URIFIX in Ostatus_profile, handle missing feedsub

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Mikael Nordfeldth 2016-06-25 11:59:31 +02:00
parent f93f02f424
commit d0c26fb1a4
1 changed files with 13 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1842,22 +1842,28 @@ class Ostatus_profile extends Managed_DataObject
$orig = clone($this);
common_debug('URIFIX These identities both say they are each other: "'.$orig->uri.'" and "'.$profile_uri.'"');
common_debug('URIFIX These identities both say they are each other: '._ve($orig->uri).' and '._ve($profile_uri));
$this->uri = $profile_uri;
if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) {
if (!empty($this->feeduri)) {
common_debug('URIFIX Changing FeedSub ['.$feedsub->id.'] feeduri "'.$feedsub->uri.'" to "'.$hints['feedurl']);
$feedsub = FeedSub::getKV('uri', $this->feeduri);
if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints) && common_valid_http_url($hints['feedurl'])) {
try {
$feedsub = FeedSub::getByUri($this->feeduri);
common_debug('URIFIX Changing FeedSub id==['._ve($feedsub->id).'] feeduri '._ve($feedsub->uri).' to '._ve($hints['feedurl']));
$feedorig = clone($feedsub);
$feedsub->uri = $hints['feedurl'];
} else {
common_debug('URIFIX Old Ostatus_profile did not have feedurl set, ensuring feed: '.$hints['feedurl']);
} catch (EmptyPkeyValueException $e) {
common_debug('URIFIX Old Ostatus_profile did not have feedurl set, ensuring new feedurl: '._ve($hints['feedurl']));
} catch (NoResultException $e) {
common_debug('URIFIX Missing FeedSub entry for the Ostatus_profile, ensuring new feedurl: '._ve($hints['feedurl']));
$this->feeduri = $hints['feedurl'];
} elseif (array_key_exists('feedurl')) {
common_log(LOG_WARN, 'The feedurl hint we got was not a valid HTTP URL: '._ve($hints['feedurl']));
if (array_key_exists('salmon', $hints)) {
common_debug('URIFIX Changing Ostatus_profile salmonuri from "'.$this->salmonuri.'" to "'.$hints['salmon'].'"');
$this->salmonuri = $hints['salmon'];