Add HTMLPurifier to extlib
HTMLPurifier defangs arbitrary submitted HTML. We're using it in the OStatus plugin, but it may be valuable for other parts of the codebase (I think OEmbed might benefit, for example).
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* This is a stub include that automatically configures the include path.
set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );
require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Bootstrap.php';
require_once 'HTMLPurifier.autoload.php';
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* @file
* Convenience file that registers autoload handler for HTML Purifier.
if (function_exists('spl_autoload_register') && function_exists('spl_autoload_unregister')) {
// We need unregister for our pre-registering functionality
if (function_exists('__autoload')) {
// Be polite and ensure that userland autoload gets retained
} elseif (!function_exists('__autoload')) {
function __autoload($class) {
return HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::autoload($class);
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* @file
* Defines a function wrapper for HTML Purifier for quick use.
* @note ''HTMLPurifier()'' is NOT the same as ''new HTMLPurifier()''
* Purify HTML.
* @param $html String HTML to purify
* @param $config Configuration to use, can be any value accepted by
* HTMLPurifier_Config::create()
function HTMLPurifier($html, $config = null) {
static $purifier = false;
if (!$purifier) {
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier();
return $purifier->purify($html, $config);
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
* @file
* This file was auto-generated by generate-includes.php and includes all of
* the core files required by HTML Purifier. Use this if performance is a
* primary concern and you are using an opcode cache. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS
* FILE, changes will be overwritten the next time the script is run.
* @version 4.0.0
* @warning
* You must *not* include any other HTML Purifier files before this file,
* because 'require' not 'require_once' is used.
* @warning
* This file requires that the include path contains the HTML Purifier
* library directory; this is not auto-set.
require 'HTMLPurifier.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrCollections.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTypes.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrValidator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Bootstrap.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Definition.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/CSSDefinition.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Config.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ContentSets.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Context.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCacheFactory.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Doctype.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DoctypeRegistry.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ElementDef.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Encoder.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/EntityLookup.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/EntityParser.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ErrorCollector.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ErrorStruct.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Exception.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Filter.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Generator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLDefinition.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModuleManager.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/IDAccumulator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Language.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/LanguageFactory.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Length.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/PercentEncoder.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/PropertyList.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/PropertyListIterator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/StringHash.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/StringHashParser.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/TagTransform.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/TokenFactory.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URI.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIDefinition.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIFilter.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIParser.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URISchemeRegistry.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/UnitConverter.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/VarParser.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/VarParserException.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Enum.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Integer.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Lang.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Switch.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Text.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Number.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/AlphaValue.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Background.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/BackgroundPosition.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Border.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Color.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Composite.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/DenyElementDecorator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Filter.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Font.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/FontFamily.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/ImportantDecorator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Length.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/ListStyle.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Multiple.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Percentage.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/TextDecoration.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/URI.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Bool.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Nmtokens.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Class.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Color.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/FrameTarget.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/ID.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Pixels.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Length.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/LinkTypes.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/MultiLength.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/Email.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/Host.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/IPv4.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/IPv6.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/Email/SimpleCheck.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Background.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BdoDir.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BgColor.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BoolToCSS.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Border.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/EnumToCSS.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ImgRequired.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ImgSpace.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Input.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Lang.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Length.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Name.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/NameSync.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/SafeEmbed.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/SafeObject.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/SafeParam.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ScriptRequired.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Textarea.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Chameleon.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Custom.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Empty.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Required.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Optional.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/StrictBlockquote.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Table.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Null.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator/Cleanup.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator/Memory.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Bdo.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/CommonAttributes.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Edit.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Forms.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Hypertext.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Image.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Legacy.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/List.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Name.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/NonXMLCommonAttributes.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Object.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Presentation.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Proprietary.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Ruby.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeEmbed.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeObject.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Scripting.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/StyleAttribute.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tables.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Target.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Text.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/XMLCommonAttributes.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Name.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Proprietary.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTMLAndHTML4.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Strict.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Transitional.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTML.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector/AutoParagraph.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector/DisplayLinkURI.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector/Linkify.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector/PurifierLinkify.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector/RemoveEmpty.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Injector/SafeObject.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DOMLex.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DirectLex.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Composite.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Core.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy/MakeWellFormed.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy/RemoveForeignElements.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/TagTransform/Font.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/TagTransform/Simple.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token/Comment.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token/Tag.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token/Empty.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token/End.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token/Start.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/Token/Text.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/DisableExternal.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/DisableExternalResources.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/HostBlacklist.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/MakeAbsolute.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/Munge.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/ftp.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/http.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/https.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/mailto.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/news.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/nntp.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/VarParser/Flexible.php';
require 'HTMLPurifier/VarParser/Native.php';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* @file
* Emulation layer for code that used kses(), substituting in HTML Purifier.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
function kses($string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols = null) {
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$allowed_elements = array();
$allowed_attributes = array();
foreach ($allowed_html as $element => $attributes) {
$allowed_elements[$element] = true;
foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $x) {
$allowed_attributes["$element.$attribute"] = true;
$config->set('HTML.AllowedElements', $allowed_elements);
$config->set('HTML.AllowedAttributes', $allowed_attributes);
$allowed_schemes = array();
if ($allowed_protocols !== null) {
$config->set('URI.AllowedSchemes', $allowed_protocols);
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
return $purifier->purify($string);
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* @file
* Convenience stub file that adds HTML Purifier's library file to the path
* without any other side-effects.
set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
/*! @mainpage
* HTML Purifier is an HTML filter that will take an arbitrary snippet of
* HTML and rigorously test, validate and filter it into a version that
* is safe for output onto webpages. It achieves this by:
* -# Lexing (parsing into tokens) the document,
* -# Executing various strategies on the tokens:
* -# Removing all elements not in the whitelist,
* -# Making the tokens well-formed,
* -# Fixing the nesting of the nodes, and
* -# Validating attributes of the nodes; and
* -# Generating HTML from the purified tokens.
* However, most users will only need to interface with the HTMLPurifier
* and HTMLPurifier_Config.
HTML Purifier 4.0.0 - Standards Compliant HTML Filtering
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Edward Z. Yang
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Facade that coordinates HTML Purifier's subsystems in order to purify HTML.
* @note There are several points in which configuration can be specified
* for HTML Purifier. The precedence of these (from lowest to
* highest) is as follows:
* -# Instance: new HTMLPurifier($config)
* -# Invocation: purify($html, $config)
* These configurations are entirely independent of each other and
* are *not* merged (this behavior may change in the future).
* @todo We need an easier way to inject strategies using the configuration
* object.
class HTMLPurifier
/** Version of HTML Purifier */
public $version = '4.0.0';
/** Constant with version of HTML Purifier */
const VERSION = '4.0.0';
/** Global configuration object */
public $config;
/** Array of extra HTMLPurifier_Filter objects to run on HTML, for backwards compatibility */
private $filters = array();
/** Single instance of HTML Purifier */
private static $instance;
protected $strategy, $generator;
* Resultant HTMLPurifier_Context of last run purification. Is an array
* of contexts if the last called method was purifyArray().
public $context;
* Initializes the purifier.
* @param $config Optional HTMLPurifier_Config object for all instances of
* the purifier, if omitted, a default configuration is
* supplied (which can be overridden on a per-use basis).
* The parameter can also be any type that
* HTMLPurifier_Config::create() supports.
public function __construct($config = null) {
$this->config = HTMLPurifier_Config::create($config);
$this->strategy = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Core();
* Adds a filter to process the output. First come first serve
* @param $filter HTMLPurifier_Filter object
public function addFilter($filter) {
trigger_error('HTMLPurifier->addFilter() is deprecated, use configuration directives in the Filter namespace or Filter.Custom', E_USER_WARNING);
$this->filters[] = $filter;
* Filters an HTML snippet/document to be XSS-free and standards-compliant.
* @param $html String of HTML to purify
* @param $config HTMLPurifier_Config object for this operation, if omitted,
* defaults to the config object specified during this
* object's construction. The parameter can also be any type
* that HTMLPurifier_Config::create() supports.
* @return Purified HTML
public function purify($html, $config = null) {
// :TODO: make the config merge in, instead of replace
$config = $config ? HTMLPurifier_Config::create($config) : $this->config;
// implementation is partially environment dependant, partially
// configuration dependant
$lexer = HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create($config);
$context = new HTMLPurifier_Context();
// setup HTML generator
$this->generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context);
$context->register('Generator', $this->generator);
// set up global context variables
if ($config->get('Core.CollectErrors')) {
// may get moved out if other facilities use it
$language_factory = HTMLPurifier_LanguageFactory::instance();
$language = $language_factory->create($config, $context);
$context->register('Locale', $language);
$error_collector = new HTMLPurifier_ErrorCollector($context);
$context->register('ErrorCollector', $error_collector);
// setup id_accumulator context, necessary due to the fact that
// AttrValidator can be called from many places
$id_accumulator = HTMLPurifier_IDAccumulator::build($config, $context);
$context->register('IDAccumulator', $id_accumulator);
$html = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::convertToUTF8($html, $config, $context);
// setup filters
$filter_flags = $config->getBatch('Filter');
$custom_filters = $filter_flags['Custom'];
$filters = array();
foreach ($filter_flags as $filter => $flag) {
if (!$flag) continue;
if (strpos($filter, '.') !== false) continue;
$class = "HTMLPurifier_Filter_$filter";
$filters[] = new $class;
foreach ($custom_filters as $filter) {
// maybe "HTMLPurifier_Filter_$filter", but be consistent with AutoFormat
$filters[] = $filter;
$filters = array_merge($filters, $this->filters);
// maybe prepare(), but later
for ($i = 0, $filter_size = count($filters); $i < $filter_size; $i++) {
$html = $filters[$i]->preFilter($html, $config, $context);
// purified HTML
$html =
// list of tokens
// list of un-purified tokens
// un-purified HTML
$html, $config, $context
$config, $context
for ($i = $filter_size - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$html = $filters[$i]->postFilter($html, $config, $context);
$html = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::convertFromUTF8($html, $config, $context);
$this->context =& $context;
return $html;
* Filters an array of HTML snippets
* @param $config Optional HTMLPurifier_Config object for this operation.
* See HTMLPurifier::purify() for more details.
* @return Array of purified HTML
public function purifyArray($array_of_html, $config = null) {
$context_array = array();
foreach ($array_of_html as $key => $html) {
$array_of_html[$key] = $this->purify($html, $config);
$context_array[$key] = $this->context;
$this->context = $context_array;
return $array_of_html;
* Singleton for enforcing just one HTML Purifier in your system
* @param $prototype Optional prototype HTMLPurifier instance to
* overload singleton with, or HTMLPurifier_Config
* instance to configure the generated version with.
public static function instance($prototype = null) {
if (!self::$instance || $prototype) {
if ($prototype instanceof HTMLPurifier) {
self::$instance = $prototype;
} elseif ($prototype) {
self::$instance = new HTMLPurifier($prototype);
} else {
self::$instance = new HTMLPurifier();
return self::$instance;
* @note Backwards compatibility, see instance()
public static function getInstance($prototype = null) {
return HTMLPurifier::instance($prototype);
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* @file
* This file was auto-generated by generate-includes.php and includes all of
* the core files required by HTML Purifier. This is a convenience stub that
* includes all files using dirname(__FILE__) and require_once. PLEASE DO NOT
* EDIT THIS FILE, changes will be overwritten the next time the script is run.
* Changes to include_path are not necessary.
$__dir = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrCollections.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTypes.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrValidator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Bootstrap.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Definition.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/CSSDefinition.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Config.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ContentSets.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Context.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCacheFactory.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Doctype.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DoctypeRegistry.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ElementDef.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Encoder.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/EntityLookup.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/EntityParser.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ErrorCollector.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ErrorStruct.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Exception.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Filter.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Generator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLDefinition.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModuleManager.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/IDAccumulator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Language.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/LanguageFactory.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Length.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Lexer.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/PercentEncoder.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/PropertyList.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/PropertyListIterator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/StringHash.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/StringHashParser.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/TagTransform.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/TokenFactory.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URI.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIDefinition.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIFilter.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIParser.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URISchemeRegistry.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/UnitConverter.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/VarParser.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/VarParserException.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Enum.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Integer.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Lang.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Switch.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/Text.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Number.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/AlphaValue.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Background.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/BackgroundPosition.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Border.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Color.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Composite.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/DenyElementDecorator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Filter.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Font.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/FontFamily.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/ImportantDecorator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Length.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/ListStyle.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Multiple.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/Percentage.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/TextDecoration.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/CSS/URI.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Bool.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Nmtokens.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Class.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Color.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/FrameTarget.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/ID.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Pixels.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/Length.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/LinkTypes.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/MultiLength.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/Email.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/Host.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/IPv4.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/IPv6.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/URI/Email/SimpleCheck.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Background.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BdoDir.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BgColor.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/BoolToCSS.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Border.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/EnumToCSS.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ImgRequired.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ImgSpace.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Input.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Lang.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Length.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Name.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/NameSync.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/SafeEmbed.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/SafeObject.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/SafeParam.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ScriptRequired.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/Textarea.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Chameleon.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Custom.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Empty.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Required.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Optional.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/StrictBlockquote.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/ChildDef/Table.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Null.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator/Cleanup.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator/Memory.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Bdo.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/CommonAttributes.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Edit.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Forms.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Hypertext.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Image.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Legacy.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/List.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Name.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/NonXMLCommonAttributes.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Object.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Presentation.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Proprietary.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Ruby.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeEmbed.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeObject.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Scripting.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/StyleAttribute.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tables.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Target.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Text.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/XMLCommonAttributes.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Name.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Proprietary.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTMLAndHTML4.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Strict.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Transitional.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTML.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector/AutoParagraph.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector/DisplayLinkURI.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector/Linkify.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector/PurifierLinkify.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector/RemoveEmpty.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Injector/SafeObject.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DOMLex.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Lexer/DirectLex.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Composite.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Core.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/MakeWellFormed.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/RemoveForeignElements.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/TagTransform/Font.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/TagTransform/Simple.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token/Comment.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token/Tag.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token/Empty.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token/End.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token/Start.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/Token/Text.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/DisableExternal.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/DisableExternalResources.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/HostBlacklist.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/MakeAbsolute.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIFilter/Munge.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/ftp.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/http.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/https.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/mailto.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/news.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme/nntp.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/VarParser/Flexible.php';
require_once $__dir . '/HTMLPurifier/VarParser/Native.php';
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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
* Defines common attribute collections that modules reference
class HTMLPurifier_AttrCollections
* Associative array of attribute collections, indexed by name
public $info = array();
* Performs all expansions on internal data for use by other inclusions
* It also collects all attribute collection extensions from
* modules
* @param $attr_types HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes instance
* @param $modules Hash array of HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule members
public function __construct($attr_types, $modules) {
// load extensions from the modules
foreach ($modules as $module) {
foreach ($module->attr_collections as $coll_i => $coll) {
if (!isset($this->info[$coll_i])) {
$this->info[$coll_i] = array();
foreach ($coll as $attr_i => $attr) {
if ($attr_i === 0 && isset($this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i])) {
// merge in includes
$this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i] = array_merge(
$this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i], $attr);
$this->info[$coll_i][$attr_i] = $attr;
// perform internal expansions and inclusions
foreach ($this->info as $name => $attr) {
// merge attribute collections that include others
// replace string identifiers with actual attribute objects
$this->expandIdentifiers($this->info[$name], $attr_types);
* Takes a reference to an attribute associative array and performs
* all inclusions specified by the zero index.
* @param &$attr Reference to attribute array
public function performInclusions(&$attr) {
if (!isset($attr[0])) return;
$merge = $attr[0];
$seen = array(); // recursion guard
// loop through all the inclusions
for ($i = 0; isset($merge[$i]); $i++) {
if (isset($seen[$merge[$i]])) continue;
$seen[$merge[$i]] = true;
// foreach attribute of the inclusion, copy it over
if (!isset($this->info[$merge[$i]])) continue;
foreach ($this->info[$merge[$i]] as $key => $value) {
if (isset($attr[$key])) continue; // also catches more inclusions
$attr[$key] = $value;
if (isset($this->info[$merge[$i]][0])) {
// recursion
$merge = array_merge($merge, $this->info[$merge[$i]][0]);
* Expands all string identifiers in an attribute array by replacing
* them with the appropriate values inside HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes
* @param &$attr Reference to attribute array
* @param $attr_types HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes instance
public function expandIdentifiers(&$attr, $attr_types) {
// because foreach will process new elements we add, make sure we
// skip duplicates
$processed = array();
foreach ($attr as $def_i => $def) {
// skip inclusions
if ($def_i === 0) continue;
if (isset($processed[$def_i])) continue;
// determine whether or not attribute is required
if ($required = (strpos($def_i, '*') !== false)) {
// rename the definition
$def_i = trim($def_i, '*');
$attr[$def_i] = $def;
$processed[$def_i] = true;
// if we've already got a literal object, move on
if (is_object($def)) {
// preserve previous required
$attr[$def_i]->required = ($required || $attr[$def_i]->required);
if ($def === false) {
if ($t = $attr_types->get($def)) {
$attr[$def_i] = $t;
$attr[$def_i]->required = $required;
} else {
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Base class for all validating attribute definitions.
* This family of classes forms the core for not only HTML attribute validation,
* but also any sort of string that needs to be validated or cleaned (which
* means CSS properties and composite definitions are defined here too).
* Besides defining (through code) what precisely makes the string valid,
* subclasses are also responsible for cleaning the code if possible.
abstract class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Tells us whether or not an HTML attribute is minimized. Has no
* meaning in other contexts.
public $minimized = false;
* Tells us whether or not an HTML attribute is required. Has no
* meaning in other contexts
public $required = false;
* Validates and cleans passed string according to a definition.
* @param $string String to be validated and cleaned.
* @param $config Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Config object.
* @param $context Mandatory HTMLPurifier_AttrContext object.
abstract public function validate($string, $config, $context);
* Convenience method that parses a string as if it were CDATA.
* This method process a string in the manner specified at
* <> by removing
* leading and trailing whitespace, ignoring line feeds, and replacing
* carriage returns and tabs with spaces. While most useful for HTML
* attributes specified as CDATA, it can also be applied to most CSS
* values.
* @note This method is not entirely standards compliant, as trim() removes
* more types of whitespace than specified in the spec. In practice,
* this is rarely a problem, as those extra characters usually have
* already been removed by HTMLPurifier_Encoder.
* @warning This processing is inconsistent with XML's whitespace handling
* as specified by section 3.3.3 and referenced XHTML 1.0 section
* 4.7. However, note that we are NOT necessarily
* parsing XML, thus, this behavior may still be correct. We
* assume that newlines have been normalized.
public function parseCDATA($string) {
$string = trim($string);
$string = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), ' ', $string);
return $string;
* Factory method for creating this class from a string.
* @param $string String construction info
* @return Created AttrDef object corresponding to $string
public function make($string) {
// default implementation, return a flyweight of this object.
// If $string has an effect on the returned object (i.e. you
// need to overload this method), it is best
// to clone or instantiate new copies. (Instantiation is safer.)
return $this;
* Removes spaces from rgb(0, 0, 0) so that shorthand CSS properties work
* properly. THIS IS A HACK!
protected function mungeRgb($string) {
return preg_replace('/rgb\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\)/', 'rgb(\1,\2,\3)', $string);
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Validates the HTML attribute style, otherwise known as CSS.
* @note We don't implement the whole CSS specification, so it might be
* difficult to reuse this component in the context of validating
* actual stylesheet declarations.
* @note If we were really serious about validating the CSS, we would
* tokenize the styles and then parse the tokens. Obviously, we
* are not doing that. Doing that could seriously harm performance,
* but would make these components a lot more viable for a CSS
* filtering solution.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($css, $config, $context) {
$css = $this->parseCDATA($css);
$definition = $config->getCSSDefinition();
// we're going to break the spec and explode by semicolons.
// This is because semicolon rarely appears in escaped form
// Doing this is generally flaky but fast
// for details
$declarations = explode(';', $css);
$propvalues = array();
* Name of the current CSS property being validated.
$property = false;
$context->register('CurrentCSSProperty', $property);
foreach ($declarations as $declaration) {
if (!$declaration) continue;
if (!strpos($declaration, ':')) continue;
list($property, $value) = explode(':', $declaration, 2);
$property = trim($property);
$value = trim($value);
$ok = false;
do {
if (isset($definition->info[$property])) {
$ok = true;
if (ctype_lower($property)) break;
$property = strtolower($property);
if (isset($definition->info[$property])) {
$ok = true;
} while(0);
if (!$ok) continue;
// inefficient call, since the validator will do this again
if (strtolower(trim($value)) !== 'inherit') {
// inherit works for everything (but only on the base property)
$result = $definition->info[$property]->validate(
$value, $config, $context );
} else {
$result = 'inherit';
if ($result === false) continue;
$propvalues[$property] = $result;
// procedure does not write the new CSS simultaneously, so it's
// slightly inefficient, but it's the only way of getting rid of
// duplicates. Perhaps config to optimize it, but not now.
$new_declarations = '';
foreach ($propvalues as $prop => $value) {
$new_declarations .= "$prop:$value;";
return $new_declarations ? $new_declarations : false;
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct(false); // opacity is non-negative, but we will clamp it
public function validate($number, $config, $context) {
$result = parent::validate($number, $config, $context);
if ($result === false) return $result;
$float = (float) $result;
if ($float < 0.0) $result = '0';
if ($float > 1.0) $result = '1';
return $result;
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Validates shorthand CSS property background.
* @warning Does not support url tokens that have internal spaces.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Background extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Local copy of component validators.
* @note See HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Font::$info for a similar impl.
protected $info;
public function __construct($config) {
$def = $config->getCSSDefinition();
$this->info['background-color'] = $def->info['background-color'];
$this->info['background-image'] = $def->info['background-image'];
$this->info['background-repeat'] = $def->info['background-repeat'];
$this->info['background-attachment'] = $def->info['background-attachment'];
$this->info['background-position'] = $def->info['background-position'];
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
// regular pre-processing
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
// munge rgb() decl if necessary
$string = $this->mungeRgb($string);
// assumes URI doesn't have spaces in it
$bits = explode(' ', strtolower($string)); // bits to process
$caught = array();
$caught['color'] = false;
$caught['image'] = false;
$caught['repeat'] = false;
$caught['attachment'] = false;
$caught['position'] = false;
$i = 0; // number of catches
$none = false;
foreach ($bits as $bit) {
if ($bit === '') continue;
foreach ($caught as $key => $status) {
if ($key != 'position') {
if ($status !== false) continue;
$r = $this->info['background-' . $key]->validate($bit, $config, $context);
} else {
$r = $bit;
if ($r === false) continue;
if ($key == 'position') {
if ($caught[$key] === false) $caught[$key] = '';
$caught[$key] .= $r . ' ';
} else {
$caught[$key] = $r;
if (!$i) return false;
if ($caught['position'] !== false) {
$caught['position'] = $this->info['background-position']->
validate($caught['position'], $config, $context);
$ret = array();
foreach ($caught as $value) {
if ($value === false) continue;
$ret[] = $value;
if (empty($ret)) return false;
return implode(' ', $ret);
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
/* W3C says:
[ // adjective and number must be in correct order, even if
// you could switch them without introducing ambiguity.
// some browsers support that syntax
<percentage> | <length> | left | center | right
<percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom
] |
[ // this signifies that the vertical and horizontal adjectives
// can be arbitrarily ordered, however, there can only be two,
// one of each, or none at all
left | center | right
] ||
top | center | bottom
top, left = 0%
center, (none) = 50%
bottom, right = 100%
/* QuirksMode says:
keyword + length/percentage must be ordered correctly, as per W3C
Internet Explorer and Opera, however, support arbitrary ordering. We
should fix it up.
Minor issue though, not strictly necessary.
// control freaks may appreciate the ability to convert these to
// percentages or something, but it's not necessary
* Validates the value of background-position.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_BackgroundPosition extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
protected $length;
protected $percentage;
public function __construct() {
$this->length = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length();
$this->percentage = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage();
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
$bits = explode(' ', $string);
$keywords = array();
$keywords['h'] = false; // left, right
$keywords['v'] = false; // top, bottom
$keywords['c'] = false; // center
$measures = array();
$i = 0;
$lookup = array(
'top' => 'v',
'bottom' => 'v',
'left' => 'h',
'right' => 'h',
'center' => 'c'
foreach ($bits as $bit) {
if ($bit === '') continue;
// test for keyword
$lbit = ctype_lower($bit) ? $bit : strtolower($bit);
if (isset($lookup[$lbit])) {
$status = $lookup[$lbit];
$keywords[$status] = $lbit;
// test for length
$r = $this->length->validate($bit, $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$measures[] = $r;
// test for percentage
$r = $this->percentage->validate($bit, $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$measures[] = $r;
if (!$i) return false; // no valid values were caught
$ret = array();
// first keyword
if ($keywords['h']) $ret[] = $keywords['h'];
elseif (count($measures)) $ret[] = array_shift($measures);
elseif ($keywords['c']) {
$ret[] = $keywords['c'];
$keywords['c'] = false; // prevent re-use: center = center center
if ($keywords['v']) $ret[] = $keywords['v'];
elseif (count($measures)) $ret[] = array_shift($measures);
elseif ($keywords['c']) $ret[] = $keywords['c'];
if (empty($ret)) return false;
return implode(' ', $ret);
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Validates the border property as defined by CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Border extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Local copy of properties this property is shorthand for.
protected $info = array();
public function __construct($config) {
$def = $config->getCSSDefinition();
$this->info['border-width'] = $def->info['border-width'];
$this->info['border-style'] = $def->info['border-style'];
$this->info['border-top-color'] = $def->info['border-top-color'];
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
$string = $this->mungeRgb($string);
$bits = explode(' ', $string);
$done = array(); // segments we've finished
$ret = ''; // return value
foreach ($bits as $bit) {
foreach ($this->info as $propname => $validator) {
if (isset($done[$propname])) continue;
$r = $validator->validate($bit, $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$ret .= $r . ' ';
$done[$propname] = true;
return rtrim($ret);
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Validates Color as defined by CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($color, $config, $context) {
static $colors = null;
if ($colors === null) $colors = $config->get('Core.ColorKeywords');
$color = trim($color);
if ($color === '') return false;
$lower = strtolower($color);
if (isset($colors[$lower])) return $colors[$lower];
if (strpos($color, 'rgb(') !== false) {
// rgb literal handling
$length = strlen($color);
if (strpos($color, ')') !== $length - 1) return false;
$triad = substr($color, 4, $length - 4 - 1);
$parts = explode(',', $triad);
if (count($parts) !== 3) return false;
$type = false; // to ensure that they're all the same type
$new_parts = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$part = trim($part);
if ($part === '') return false;
$length = strlen($part);
if ($part[$length - 1] === '%') {
// handle percents
if (!$type) {
$type = 'percentage';
} elseif ($type !== 'percentage') {
return false;
$num = (float) substr($part, 0, $length - 1);
if ($num < 0) $num = 0;
if ($num > 100) $num = 100;
$new_parts[] = "$num%";
} else {
// handle integers
if (!$type) {
$type = 'integer';
} elseif ($type !== 'integer') {
return false;
$num = (int) $part;
if ($num < 0) $num = 0;
if ($num > 255) $num = 255;
$new_parts[] = (string) $num;
$new_triad = implode(',', $new_parts);
$color = "rgb($new_triad)";
} else {
// hexadecimal handling
if ($color[0] === '#') {
$hex = substr($color, 1);
} else {
$hex = $color;
$color = '#' . $color;
$length = strlen($hex);
if ($length !== 3 && $length !== 6) return false;
if (!ctype_xdigit($hex)) return false;
return $color;
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Allows multiple validators to attempt to validate attribute.
* Composite is just what it sounds like: a composite of many validators.
* This means that multiple HTMLPurifier_AttrDef objects will have a whack
* at the string. If one of them passes, that's what is returned. This is
* especially useful for CSS values, which often are a choice between
* an enumerated set of predefined values or a flexible data type.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* List of HTMLPurifier_AttrDef objects that may process strings
* @todo Make protected
public $defs;
* @param $defs List of HTMLPurifier_AttrDef objects
public function __construct($defs) {
$this->defs = $defs;
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
foreach ($this->defs as $i => $def) {
$result = $this->defs[$i]->validate($string, $config, $context);
if ($result !== false) return $result;
return false;
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Decorator which enables CSS properties to be disabled for specific elements.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_DenyElementDecorator extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public $def, $element;
* @param $def Definition to wrap
* @param $element Element to deny
public function __construct($def, $element) {
$this->def = $def;
$this->element = $element;
* Checks if CurrentToken is set and equal to $this->element
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$token = $context->get('CurrentToken', true);
if ($token && $token->name == $this->element) return false;
return $this->def->validate($string, $config, $context);
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Microsoft's proprietary filter: CSS property
* @note Currently supports the alpha filter. In the future, this will
* probably need an extensible framework
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Filter extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
protected $intValidator;
public function __construct() {
$this->intValidator = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer();
public function validate($value, $config, $context) {
$value = $this->parseCDATA($value);
if ($value === 'none') return $value;
// if we looped this we could support multiple filters
$function_length = strcspn($value, '(');
$function = trim(substr($value, 0, $function_length));
if ($function !== 'alpha' &&
$function !== 'Alpha' &&
$function !== 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha'
) return false;
$cursor = $function_length + 1;
$parameters_length = strcspn($value, ')', $cursor);
$parameters = substr($value, $cursor, $parameters_length);
$params = explode(',', $parameters);
$ret_params = array();
$lookup = array();
foreach ($params as $param) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $param);
$key = trim($key);
$value = trim($value);
if (isset($lookup[$key])) continue;
if ($key !== 'opacity') continue;
$value = $this->intValidator->validate($value, $config, $context);
if ($value === false) continue;
$int = (int) $value;
if ($int > 100) $value = '100';
if ($int < 0) $value = '0';
$ret_params[] = "$key=$value";
$lookup[$key] = true;
$ret_parameters = implode(',', $ret_params);
$ret_function = "$function($ret_parameters)";
return $ret_function;
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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
* Validates shorthand CSS property font.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Font extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Local copy of component validators.
* @note If we moved specific CSS property definitions to their own
* classes instead of having them be assembled at run time by
* CSSDefinition, this wouldn't be necessary. We'd instantiate
* our own copies.
protected $info = array();
public function __construct($config) {
$def = $config->getCSSDefinition();
$this->info['font-style'] = $def->info['font-style'];
$this->info['font-variant'] = $def->info['font-variant'];
$this->info['font-weight'] = $def->info['font-weight'];
$this->info['font-size'] = $def->info['font-size'];
$this->info['line-height'] = $def->info['line-height'];
$this->info['font-family'] = $def->info['font-family'];
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
static $system_fonts = array(
'caption' => true,
'icon' => true,
'menu' => true,
'message-box' => true,
'small-caption' => true,
'status-bar' => true
// regular pre-processing
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
// check if it's one of the keywords
$lowercase_string = strtolower($string);
if (isset($system_fonts[$lowercase_string])) {
return $lowercase_string;
$bits = explode(' ', $string); // bits to process
$stage = 0; // this indicates what we're looking for
$caught = array(); // which stage 0 properties have we caught?
$stage_1 = array('font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight');
$final = ''; // output
for ($i = 0, $size = count($bits); $i < $size; $i++) {
if ($bits[$i] === '') continue;
switch ($stage) {
// attempting to catch font-style, font-variant or font-weight
case 0:
foreach ($stage_1 as $validator_name) {
if (isset($caught[$validator_name])) continue;
$r = $this->info[$validator_name]->validate(
$bits[$i], $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$final .= $r . ' ';
$caught[$validator_name] = true;
// all three caught, continue on
if (count($caught) >= 3) $stage = 1;
if ($r !== false) break;
// attempting to catch font-size and perhaps line-height
case 1:
$found_slash = false;
if (strpos($bits[$i], '/') !== false) {
list($font_size, $line_height) =
explode('/', $bits[$i]);
if ($line_height === '') {
// ooh, there's a space after the slash!
$line_height = false;
$found_slash = true;
} else {
$font_size = $bits[$i];
$line_height = false;
$r = $this->info['font-size']->validate(
$font_size, $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$final .= $r;
// attempt to catch line-height
if ($line_height === false) {
// we need to scroll forward
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $size; $j++) {
if ($bits[$j] === '') continue;
if ($bits[$j] === '/') {
if ($found_slash) {
return false;
} else {
$found_slash = true;
$line_height = $bits[$j];
} else {
// slash already found
$found_slash = true;
$j = $i;
if ($found_slash) {
$i = $j;
$r = $this->info['line-height']->validate(
$line_height, $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$final .= '/' . $r;
$final .= ' ';
$stage = 2;
return false;
// attempting to catch font-family
case 2:
$font_family =
implode(' ', array_slice($bits, $i, $size - $i));
$r = $this->info['font-family']->validate(
$font_family, $config, $context);
if ($r !== false) {
$final .= $r . ' ';
// processing completed successfully
return rtrim($final);
return false;
return false;
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* Validates a font family list according to CSS spec
* @todo whitelisting allowed fonts would be nice
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_FontFamily extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
static $generic_names = array(
'serif' => true,
'sans-serif' => true,
'monospace' => true,
'fantasy' => true,
'cursive' => true
// assume that no font names contain commas in them
$fonts = explode(',', $string);
$final = '';
foreach($fonts as $font) {
$font = trim($font);
if ($font === '') continue;
// match a generic name
if (isset($generic_names[$font])) {
$final .= $font . ', ';
// match a quoted name
if ($font[0] === '"' || $font[0] === "'") {
$length = strlen($font);
if ($length <= 2) continue;
$quote = $font[0];
if ($font[$length - 1] !== $quote) continue;
$font = substr($font, 1, $length - 2);
$new_font = '';
for ($i = 0, $c = strlen($font); $i < $c; $i++) {
if ($font[$i] === '\\') {
if ($i >= $c) {
$new_font .= '\\';
if (ctype_xdigit($font[$i])) {
$code = $font[$i];
for ($a = 1, $i++; $i < $c && $a < 6; $i++, $a++) {
if (!ctype_xdigit($font[$i])) break;
$code .= $font[$i];
// We have to be extremely careful when adding
// new characters, to make sure we're not breaking
// the encoding.
$char = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::unichr(hexdec($code));
if (HTMLPurifier_Encoder::cleanUTF8($char) === '') continue;
$new_font .= $char;
if ($i < $c && trim($font[$i]) !== '') $i--;
if ($font[$i] === "\n") continue;
$new_font .= $font[$i];
$font = $new_font;
// $font is a pure representation of the font name
if (ctype_alnum($font) && $font !== '') {
// very simple font, allow it in unharmed
$final .= $font . ', ';
// complicated font, requires quoting
// armor single quotes and new lines
$font = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $font);
$font = str_replace("'", "\\'", $font);
$final .= "'$font', ";
$final = rtrim($final, ', ');
if ($final === '') return false;
return $final;
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Decorator which enables !important to be used in CSS values.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ImportantDecorator extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public $def, $allow;
* @param $def Definition to wrap
* @param $allow Whether or not to allow !important
public function __construct($def, $allow = false) {
$this->def = $def;
$this->allow = $allow;
* Intercepts and removes !important if necessary
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
// test for ! and important tokens
$string = trim($string);
$is_important = false;
// :TODO: optimization: test directly for !important and ! important
if (strlen($string) >= 9 && substr($string, -9) === 'important') {
$temp = rtrim(substr($string, 0, -9));
// use a temp, because we might want to restore important
if (strlen($temp) >= 1 && substr($temp, -1) === '!') {
$string = rtrim(substr($temp, 0, -1));
$is_important = true;
$string = $this->def->validate($string, $config, $context);
if ($this->allow && $is_important) $string .= ' !important';
return $string;
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Represents a Length as defined by CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
protected $min, $max;
* @param HTMLPurifier_Length $max Minimum length, or null for no bound. String is also acceptable.
* @param HTMLPurifier_Length $max Maximum length, or null for no bound. String is also acceptable.
public function __construct($min = null, $max = null) {
$this->min = $min !== null ? HTMLPurifier_Length::make($min) : null;
$this->max = $max !== null ? HTMLPurifier_Length::make($max) : null;
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
// Optimizations
if ($string === '') return false;
if ($string === '0') return '0';
if (strlen($string) === 1) return false;
$length = HTMLPurifier_Length::make($string);
if (!$length->isValid()) return false;
if ($this->min) {
$c = $length->compareTo($this->min);
if ($c === false) return false;
if ($c < 0) return false;
if ($this->max) {
$c = $length->compareTo($this->max);
if ($c === false) return false;
if ($c > 0) return false;
return $length->toString();
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Validates shorthand CSS property list-style.
* @warning Does not support url tokens that have internal spaces.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ListStyle extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Local copy of component validators.
* @note See HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Font::$info for a similar impl.
protected $info;
public function __construct($config) {
$def = $config->getCSSDefinition();
$this->info['list-style-type'] = $def->info['list-style-type'];
$this->info['list-style-position'] = $def->info['list-style-position'];
$this->info['list-style-image'] = $def->info['list-style-image'];
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
// regular pre-processing
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
// assumes URI doesn't have spaces in it
$bits = explode(' ', strtolower($string)); // bits to process
$caught = array();
$caught['type'] = false;
$caught['position'] = false;
$caught['image'] = false;
$i = 0; // number of catches
$none = false;
foreach ($bits as $bit) {
if ($i >= 3) return; // optimization bit
if ($bit === '') continue;
foreach ($caught as $key => $status) {
if ($status !== false) continue;
$r = $this->info['list-style-' . $key]->validate($bit, $config, $context);
if ($r === false) continue;
if ($r === 'none') {
if ($none) continue;
else $none = true;
if ($key == 'image') continue;
$caught[$key] = $r;
if (!$i) return false;
$ret = array();
// construct type
if ($caught['type']) $ret[] = $caught['type'];
// construct image
if ($caught['image']) $ret[] = $caught['image'];
// construct position
if ($caught['position']) $ret[] = $caught['position'];
if (empty($ret)) return false;
return implode(' ', $ret);
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Framework class for strings that involve multiple values.
* Certain CSS properties such as border-width and margin allow multiple
* lengths to be specified. This class can take a vanilla border-width
* definition and multiply it, usually into a max of four.
* @note Even though the CSS specification isn't clear about it, inherit
* can only be used alone: it will never manifest as part of a multi
* shorthand declaration. Thus, this class does not allow inherit.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Instance of component definition to defer validation to.
* @todo Make protected
public $single;
* Max number of values allowed.
* @todo Make protected
public $max;
* @param $single HTMLPurifier_AttrDef to multiply
* @param $max Max number of values allowed (usually four)
public function __construct($single, $max = 4) {
$this->single = $single;
$this->max = $max;
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
$parts = explode(' ', $string); // parseCDATA replaced \r, \t and \n
$length = count($parts);
$final = '';
for ($i = 0, $num = 0; $i < $length && $num < $this->max; $i++) {
if (ctype_space($parts[$i])) continue;
$result = $this->single->validate($parts[$i], $config, $context);
if ($result !== false) {
$final .= $result . ' ';
if ($final === '') return false;
return rtrim($final);
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Validates a number as defined by the CSS spec.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Bool indicating whether or not only positive values allowed.
protected $non_negative = false;
* @param $non_negative Bool indicating whether negatives are forbidden
public function __construct($non_negative = false) {
$this->non_negative = $non_negative;
* @warning Some contexts do not pass $config, $context. These
* variables should not be used without checking HTMLPurifier_Length
public function validate($number, $config, $context) {
$number = $this->parseCDATA($number);
if ($number === '') return false;
if ($number === '0') return '0';
$sign = '';
switch ($number[0]) {
case '-':
if ($this->non_negative) return false;
$sign = '-';
case '+':
$number = substr($number, 1);
if (ctype_digit($number)) {
$number = ltrim($number, '0');
return $number ? $sign . $number : '0';
// Period is the only non-numeric character allowed
if (strpos($number, '.') === false) return false;
list($left, $right) = explode('.', $number, 2);
if ($left === '' && $right === '') return false;
if ($left !== '' && !ctype_digit($left)) return false;
$left = ltrim($left, '0');
$right = rtrim($right, '0');
if ($right === '') {
return $left ? $sign . $left : '0';
} elseif (!ctype_digit($right)) {
return false;
return $sign . $left . '.' . $right;
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Validates a Percentage as defined by the CSS spec.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Instance of HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number to defer number validation
protected $number_def;
* @param Bool indicating whether to forbid negative values
public function __construct($non_negative = false) {
$this->number_def = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number($non_negative);
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
$length = strlen($string);
if ($length === 1) return false;
if ($string[$length - 1] !== '%') return false;
$number = substr($string, 0, $length - 1);
$number = $this->number_def->validate($number, $config, $context);
if ($number === false) return false;
return "$number%";
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Validates the value for the CSS property text-decoration
* @note This class could be generalized into a version that acts sort of
* like Enum except you can compound the allowed values.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_TextDecoration extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
static $allowed_values = array(
'line-through' => true,
'overline' => true,
'underline' => true,
$string = strtolower($this->parseCDATA($string));
if ($string === 'none') return $string;
$parts = explode(' ', $string);
$final = '';
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (isset($allowed_values[$part])) {
$final .= $part . ' ';
$final = rtrim($final);
if ($final === '') return false;
return $final;
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Validates a URI in CSS syntax, which uses url('')
* @note While theoretically speaking a URI in a CSS document could
* be non-embedded, as of CSS2 there is no such usage so we're
* generalizing it. This may need to be changed in the future.
* @warning Since HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS blindly uses semicolons as
* the separator, you cannot put a literal semicolon in
* in the URI. Try percent encoding it, in that case.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_URI extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct(true); // always embedded
public function validate($uri_string, $config, $context) {
// parse the URI out of the string and then pass it onto
// the parent object
$uri_string = $this->parseCDATA($uri_string);
if (strpos($uri_string, 'url(') !== 0) return false;
$uri_string = substr($uri_string, 4);
$new_length = strlen($uri_string) - 1;
if ($uri_string[$new_length] != ')') return false;
$uri = trim(substr($uri_string, 0, $new_length));
if (!empty($uri) && ($uri[0] == "'" || $uri[0] == '"')) {
$quote = $uri[0];
$new_length = strlen($uri) - 1;
if ($uri[$new_length] !== $quote) return false;
$uri = substr($uri, 1, $new_length - 1);
$keys = array( '(', ')', ',', ' ', '"', "'");
$values = array('\\(', '\\)', '\\,', '\\ ', '\\"', "\\'");
$uri = str_replace($values, $keys, $uri);
$result = parent::validate($uri, $config, $context);
if ($result === false) return false;
// escape necessary characters according to CSS spec
// except for the comma, none of these should appear in the
// URI at all
$result = str_replace($keys, $values, $result);
return "url($result)";
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Enum = Enumerated
* Validates a keyword against a list of valid values.
* @warning The case-insensitive compare of this function uses PHP's
* built-in strtolower and ctype_lower functions, which may
* cause problems with international comparisons
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Lookup table of valid values.
* @todo Make protected
public $valid_values = array();
* Bool indicating whether or not enumeration is case sensitive.
* @note In general this is always case insensitive.
protected $case_sensitive = false; // values according to W3C spec
* @param $valid_values List of valid values
* @param $case_sensitive Bool indicating whether or not case sensitive
public function __construct(
$valid_values = array(), $case_sensitive = false
) {
$this->valid_values = array_flip($valid_values);
$this->case_sensitive = $case_sensitive;
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = trim($string);
if (!$this->case_sensitive) {
// we may want to do full case-insensitive libraries
$string = ctype_lower($string) ? $string : strtolower($string);
$result = isset($this->valid_values[$string]);
return $result ? $string : false;
* @param $string In form of comma-delimited list of case-insensitive
* valid values. Example: "foo,bar,baz". Prepend "s:" to make
* case sensitive
public function make($string) {
if (strlen($string) > 2 && $string[0] == 's' && $string[1] == ':') {
$string = substr($string, 2);
$sensitive = true;
} else {
$sensitive = false;
$values = explode(',', $string);
return new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum($values, $sensitive);
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Validates a boolean attribute
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Bool extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
protected $name;
public $minimized = true;
public function __construct($name = false) {$this->name = $name;}
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
if (empty($string)) return false;
return $this->name;
* @param $string Name of attribute
public function make($string) {
return new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Bool($string);
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Implements special behavior for class attribute (normally NMTOKENS)
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Class extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Nmtokens
protected function split($string, $config, $context) {
// really, this twiddle should be lazy loaded
$name = $config->getDefinition('HTML')->doctype->name;
if ($name == "XHTML 1.1" || $name == "XHTML 2.0") {
return parent::split($string, $config, $context);
} else {
return preg_split('/\s+/', $string);
protected function filter($tokens, $config, $context) {
$allowed = $config->get('Attr.AllowedClasses');
$forbidden = $config->get('Attr.ForbiddenClasses');
$ret = array();
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (
($allowed === null || isset($allowed[$token])) &&
!isset($forbidden[$token]) &&
// We need this O(n) check because of PHP's array
// implementation that casts -0 to 0.
!in_array($token, $ret, true)
) {
$ret[] = $token;
return $ret;
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Validates a color according to the HTML spec.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Color extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
static $colors = null;
if ($colors === null) $colors = $config->get('Core.ColorKeywords');
$string = trim($string);
if (empty($string)) return false;
if (isset($colors[$string])) return $colors[$string];
if ($string[0] === '#') $hex = substr($string, 1);
else $hex = $string;
$length = strlen($hex);
if ($length !== 3 && $length !== 6) return false;
if (!ctype_xdigit($hex)) return false;
if ($length === 3) $hex = $hex[0].$hex[0].$hex[1].$hex[1].$hex[2].$hex[2];
return "#$hex";
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Special-case enum attribute definition that lazy loads allowed frame targets
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_FrameTarget extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum
public $valid_values = false; // uninitialized value
protected $case_sensitive = false;
public function __construct() {}
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
if ($this->valid_values === false) $this->valid_values = $config->get('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets');
return parent::validate($string, $config, $context);
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Validates the HTML attribute ID.
* @warning Even though this is the id processor, it
* will ignore the directive Attr:IDBlacklist, since it will only
* go according to the ID accumulator. Since the accumulator is
* automatically generated, it will have already absorbed the
* blacklist. If you're hacking around, make sure you use load()!
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
// ref functionality disabled, since we also have to verify
// whether or not the ID it refers to exists
public function validate($id, $config, $context) {
if (!$config->get('Attr.EnableID')) return false;
$id = trim($id); // trim it first
if ($id === '') return false;
$prefix = $config->get('Attr.IDPrefix');
if ($prefix !== '') {
$prefix .= $config->get('Attr.IDPrefixLocal');
// prevent re-appending the prefix
if (strpos($id, $prefix) !== 0) $id = $prefix . $id;
} elseif ($config->get('Attr.IDPrefixLocal') !== '') {
trigger_error('%Attr.IDPrefixLocal cannot be used unless '.
'%Attr.IDPrefix is set', E_USER_WARNING);
//if (!$this->ref) {
$id_accumulator =& $context->get('IDAccumulator');
if (isset($id_accumulator->ids[$id])) return false;
// we purposely avoid using regex, hopefully this is faster
if (ctype_alpha($id)) {
$result = true;
} else {
if (!ctype_alpha(@$id[0])) return false;
$trim = trim( // primitive style of regexps, I suppose
$result = ($trim === '');
$regexp = $config->get('Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp');
if ($regexp && preg_match($regexp, $id)) {
return false;
if (/*!$this->ref && */$result) $id_accumulator->add($id);
// if no change was made to the ID, return the result
// else, return the new id if stripping whitespace made it
// valid, or return false.
return $result ? $id : false;
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* Validates the HTML type length (not to be confused with CSS's length).
* This accepts integer pixels or percentages as lengths for certain
* HTML attributes.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Length extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = trim($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
$parent_result = parent::validate($string, $config, $context);
if ($parent_result !== false) return $parent_result;
$length = strlen($string);
$last_char = $string[$length - 1];
if ($last_char !== '%') return false;
$points = substr($string, 0, $length - 1);
if (!is_numeric($points)) return false;
$points = (int) $points;
if ($points < 0) return '0%';
if ($points > 100) return '100%';
return ((string) $points) . '%';
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Validates a rel/rev link attribute against a directive of allowed values
* @note We cannot use Enum because link types allow multiple
* values.
* @note Assumes link types are ASCII text
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_LinkTypes extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
/** Name config attribute to pull. */
protected $name;
public function __construct($name) {
$configLookup = array(
'rel' => 'AllowedRel',
'rev' => 'AllowedRev'
if (!isset($configLookup[$name])) {
trigger_error('Unrecognized attribute name for link '.
'relationship.', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->name = $configLookup[$name];
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$allowed = $config->get('Attr.' . $this->name);
if (empty($allowed)) return false;
$string = $this->parseCDATA($string);
$parts = explode(' ', $string);
// lookup to prevent duplicates
$ret_lookup = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$part = strtolower(trim($part));
if (!isset($allowed[$part])) continue;
$ret_lookup[$part] = true;
if (empty($ret_lookup)) return false;
$string = implode(' ', array_keys($ret_lookup));
return $string;
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* Validates a MultiLength as defined by the HTML spec.
* A multilength is either a integer (pixel count), a percentage, or
* a relative number.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_MultiLength extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Length
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = trim($string);
if ($string === '') return false;
$parent_result = parent::validate($string, $config, $context);
if ($parent_result !== false) return $parent_result;
$length = strlen($string);
$last_char = $string[$length - 1];
if ($last_char !== '*') return false;
$int = substr($string, 0, $length - 1);
if ($int == '') return '*';
if (!is_numeric($int)) return false;
$int = (int) $int;
if ($int < 0) return false;
if ($int == 0) return '0';
if ($int == 1) return '*';
return ((string) $int) . '*';
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* Validates contents based on NMTOKENS attribute type.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Nmtokens extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = trim($string);
// early abort: '' and '0' (strings that convert to false) are invalid
if (!$string) return false;
$tokens = $this->split($string, $config, $context);
$tokens = $this->filter($tokens, $config, $context);
if (empty($tokens)) return false;
return implode(' ', $tokens);
* Splits a space separated list of tokens into its constituent parts.
protected function split($string, $config, $context) {
// do the preg_match, capture all subpatterns for reformulation
// we don't support U+00A1 and up codepoints or
// escaping because I don't know how to do that with regexps
// and plus it would complicate optimization efforts (you never
// see that anyway).
$pattern = '/(?:(?<=\s)|\A)'. // look behind for space or string start
'(?:(?=\s)|\z)/'; // look ahead for space or string end
preg_match_all($pattern, $string, $matches);
return $matches[1];
* Template method for removing certain tokens based on arbitrary criteria.
* @note If we wanted to be really functional, we'd do an array_filter
* with a callback. But... we're not.
protected function filter($tokens, $config, $context) {
return $tokens;
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Validates an integer representation of pixels according to the HTML spec.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
protected $max;
public function __construct($max = null) {
$this->max = $max;
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = trim($string);
if ($string === '0') return $string;
if ($string === '') return false;
$length = strlen($string);
if (substr($string, $length - 2) == 'px') {
$string = substr($string, 0, $length - 2);
if (!is_numeric($string)) return false;
$int = (int) $string;
if ($int < 0) return '0';
// upper-bound value, extremely high values can
// crash operating systems, see <>
// WARNING, above link WILL crash you if you're using Windows
if ($this->max !== null && $int > $this->max) return (string) $this->max;
return (string) $int;
public function make($string) {
if ($string === '') $max = null;
else $max = (int) $string;
$class = get_class($this);
return new $class($max);
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Validates an integer.
* @note While this class was modeled off the CSS definition, no currently
* allowed CSS uses this type. The properties that do are: widows,
* orphans, z-index, counter-increment, counter-reset. Some of the
* HTML attributes, however, find use for a non-negative version of this.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Bool indicating whether or not negative values are allowed
protected $negative = true;
* Bool indicating whether or not zero is allowed
protected $zero = true;
* Bool indicating whether or not positive values are allowed
protected $positive = true;
* @param $negative Bool indicating whether or not negative values are allowed
* @param $zero Bool indicating whether or not zero is allowed
* @param $positive Bool indicating whether or not positive values are allowed
public function __construct(
$negative = true, $zero = true, $positive = true
) {
$this->negative = $negative;
$this->zero = $zero;
$this->positive = $positive;
public function validate($integer, $config, $context) {
$integer = $this->parseCDATA($integer);
if ($integer === '') return false;
// we could possibly simply typecast it to integer, but there are
// certain fringe cases that must not return an integer.
// clip leading sign
if ( $this->negative && $integer[0] === '-' ) {
$digits = substr($integer, 1);
if ($digits === '0') $integer = '0'; // rm minus sign for zero
} elseif( $this->positive && $integer[0] === '+' ) {
$digits = $integer = substr($integer, 1); // rm unnecessary plus
} else {
$digits = $integer;
// test if it's numeric
if (!ctype_digit($digits)) return false;
// perform scope tests
if (!$this->zero && $integer == 0) return false;
if (!$this->positive && $integer > 0) return false;
if (!$this->negative && $integer < 0) return false;
return $integer;
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Validates the HTML attribute lang, effectively a language code.
* @note Built according to RFC 3066, which obsoleted RFC 1766
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Lang extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$string = trim($string);
if (!$string) return false;
$subtags = explode('-', $string);
$num_subtags = count($subtags);
if ($num_subtags == 0) return false; // sanity check
// process primary subtag : $subtags[0]
$length = strlen($subtags[0]);
switch ($length) {
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
if (! ($subtags[0] == 'x' || $subtags[0] == 'i') ) {
return false;
case 2:
case 3:
if (! ctype_alpha($subtags[0]) ) {
return false;
} elseif (! ctype_lower($subtags[0]) ) {
$subtags[0] = strtolower($subtags[0]);
return false;
$new_string = $subtags[0];
if ($num_subtags == 1) return $new_string;
// process second subtag : $subtags[1]
$length = strlen($subtags[1]);
if ($length == 0 || ($length == 1 && $subtags[1] != 'x') || $length > 8 || !ctype_alnum($subtags[1])) {
return $new_string;
if (!ctype_lower($subtags[1])) $subtags[1] = strtolower($subtags[1]);
$new_string .= '-' . $subtags[1];
if ($num_subtags == 2) return $new_string;
// process all other subtags, index 2 and up
for ($i = 2; $i < $num_subtags; $i++) {
$length = strlen($subtags[$i]);
if ($length == 0 || $length > 8 || !ctype_alnum($subtags[$i])) {
return $new_string;
if (!ctype_lower($subtags[$i])) {
$subtags[$i] = strtolower($subtags[$i]);
$new_string .= '-' . $subtags[$i];
return $new_string;
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Decorator that, depending on a token, switches between two definitions.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Switch
protected $tag;
protected $withTag, $withoutTag;
* @param string $tag Tag name to switch upon
* @param HTMLPurifier_AttrDef $with_tag Call if token matches tag
* @param HTMLPurifier_AttrDef $without_tag Call if token doesn't match, or there is no token
public function __construct($tag, $with_tag, $without_tag) {
$this->tag = $tag;
$this->withTag = $with_tag;
$this->withoutTag = $without_tag;
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$token = $context->get('CurrentToken', true);
if (!$token || $token->name !== $this->tag) {
return $this->withoutTag->validate($string, $config, $context);
} else {
return $this->withTag->validate($string, $config, $context);
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Validates arbitrary text according to the HTML spec.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
return $this->parseCDATA($string);
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Validates a URI as defined by RFC 3986.
* @note Scheme-specific mechanics deferred to HTMLPurifier_URIScheme
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
protected $parser;
protected $embedsResource;
* @param $embeds_resource_resource Does the URI here result in an extra HTTP request?
public function __construct($embeds_resource = false) {
$this->parser = new HTMLPurifier_URIParser();
$this->embedsResource = (bool) $embeds_resource;
public function make($string) {
$embeds = (bool) $string;
return new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI($embeds);
public function validate($uri, $config, $context) {
if ($config->get('URI.Disable')) return false;
$uri = $this->parseCDATA($uri);
// parse the URI
$uri = $this->parser->parse($uri);
if ($uri === false) return false;
// add embedded flag to context for validators
$context->register('EmbeddedURI', $this->embedsResource);
$ok = false;
do {
// generic validation
$result = $uri->validate($config, $context);
if (!$result) break;
// chained filtering
$uri_def = $config->getDefinition('URI');
$result = $uri_def->filter($uri, $config, $context);
if (!$result) break;
// scheme-specific validation
$scheme_obj = $uri->getSchemeObj($config, $context);
if (!$scheme_obj) break;
if ($this->embedsResource && !$scheme_obj->browsable) break;
$result = $scheme_obj->validate($uri, $config, $context);
if (!$result) break;
// Post chained filtering
$result = $uri_def->postFilter($uri, $config, $context);
if (!$result) break;
// survived gauntlet
$ok = true;
} while (false);
if (!$ok) return false;
// back to string
return $uri->toString();
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
abstract class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Email extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Unpacks a mailbox into its display-name and address
function unpack($string) {
// needs to be implemented
// sub-implementations
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Primitive email validation class based on the regexp found at
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Email_SimpleCheck extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Email
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
// no support for named mailboxes i.e. "Bob <>"
// that needs more percent encoding to be done
if ($string == '') return false;
$string = trim($string);
$result = preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i', $string);
return $result ? $string : false;
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Validates a host according to the IPv4, IPv6 and DNS (future) specifications.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Host extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* Instance of HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv4 sub-validator
protected $ipv4;
* Instance of HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv6 sub-validator
protected $ipv6;
public function __construct() {
$this->ipv4 = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv4();
$this->ipv6 = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv6();
public function validate($string, $config, $context) {
$length = strlen($string);
if ($string === '') return '';
if ($length > 1 && $string[0] === '[' && $string[$length-1] === ']') {
$ip = substr($string, 1, $length - 2);
$valid = $this->ipv6->validate($ip, $config, $context);
if ($valid === false) return false;
return '['. $valid . ']';
// need to do checks on unusual encodings too
$ipv4 = $this->ipv4->validate($string, $config, $context);
if ($ipv4 !== false) return $ipv4;
// A regular domain name.
// This breaks I18N domain names, but we don't have proper IRI support,
// so force users to insert Punycode. If there's complaining we'll
// try to fix things into an international friendly form.
// The productions describing this are:
$a = '[a-z]'; // alpha
$an = '[a-z0-9]'; // alphanum
$and = '[a-z0-9-]'; // alphanum | "-"
// domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
$domainlabel = "$an($and*$an)?";
// toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
$toplabel = "$a($and*$an)?";
// hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
$match = preg_match("/^($domainlabel\.)*$toplabel\.?$/i", $string);
if (!$match) return false;
return $string;
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* Validates an IPv4 address
* @author Feyd @ (public domain)
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv4 extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef
* IPv4 regex, protected so that IPv6 can reuse it
protected $ip4;
public function validate($aIP, $config, $context) {
if (!$this->ip4) $this->_loadRegex();
if (preg_match('#^' . $this->ip4 . '$#s', $aIP))
return $aIP;
return false;
* Lazy load function to prevent regex from being stuffed in
* cache.
protected function _loadRegex() {
$oct = '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])'; // 0-255
$this->ip4 = "(?:{$oct}\\.{$oct}\\.{$oct}\\.{$oct})";
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* Validates an IPv6 address.
* @author Feyd @ (public domain)
* @note This function requires brackets to have been removed from address
* in URI.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv6 extends HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv4
public function validate($aIP, $config, $context) {
if (!$this->ip4) $this->_loadRegex();
$original = $aIP;
$hex = '[0-9a-fA-F]';
$blk = '(?:' . $hex . '{1,4})';
$pre = '(?:/(?:12[0-8]|1[0-1][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))'; // /0 - /128
// prefix check
if (strpos($aIP, '/') !== false)
if (preg_match('#' . $pre . '$#s', $aIP, $find))
$aIP = substr($aIP, 0, 0-strlen($find[0]));
return false;
// IPv4-compatiblity check
if (preg_match('#(?<=:'.')' . $this->ip4 . '$#s', $aIP, $find))
$aIP = substr($aIP, 0, 0-strlen($find[0]));
$ip = explode('.', $find[0]);
$ip = array_map('dechex', $ip);
$aIP .= $ip[0] . $ip[1] . ':' . $ip[2] . $ip[3];
unset($find, $ip);
// compression check
$aIP = explode('::', $aIP);
$c = count($aIP);
if ($c > 2)
return false;
elseif ($c == 2)
list($first, $second) = $aIP;
$first = explode(':', $first);
$second = explode(':', $second);
if (count($first) + count($second) > 8)
return false;
while(count($first) < 8)
array_push($first, '0');
array_splice($first, 8 - count($second), 8, $second);
$aIP = $first;
$aIP = explode(':', $aIP[0]);
$c = count($aIP);
if ($c != 8)
return false;
// All the pieces should be 16-bit hex strings. Are they?
foreach ($aIP as $piece)
if (!preg_match('#^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$#s', sprintf('%04s', $piece)))
return false;
return $original;
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Processes an entire attribute array for corrections needing multiple values.
* Occasionally, a certain attribute will need to be removed and popped onto
* another value. Instead of creating a complex return syntax for
* HTMLPurifier_AttrDef, we just pass the whole attribute array to a
* specialized object and have that do the special work. That is the
* family of HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform.
* An attribute transformation can be assigned to run before or after
* HTMLPurifier_AttrDef validation. See HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition for
* more details.
abstract class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
* Abstract: makes changes to the attributes dependent on multiple values.
* @param $attr Assoc array of attributes, usually from
* HTMLPurifier_Token_Tag::$attr
* @param $config Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Config object.
* @param $context Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Context object
* @returns Processed attribute array.
abstract public function transform($attr, $config, $context);
* Prepends CSS properties to the style attribute, creating the
* attribute if it doesn't exist.
* @param $attr Attribute array to process (passed by reference)
* @param $css CSS to prepend
public function prependCSS(&$attr, $css) {
$attr['style'] = isset($attr['style']) ? $attr['style'] : '';
$attr['style'] = $css . $attr['style'];
* Retrieves and removes an attribute
* @param $attr Attribute array to process (passed by reference)
* @param $key Key of attribute to confiscate
public function confiscateAttr(&$attr, $key) {
if (!isset($attr[$key])) return null;
$value = $attr[$key];
return $value;
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Pre-transform that changes proprietary background attribute to CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['background'])) return $attr;
$background = $this->confiscateAttr($attr, 'background');
// some validation should happen here
$this->prependCSS($attr, "background-image:url($background);");
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// this MUST be placed in post, as it assumes that any value in dir is valid
* Post-trasnform that ensures that bdo tags have the dir attribute set.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BdoDir extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (isset($attr['dir'])) return $attr;
$attr['dir'] = $config->get('Attr.DefaultTextDir');
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Pre-transform that changes deprecated bgcolor attribute to CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BgColor extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['bgcolor'])) return $attr;
$bgcolor = $this->confiscateAttr($attr, 'bgcolor');
// some validation should happen here
$this->prependCSS($attr, "background-color:$bgcolor;");
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Pre-transform that changes converts a boolean attribute to fixed CSS
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BoolToCSS extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
* Name of boolean attribute that is trigger
protected $attr;
* CSS declarations to add to style, needs trailing semicolon
protected $css;
* @param $attr string attribute name to convert from
* @param $css string CSS declarations to add to style (needs semicolon)
public function __construct($attr, $css) {
$this->attr = $attr;
$this->css = $css;
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr[$this->attr])) return $attr;
$this->prependCSS($attr, $this->css);
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* Pre-transform that changes deprecated border attribute to CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Border extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['border'])) return $attr;
$border_width = $this->confiscateAttr($attr, 'border');
// some validation should happen here
$this->prependCSS($attr, "border:{$border_width}px solid;");
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Generic pre-transform that converts an attribute with a fixed number of
* values (enumerated) to CSS.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
* Name of attribute to transform from
protected $attr;
* Lookup array of attribute values to CSS
protected $enumToCSS = array();
* Case sensitivity of the matching
* @warning Currently can only be guaranteed to work with ASCII
* values.
protected $caseSensitive = false;
* @param $attr String attribute name to transform from
* @param $enumToCSS Lookup array of attribute values to CSS
* @param $case_sensitive Boolean case sensitivity indicator, default false
public function __construct($attr, $enum_to_css, $case_sensitive = false) {
$this->attr = $attr;
$this->enumToCSS = $enum_to_css;
$this->caseSensitive = (bool) $case_sensitive;
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr[$this->attr])) return $attr;
$value = trim($attr[$this->attr]);
if (!$this->caseSensitive) $value = strtolower($value);
if (!isset($this->enumToCSS[$value])) {
return $attr;
$this->prependCSS($attr, $this->enumToCSS[$value]);
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// must be called POST validation
* Transform that supplies default values for the src and alt attributes
* in img tags, as well as prevents the img tag from being removed
* because of a missing alt tag. This needs to be registered as both
* a pre and post attribute transform.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgRequired extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
$src = true;
if (!isset($attr['src'])) {
if ($config->get('Core.RemoveInvalidImg')) return $attr;
$attr['src'] = $config->get('Attr.DefaultInvalidImage');
$src = false;
if (!isset($attr['alt'])) {
if ($src) {
$alt = $config->get('Attr.DefaultImageAlt');
if ($alt === null) {
$attr['alt'] = basename($attr['src']);
} else {
$attr['alt'] = $alt;
} else {
$attr['alt'] = $config->get('Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt');
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Pre-transform that changes deprecated hspace and vspace attributes to CSS
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgSpace extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
protected $attr;
protected $css = array(
'hspace' => array('left', 'right'),
'vspace' => array('top', 'bottom')
public function __construct($attr) {
$this->attr = $attr;
if (!isset($this->css[$attr])) {
trigger_error(htmlspecialchars($attr) . ' is not valid space attribute');
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr[$this->attr])) return $attr;
$width = $this->confiscateAttr($attr, $this->attr);
// some validation could happen here
if (!isset($this->css[$this->attr])) return $attr;
$style = '';
foreach ($this->css[$this->attr] as $suffix) {
$property = "margin-$suffix";
$style .= "$property:{$width}px;";
$this->prependCSS($attr, $style);
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Performs miscellaneous cross attribute validation and filtering for
* input elements. This is meant to be a post-transform.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Input extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform {
protected $pixels;
public function __construct() {
$this->pixels = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels();
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['type'])) $t = 'text';
else $t = strtolower($attr['type']);
if (isset($attr['checked']) && $t !== 'radio' && $t !== 'checkbox') {
if (isset($attr['maxlength']) && $t !== 'text' && $t !== 'password') {
if (isset($attr['size']) && $t !== 'text' && $t !== 'password') {
$result = $this->pixels->validate($attr['size'], $config, $context);
if ($result === false) unset($attr['size']);
else $attr['size'] = $result;
if (isset($attr['src']) && $t !== 'image') {
if (!isset($attr['value']) && ($t === 'radio' || $t === 'checkbox')) {
$attr['value'] = '';
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Post-transform that copies lang's value to xml:lang (and vice-versa)
* @note Theoretically speaking, this could be a pre-transform, but putting
* post is more efficient.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Lang extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
$lang = isset($attr['lang']) ? $attr['lang'] : false;
$xml_lang = isset($attr['xml:lang']) ? $attr['xml:lang'] : false;
if ($lang !== false && $xml_lang === false) {
$attr['xml:lang'] = $lang;
} elseif ($xml_lang !== false) {
$attr['lang'] = $xml_lang;
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Class for handling width/height length attribute transformations to CSS
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
protected $name;
protected $cssName;
public function __construct($name, $css_name = null) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->cssName = $css_name ? $css_name : $name;
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr[$this->name])) return $attr;
$length = $this->confiscateAttr($attr, $this->name);
if(ctype_digit($length)) $length .= 'px';
$this->prependCSS($attr, $this->cssName . ":$length;");
return $attr;
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* Pre-transform that changes deprecated name attribute to ID if necessary
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Name extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
// Abort early if we're using relaxed definition of name
if ($config->get('HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA')) return $attr;
if (!isset($attr['name'])) return $attr;
$id = $this->confiscateAttr($attr, 'name');
if ( isset($attr['id'])) return $attr;
$attr['id'] = $id;
return $attr;
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* Post-transform that performs validation to the name attribute; if
* it is present with an equivalent id attribute, it is passed through;
* otherwise validation is performed.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_NameSync extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function __construct() {
$this->idDef = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID();
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['name'])) return $attr;
$name = $attr['name'];
if (isset($attr['id']) && $attr['id'] === $name) return $attr;
$result = $this->idDef->validate($name, $config, $context);
if ($result === false) unset($attr['name']);
else $attr['name'] = $result;
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeEmbed extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public $name = "SafeEmbed";
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
$attr['allowscriptaccess'] = 'never';
$attr['allownetworking'] = 'internal';
$attr['type'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Writes default type for all objects. Currently only supports flash.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeObject extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public $name = "SafeObject";
function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['type'])) $attr['type'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
return $attr;
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* Validates name/value pairs in param tags to be used in safe objects. This
* will only allow name values it recognizes, and pre-fill certain attributes
* with required values.
* @note
* This class only supports Flash. In the future, Quicktime support
* may be added.
* @warning
* This class expects an injector to add the necessary parameters tags.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeParam extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public $name = "SafeParam";
private $uri;
public function __construct() {
$this->uri = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI(true); // embedded
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
// If we add support for other objects, we'll need to alter the
// transforms.
switch ($attr['name']) {
// application/x-shockwave-flash
// Keep this synchronized with Injector/SafeObject.php
case 'allowScriptAccess':
$attr['value'] = 'never';
case 'allowNetworking':
$attr['value'] = 'internal';
case 'wmode':
$attr['value'] = 'window';
case 'movie':
$attr['value'] = $this->uri->validate($attr['value'], $config, $context);
// add other cases to support other param name/value pairs
$attr['name'] = $attr['value'] = null;
return $attr;
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* Implements required attribute stipulation for <script>
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ScriptRequired extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
if (!isset($attr['type'])) {
$attr['type'] = 'text/javascript';
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* Sets height/width defaults for <textarea>
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Textarea extends HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform
public function transform($attr, $config, $context) {
// Calculated from Firefox
if (!isset($attr['cols'])) $attr['cols'] = '22';
if (!isset($attr['rows'])) $attr['rows'] = '3';
return $attr;
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Provides lookup array of attribute types to HTMLPurifier_AttrDef objects
class HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes
* Lookup array of attribute string identifiers to concrete implementations
protected $info = array();
* Constructs the info array, supplying default implementations for attribute
* types.
public function __construct() {
// pseudo-types, must be instantiated via shorthand
$this->info['Enum'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum();
$this->info['Bool'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Bool();
$this->info['CDATA'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text();
$this->info['ID'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID();
$this->info['Length'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Length();
$this->info['MultiLength'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_MultiLength();
$this->info['NMTOKENS'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Nmtokens();
$this->info['Pixels'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels();
$this->info['Text'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text();
$this->info['URI'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI();
$this->info['LanguageCode'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Lang();
$this->info['Color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Color();
// unimplemented aliases
$this->info['ContentType'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text();
$this->info['ContentTypes'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text();
$this->info['Charsets'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text();
$this->info['Character'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text();
// "proprietary" types
$this->info['Class'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Class();
// number is really a positive integer (one or more digits)
// FIXME: ^^ not always, see start and value of list items
$this->info['Number'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer(false, false, true);
* Retrieves a type
* @param $type String type name
* @return Object AttrDef for type
public function get($type) {
// determine if there is any extra info tacked on
if (strpos($type, '#') !== false) list($type, $string) = explode('#', $type, 2);
else $string = '';
if (!isset($this->info[$type])) {
trigger_error('Cannot retrieve undefined attribute type ' . $type, E_USER_ERROR);
return $this->info[$type]->make($string);
* Sets a new implementation for a type
* @param $type String type name
* @param $impl Object AttrDef for type
public function set($type, $impl) {
$this->info[$type] = $impl;
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* Validates the attributes of a token. Doesn't manage required attributes
* very well. The only reason we factored this out was because RemoveForeignElements
* also needed it besides ValidateAttributes.
class HTMLPurifier_AttrValidator
* Validates the attributes of a token, returning a modified token
* that has valid tokens
* @param $token Reference to token to validate. We require a reference
* because the operation this class performs on the token are
* not atomic, so the context CurrentToken to be updated
* throughout
* @param $config Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config
* @param $context Instance of HTMLPurifier_Context
public function validateToken(&$token, &$config, $context) {
$definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
$e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector', true);
// initialize IDAccumulator if necessary
$ok =& $context->get('IDAccumulator', true);
if (!$ok) {
$id_accumulator = HTMLPurifier_IDAccumulator::build($config, $context);
$context->register('IDAccumulator', $id_accumulator);
// initialize CurrentToken if necessary
$current_token =& $context->get('CurrentToken', true);
if (!$current_token) $context->register('CurrentToken', $token);
if (
!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start &&
!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty
) return $token;
// create alias to global definition array, see also $defs
$d_defs = $definition->info_global_attr;
// don't update token until the very end, to ensure an atomic update
$attr = $token->attr;
// do global transformations (pre)
// nothing currently utilizes this
foreach ($definition->info_attr_transform_pre as $transform) {
$attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context);
if ($e) {
if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr);
// do local transformations only applicable to this element (pre)
// ex. <p align="right"> to <p style="text-align:right;">
foreach ($definition->info[$token->name]->attr_transform_pre as $transform) {
$attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context);
if ($e) {
if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr);
// create alias to this element's attribute definition array, see
// also $d_defs (global attribute definition array)
$defs = $definition->info[$token->name]->attr;
$attr_key = false;
$context->register('CurrentAttr', $attr_key);
// iterate through all the attribute keypairs
// Watch out for name collisions: $key has previously been used
foreach ($attr as $attr_key => $value) {
// call the definition
if ( isset($defs[$attr_key]) ) {
// there is a local definition defined
if ($defs[$attr_key] === false) {
// We've explicitly been told not to allow this element.
// This is usually when there's a global definition
// that must be overridden.
// Theoretically speaking, we could have a
// AttrDef_DenyAll, but this is faster!
$result = false;
} else {
// validate according to the element's definition
$result = $defs[$attr_key]->validate(
$value, $config, $context
} elseif ( isset($d_defs[$attr_key]) ) {
// there is a global definition defined, validate according
// to the global definition
$result = $d_defs[$attr_key]->validate(
$value, $config, $context
} else {
// system never heard of the attribute? DELETE!
$result = false;
// put the results into effect
if ($result === false || $result === null) {
// this is a generic error message that should replaced
// with more specific ones when possible
if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'AttrValidator: Attribute removed');
// remove the attribute
} elseif (is_string($result)) {
// generally, if a substitution is happening, there
// was some sort of implicit correction going on. We'll
// delegate it to the attribute classes to say exactly what.
// simple substitution
$attr[$attr_key] = $result;
} else {
// nothing happens
// we'd also want slightly more complicated substitution
// involving an array as the return value,
// although we're not sure how colliding attributes would
// resolve (certain ones would be completely overriden,
// others would prepend themselves).
// post transforms
// global (error reporting untested)
foreach ($definition->info_attr_transform_post as $transform) {
$attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context);
if ($e) {
if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr);
// local (error reporting untested)
foreach ($definition->info[$token->name]->attr_transform_post as $transform) {
$attr = $transform->transform($o = $attr, $config, $context);
if ($e) {
if ($attr != $o) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'AttrValidator: Attributes transformed', $o, $attr);
$token->attr = $attr;
// destroy CurrentToken if we made it ourselves
if (!$current_token) $context->destroy('CurrentToken');
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// constants are slow, so we use as few as possible
if (!defined('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX')) {
define('HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));
// accomodations for versions earlier than 5.0.2
// borrowed from PHP_Compat, LGPL licensed, by Aidan Lister <>
if (!defined('PHP_EOL')) {
switch (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3))) {
case 'WIN':
define('PHP_EOL', "\r\n");
case 'DAR':
define('PHP_EOL', "\r");
define('PHP_EOL', "\n");
* Bootstrap class that contains meta-functionality for HTML Purifier such as
* the autoload function.
* @note
* This class may be used without any other files from HTML Purifier.
class HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap
* Autoload function for HTML Purifier
* @param $class Class to load
public static function autoload($class) {
$file = HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::getPath($class);
if (!$file) return false;
require HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/' . $file;
return true;
* Returns the path for a specific class.
public static function getPath($class) {
if (strncmp('HTMLPurifier', $class, 12) !== 0) return false;
// Custom implementations
if (strncmp('HTMLPurifier_Language_', $class, 22) === 0) {
$code = str_replace('_', '-', substr($class, 22));
$file = 'HTMLPurifier/Language/classes/' . $code . '.php';
} else {
$file = str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php';
if (!file_exists(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/' . $file)) return false;
return $file;
* "Pre-registers" our autoloader on the SPL stack.
public static function registerAutoload() {
$autoload = array('HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap', 'autoload');
if ( ($funcs = spl_autoload_functions()) === false ) {
} elseif (function_exists('spl_autoload_unregister')) {
$compat = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', '<=') &&
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=');
foreach ($funcs as $func) {
if (is_array($func)) {
// :TRICKY: There are some compatibility issues and some
// places where we need to error out
$reflector = new ReflectionMethod($func[0], $func[1]);
if (!$reflector->isStatic()) {
throw new Exception('
HTML Purifier autoloader registrar is not compatible
with non-static object methods due to PHP Bug #44144;
Please do not use HTMLPurifier.autoload.php (or any
file that includes this file); instead, place the code:
spl_autoload_register(array(\'HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap\', \'autoload\'))
after your own autoloaders.
// Suprisingly, spl_autoload_register supports the
// Class::staticMethod callback format, although call_user_func doesn't
if ($compat) $func = implode('::', $func);
foreach ($funcs as $func) spl_autoload_register($func);
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@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
* Defines allowed CSS attributes and what their values are.
* @see HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition
class HTMLPurifier_CSSDefinition extends HTMLPurifier_Definition
public $type = 'CSS';
* Assoc array of attribute name to definition object.
public $info = array();
* Constructs the info array. The meat of this class.
protected function doSetup($config) {
$this->info['text-align'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'), false);
$border_style =
$this->info['border-bottom-style'] =
$this->info['border-right-style'] =
$this->info['border-left-style'] =
$this->info['border-top-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('none', 'hidden', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'double',
'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 'outset'), false);
$this->info['border-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_style);
$this->info['clear'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('none', 'left', 'right', 'both'), false);
$this->info['float'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('none', 'left', 'right'), false);
$this->info['font-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('normal', 'italic', 'oblique'), false);
$this->info['font-variant'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('normal', 'small-caps'), false);
$uri_or_none = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('none')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_URI()
$this->info['list-style-position'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('inside', 'outside'), false);
$this->info['list-style-type'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('disc', 'circle', 'square', 'decimal', 'lower-roman',
'upper-roman', 'lower-alpha', 'upper-alpha', 'none'), false);
$this->info['list-style-image'] = $uri_or_none;
$this->info['list-style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ListStyle($config);
$this->info['text-transform'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'none'), false);
$this->info['color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
$this->info['background-image'] = $uri_or_none;
$this->info['background-repeat'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'no-repeat')
$this->info['background-attachment'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('scroll', 'fixed')
$this->info['background-position'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_BackgroundPosition();
$border_color =
$this->info['border-top-color'] =
$this->info['border-bottom-color'] =
$this->info['border-left-color'] =
$this->info['border-right-color'] =
$this->info['background-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('transparent')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color()
$this->info['background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Background($config);
$this->info['border-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_color);
$border_width =
$this->info['border-top-width'] =
$this->info['border-bottom-width'] =
$this->info['border-left-width'] =
$this->info['border-right-width'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('thin', 'medium', 'thick')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0') //disallow negative
$this->info['border-width'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_width);
$this->info['letter-spacing'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('normal')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length()
$this->info['word-spacing'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('normal')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length()
$this->info['font-size'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('xx-small', 'x-small',
'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large',
'larger', 'smaller')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length()
$this->info['line-height'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('normal')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number(true), // no negatives
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true)
$margin =
$this->info['margin-top'] =
$this->info['margin-bottom'] =
$this->info['margin-left'] =
$this->info['margin-right'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto'))
$this->info['margin'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($margin);
// non-negative
$padding =
$this->info['padding-top'] =
$this->info['padding-bottom'] =
$this->info['padding-left'] =
$this->info['padding-right'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true)
$this->info['padding'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($padding);
$this->info['text-indent'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage()
$trusted_wh = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto'))
$max = $config->get('CSS.MaxImgLength');
$this->info['width'] =
$this->info['height'] =
$max === null ?
$trusted_wh :
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Switch('img',
// For img tags:
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0', $max),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('auto'))
// For everyone else:
$this->info['text-decoration'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_TextDecoration();
$this->info['font-family'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_FontFamily();
// this could use specialized code
$this->info['font-weight'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
array('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300',
'400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900'), false);
// MUST be called after other font properties, as it references
// a CSSDefinition object
$this->info['font'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Font($config);
// same here
$this->info['border'] =
$this->info['border-bottom'] =
$this->info['border-top'] =
$this->info['border-left'] =
$this->info['border-right'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Border($config);
$this->info['border-collapse'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array(
'collapse', 'separate'));
$this->info['caption-side'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array(
'top', 'bottom'));
$this->info['table-layout'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array(
'auto', 'fixed'));
$this->info['vertical-align'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array(
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('baseline', 'sub', 'super',
'top', 'text-top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'text-bottom')),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage()
$this->info['border-spacing'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple(new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length(), 2);
// partial support
$this->info['white-space'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('nowrap'));
if ($config->get('CSS.Proprietary')) {
if ($config->get('CSS.AllowTricky')) {
$allow_important = $config->get('CSS.AllowImportant');
// wrap all attr-defs with decorator that handles !important
foreach ($this->info as $k => $v) {
$this->info[$k] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ImportantDecorator($v, $allow_important);
protected function doSetupProprietary($config) {
// Internet Explorer only scrollbar colors
$this->info['scrollbar-arrow-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
$this->info['scrollbar-base-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
$this->info['scrollbar-darkshadow-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
$this->info['scrollbar-face-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
$this->info['scrollbar-highlight-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
$this->info['scrollbar-shadow-color'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color();
// technically not proprietary, but CSS3, and no one supports it
$this->info['opacity'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue();
$this->info['-moz-opacity'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue();
$this->info['-khtml-opacity'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue();
// only opacity, for now
$this->info['filter'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Filter();
protected function doSetupTricky($config) {
$this->info['display'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array(
'inline', 'block', 'list-item', 'run-in', 'compact',
'marker', 'table', 'inline-table', 'table-row-group',
'table-header-group', 'table-footer-group', 'table-row',
'table-column-group', 'table-column', 'table-cell', 'table-caption', 'none'
$this->info['visibility'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array(
'visible', 'hidden', 'collapse'
$this->info['overflow'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('visible', 'hidden', 'auto', 'scroll'));
* Performs extra config-based processing. Based off of
* HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition.
* @todo Refactor duplicate elements into common class (probably using
* composition, not inheritance).
protected function setupConfigStuff($config) {
// setup allowed elements
$support = "(for information on implementing this, see the ".
"support forums) ";
$allowed_attributes = $config->get('CSS.AllowedProperties');
if ($allowed_attributes !== null) {
foreach ($this->info as $name => $d) {
if(!isset($allowed_attributes[$name])) unset($this->info[$name]);
// emit errors
foreach ($allowed_attributes as $name => $d) {
// :TODO: Is this htmlspecialchars() call really necessary?
$name = htmlspecialchars($name);
trigger_error("Style attribute '$name' is not supported $support", E_USER_WARNING);
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* Defines allowed child nodes and validates tokens against it.
abstract class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef
* Type of child definition, usually right-most part of class name lowercase.
* Used occasionally in terms of context.
public $type;
* Bool that indicates whether or not an empty array of children is okay
* This is necessary for redundant checking when changes affecting
* a child node may cause a parent node to now be disallowed.
public $allow_empty;
* Lookup array of all elements that this definition could possibly allow
public $elements = array();
* Get lookup of tag names that should not close this element automatically.
* All other elements will do so.
public function getAllowedElements($config) {
return $this->elements;
* Validates nodes according to definition and returns modification.
* @param $tokens_of_children Array of HTMLPurifier_Token
* @param $config HTMLPurifier_Config object
* @param $context HTMLPurifier_Context object
* @return bool true to leave nodes as is
* @return bool false to remove parent node
* @return array of replacement child tokens
abstract public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context);
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* Definition that uses different definitions depending on context.
* The del and ins tags are notable because they allow different types of
* elements depending on whether or not they're in a block or inline context.
* Chameleon allows this behavior to happen by using two different
* definitions depending on context. While this somewhat generalized,
* it is specifically intended for those two tags.
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Chameleon extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef
* Instance of the definition object to use when inline. Usually stricter.
public $inline;
* Instance of the definition object to use when block.
public $block;
public $type = 'chameleon';
* @param $inline List of elements to allow when inline.
* @param $block List of elements to allow when block.
public function __construct($inline, $block) {
$this->inline = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional($inline);
$this->block = new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional($block);
$this->elements = $this->block->elements;
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
if ($context->get('IsInline') === false) {
return $this->block->validateChildren(
$tokens_of_children, $config, $context);
} else {
return $this->inline->validateChildren(
$tokens_of_children, $config, $context);
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* Custom validation class, accepts DTD child definitions
* @warning Currently this class is an all or nothing proposition, that is,
* it will only give a bool return value.
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef
public $type = 'custom';
public $allow_empty = false;
* Allowed child pattern as defined by the DTD
public $dtd_regex;
* PCRE regex derived from $dtd_regex
* @private
private $_pcre_regex;
* @param $dtd_regex Allowed child pattern from the DTD
public function __construct($dtd_regex) {
$this->dtd_regex = $dtd_regex;
* Compiles the PCRE regex from a DTD regex ($dtd_regex to $_pcre_regex)
protected function _compileRegex() {
$raw = str_replace(' ', '', $this->dtd_regex);
if ($raw{0} != '(') {
$raw = "($raw)";
$el = '[#a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+';
$reg = $raw;
// DOING! Seriously: if there's problems, please report them.
// collect all elements into the $elements array
preg_match_all("/$el/", $reg, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
$this->elements[$match] = true;
// setup all elements as parentheticals with leading commas
$reg = preg_replace("/$el/", '(,\\0)', $reg);
// remove commas when they were not solicited
$reg = preg_replace("/([^,(|]\(+),/", '\\1', $reg);
// remove all non-paranthetical commas: they are handled by first regex
$reg = preg_replace("/,\(/", '(', $reg);
$this->_pcre_regex = $reg;
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
$list_of_children = '';
$nesting = 0; // depth into the nest
foreach ($tokens_of_children as $token) {
if (!empty($token->is_whitespace)) continue;
$is_child = ($nesting == 0); // direct
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
} elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
if ($is_child) {
$list_of_children .= $token->name . ',';
// add leading comma to deal with stray comma declarations
$list_of_children = ',' . rtrim($list_of_children, ',');
$okay =
return (bool) $okay;
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* Definition that disallows all elements.
* @warning validateChildren() in this class is actually never called, because
* empty elements are corrected in HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed
* before child definitions are parsed in earnest by
* HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting.
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Empty extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef
public $allow_empty = true;
public $type = 'empty';
public function __construct() {}
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
return array();
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* Definition that allows a set of elements, and allows no children.
* @note This is a hack to reuse code from HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required,
* really, one shouldn't inherit from the other. Only altered behavior
* is to overload a returned false with an array. Thus, it will never
* return false.
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required
public $allow_empty = true;
public $type = 'optional';
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
$result = parent::validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context);
// we assume that $tokens_of_children is not modified
if ($result === false) {
if (empty($tokens_of_children)) return true;
elseif ($this->whitespace) return $tokens_of_children;
else return array();
return $result;
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* Definition that allows a set of elements, but disallows empty children.
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef
* Lookup table of allowed elements.
* @public
public $elements = array();
* Whether or not the last passed node was all whitespace.
protected $whitespace = false;
* @param $elements List of allowed element names (lowercase).
public function __construct($elements) {
if (is_string($elements)) {
$elements = str_replace(' ', '', $elements);
$elements = explode('|', $elements);
$keys = array_keys($elements);
if ($keys == array_keys($keys)) {
$elements = array_flip($elements);
foreach ($elements as $i => $x) {
$elements[$i] = true;
if (empty($i)) unset($elements[$i]); // remove blank
$this->elements = $elements;
public $allow_empty = false;
public $type = 'required';
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
// Flag for subclasses
$this->whitespace = false;
// if there are no tokens, delete parent node
if (empty($tokens_of_children)) return false;
// the new set of children
$result = array();
// current depth into the nest
$nesting = 0;
// whether or not we're deleting a node
$is_deleting = false;
// whether or not parsed character data is allowed
// this controls whether or not we silently drop a tag
// or generate escaped HTML from it
$pcdata_allowed = isset($this->elements['#PCDATA']);
// a little sanity check to make sure it's not ALL whitespace
$all_whitespace = true;
// some configuration
$escape_invalid_children = $config->get('Core.EscapeInvalidChildren');
// generator
$gen = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context);
foreach ($tokens_of_children as $token) {
if (!empty($token->is_whitespace)) {
$result[] = $token;
$all_whitespace = false; // phew, we're not talking about whitespace
$is_child = ($nesting == 0);
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
} elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
if ($is_child) {
$is_deleting = false;
if (!isset($this->elements[$token->name])) {
$is_deleting = true;
if ($pcdata_allowed && $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) {
$result[] = $token;
} elseif ($pcdata_allowed && $escape_invalid_children) {
$result[] = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text(
if (!$is_deleting || ($pcdata_allowed && $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text)) {
$result[] = $token;
} elseif ($pcdata_allowed && $escape_invalid_children) {
$result[] =
new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text(
} else {
// drop silently
if (empty($result)) return false;
if ($all_whitespace) {
$this->whitespace = true;
return false;
if ($tokens_of_children == $result) return true;
return $result;
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* Takes the contents of blockquote when in strict and reformats for validation.
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_StrictBlockquote extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required
protected $real_elements;
protected $fake_elements;
public $allow_empty = true;
public $type = 'strictblockquote';
protected $init = false;
* @note We don't want MakeWellFormed to auto-close inline elements since
* they might be allowed.
public function getAllowedElements($config) {
return $this->fake_elements;
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
// trick the parent class into thinking it allows more
$this->elements = $this->fake_elements;
$result = parent::validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context);
$this->elements = $this->real_elements;
if ($result === false) return array();
if ($result === true) $result = $tokens_of_children;
$def = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
$block_wrap_start = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($def->info_block_wrapper);
$block_wrap_end = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End( $def->info_block_wrapper);
$is_inline = false;
$depth = 0;
$ret = array();
// assuming that there are no comment tokens
foreach ($result as $i => $token) {
$token = $result[$i];
// ifs are nested for readability
if (!$is_inline) {
if (!$depth) {
if (
($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text && !$token->is_whitespace) ||
(!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text && !isset($this->elements[$token->name]))
) {
$is_inline = true;
$ret[] = $block_wrap_start;
} else {
if (!$depth) {
// starting tokens have been inline text / empty
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start || $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) {
if (isset($this->elements[$token->name])) {
// ended
$ret[] = $block_wrap_end;
$is_inline = false;
$ret[] = $token;
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) $depth++;
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) $depth--;
if ($is_inline) $ret[] = $block_wrap_end;
return $ret;
private function init($config) {
if (!$this->init) {
$def = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
// allow all inline elements
$this->real_elements = $this->elements;
$this->fake_elements = $def->info_content_sets['Flow'];
$this->fake_elements['#PCDATA'] = true;
$this->init = true;
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* Definition for tables
class HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Table extends HTMLPurifier_ChildDef
public $allow_empty = false;
public $type = 'table';
public $elements = array('tr' => true, 'tbody' => true, 'thead' => true,
'tfoot' => true, 'caption' => true, 'colgroup' => true, 'col' => true);
public function __construct() {}
public function validateChildren($tokens_of_children, $config, $context) {
if (empty($tokens_of_children)) return false;
// this ensures that the loop gets run one last time before closing
// up. It's a little bit of a hack, but it works! Just make sure you
// get rid of the token later.
$tokens_of_children[] = false;
// only one of these elements is allowed in a table
$caption = false;
$thead = false;
$tfoot = false;
// as many of these as you want
$cols = array();
$content = array();
$nesting = 0; // current depth so we can determine nodes
$is_collecting = false; // are we globbing together tokens to package
// into one of the collectors?
$collection = array(); // collected nodes
$tag_index = 0; // the first node might be whitespace,
// so this tells us where the start tag is
foreach ($tokens_of_children as $token) {
$is_child = ($nesting == 0);
if ($token === false) {
// terminating sequence started
} elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
} elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
// handle node collection
if ($is_collecting) {
if ($is_child) {
// okay, let's stash the tokens away
// first token tells us the type of the collection
switch ($collection[$tag_index]->name) {
case 'tr':
case 'tbody':
$content[] = $collection;
case 'caption':
if ($caption !== false) break;
$caption = $collection;
case 'thead':
case 'tfoot':
// access the appropriate variable, $thead or $tfoot
$var = $collection[$tag_index]->name;
if ($$var === false) {
$$var = $collection;
} else {
// transmutate the first and less entries into
// tbody tags, and then put into content
$collection[$tag_index]->name = 'tbody';
$collection[count($collection)-1]->name = 'tbody';
$content[] = $collection;
case 'colgroup':
$cols[] = $collection;
$collection = array();
$is_collecting = false;
$tag_index = 0;
} else {
// add the node to the collection
$collection[] = $token;
// terminate
if ($token === false) break;
if ($is_child) {
// determine what we're dealing with
if ($token->name == 'col') {
// the only empty tag in the possie, we can handle it
// immediately
$cols[] = array_merge($collection, array($token));
$collection = array();
$tag_index = 0;
switch($token->name) {
case 'caption':
case 'colgroup':
case 'thead':
case 'tfoot':
case 'tbody':
case 'tr':
$is_collecting = true;
$collection[] = $token;
if (!empty($token->is_whitespace)) {
$collection[] = $token;
if (empty($content)) return false;
$ret = array();
if ($caption !== false) $ret = array_merge($ret, $caption);
if ($cols !== false) foreach ($cols as $token_array) $ret = array_merge($ret, $token_array);
if ($thead !== false) $ret = array_merge($ret, $thead);
if ($tfoot !== false) $ret = array_merge($ret, $tfoot);
foreach ($content as $token_array) $ret = array_merge($ret, $token_array);
if (!empty($collection) && $is_collecting == false){
// grab the trailing space
$ret = array_merge($ret, $collection);
array_pop($tokens_of_children); // remove phantom token
return ($ret === $tokens_of_children) ? true : $ret;
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* Configuration object that triggers customizable behavior.
* @warning This class is strongly defined: that means that the class
* will fail if an undefined directive is retrieved or set.
* @note Many classes that could (although many times don't) use the
* configuration object make it a mandatory parameter. This is
* because a configuration object should always be forwarded,
* otherwise, you run the risk of missing a parameter and then
* being stumped when a configuration directive doesn't work.
* @todo Reconsider some of the public member variables
class HTMLPurifier_Config
* HTML Purifier's version
public $version = '4.0.0';
* Bool indicator whether or not to automatically finalize
* the object if a read operation is done
public $autoFinalize = true;
// protected member variables
* Namespace indexed array of serials for specific namespaces (see
* getSerial() for more info).
protected $serials = array();
* Serial for entire configuration object
protected $serial;
* Parser for variables
protected $parser;
* Reference HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema for value checking
* @note This is public for introspective purposes. Please don't
* abuse!
public $def;
* Indexed array of definitions
protected $definitions;
* Bool indicator whether or not config is finalized
protected $finalized = false;
* Property list containing configuration directives.
protected $plist;
* Whether or not a set is taking place due to an
* alias lookup.
private $aliasMode;
* Set to false if you do not want line and file numbers in errors
* (useful when unit testing)
public $chatty = true;
* Current lock; only gets to this namespace are allowed.
private $lock;
* @param $definition HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema that defines what directives
* are allowed.
public function __construct($definition, $parent = null) {
$parent = $parent ? $parent : $definition->defaultPlist;
$this->plist = new HTMLPurifier_PropertyList($parent);
$this->def = $definition; // keep a copy around for checking
$this->parser = new HTMLPurifier_VarParser_Flexible();
* Convenience constructor that creates a config object based on a mixed var
* @param mixed $config Variable that defines the state of the config
* object. Can be: a HTMLPurifier_Config() object,
* an array of directives based on loadArray(),
* or a string filename of an ini file.
* @param HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Schema object
* @return Configured HTMLPurifier_Config object
public static function create($config, $schema = null) {
if ($config instanceof HTMLPurifier_Config) {
// pass-through
return $config;
if (!$schema) {
$ret = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
} else {
$ret = new HTMLPurifier_Config($schema);
if (is_string($config)) $ret->loadIni($config);
elseif (is_array($config)) $ret->loadArray($config);
return $ret;
* Creates a new config object that inherits from a previous one.
* @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config Configuration object to inherit
* from.
* @return HTMLPurifier_Config object with $config as its parent.
public static function inherit(HTMLPurifier_Config $config) {
return new HTMLPurifier_Config($config->def, $config->plist);
* Convenience constructor that creates a default configuration object.
* @return Default HTMLPurifier_Config object.
public static function createDefault() {
$definition = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance();
$config = new HTMLPurifier_Config($definition);
return $config;
* Retreives a value from the configuration.
* @param $key String key
public function get($key, $a = null) {
if ($a !== null) {
$this->triggerError("Using deprecated API: use \$config->get('$key.$a') instead", E_USER_WARNING);
$key = "$key.$a";
if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize();
if (!isset($this->def->info[$key])) {
// can't add % due to SimpleTest bug
$this->triggerError('Cannot retrieve value of undefined directive ' . htmlspecialchars($key),
if (isset($this->def->info[$key]->isAlias)) {
$d = $this->def->info[$key];
$this->triggerError('Cannot get value from aliased directive, use real name ' . $d->key,
if ($this->lock) {
list($ns) = explode('.', $key);
if ($ns !== $this->lock) {
$this->triggerError('Cannot get value of namespace ' . $ns . ' when lock for ' . $this->lock . ' is active, this probably indicates a Definition setup method is accessing directives that are not within its namespace', E_USER_ERROR);
return $this->plist->get($key);
* Retreives an array of directives to values from a given namespace
* @param $namespace String namespace
public function getBatch($namespace) {
if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize();
$full = $this->getAll();
if (!isset($full[$namespace])) {
$this->triggerError('Cannot retrieve undefined namespace ' . htmlspecialchars($namespace),
return $full[$namespace];
* Returns a md5 signature of a segment of the configuration object
* that uniquely identifies that particular configuration
* @note Revision is handled specially and is removed from the batch
* before processing!
* @param $namespace Namespace to get serial for
public function getBatchSerial($namespace) {
if (empty($this->serials[$namespace])) {
$batch = $this->getBatch($namespace);
$this->serials[$namespace] = md5(serialize($batch));
return $this->serials[$namespace];
* Returns a md5 signature for the entire configuration object
* that uniquely identifies that particular configuration
public function getSerial() {
if (empty($this->serial)) {
$this->serial = md5(serialize($this->getAll()));
return $this->serial;
* Retrieves all directives, organized by namespace
* @warning This is a pretty inefficient function, avoid if you can
public function getAll() {
if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize();
$ret = array();
foreach ($this->plist->squash() as $name => $value) {
list($ns, $key) = explode('.', $name, 2);
$ret[$ns][$key] = $value;
return $ret;
* Sets a value to configuration.
* @param $key String key
* @param $value Mixed value
public function set($key, $value, $a = null) {
if (strpos($key, '.') === false) {
$namespace = $key;
$directive = $value;
$value = $a;
$key = "$key.$directive";
$this->triggerError("Using deprecated API: use \$config->set('$key', ...) instead", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
list($namespace) = explode('.', $key);
if ($this->isFinalized('Cannot set directive after finalization')) return;
if (!isset($this->def->info[$key])) {
$this->triggerError('Cannot set undefined directive ' . htmlspecialchars($key) . ' to value',
$def = $this->def->info[$key];
if (isset($def->isAlias)) {
if ($this->aliasMode) {
$this->triggerError('Double-aliases not allowed, please fix '.
'ConfigSchema bug with' . $key, E_USER_ERROR);
$this->aliasMode = true;
$this->set($def->key, $value);
$this->aliasMode = false;
$this->triggerError("$key is an alias, preferred directive name is {$def->key}", E_USER_NOTICE);
// Raw type might be negative when using the fully optimized form
// of stdclass, which indicates allow_null == true
$rtype = is_int($def) ? $def : $def->type;
if ($rtype < 0) {
$type = -$rtype;
$allow_null = true;
} else {
$type = $rtype;
$allow_null = isset($def->allow_null);
try {
$value = $this->parser->parse($value, $type, $allow_null);
} catch (HTMLPurifier_VarParserException $e) {
$this->triggerError('Value for ' . $key . ' is of invalid type, should be ' . HTMLPurifier_VarParser::getTypeName($type), E_USER_WARNING);
if (is_string($value) && is_object($def)) {
// resolve value alias if defined
if (isset($def->aliases[$value])) {
$value = $def->aliases[$value];
// check to see if the value is allowed
if (isset($def->allowed) && !isset($def->allowed[$value])) {
$this->triggerError('Value not supported, valid values are: ' .
$this->_listify($def->allowed), E_USER_WARNING);
$this->plist->set($key, $value);
// reset definitions if the directives they depend on changed
// this is a very costly process, so it's discouraged
// with finalization
if ($namespace == 'HTML' || $namespace == 'CSS' || $namespace == 'URI') {
$this->definitions[$namespace] = null;
$this->serials[$namespace] = false;
* Convenience function for error reporting
private function _listify($lookup) {
$list = array();
foreach ($lookup as $name => $b) $list[] = $name;
return implode(', ', $list);
* Retrieves object reference to the HTML definition.
* @param $raw Return a copy that has not been setup yet. Must be
* called before it's been setup, otherwise won't work.
public function getHTMLDefinition($raw = false) {
return $this->getDefinition('HTML', $raw);
* Retrieves object reference to the CSS definition
* @param $raw Return a copy that has not been setup yet. Must be
* called before it's been setup, otherwise won't work.
public function getCSSDefinition($raw = false) {
return $this->getDefinition('CSS', $raw);
* Retrieves a definition
* @param $type Type of definition: HTML, CSS, etc
* @param $raw Whether or not definition should be returned raw
public function getDefinition($type, $raw = false) {
if (!$this->finalized) $this->autoFinalize();
// temporarily suspend locks, so we can handle recursive definition calls
$lock = $this->lock;
$this->lock = null;
$factory = HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory::instance();
$cache = $factory->create($type, $this);
$this->lock = $lock;
if (!$raw) {
// see if we can quickly supply a definition
if (!empty($this->definitions[$type])) {
if (!$this->definitions[$type]->setup) {
$cache->set($this->definitions[$type], $this);
return $this->definitions[$type];
// memory check missed, try cache
$this->definitions[$type] = $cache->get($this);
if ($this->definitions[$type]) {
// definition in cache, return it
return $this->definitions[$type];
} elseif (
!empty($this->definitions[$type]) &&
) {
// raw requested, raw in memory, quick return
return $this->definitions[$type];
// quick checks failed, let's create the object
if ($type == 'HTML') {
$this->definitions[$type] = new HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition();
} elseif ($type == 'CSS') {
$this->definitions[$type] = new HTMLPurifier_CSSDefinition();
} elseif ($type == 'URI') {
$this->definitions[$type] = new HTMLPurifier_URIDefinition();
} else {
throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Definition of $type type not supported");
// quick abort if raw
if ($raw) {
if (is_null($this->get($type . '.DefinitionID'))) {
// fatally error out if definition ID not set
throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception("Cannot retrieve raw version without specifying %$type.DefinitionID");
return $this->definitions[$type];
// set it up
$this->lock = $type;
$this->lock = null;
// save in cache
$cache->set($this->definitions[$type], $this);
return $this->definitions[$type];
* Loads configuration values from an array with the following structure:
* Namespace.Directive => Value
* @param $config_array Configuration associative array
public function loadArray($config_array) {
if ($this->isFinalized('Cannot load directives after finalization')) return;
foreach ($config_array as $key => $value) {
$key = str_replace('_', '.', $key);
if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) {
$this->set($key, $value);
} else {
$namespace = $key;
$namespace_values = $value;
foreach ($namespace_values as $directive => $value) {
$this->set($namespace .'.'. $directive, $value);
* Returns a list of array(namespace, directive) for all directives
* that are allowed in a web-form context as per an allowed
* namespaces/directives list.
* @param $allowed List of allowed namespaces/directives
public static function getAllowedDirectivesForForm($allowed, $schema = null) {
if (!$schema) {
$schema = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance();
if ($allowed !== true) {
if (is_string($allowed)) $allowed = array($allowed);
$allowed_ns = array();
$allowed_directives = array();
$blacklisted_directives = array();
foreach ($allowed as $ns_or_directive) {
if (strpos($ns_or_directive, '.') !== false) {
// directive
if ($ns_or_directive[0] == '-') {
$blacklisted_directives[substr($ns_or_directive, 1)] = true;
} else {
$allowed_directives[$ns_or_directive] = true;
} else {
// namespace
$allowed_ns[$ns_or_directive] = true;
$ret = array();
foreach ($schema->info as $key => $def) {
list($ns, $directive) = explode('.', $key, 2);
if ($allowed !== true) {
if (isset($blacklisted_directives["$ns.$directive"])) continue;
if (!isset($allowed_directives["$ns.$directive"]) && !isset($allowed_ns[$ns])) continue;
if (isset($def->isAlias)) continue;
if ($directive == 'DefinitionID' || $directive == 'DefinitionRev') continue;
$ret[] = array($ns, $directive);
return $ret;
* Loads configuration values from $_GET/$_POST that were posted
* via ConfigForm
* @param $array $_GET or $_POST array to import
* @param $index Index/name that the config variables are in
* @param $allowed List of allowed namespaces/directives
* @param $mq_fix Boolean whether or not to enable magic quotes fix
* @param $schema Instance of HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema to use, if not global copy
public static function loadArrayFromForm($array, $index = false, $allowed = true, $mq_fix = true, $schema = null) {
$ret = HTMLPurifier_Config::prepareArrayFromForm($array, $index, $allowed, $mq_fix, $schema);
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::create($ret, $schema);
return $config;
* Merges in configuration values from $_GET/$_POST to object. NOT STATIC.
* @note Same parameters as loadArrayFromForm
public function mergeArrayFromForm($array, $index = false, $allowed = true, $mq_fix = true) {
$ret = HTMLPurifier_Config::prepareArrayFromForm($array, $index, $allowed, $mq_fix, $this->def);
* Prepares an array from a form into something usable for the more
* strict parts of HTMLPurifier_Config
public static function prepareArrayFromForm($array, $index = false, $allowed = true, $mq_fix = true, $schema = null) {
if ($index !== false) $array = (isset($array[$index]) && is_array($array[$index])) ? $array[$index] : array();
$mq = $mq_fix && function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc();
$allowed = HTMLPurifier_Config::getAllowedDirectivesForForm($allowed, $schema);
$ret = array();
foreach ($allowed as $key) {
list($ns, $directive) = $key;
$skey = "$ns.$directive";
if (!empty($array["Null_$skey"])) {
$ret[$ns][$directive] = null;
if (!isset($array[$skey])) continue;
$value = $mq ? stripslashes($array[$skey]) : $array[$skey];
$ret[$ns][$directive] = $value;
return $ret;
* Loads configuration values from an ini file
* @param $filename Name of ini file
public function loadIni($filename) {
if ($this->isFinalized('Cannot load directives after finalization')) return;
$array = parse_ini_file($filename, true);
* Checks whether or not the configuration object is finalized.
* @param $error String error message, or false for no error
public function isFinalized($error = false) {
if ($this->finalized && $error) {
$this->triggerError($error, E_USER_ERROR);
return $this->finalized;
* Finalizes configuration only if auto finalize is on and not
* already finalized
public function autoFinalize() {
if ($this->autoFinalize) {
} else {
* Finalizes a configuration object, prohibiting further change
public function finalize() {
$this->finalized = true;
* Produces a nicely formatted error message by supplying the
* stack frame information from two levels up and OUTSIDE of
* HTMLPurifier_Config.
protected function triggerError($msg, $no) {
// determine previous stack frame
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
if ($this->chatty && isset($backtrace[1])) {
$frame = $backtrace[1];
$extra = " on line {$frame['line']} in file {$frame['file']}";
} else {
$extra = '';
trigger_error($msg . $extra, $no);
* Returns a serialized form of the configuration object that can
* be reconstituted.
public function serialize() {
return serialize($this);
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Normal file
Normal file
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* Configuration definition, defines directives and their defaults.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema {
* Defaults of the directives and namespaces.
* @note This shares the exact same structure as HTMLPurifier_Config::$conf
public $defaults = array();
* The default property list. Do not edit this property list.
public $defaultPlist;
* Definition of the directives. The structure of this is:
* array(
* 'Namespace' => array(
* 'Directive' => new stdclass(),
* )
* )
* The stdclass may have the following properties:
* - If isAlias isn't set:
* - type: Integer type of directive, see HTMLPurifier_VarParser for definitions
* - allow_null: If set, this directive allows null values
* - aliases: If set, an associative array of value aliases to real values
* - allowed: If set, a lookup array of allowed (string) values
* - If isAlias is set:
* - namespace: Namespace this directive aliases to
* - name: Directive name this directive aliases to
* In certain degenerate cases, stdclass will actually be an integer. In
* that case, the value is equivalent to an stdclass with the type
* property set to the integer. If the integer is negative, type is
* equal to the absolute value of integer, and allow_null is true.
* This class is friendly with HTMLPurifier_Config. If you need introspection
* about the schema, you're better of using the ConfigSchema_Interchange,
* which uses more memory but has much richer information.
public $info = array();
* Application-wide singleton
static protected $singleton;
public function __construct() {
$this->defaultPlist = new HTMLPurifier_PropertyList();
* Unserializes the default ConfigSchema.
public static function makeFromSerial() {
return unserialize(file_get_contents(HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema.ser'));
* Retrieves an instance of the application-wide configuration definition.
public static function instance($prototype = null) {
if ($prototype !== null) {
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton = $prototype;
} elseif (HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton === null || $prototype === true) {
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton = HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::makeFromSerial();
return HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::$singleton;
* Defines a directive for configuration
* @warning Will fail of directive's namespace is defined.
* @warning This method's signature is slightly different from the legacy
* define() static method! Beware!
* @param $namespace Namespace the directive is in
* @param $name Key of directive
* @param $default Default value of directive
* @param $type Allowed type of the directive. See
* HTMLPurifier_DirectiveDef::$type for allowed values
* @param $allow_null Whether or not to allow null values
public function add($key, $default, $type, $allow_null) {
$obj = new stdclass();
$obj->type = is_int($type) ? $type : HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$types[$type];
if ($allow_null) $obj->allow_null = true;
$this->info[$key] = $obj;
$this->defaults[$key] = $default;
$this->defaultPlist->set($key, $default);
* Defines a directive value alias.
* Directive value aliases are convenient for developers because it lets
* them set a directive to several values and get the same result.
* @param $namespace Directive's namespace
* @param $name Name of Directive
* @param $aliases Hash of aliased values to the real alias
public function addValueAliases($key, $aliases) {
if (!isset($this->info[$key]->aliases)) {
$this->info[$key]->aliases = array();
foreach ($aliases as $alias => $real) {
$this->info[$key]->aliases[$alias] = $real;
* Defines a set of allowed values for a directive.
* @warning This is slightly different from the corresponding static
* method definition.
* @param $namespace Namespace of directive
* @param $name Name of directive
* @param $allowed Lookup array of allowed values
public function addAllowedValues($key, $allowed) {
$this->info[$key]->allowed = $allowed;
* Defines a directive alias for backwards compatibility
* @param $namespace
* @param $name Directive that will be aliased
* @param $new_namespace
* @param $new_name Directive that the alias will be to
public function addAlias($key, $new_key) {
$obj = new stdclass;
$obj->key = $new_key;
$obj->isAlias = true;
$this->info[$key] = $obj;
* Replaces any stdclass that only has the type property with type integer.
public function postProcess() {
foreach ($this->info as $key => $v) {
if (count((array) $v) == 1) {
$this->info[$key] = $v->type;
} elseif (count((array) $v) == 2 && isset($v->allow_null)) {
$this->info[$key] = -$v->type;
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Converts HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange to our runtime
* representation used to perform checks on user configuration.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_ConfigSchema
public function build($interchange) {
$schema = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema();
foreach ($interchange->directives as $d) {
if ($d->allowed !== null) {
foreach ($d->aliases as $alias) {
if ($d->valueAliases !== null) {
return $schema;
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Normal file
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* Converts HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange to an XML format,
* which can be further processed to generate documentation.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_Xml extends XMLWriter
protected $interchange;
private $namespace;
protected function writeHTMLDiv($html) {
$purifier = HTMLPurifier::getInstance();
$html = $purifier->purify($html);
$this->writeAttribute('xmlns', '');
$this->endElement(); // div
protected function export($var) {
if ($var === array()) return 'array()';
return var_export($var, true);
public function build($interchange) {
// global access, only use as last resort
$this->interchange = $interchange;
$this->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$this->writeElement('title', $interchange->name);
foreach ($interchange->directives as $directive) {
if ($this->namespace) $this->endElement(); // namespace
$this->endElement(); // configdoc
public function buildDirective($directive) {
// Kludge, although I suppose having a notion of a "root namespace"
// certainly makes things look nicer when documentation is built.
// Depends on things being sorted.
if (!$this->namespace || $this->namespace !== $directive->id->getRootNamespace()) {
if ($this->namespace) $this->endElement(); // namespace
$this->namespace = $directive->id->getRootNamespace();
$this->writeAttribute('id', $this->namespace);
$this->writeElement('name', $this->namespace);
$this->writeAttribute('id', $directive->id->toString());
$this->writeElement('name', $directive->id->getDirective());
foreach ($directive->aliases as $alias) $this->writeElement('alias', $alias->toString());
$this->endElement(); // aliases
if ($directive->version) $this->writeElement('version', $directive->version);
if ($directive->typeAllowsNull) $this->writeAttribute('allow-null', 'yes');
$this->endElement(); // type
if ($directive->allowed) {
foreach ($directive->allowed as $value => $x) $this->writeElement('value', $value);
$this->endElement(); // allowed
$this->writeElement('default', $this->export($directive->default));
$this->writeAttribute('xml:space', 'preserve');
if ($directive->external) {
foreach ($directive->external as $project) $this->writeElement('project', $project);
$this->endElement(); // constraints
if ($directive->deprecatedVersion) {
$this->writeElement('version', $directive->deprecatedVersion);
$this->writeElement('use', $directive->deprecatedUse->toString());
$this->endElement(); // deprecated
$this->endElement(); // description
$this->endElement(); // directive
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Normal file
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* Exceptions related to configuration schema
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception extends HTMLPurifier_Exception
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Generic schema interchange format that can be converted to a runtime
* representation (HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema) or HTML documentation. Members
* are completely validated.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange
* Name of the application this schema is describing.
public $name;
* Array of Directive ID => array(directive info)
public $directives = array();
* Adds a directive array to $directives
public function addDirective($directive) {
if (isset($this->directives[$i = $directive->id->toString()])) {
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception("Cannot redefine directive '$i'");
$this->directives[$i] = $directive;
* Convenience function to perform standard validation. Throws exception
* on failed validation.
public function validate() {
$validator = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Validator();
return $validator->validate($this);
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Interchange component class describing configuration directives.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive
* ID of directive, instance of HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id.
public $id;
* String type, e.g. 'integer' or 'istring'.
public $type;
* Default value, e.g. 3 or 'DefaultVal'.
public $default;
* HTML description.
public $description;
* Boolean whether or not null is allowed as a value.
public $typeAllowsNull = false;
* Lookup table of allowed scalar values, e.g. array('allowed' => true).
* Null if all values are allowed.
public $allowed;
* List of aliases for the directive,
* e.g. array(new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id('Ns', 'Dir'))).
public $aliases = array();
* Hash of value aliases, e.g. array('alt' => 'real'). Null if value
* aliasing is disabled (necessary for non-scalar types).
public $valueAliases;
* Version of HTML Purifier the directive was introduced, e.g. '1.3.1'.
* Null if the directive has always existed.
public $version;
* ID of directive that supercedes this old directive, is an instance
* of HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id. Null if not deprecated.
public $deprecatedUse;
* Version of HTML Purifier this directive was deprecated. Null if not
* deprecated.
public $deprecatedVersion;
* List of external projects this directive depends on, e.g. array('CSSTidy').
public $external = array();
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Represents a directive ID in the interchange format.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id
public $key;
public function __construct($key) {
$this->key = $key;
* @warning This is NOT magic, to ensure that people don't abuse SPL and
* cause problems for PHP 5.0 support.
public function toString() {
return $this->key;
public function getRootNamespace() {
return substr($this->key, 0, strpos($this->key, "."));
public function getDirective() {
return substr($this->key, strpos($this->key, ".") + 1);
public static function make($id) {
return new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id($id);
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_InterchangeBuilder
* Used for processing DEFAULT, nothing else.
protected $varParser;
public function __construct($varParser = null) {
$this->varParser = $varParser ? $varParser : new HTMLPurifier_VarParser_Native();
public static function buildFromDirectory($dir = null) {
$builder = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_InterchangeBuilder();
$interchange = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange();
return $builder->buildDir($interchange, $dir);
public function buildDir($interchange, $dir = null) {
if (!$dir) $dir = HTMLPURIFIER_PREFIX . '/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema';
if (file_exists($dir . '/info.ini')) {
$info = parse_ini_file($dir . '/info.ini');
$interchange->name = $info['name'];
$files = array();
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
if (!$file || $file[0] == '.' || strrchr($file, '.') !== '.txt') {
$files[] = $file;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$this->buildFile($interchange, $dir . '/' . $file);
return $interchange;
public function buildFile($interchange, $file) {
$parser = new HTMLPurifier_StringHashParser();
new HTMLPurifier_StringHash( $parser->parseFile($file) )
* Builds an interchange object based on a hash.
* @param $interchange HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange object to build
* @param $hash HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_StringHash source data
public function build($interchange, $hash) {
if (!$hash instanceof HTMLPurifier_StringHash) {
$hash = new HTMLPurifier_StringHash($hash);
if (!isset($hash['ID'])) {
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception('Hash does not have any ID');
if (strpos($hash['ID'], '.') === false) {
if (count($hash) == 2 && isset($hash['DESCRIPTION'])) {
$hash->offsetGet('DESCRIPTION'); // prevent complaining
} else {
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception('All directives must have a namespace');
} else {
$this->buildDirective($interchange, $hash);
public function buildDirective($interchange, $hash) {
$directive = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive();
// These are required elements:
$directive->id = $this->id($hash->offsetGet('ID'));
$id = $directive->id->toString(); // convenience
if (isset($hash['TYPE'])) {
$type = explode('/', $hash->offsetGet('TYPE'));
if (isset($type[1])) $directive->typeAllowsNull = true;
$directive->type = $type[0];
} else {
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception("TYPE in directive hash '$id' not defined");
if (isset($hash['DEFAULT'])) {
try {
$directive->default = $this->varParser->parse($hash->offsetGet('DEFAULT'), $directive->type, $directive->typeAllowsNull);
} catch (HTMLPurifier_VarParserException $e) {
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception($e->getMessage() . " in DEFAULT in directive hash '$id'");
if (isset($hash['DESCRIPTION'])) {
$directive->description = $hash->offsetGet('DESCRIPTION');
if (isset($hash['ALLOWED'])) {
$directive->allowed = $this->lookup($this->evalArray($hash->offsetGet('ALLOWED')));
if (isset($hash['VALUE-ALIASES'])) {
$directive->valueAliases = $this->evalArray($hash->offsetGet('VALUE-ALIASES'));
if (isset($hash['ALIASES'])) {
$raw_aliases = trim($hash->offsetGet('ALIASES'));
$aliases = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $raw_aliases);
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
$directive->aliases[] = $this->id($alias);
if (isset($hash['VERSION'])) {
$directive->version = $hash->offsetGet('VERSION');
if (isset($hash['DEPRECATED-USE'])) {
$directive->deprecatedUse = $this->id($hash->offsetGet('DEPRECATED-USE'));
if (isset($hash['DEPRECATED-VERSION'])) {
$directive->deprecatedVersion = $hash->offsetGet('DEPRECATED-VERSION');
if (isset($hash['EXTERNAL'])) {
$directive->external = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($hash->offsetGet('EXTERNAL')));
* Evaluates an array PHP code string without array() wrapper
protected function evalArray($contents) {
return eval('return array('. $contents .');');
* Converts an array list into a lookup array.
protected function lookup($array) {
$ret = array();
foreach ($array as $val) $ret[$val] = true;
return $ret;
* Convenience function that creates an HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id
* object based on a string Id.
protected function id($id) {
return HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id::make($id);
* Triggers errors for any unused keys passed in the hash; such keys
* may indicate typos, missing values, etc.
* @param $hash Instance of ConfigSchema_StringHash to check.
protected function _findUnused($hash) {
$accessed = $hash->getAccessed();
foreach ($hash as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($accessed[$k])) {
trigger_error("String hash key '$k' not used by builder", E_USER_NOTICE);
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Normal file
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* Performs validations on HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange
* @note If you see '// handled by InterchangeBuilder', that means a
* design decision in that class would prevent this validation from
* ever being necessary. We have them anyway, however, for
* redundancy.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Validator
* Easy to access global objects.
protected $interchange, $aliases;
* Context-stack to provide easy to read error messages.
protected $context = array();
* HTMLPurifier_VarParser to test default's type.
protected $parser;
public function __construct() {
$this->parser = new HTMLPurifier_VarParser();
* Validates a fully-formed interchange object. Throws an
* HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception if there's a problem.
public function validate($interchange) {
$this->interchange = $interchange;
$this->aliases = array();
// PHP is a bit lax with integer <=> string conversions in
// arrays, so we don't use the identical !== comparison
foreach ($interchange->directives as $i => $directive) {
$id = $directive->id->toString();
if ($i != $id) $this->error(false, "Integrity violation: key '$i' does not match internal id '$id'");
return true;
* Validates a HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id object.
public function validateId($id) {
$id_string = $id->toString();
$this->context[] = "id '$id_string'";
if (!$id instanceof HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id) {
// handled by InterchangeBuilder
$this->error(false, 'is not an instance of HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id');
// keys are now unconstrained (we might want to narrow down to A-Za-z0-9.)
// we probably should check that it has at least one namespace
$this->with($id, 'key')
->assertIsString(); // implicit assertIsString handled by InterchangeBuilder
* Validates a HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive object.
public function validateDirective($d) {
$id = $d->id->toString();
$this->context[] = "directive '$id'";
$this->with($d, 'description')
// BEGIN - handled by InterchangeBuilder
$this->with($d, 'type')
$this->with($d, 'typeAllowsNull')
try {
// This also tests validity of $d->type
$this->parser->parse($d->default, $d->type, $d->typeAllowsNull);
} catch (HTMLPurifier_VarParserException $e) {
$this->error('default', 'had error: ' . $e->getMessage());
// END - handled by InterchangeBuilder
if (!is_null($d->allowed) || !empty($d->valueAliases)) {
// allowed and valueAliases require that we be dealing with
// strings, so check for that early.
$d_int = HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$types[$d->type];
if (!isset(HTMLPurifier_VarParser::$stringTypes[$d_int])) {
$this->error('type', 'must be a string type when used with allowed or value aliases');
* Extra validation if $allowed member variable of
* HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive is defined.
public function validateDirectiveAllowed($d) {
if (is_null($d->allowed)) return;
$this->with($d, 'allowed')
->assertIsLookup(); // handled by InterchangeBuilder
if (is_string($d->default) && !isset($d->allowed[$d->default])) {
$this->error('default', 'must be an allowed value');
$this->context[] = 'allowed';
foreach ($d->allowed as $val => $x) {
if (!is_string($val)) $this->error("value $val", 'must be a string');
* Extra validation if $valueAliases member variable of
* HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive is defined.
public function validateDirectiveValueAliases($d) {
if (is_null($d->valueAliases)) return;
$this->with($d, 'valueAliases')
->assertIsArray(); // handled by InterchangeBuilder
$this->context[] = 'valueAliases';
foreach ($d->valueAliases as $alias => $real) {
if (!is_string($alias)) $this->error("alias $alias", 'must be a string');
if (!is_string($real)) $this->error("alias target $real from alias '$alias'", 'must be a string');
if ($alias === $real) {
$this->error("alias '$alias'", "must not be an alias to itself");
if (!is_null($d->allowed)) {
foreach ($d->valueAliases as $alias => $real) {
if (isset($d->allowed[$alias])) {
$this->error("alias '$alias'", 'must not be an allowed value');
} elseif (!isset($d->allowed[$real])) {
$this->error("alias '$alias'", 'must be an alias to an allowed value');
* Extra validation if $aliases member variable of
* HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive is defined.
public function validateDirectiveAliases($d) {
$this->with($d, 'aliases')
->assertIsArray(); // handled by InterchangeBuilder
$this->context[] = 'aliases';
foreach ($d->aliases as $alias) {
$s = $alias->toString();
if (isset($this->interchange->directives[$s])) {
$this->error("alias '$s'", 'collides with another directive');
if (isset($this->aliases[$s])) {
$other_directive = $this->aliases[$s];
$this->error("alias '$s'", "collides with alias for directive '$other_directive'");
$this->aliases[$s] = $d->id->toString();
// protected helper functions
* Convenience function for generating HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom
* for validating simple member variables of objects.
protected function with($obj, $member) {
return new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom($this->getFormattedContext(), $obj, $member);
* Emits an error, providing helpful context.
protected function error($target, $msg) {
if ($target !== false) $prefix = ucfirst($target) . ' in ' . $this->getFormattedContext();
else $prefix = ucfirst($this->getFormattedContext());
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception(trim($prefix . ' ' . $msg));
* Returns a formatted context string.
protected function getFormattedContext() {
return implode(' in ', array_reverse($this->context));
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* Fluent interface for validating the contents of member variables.
* This should be immutable. See HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Validator for
* use-cases. We name this an 'atom' because it's ONLY for validations that
* are independent and usually scalar.
class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom
protected $context, $obj, $member, $contents;
public function __construct($context, $obj, $member) {
$this->context = $context;
$this->obj = $obj;
$this->member = $member;
$this->contents =& $obj->$member;
public function assertIsString() {
if (!is_string($this->contents)) $this->error('must be a string');
return $this;
public function assertIsBool() {
if (!is_bool($this->contents)) $this->error('must be a boolean');
return $this;
public function assertIsArray() {
if (!is_array($this->contents)) $this->error('must be an array');
return $this;
public function assertNotNull() {
if ($this->contents === null) $this->error('must not be null');
return $this;
public function assertAlnum() {
if (!ctype_alnum($this->contents)) $this->error('must be alphanumeric');
return $this;
public function assertNotEmpty() {
if (empty($this->contents)) $this->error('must not be empty');
return $this;
public function assertIsLookup() {
foreach ($this->contents as $v) {
if ($v !== true) $this->error('must be a lookup array');
return $this;
protected function error($msg) {
throw new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception(ucfirst($this->member) . ' in ' . $this->context . ' ' . $msg);
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Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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TYPE: lookup/null
VERSION: 4.0.0
List of allowed class values in the class attribute. By default, this is null,
which means all classes are allowed.
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
TYPE: lookup
DEFAULT: array()
Lookup table of all allowed link frame targets. Some commonly used link
targets include _blank, _self, _parent and _top. Values should be
lowercase, as validation will be done in a case-sensitive manner despite
W3C's recommendation. XHTML 1.0 Strict does not permit the target attribute
so this directive will have no effect in that doctype. XHTML 1.1 does not
enable the Target module by default, you will have to manually enable it
(see the module documentation for more details.)
--# vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
TYPE: lookup
VERSION: 1.6.0
DEFAULT: array()
List of allowed forward document relationships in the rel attribute. Common
values may be nofollow or print. By default, this is empty, meaning that no
document relationships are allowed.
--# vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
TYPE: lookup
VERSION: 1.6.0
DEFAULT: array()
List of allowed reverse document relationships in the rev attribute. This
attribute is a bit of an edge-case; if you don't know what it is for, stay
--# vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
TYPE: bool/null
VERSION: 4.0.0
If null, class will auto-detect the doctype and, if matching XHTML 1.1 or
XHTML 2.0, will use the restrictive NMTOKENS specification of class. Otherwise,
it will use a relaxed CDATA definition. If true, the relaxed CDATA definition
is forced; if false, the NMTOKENS definition is forced. To get behavior
of HTML Purifier prior to 4.0.0, set this directive to false.
Some rational behind the auto-detection:
in previous versions of HTML Purifier, it was assumed that the form of
class was NMTOKENS, as specified by the XHTML Modularization (representing
XHTML 1.1 and XHTML 2.0). The DTDs for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0, however
specify class as CDATA. HTML 5 effectively defines it as CDATA, but
with the additional constraint that each name should be unique (this is not
explicitly outlined in previous specifications).
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
TYPE: string/null
VERSION: 3.2.0
This is the content of the alt tag of an image if the user had not
previously specified an alt attribute. This applies to all images without
a valid alt attribute, as opposed to %Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt, which
only applies to invalid images, and overrides in the case of an invalid image.
Default behavior with null is to use the basename of the src tag for the alt.
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
TYPE: string
This is the default image an img tag will be pointed to if it does not have
a valid src attribute. In future versions, we may allow the image tag to
be removed completely, but due to design issues, this is not possible right
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