[COMPONENT][Search] Update Search to be able to search for either notes or actors
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,19 +31,29 @@ class Search extends Controller
public function handle(Request $request)
$q = $this->string('q');
$criteria = Parser::parse($q);
$q = $this->string('q');
[$note_criteria, $actor_criteria] = Parser::parse($q);
$qb = DB::createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('note')->from('App\Entity\Note', 'note');
Event::handle('SeachQueryAddJoins', [&$qb]);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$results = $query->execute();
$note_qb = DB::createQueryBuilder();
$actor_qb = DB::createQueryBuilder();
$note_qb->select('note')->from('App\Entity\Note', 'note');
$actor_qb->select('actor')->from('App\Entity\Actor', 'actor');
Event::handle('SeachQueryAddJoins', [&$note_qb, &$actor_qb]);
$notes = $actors = [];
if (!is_null($note_criteria)) {
$notes = $note_qb->getQuery()->execute();
} else {
if (!is_null($actor_criteria)) {
$actors = $actor_qb->getQuery()->execute();
return [
'_template' => 'search/show.html.twig',
'results' => $results,
'notes' => $notes,
'actors' => $actors,
@ -34,29 +34,33 @@ abstract class Parser
* recognises either spaces (currently `or`, should be fuzzy match), `OR` or `|` (`or`) and `AND` or `&` (`and`)
* TODO Better fuzzy match, implement exact match with quotes and nesting with parens
* @return Criteria[]
public static function parse(string $input, int $level = 0): Criteria
public static function parse(string $input, int $level = 0): array
if ($level === 0) {
$input = trim(preg_replace(['/\s+/', '/\s+AND\s+/', '/\s+OR\s+/'], [' ', '&', '|'], $input), ' |&');
$left = $right = 0;
$lenght = mb_strlen($input);
$stack = [];
$eb = Criteria::expr();
$criteria = [];
$parts = [];
$last_op = null;
$left = $right = 0;
$lenght = mb_strlen($input);
$stack = [];
$eb = Criteria::expr();
$note_criteria_arr = [];
$actor_criteria_arr = [];
$note_parts = [];
$actor_parts = [];
$last_op = null;
$connect_parts = /**
* Merge $parts into $criteria
* Merge $parts into $criteria_arr
function (bool $force = false) use ($eb, &$parts, $last_op, &$criteria) {
function (array &$parts, array &$criteria_arr, bool $force = false) use ($eb, $last_op) {
foreach ([' ' => 'orX', '|' => 'orX', '&' => 'andX'] as $op => $func) {
if ($last_op === $op || $force) {
$criteria[] = $eb->{$func}(...$parts);
$parts = [];
$criteria_arr[] = $eb->{$func}(...$parts);
$note_parts = [];
@ -68,18 +72,28 @@ abstract class Parser
foreach (['&', '|', ' '] as $delimiter) {
if ($input[$index] === $delimiter || $end = ($index === $lenght - 1)) {
$term = substr($input, $left, $end ? null : $right - $left);
$res = null;
$ret = Event::handle('SearchCreateExpression', [$eb, $term, &$res]);
if (is_null($res) || $ret == Event::next) {
$term = substr($input, $left, $end ? null : $right - $left);
$note_res = $actor_res = null;
$ret = Event::handle('SearchCreateExpression', [$eb, $term, &$note_res, &$actor_res]);
if ((is_null($note_res) && is_null($actor_res)) || $ret == Event::next) {
throw new ServerException("No one claimed responsibility for a match term: {$term}");
} else {
if (!is_null($note_res)) {
$note_parts[] = $note_res;
} else {
if (!is_null($actor_res)) {
$actor_parts[] = $actor_res;
} else {
throw new ServerException('Unexpected state in Search parser');
$parts[] = $res;
$right = $left = $index + 1;
if (!is_null($last_op) && $last_op !== $delimiter) {
$connect_parts(force: false);
$connect_parts($note_parts, $note_criteria_arr, force: false);
$connect_parts($actor_parts, $actor_criteria_arr, force: false);
} else {
$last_op = $delimiter;
@ -92,10 +106,17 @@ abstract class Parser
if (!empty($parts)) {
$connect_parts(force: true);
$note_criteria = $actor_criteria = null;
if (!empty($note_parts)) {
$connect_parts($note_parts, $note_criteria_arr, force: true);
$note_criteria = new Criteria($eb->orX(...$note_criteria_arr));
} else {
if (!empty($actor_parts)) {
$connect_parts($actor_parts, $actor_criteria_arr, force: true);
$actor_criteria = new Criteria($eb->orX(...$actor_criteria_arr));
return new Criteria($eb->orX(...$criteria));
return [$note_criteria, $actor_criteria];
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{% for res in results %}
{% if res is instanceof('App\\Entity\\Note') %}
{% include '/cards/note/view.html.twig' with {'note': res} %}
{% else %}
{{ dump(res) }}
{% endif %}
{% for note in notes %}
{% include '/cards/note/view.html.twig' with {'note': note} %}
{% endfor %}
{% for actor in actors %}
{% include 'actor/view.html.twig' with {'actor': actor} %}
{% endfor %}
@ -90,18 +90,36 @@ class Tag extends Component
return substr(Formatting::slugify($tag), 0, self::MAX_TAG_LENGTH);
public function onSearchCreateExpression(ExpressionBuilder $eb, string $term, &$expr)
* Populate $note_expr with an expression to match a tag, if the term looks like a tag
* $term /^(note|tag|people|actor)/ means we want to match only either a note or an actor
* @param mixed $note_expr
* @param mixed $actor_expr
public function onSearchCreateExpression(ExpressionBuilder $eb, string $term, &$note_expr, &$actor_expr)
if (preg_match(self::TAG_REGEX, $term)) {
$expr = $eb->eq('note_tag.tag', $term);
return Event::stop;
$search_term = str_contains($term, ':#') ? explode(':', $term)[1] : $term;
$temp_note_expr = $eb->eq('note_tag.tag', $search_term);
$temp_actor_expr = $eb->eq('actor_tag.tag', $search_term);
if (Formatting::startsWith($term, ['note', 'tag'])) {
$note_expr = $temp_note_expr;
} else {
return Event::next;
if (Formatting::startsWith($term, ['people', 'actor'])) {
$actor_expr = $temp_actor_expr;
} else {
$note_expr = $temp_note_expr;
$actor_expr = $temp_actor_expr;
return Event::next;
return Event::stop;
public function onSeachQueryAddJoins(QueryBuilder &$qb)
public function onSeachQueryAddJoins(QueryBuilder &$note_qb, QueryBuilder &$actor_qb)
$qb->join('App\Entity\NoteTag', 'note_tag', Expr\Join::WITH, 'note_tag.note_id = note.id');
$note_qb->join('App\Entity\NoteTag', 'note_tag', Expr\Join::WITH, 'note_tag.note_id = note.id');
$actor_qb->join('App\Entity\ActorTag', 'actor_tag', Expr\Join::WITH, 'actor_tag.tagger = actor.id');
Reference in New Issue
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