upgrade DB_DataObject to 1.9.5
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* @author Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com>
* @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.01
* @version CVS: $Id: DataObject.php 291349 2009-11-27 09:15:18Z alan_k $
* @version CVS: $Id: DataObject.php 301030 2010-07-07 02:26:31Z alan_k $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_DataObject
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
* @access private
* @var string
var $_DB_DataObject_version = "1.9.0";
var $_DB_DataObject_version = "1.9.5";
* The Database table (used by table extends)
@ -369,6 +369,32 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
return $_DB_DATAOBJECT['CACHE'][$lclass][$key];
* build the basic select query.
* @access private
function _build_select()
$quoteIdentifiers = !empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['quote_identifiers']);
if ($quoteIdentifiers) {
$DB = &$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONNECTIONS'][$this->_database_dsn_md5];
$sql = 'SELECT ' .
$this->_query['data_select'] . " \n" .
' FROM ' . ($quoteIdentifiers ? $DB->quoteIdentifier($this->__table) : $this->__table) . " \n" .
$this->_join . " \n" .
$this->_query['condition'] . " \n" .
$this->_query['group_by'] . " \n" .
$this->_query['having'] . " \n";
return $sql;
* find results, either normal or crosstable
@ -411,20 +437,21 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
$query_before = $this->_query;
$this->_build_condition($this->table()) ;
$quoteIdentifiers = !empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['quote_identifiers']);
$DB = &$_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONNECTIONS'][$this->_database_dsn_md5];
/* We are checking for method modifyLimitQuery as it is PEAR DB specific */
$sql = 'SELECT ' .
$this->_query['data_select'] . " \n" .
' FROM ' . ($quoteIdentifiers ? $DB->quoteIdentifier($this->__table) : $this->__table) . " \n" .
$this->_join . " \n" .
$this->_query['condition'] . " \n" .
$this->_query['group_by'] . " \n" .
$this->_query['having'] . " \n" .
$this->_query['order_by'] . " \n";
$sql = $this->_build_select();
foreach ($this->_query['unions'] as $union_ar) {
$sql .= $union_ar[1] . $union_ar[0]->_build_select() . " \n";
$sql .= $this->_query['order_by'] . " \n";
/* We are checking for method modifyLimitQuery as it is PEAR DB specific */
if ((!isset($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['db_driver'])) ||
($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['db_driver'] == 'DB')) {
/* PEAR DB specific */
@ -578,6 +605,85 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
return true;
* fetches all results as an array,
* return format is dependant on args.
* if selectAdd() has not been called on the object, then it will add the correct columns to the query.
* A) Array of values (eg. a list of 'id')
* $x = DB_DataObject::factory('mytable');
* $x->whereAdd('something = 1')
* $ar = $x->fetchAll('id');
* -- returns array(1,2,3,4,5)
* B) Array of values (not from table)
* $x = DB_DataObject::factory('mytable');
* $x->whereAdd('something = 1');
* $x->selectAdd();
* $x->selectAdd('distinct(group_id) as group_id');
* $ar = $x->fetchAll('group_id');
* -- returns array(1,2,3,4,5)
* *
* C) A key=>value associative array
* $x = DB_DataObject::factory('mytable');
* $x->whereAdd('something = 1')
* $ar = $x->fetchAll('id','name');
* -- returns array(1=>'fred',2=>'blogs',3=> .......
* D) array of objects
* $x = DB_DataObject::factory('mytable');
* $x->whereAdd('something = 1');
* $ar = $x->fetchAll();
* E) array of arrays (for example)
* $x = DB_DataObject::factory('mytable');
* $x->whereAdd('something = 1');
* $ar = $x->fetchAll(false,false,'toArray');
* @param string|false $k key
* @param string|false $v value
* @param string|false $method method to call on each result to get array value (eg. 'toArray')
* @access public
* @return array format dependant on arguments, may be empty
function fetchAll($k= false, $v = false, $method = false)
// should it even do this!!!?!?
if ($k !== false &&
( // only do this is we have not been explicit..
empty($this->_query['data_select']) ||
($this->_query['data_select'] == '*')
) {
if ($v !== false) {
$ret = array();
while ($this->fetch()) {
if ($v !== false) {
$ret[$this->$k] = $this->$v;
$ret[] = $k === false ?
($method == false ? clone($this) : $this->$method())
: $this->$k;
return $ret;
* Adds a condition to the WHERE statement, defaults to AND
@ -622,6 +728,47 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
return $r;
* Adds a 'IN' condition to the WHERE statement
* $object->whereAddIn('id', $array, 'int'); //minimal usage
* $object->whereAddIn('price', $array, 'float', 'OR'); // cast to float, and call whereAdd with 'OR'
* $object->whereAddIn('name', $array, 'string'); // quote strings
* @param string $key key column to match
* @param array $list list of values to match
* @param string $type string|int|integer|float|bool cast to type.
* @param string $logic optional logic to call whereAdd with eg. "OR" (defaults to "AND")
* @access public
* @return string|PEAR::Error - previous condition or Error when invalid args found
function whereAddIn($key, $list, $type, $logic = 'AND')
$not = '';
if ($key[0] == '!') {
$not = 'NOT ';
$key = substr($key, 1);
// fix type for short entry.
$type = $type == 'int' ? 'integer' : $type;
if ($type == 'string') {
$ar = array();
foreach($list as $k) {
settype($k, $type);
$ar[] = $type =='string' ? $this->_quote($k) : $k;
if (!$ar) {
return $not ? $this->_query['condition'] : $this->whereAdd("1=0");
return $this->whereAdd("$key $not IN (". implode(',', $ar). ')', $logic );
* Adds a order by condition
@ -1175,7 +1322,7 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
$seq = $this->sequenceKey();
if ($seq[0] !== false) {
$keys = array($seq[0]);
if (empty($this->{$keys[0]}) && $dataObject !== true) {
if (!isset($this->{$keys[0]}) && $dataObject !== true) {
$this->raiseError("update: trying to perform an update without
the key set, and argument to update is not
@ -1670,6 +1817,7 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
'limit_start' => '', // the LIMIT condition
'limit_count' => '', // the LIMIT condition
'data_select' => '*', // the columns to be SELECTed
'unions' => array(), // the added unions
@ -2032,9 +2180,9 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
$seqname = false;
if (!empty($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['sequence_'.$this->__table])) {
$usekey = $_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['sequence_'.$this->__table];
if (strpos($usekey,':') !== false) {
list($usekey,$seqname) = explode(':',$usekey);
$seqname = $_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONFIG']['sequence_'.$this->__table];
if (strpos($seqname,':') !== false) {
list($usekey,$seqname) = explode(':',$seqname);
@ -3068,9 +3216,9 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
*return a list of options for a linked table
* getLinkArray
* Fetch an array of related objects. This should be used in conjunction with a <dbname>.links.ini file configuration (see the introduction on linking for details on this).
* You may also use this with all parameters to specify, the column and related table.
* This is highly dependant on naming columns 'correctly' :)
* using colname = xxxxx_yyyyyy
* xxxxxx = related table; (yyyyy = user defined..)
@ -3078,7 +3226,21 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
* stores it in $this->_xxxxx_yyyyy
* @access public
* @return array of results (empty array on failure)
* @param string $column - either column or column.xxxxx
* @param string $table - name of table to look up value in
* @return array - array of results (empty array on failure)
* Example - Getting the related objects
* $person = new DataObjects_Person;
* $person->get(12);
* $children = $person->getLinkArray('children');
* echo 'There are ', count($children), ' descendant(s):<br />';
* foreach ($children as $child) {
* echo $child->name, '<br />';
* }
function &getLinkArray($row, $table = null)
@ -3123,6 +3285,46 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
return $ret;
* unionAdd - adds another dataobject to this, building a unioned query.
* usage:
* $doTable1 = DB_DataObject::factory("table1");
* $doTable2 = DB_DataObject::factory("table2");
* $doTable1->selectAdd();
* $doTable1->selectAdd("col1,col2");
* $doTable1->whereAdd("col1 > 100");
* $doTable1->orderBy("col1");
* $doTable2->selectAdd();
* $doTable2->selectAdd("col1, col2");
* $doTable2->whereAdd("col2 = 'v'");
* $doTable1->unionAdd($doTable2);
* $doTable1->find();
* Note: this model may be a better way to implement joinAdd?, eg. do the building in find?
* @param $obj object|false the union object or false to reset
* @param optional $is_all string 'ALL' to do all.
* @returns $obj object|array the added object, or old list if reset.
function unionAdd($obj,$is_all= '')
if ($obj === false) {
$ret = $this->_query['unions'];
$this->_query['unions'] = array();
return $ret;
$this->_query['unions'][] = array($obj, 'UNION ' . $is_all . ' ') ;
return $obj;
* The JOIN condition
@ -3248,31 +3450,46 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
/* otherwise see if there are any links from this table to the obj. */
if (($ofield === false) && ($links = $this->links())) {
foreach ($links as $k => $v) {
/* link contains {this column} = {linked table}:{linked column} */
$ar = explode(':', $v);
// Feature Request #4266 - Allow joins with multiple keys
if (strpos($k, ',') !== false) {
$k = explode(',', $k);
if (strpos($ar[1], ',') !== false) {
$ar[1] = explode(',', $ar[1]);
// this enables for support for arrays of links in ini file.
// link contains this_column[] = linked_table:linked_column
// or standard way.
// link contains this_column = linked_table:linked_column
foreach ($links as $k => $linkVar) {
if (!is_array($linkVar)) {
$linkVar = array($linkVar);
foreach($linkVar as $v) {
if ($ar[0] == $obj->__table) {
/* link contains {this column} = {linked table}:{linked column} */
$ar = explode(':', $v);
// Feature Request #4266 - Allow joins with multiple keys
if (strpos($k, ',') !== false) {
$k = explode(',', $k);
if (strpos($ar[1], ',') !== false) {
$ar[1] = explode(',', $ar[1]);
if ($ar[0] != $obj->__table) {
if ($joinCol !== false) {
if ($k == $joinCol) {
// got it!?
$tfield = $k;
$ofield = $ar[1];
} else {
} else {
$tfield = $k;
$ofield = $ar[1];
$tfield = $k;
$ofield = $ar[1];
@ -3280,23 +3497,30 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
if (!$ofield && ($olinks = $obj->links())) {
foreach ($olinks as $k => $v) {
/* link contains {this column} = {linked table}:{linked column} */
$ar = explode(':', $v);
// Feature Request #4266 - Allow joins with multiple keys
$links_key_array = strpos($k,',');
if ($links_key_array !== false) {
$k = explode(',', $k);
foreach ($olinks as $k => $linkVar) {
/* link contains {this column} = array ( {linked table}:{linked column} )*/
if (!is_array($linkVar)) {
$linkVar = array($linkVar);
$ar_array = strpos($ar[1],',');
if ($ar_array !== false) {
$ar[1] = explode(',', $ar[1]);
if ($ar[0] == $this->__table) {
foreach($linkVar as $v) {
/* link contains {this column} = {linked table}:{linked column} */
$ar = explode(':', $v);
// Feature Request #4266 - Allow joins with multiple keys
$links_key_array = strpos($k,',');
if ($links_key_array !== false) {
$k = explode(',', $k);
$ar_array = strpos($ar[1],',');
if ($ar_array !== false) {
$ar[1] = explode(',', $ar[1]);
if ($ar[0] != $this->__table) {
// you have explictly specified the column
// and the col is listed here..
@ -3315,6 +3539,7 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
$ofield = $k;
$tfield = $ar[1];
@ -3573,7 +3798,14 @@ class DB_DataObject extends DB_DataObject_Overload
if (!$k) {
continue; // ignore empty keys!!! what
if (is_object($from) && isset($from->{sprintf($format,$k)})) {
$chk = is_object($from) &&
(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.1.0" , ">=") ?
property_exists($from, sprintf($format,$k)) : // php5.1
array_key_exists( sprintf($format,$k), get_class_vars($from)) //older
// if from has property ($format($k)
if ($chk) {
$kk = (strtolower($k) == 'from') ? '_from' : $k;
if (method_exists($this,'set'.$kk)) {
$ret = $this->{'set'.$kk}($from->{sprintf($format,$k)});
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* @author Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com>
* @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.01
* @version CVS: $Id: Generator.php 289384 2009-10-09 00:17:26Z alan_k $
* @version CVS: $Id: Generator.php 298560 2010-04-25 23:01:51Z alan_k $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_DataObject
@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
return false;
$__DB = &$GLOBALS['_DB_DATAOBJECT']['CONNECTIONS'][$this->_database_dsn_md5];
if (!in_array($__DB->phptype, array('mysql','mysqli'))) {
echo "WARNING: cant handle non-mysql introspection for defaults.";
if (!in_array($__DB->phptype, array('mysql', 'mysqli', 'pgsql'))) {
echo "WARNING: cant handle non-mysql and pgsql introspection for defaults.";
return; // cant handle non-mysql introspection for defaults.
@ -392,33 +392,72 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
$fk = array();
foreach($this->tables as $this->table) {
$quotedTable = !empty($options['quote_identifiers_tableinfo']) ? $DB->quoteIdentifier($table) : $this->table;
$res =& $DB->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $quotedTable );
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
switch ($DB->phptype) {
$text = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, 0);
$treffer = array();
"/FOREIGN KEY \(`(\w*)`\) REFERENCES `(\w*)` \(`(\w*)`\)/i",
if (count($treffer) < 1) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($treffer); $i++) {
$fk[$this->table][$treffer[$i][1]] = $treffer[$i][2] . ":" . $treffer[$i][3];
case 'pgsql':
foreach($this->tables as $this->table) {
$quotedTable = !empty($options['quote_identifiers_tableinfo']) ? $DB->quoteIdentifier($table) : $this->table;
$res =& $DB->query("SELECT
pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) AS condef
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r,
pg_catalog.pg_class c
WHERE c.oid=r.conrelid
AND r.contype = 'f'
AND c.relname = '" . $quotedTable . "'");
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$treffer = array();
// this only picks up one of these.. see this for why: http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=17049
"/FOREIGN KEY \((\w*)\) REFERENCES (\w*)\((\w*)\)/i",
if (!count($treffer)) {
$fk[$this->table][$treffer[1]] = $treffer[2] . ":" . $treffer[3];
case 'mysql':
case 'mysqli':
foreach($this->tables as $this->table) {
$quotedTable = !empty($options['quote_identifiers_tableinfo']) ? $DB->quoteIdentifier($table) : $this->table;
$res =& $DB->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $quotedTable );
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
$text = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, 0);
$treffer = array();
"/FOREIGN KEY \(`(\w*)`\) REFERENCES `(\w*)` \(`(\w*)`\)/i",
if (!count($treffer)) {
foreach($treffer as $i=> $tref) {
$fk[$this->table][$tref[1]] = $tref[2] . ":" . $tref[3];
$links_ini = "";
foreach($fk as $table => $details) {
@ -861,10 +900,8 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
$body = "\n ###START_AUTOCODE\n";
$body .= " /* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */\n\n";
// table
$padding = (30 - strlen($this->table));
$padding = ($padding < 2) ? 2 : $padding;
$p = str_repeat(' ',$padding) ;
$p = str_repeat(' ',max(2, (18 - strlen($this->table)))) ;
$options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
@ -887,6 +924,7 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
// Only include the $_database property if the omit_database_var is unset or false
if (isset($options["database_{$this->_database}"]) && empty($GLOBALS['_DB_DATAOBJECT']['CONFIG']['generator_omit_database_var'])) {
$p = str_repeat(' ', max(2, (16 - strlen($this->table))));
$body .= " {$var} \$_database = '{$this->_database}'; {$p}// database name (used with database_{*} config)\n";
@ -900,6 +938,7 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
// show nice information!
$connections = array();
$sets = array();
foreach($defs as $t) {
if (!strlen(trim($t->name))) {
@ -915,19 +954,18 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
$padding = (30 - strlen($t->name));
if ($padding < 2) $padding =2;
$p = str_repeat(' ',$padding) ;
$p = str_repeat(' ',max(2, (30 - strlen($t->name))));
$length = empty($t->len) ? '' : '('.$t->len.')';
$body .=" {$var} \${$t->name}; {$p}// {$t->type}$length {$t->flags}\n";
// can not do set as PEAR::DB table info doesnt support it.
//if (substr($t->Type,0,3) == "set")
// $sets[$t->Field] = "array".substr($t->Type,3);
$body .= $this->derivedHookVar($t,$padding);
$body .= $this->derivedHookVar($t,strlen($p));
$body .= $this->derivedHookPostVar($defs);
// IT WILL BE REMOVED!!!!! in DataObjects 1.6
@ -1078,7 +1116,21 @@ class DB_DataObject_Generator extends DB_DataObject
// It MUST NOT be changed here!!!
return "";
* hook for after var lines (
* called at the end of the output of var line have generated, override to add extra var
* lines
* @param array cols containing array of objects with type,len,flags etc. from tableInfo call
* @access public
* @return string added to class eg. functions.
function derivedHookPostVar($t)
// This is so derived generator classes can generate variabels
// It MUST NOT be changed here!!!
return "";
* hook to add extra page-level (in terms of phpDocumentor) DocBlock
Reference in New Issue
Block a user