Twitter-compatible API: public_timeline.xml more complete

This commit is contained in:
zach 2008-07-15 02:58:50 -04:00
parent 3df358a9e9
commit 846a1a4106
2 changed files with 51 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class TwitapistatusesAction extends TwitterapiAction {
common_element_start('statuses', array('type' => 'array'));
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
if ($notice->fetch()) {
} else {
// shouldn't happen!

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@ -26,24 +26,33 @@ class TwitterapiAction extends Action {
* Spits out a Laconica notice as a Twitter-compatible "status"
* Spits out a Laconica Notice as a Twitter-XML "status"
function show_xml_status($notice) {
function render_xml_status($notice) {
global $config;
$profile = $notice->getProfile();
// XXX: twitter created_at date looks like this: Mon Jul 14 23:52:38 +0000 2008
common_element('created_at', NULL, common_exact_date($notice->created));
common_element('text', NULL, $notice->content);
common_element('source', NULL, 'Web'); # twitterific, twitterfox, etc.
common_element('truncated', NULL, 'false'); # how do we tell in Laconica?
common_element('in_reply_to_status_id', NULL, $notice->reply_to);
common_element('in_reply_to_user_id', NULL,'');
common_element('favorited', Null, ''); # feature for some day
common_element('created_at', NULL, $this->date_twitter($notice->created));
common_element('id', NULL, $notice->id);
common_element('text', NULL, $notice->content);
common_element('source', NULL, ''); # XXX: twitterific, twitterfox, etc. Not supported yet.
common_element('truncated', NULL, 'false'); # Not possible on Laconica
common_element('in_reply_to_status_id', NULL, $notice->reply_to);
common_element('in_reply_to_user_id', NULL, ($notice->reply_to) ? $this->replier_by_reply($notice->reply_to) : '');
common_element('favorited', Null, ''); # XXX: Not implemented on Laconica yet.
$profile = $notice->getProfile();
* Spits out a Laconica Profile as a Twitter-XML "user"
function render_xml_user($profile) {
common_element('id', NULL, $profile->id);
common_element('name', NULL, $profile->getBestName());
common_element('screen_name', NULL, $profile->nickname);
common_element('location', NULL, $profile->location);
@ -53,12 +62,35 @@ class TwitterapiAction extends Action {
common_element('profile_image_url', NULL, ($avatar) ? common_avatar_display_url($avatar) : common_default_avatar(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE));
common_element('url', NULL, $profile->homepage);
common_element('protected', NULL, 'false'); # not supported yet
common_element('followers_count', NULL, $this->count_subscriptions($profile)); # where do I get this?
common_element('protected', NULL, 'false'); # not supported by Laconica yet
common_element('followers_count', NULL, $this->count_subscriptions($profile));
// Anyone know what date format this is? It's not RFC 2822
// Twitter's dates look like this: "Mon Jul 14 23:52:38 +0000 2008" -- Zach
function date_twitter($dt) {
$t = strtotime($dt);
return date("D M d G:i:s O Y", $t);
function replier_by_reply($reply_id) {
$notice = Notice::staticGet($reply_id);
if (!$notice) {
common_debug("Got a bad notice_id: $reply_id");
$profile = $notice->getProfile();
if (!$profile) {
common_debug("Got a bad profile_id: $profile_id");
return false;
return $profile->id;
// XXX: Candidate for a general utility method somewhere?
function count_subscriptions($profile) {