Favorites are now being stored from activities
This commit is contained in:
@ -721,8 +721,8 @@ class Notice extends Managed_DataObject
return $notice;
static function saveActivity(Activity $act, Profile $actor, array $options=array()) {
static function saveActivity(Activity $act, Profile $actor, array $options=array())
// First check if we're going to let this Activity through from the specific actor
if (!$actor->hasRight(Right::NEWNOTICE)) {
common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Attempted post from user disallowed to post: " . $actor->getNickname());
@ -737,6 +737,7 @@ class Notice extends Managed_DataObject
'and post again in a few minutes.'));
/* This interferes with stuff like Favorites from old StatusNet installations (first object in objects is the favored notice)
// Get ActivityObject properties
$actobj = count($act->objects)==1 ? $act->objects[0] : null;
if (!is_null($actobj) && $actobj->id) {
@ -753,6 +754,7 @@ class Notice extends Managed_DataObject
$options['uri'] = $act->id;
$options['url'] = $act->link;
$defaults = array(
'groups' => array(),
@ -883,7 +885,7 @@ class Notice extends Managed_DataObject
throw new ServerException('No object from StoreActivityObject '.$stored->uri . ': '.$act->asString());
$orig = clone($stored);
$stored->object_type = ActivityUtils::resolveUri($object->type, true);
$stored->object_type = ActivityUtils::resolveUri($object->getObjectType(), true);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (empty($stored->id)) {
@ -896,7 +898,7 @@ class Notice extends Managed_DataObject
common_debug(get_called_class().' looking up mentions metadata etc.');
// Save per-notice metadata...
$mentions = array();
$groups = array();
@ -933,6 +935,8 @@ class Notice extends Managed_DataObject
// Prepare inbox delivery, may be queued to background.
common_debug(get_called_class().' returning stored activity - success!');
return $stored;
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ abstract class ActivityHandlerPlugin extends Plugin
* @return Notice the resulting notice
public function saveObjectFromActivity(Activity $activity, Notice $stored, array $options=array())
protected function saveObjectFromActivity(Activity $activity, Notice $stored, array $options=array())
throw new ServerException('This function should be abstract when all plugins have migrated to saveObjectFromActivity');
@ -317,7 +317,11 @@ abstract class ActivityHandlerPlugin extends Plugin
'is_local' => Notice::REMOTE,
'source' => 'ostatus');
$notice = $this->saveNoticeFromActivity($activity, $profile, $options);
if (!isset($this->oldSaveNew)) {
$notice = Notice::saveActivity($activity, $profile, $options);
} else {
$notice = $this->saveNoticeFromActivity($activity, $profile, $options);
return false;
@ -339,22 +343,28 @@ abstract class ActivityHandlerPlugin extends Plugin
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Checking {$activity->id} as a valid Salmon slap.");
if ($target instanceof User_group) {
if ($target instanceof User_group || $target->isGroup()) {
$uri = $target->getUri();
if (!array_key_exists($uri, $activity->context->attention)) {
// @todo FIXME: please document (i18n).
// TRANS: Client exception thrown when ...
throw new ClientException(_('Object not posted to this group.'));
} else if ($target instanceof User) {
$uri = $target->uri;
} elseif ($target instanceof Profile && $target->isLocal()) {
common_debug(get_called_class() . ' got a salmon slap against target profile ID: '.$target->id);
$original = null;
// FIXME: Shouldn't favorites show up with a 'target' activityobject?
if (!ActivityUtils::compareTypes($activity->verb, array(ActivityVerb::POST)) && isset($activity->objects[0])) {
// If this is not a post, it's a verb targeted at something (such as a Favorite attached to a note)
if (!empty($activity->objects[0]->id)) {
$activity->context->replyToID = $activity->objects[0]->id;
if (!empty($activity->context->replyToID)) {
$original = Notice::getKV('uri', $activity->context->replyToID);
if (!array_key_exists($uri, $activity->context->attention) &&
(empty($original) ||
$original->profile_id != $target->id)) {
if ((!$original instanceof Notice || $original->profile_id != $target->id)
&& !array_key_exists($target->getUri(), $activity->context->attention)) {
// @todo FIXME: Please document (i18n).
// TRANS: Client exception when ...
throw new ClientException(_('Object not posted to this user.'));
@ -364,9 +374,15 @@ abstract class ActivityHandlerPlugin extends Plugin
throw new ServerException(_('Do not know how to handle this kind of target.'));
common_debug(get_called_class() . ' ensuring ActivityObject profile for '.$activity->actor->id);
$actor = Ostatus_profile::ensureActivityObjectProfile($activity->actor);
$object = $activity->objects[0];
// FIXME: will this work in all cases? I made it work for Favorite...
if (ActivityUtils::compareTypes($activity->verb, array(ActivityVerb::POST))) {
$object = $activity->objects[0];
} else {
$object = $activity;
$options = array('uri' => $object->id,
'url' => $object->link,
@ -374,7 +390,12 @@ abstract class ActivityHandlerPlugin extends Plugin
'source' => 'ostatus');
// $actor is an ostatus_profile
$this->saveNoticeFromActivity($activity, $actor->localProfile(), $options);
common_debug(get_called_class() . ' going to save notice from activity!');
if (!isset($this->oldSaveNew)) {
$notice = Notice::saveActivity($activity, $target, $options);
} else {
$notice = $this->saveNoticeFromActivity($activity, $target, $options);
return false;
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class ActivityUtils
if (!empty($object)) {
Event::handle('EndFindLocalActivityObject', array($object->getUri(), $type, $object));
} else {
throw new Exception('Could not find any activityobject stored locally with given URI');
throw new ServerException('Could not find any activityobject stored locally with given URI');
return $object;
@ -147,39 +147,31 @@ class FavoritePlugin extends ActivityHandlerPlugin
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
public function saveNoticeFromActivity(Activity $activity, Profile $actor, array $options=array())
// FIXME: Set this to abstract public when all plugins have migrated!
public function saveObjectFromActivity(Activity $activity, Notice $stored, array $options=array())
// FIXME: Set this to abstract public in lib/activityhandlerplugin.php ddwhen all plugins have migrated!
protected function saveObjectFromActivity(Activity $act, Notice $stored, array $options=array())
$actor = $stored->getProfile();
$uris = array();
if (count($act->objects) != 1) {
// TRANS: Exception thrown when a favor activity has anything but 1 object
throw new ClientException(_('Favoring activites can only be done one at a time'));
// If empty, we should've created it ourselves on our node.
if (!isset($options['created'])) {
$options['created'] = !empty($act->time) ? common_sql_date($act->time) : common_sql_now();
if (!isset($options['uri'])) {
$options['uri'] = !empty($act->id) ? $act->id : $act->selfLink;
$obj = $act->objects[0];
$type = isset($obj->type) ? ActivityUtils::resolveUri($obj->type, true) : ActivityObject::NOTE;
$uris = $obj->getIdentifiers();
// We must have an objects[0] here because in isMyActivity we require the count to be == 1
$actobj = $act->objects[0];
try {
$local = ActivityUtils::findLocalObject($uris, $type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// TODO: if it's not available locally, we should import the favorited object!
common_debug('Could not find favored notice locally: '.var_export($uris,true));
$object = Fave::saveActivityObject($actobj, $stored);
} catch (ServerException $e) {
// Probably that the favored notice doesn't exist in our local database
// but may also be some missing profile or so, which we could catch in a
// more explicit catch-statement.
return null;
if (!empty($act->time)) {
// This should reasonably mean that it was created on our instance.
$options['created'] = common_sql_date($act->time);
$options['uri'] = !empty($act->id) ? $act->id : $act->selfLink;
$object = Fave::saveNew($actor, $local, $type, $options);
common_debug(get_called_class().' returning '.get_class($object).' object with uri: '.$object->uri);
return $object;
@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
// exception throwing takeover!
public function insert() {
public function insert()
if (!parent::insert()) {
throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Could not store new object of type %s'), get_called_class()));
@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
return $act;
static function existsForProfile($notice, Profile $scoped) {
static function existsForProfile($notice, Profile $scoped)
$fave = self::pkeyGet(array('user_id'=>$scoped->id, 'notice_id'=>$notice->id));
return ($fave instanceof Fave);
@ -270,7 +272,8 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
// Remember that we want the _activity_ notice here, not faves applied
// to the supplied Notice (as with byNotice)!
static public function fromStored(Notice $stored) {
static public function fromStored(Notice $stored)
$class = get_called_class();
$object = new $class;
$object->uri = $stored->uri;
@ -280,16 +283,18 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
return $object;
static public function verbToTitle($verb) {
static public function verbToTitle($verb)
return ucfirst($verb);
static public function object_type()
static public function getObjectType()
return 'activity';
public function asActivityObject(Profile $scoped=null) {
public function asActivityObject(Profile $scoped=null)
$actobj = new ActivityObject();
$actobj->id = $this->getUri();
$actobj->type = ActivityUtils::resolveUri(ActivityObject::ACTIVITY);
@ -301,35 +306,51 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
return $actobj;
static public function parseActivityObject(ActivityObject $actobj, Notice $stored) {
static public function parseActivityObject(ActivityObject $actobj, Notice $stored)
// The ActivityObject we get here is the _favored_ notice (kind of what we're "in-reply-to")
// The Notice we get is the _activity_ stored in our Notice table
$type = isset($actobj->type) ? ActivityUtils::resolveUri($actobj->type, true) : ActivityObject::NOTE;
$local = ActivityUtils::findLocalObject($actobj->getIdentifiers(), $type);
if (!$local instanceof Notice) {
// $local always returns something, but this was not what we expected. Something is wrong.
throw new Exception('Something other than a Notice was returned from findLocalObject');
$actor = $stored->getProfile();
$object = new Fave();
$object->user_id = $actor->id;
$object->notice_id = $stored->id;
$object->object_uri = $stored->uri;
$object->user_id = $stored->getProfile()->id;
$object->notice_id = $local->id;
$object->uri = $stored->uri;
$object->created = $stored->created;
$object->modified = $stored->modified;
return $object;
static function saveActivityObject(ActivityObject $actobj, Notice $stored) {
static function saveActivityObject(ActivityObject $actobj, Notice $stored)
$object = self::parseActivityObject($actobj, $stored);
$object->insert(); // exception throwing!
return $object;
public function getTarget() {
public function getTarget()
// throws exception on failure
return ActivityUtils::findLocalObject(array($this->uri), $this->type);
public function getTargetObject() {
public function getTargetObject()
return $this->getTarget()->asActivityObject();
protected $_stored = array();
public function getStored() {
public function getStored()
if (!isset($this->_stored[$this->uri])) {
$stored = new Notice();
$stored->uri = $this->uri;
@ -341,7 +362,8 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
return $this->_stored[$this->uri];
public function getActor() {
public function getActor()
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->id = $this->user_id;
if (!$profile->find(true)) {
@ -350,7 +372,8 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
return $profile;
public function getActorObject() {
public function getActorObject()
return $this->getActor()->asActivityObject();
@ -371,7 +394,7 @@ class Fave extends Managed_DataObject
return TagURI::mint(strtolower(get_called_class()).':%d:%s:%d:%s',
ActivityUtils::resolveUri(self::object_type(), true),
ActivityUtils::resolveUri(self::getObjectType(), true),
@ -130,47 +130,6 @@ class UsersalmonAction extends SalmonAction
* Remote user likes one of our posts.
* Confirm the post is ours, and save a local favorite event.
function handleFavorite()
$notice = $this->getNotice($this->activity->objects[0]);
$old = Fave::pkeyGet(array('user_id' => $this->actor->id,
'notice_id' => $notice->id));
if ($old instanceof Fave) {
// TRANS: Client exception.
throw new AlreadyFulfilledException(_m('This is already a favorite.'));
if (!Fave::addNew($this->actor, $notice)) {
// TRANS: Client exception.
throw new ClientException(_m('Could not save new favorite.'));
* Remote user doesn't like one of our posts after all!
* Confirm the post is ours, and save a local favorite event.
function handleUnfavorite()
$notice = $this->getNotice($this->activity->objects[0]);
$fave = Fave::pkeyGet(array('user_id' => $this->actor->id,
'notice_id' => $notice->id));
if (!$fave instanceof Fave) {
// TRANS: Client exception.
throw new AlreadyFulfilledException(_m('Notice was not favorited!'));
function handleTag()
if ($this->activity->target->type == ActivityObject::_LIST) {
@ -91,12 +91,6 @@ class SalmonAction extends Action
case ActivityVerb::SHARE:
case ActivityVerb::FAVORITE:
case ActivityVerb::UNFAVORITE:
case ActivityVerb::FOLLOW:
case ActivityVerb::FRIEND:
@ -152,18 +146,6 @@ class SalmonAction extends Action
throw new ClientException(_m('This target does not understand unfollows.'));
function handleFavorite()
// TRANS: Client exception.
throw new ClientException(_m('This target does not understand favorites.'));
function handleUnfavorite()
// TRANS: Client exception.
throw new ClientException(_m('This target does not understand unfavorites.'));
function handleShare()
// TRANS: Client exception.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user