all', $user->nickname);
// Add to the replies timeline
$reply = new Reply();
$reply->notice_id = $notice->id;
if ($reply->find()) {
while ($reply->fetch()) {
$user = User::staticGet('id', $reply->profile_id);
if (!empty($user)) {
$paths[] = array('replies', $user->nickname);
// Add to the group timeline
// XXX: join
$gi = new Group_inbox();
$gi->notice_id = $notice->id;
if ($gi->find()) {
while ($gi->fetch()) {
$ug = User_group::staticGet('id', $gi->group_id);
$paths[] = array('showgroup', $ug->nickname);
if (count($paths) > 0) {
$json = $this->noticeAsJson($notice);
@ -150,6 +204,39 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
return true;
function onStartShowBody($action)
$realtime = $action->boolean('realtime');
if (!$realtime) {
return true;
(common_current_user()) ? array('id' => $action->trimmed('action'),
'class' => 'user_in')
: array('id' => $action->trimmed('action')));
$action->elementStart('div', array('id' => 'header'));
// XXX hack to deal with JS that tries to get the
// root url from page output
$action->element('a', array('class' => 'url',
'href' => common_local_url('public')),
if (common_logged_in()) {
return false; // No default processing
function noticeAsJson($notice)
// FIXME: this code should be abstracted to a neutral third
@ -234,4 +321,41 @@ class RealtimePlugin extends Plugin
return '';
function _getTimeline($action)
$path = null;
$timeline = null;
$action_name = $action->trimmed('action');
switch ($action_name) {
case 'public':
$path = array('public');
case 'tag':
$tag = $action->trimmed('tag');
if (!empty($tag)) {
$path = array('tag', $tag);
case 'showstream':
case 'all':
case 'replies':
case 'showgroup':
$nickname = common_canonical_nickname($action->trimmed('nickname'));
if (!empty($nickname)) {
$path = array($action_name, $nickname);
if (!empty($path)) {
$timeline = $this->_pathToChannel($path);
return $timeline;
@ -1,152 +1,147 @@
$(document).ready(function() {
if (!$(document).getUrlParam('realtime')) {
$('#site_nav_local_views .current a').append('<button id="realtime_timeline" title="Pop this tab">↗</button>');
// add a notice encoded as JSON into the current timeline
// TODO: i18n
'margin':'2px 0 0 11px',
'background':'transparent url('+$('address .url')[0].href+'/plugins/Realtime/icon_external.gif) no-repeat 45% 45%',
RealtimeUpdate = {
_userid: 0,
_replyurl: '',
_favorurl: '',
_deleteurl: '',
$('#realtime_timeline').click(function() {
init: function(userid, replyurl, favorurl, deleteurl)
RealtimeUpdate._userid = userid;
RealtimeUpdate._replyurl = replyurl;
RealtimeUpdate._favorurl = favorurl;
RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl = deleteurl;
return false;
else {
window.resizeTo(575, 640);
address = $('address');
content = $('#content');
receive: function(data)
id =;
// Don't add it if it already exists
if ($("#notice-"+id).length > 0) {
// add a notice encoded as JSON into the current timeline
// TODO: i18n
var noticeItem = RealtimeUpdate.makeNoticeItem(data);
$("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(noticeItem, true);
$("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"});
$("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(1000);
RealtimeUpdate = {
_userid: 0,
_replyurl: '',
_favorurl: '',
_deleteurl: '',
makeNoticeItem: function(data)
user = data['user'];
html = data['html'].replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"');
source = data['source'].replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"');
init: function(userid, replyurl, favorurl, deleteurl)
RealtimeUpdate._userid = userid;
RealtimeUpdate._replyurl = replyurl;
RealtimeUpdate._favorurl = favorurl;
RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl = deleteurl;
receive: function(data)
id =;
// Don't add it if it already exists
if ($("#notice-"+id).length > 0) {
var noticeItem = RealtimeUpdate.makeNoticeItem(data);
$("#notices_primary .notices").prepend(noticeItem, true);
$("#notices_primary .notice:first").css({display:"none"});
$("#notices_primary .notice:first").fadeIn(1000);
makeNoticeItem: function(data)
user = data['user'];
html = data['html'].replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"');
source = data['source'].replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"');
ni = "<li class=\"hentry notice\" id=\"notice-"+data['id']+"\">"+
"<div class=\"entry-title\">"+
"<span class=\"vcard author\">"+
"<a href=\""+user['profile_url']+"\" class=\"url\">"+
"<img src=\""+user['profile_image_url']+"\" class=\"avatar photo\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\""+user['screen_name']+"\"/>"+
"<span class=\"nickname fn\">"+user['screen_name']+"</span>"+
"<p class=\"entry-content\">"+html+"</p>"+
"<div class=\"entry-content\">"+
"<a class=\"timestamp\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\""+data['url']+"\" >"+
"<abbr class=\"published\" title=\""+data['created_at']+"\">a few seconds ago</abbr>"+
"</a> "+
"<span class=\"source\">"+
"from "+
ni = "<li class=\"hentry notice\" id=\"notice-"+data['id']+"\">"+
"<div class=\"entry-title\">"+
"<span class=\"vcard author\">"+
"<a href=\""+user['profile_url']+"\" class=\"url\">"+
"<img src=\""+user['profile_image_url']+"\" class=\"avatar photo\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\""+user['screen_name']+"\"/>"+
"<span class=\"nickname fn\">"+user['screen_name']+"</span>"+
"<p class=\"entry-content\">"+html+"</p>"+
"<div class=\"entry-content\">"+
"<a class=\"timestamp\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\""+data['url']+"\" >"+
"<abbr class=\"published\" title=\""+data['created_at']+"\">a few seconds ago</abbr>"+
"</a> "+
"<span class=\"source\">"+
"from "+
"<span class=\"device\">"+source+"</span>"+ // may have a link
if (data['in_reply_to_status_id']) {
ni = ni+" <a class=\"response\" href=\""+data['in_reply_to_status_url']+"\">in context</a>";
if (data['in_reply_to_status_id']) {
ni = ni+" <a class=\"response\" href=\""+data['in_reply_to_status_url']+"\">in context</a>";
ni = ni+"</div>"+
ni = ni+"</div>"+
"<div class=\"notice-options\">";
if (RealtimeUpdate._userid != 0) {
var input = $("form#form_notice fieldset input#token");
var session_key = input.val();
ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeFavoriteForm(data['id'], session_key);
ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeReplyLink(data['id'], data['user']['screen_name']);
if (RealtimeUpdate._userid == data['user']['id']) {
if (RealtimeUpdate._userid != 0) {
var input = $("form#form_notice fieldset input#token");
var session_key = input.val();
ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeFavoriteForm(data['id'], session_key);
ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeReplyLink(data['id'], data['user']['screen_name']);
if (RealtimeUpdate._userid == data['user']['id']) {
ni = ni+RealtimeUpdate.makeDeleteLink(data['id']);
ni = ni+"</div>"+
return ni;
ni = ni+"</div>"+
return ni;
makeFavoriteForm: function(id, session_key)
var ff;
makeFavoriteForm: function(id, session_key)
var ff;
ff = "<form id=\"favor-"+id+"\" class=\"form_favor\" method=\"post\" action=\""+RealtimeUpdate._favorurl+"\">"+
ff = "<form id=\"favor-"+id+"\" class=\"form_favor\" method=\"post\" action=\""+RealtimeUpdate._favorurl+"\">"+
"<legend>Favor this notice</legend>"+
"<input name=\"token-"+id+"\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"token-"+id+"\" value=\""+session_key+"\"/>"+
"<input name=\"notice\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"notice-n"+id+"\" value=\""+id+"\"/>"+
"<input type=\"submit\" id=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" name=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Favor\" title=\"Favor this notice\"/>"+
"<legend>Favor this notice</legend>"+
"<input name=\"token-"+id+"\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"token-"+id+"\" value=\""+session_key+"\"/>"+
"<input name=\"notice\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"notice-n"+id+"\" value=\""+id+"\"/>"+
"<input type=\"submit\" id=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" name=\"favor-submit-"+id+"\" class=\"submit\" value=\"Favor\" title=\"Favor this notice\"/>"+
return ff;
return ff;
makeReplyLink: function(id, nickname)
var rl;
rl = "<a class=\"notice_reply\" href=\""+RealtimeUpdate._replyurl+"?replyto="+nickname+"\" title=\"Reply to this notice\">Reply <span class=\"notice_id\">"+id+"</span></a>";
return rl;
makeReplyLink: function(id, nickname)
var rl;
rl = "<a class=\"notice_reply\" href=\""+RealtimeUpdate._replyurl+"?replyto="+nickname+"\" title=\"Reply to this notice\">Reply <span class=\"notice_id\">"+id+"</span></a>";
return rl;
makeDeleteLink: function(id)
var dl, delurl;
delurl = RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl.replace("0000000000", id);
makeDeleteLink: function(id)
var dl, delurl;
delurl = RealtimeUpdate._deleteurl.replace("0000000000", id);
dl = "<a class=\"notice_delete\" href=\""+delurl+"\" title=\"Delete this notice\">Delete</a>";
dl = "<a class=\"notice_delete\" href=\""+delurl+"\" title=\"Delete this notice\">Delete</a>";
return dl;
return dl;
addPopup: function(url, timeline, iconurl)
$('#site_nav_local_views .current a').append('<button id="realtime_timeline" title="Real-time pop window">↗</button>');
'margin':'2px 0 0 11px',
'background':'transparent url('+ iconurl + ') no-repeat 45% 45%',
$('#realtime_timeline').click(function() {
return false;
initPopupWindow: function()
window.resizeTo(575, 640);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user