Commit Graph

49 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Hugo Sales 3a5e52ee0d
[CORE][SECURITY] Move to the new authentication format, for Symfony 5.3
Keep using (deprecated) Guard
2021-11-24 12:46:26 +00:00
Hugo Sales b4ce77320e
[TESTS] Fix remaining tests, back to 100% passed. Some minor semantic changes 2021-11-20 21:33:25 +00:00
Hugo Sales dea9aa4dcf
[CORE][Router] Remove duplicate service for URL generation, as that is actually the same object 2021-11-11 12:38:09 +00:00
Hugo Sales cd470cbf93
[CORE] Fix loading of settings from modules 2021-11-08 16:08:03 +00:00
Hugo Sales 9109c61af5
[TOOLS][CS-FIXER] Run new PHP CS Fixer config. Notably, adds strict_types 2021-10-27 04:19:28 +01:00
Hugo Sales 91fd7d1cfa
[CONFIG][CORE] Fix bug in overriding default config 2021-09-21 11:04:14 +01:00
Hugo Sales 330143e549
[ROUTER][DOCUMENTATION] Add `Router::isAbsolute`, add documentation to `Router::url` and `s/setRouter/serServices/ 2021-09-14 13:13:39 +01:00
Hugo Sales 45734d882c
[CONFIG] Make it possible to write module configuration in a config.{php,yml,yaml,xml} file and set each value as properties in the module object 2021-09-14 13:13:38 +01:00
Hugo Sales bda839be7b
[MODULES] Add InitiializeModule and CleanupModule events, similar to v2 2021-09-14 13:13:37 +01:00
Hugo Sales c71a4b06ef
[CONFIG] Make it possible to write module configuration in a config.{php,yml,yaml,xml} file and set each value as properties in the module object 2021-09-14 13:13:36 +01:00
Hugo Sales 3587b8dc1d
[CONFIG] Refactor configuration loading 2021-09-14 13:13:36 +01:00
Hugo Sales ccd5ebf8e4
[CORE] Add passowrd reset and forgot password functionality 2021-09-14 13:13:17 +01:00
Hugo Sales 769fff2448
[CORE][SECURITY][EMAIL] Move email confirmation functionality to it's own static wrapper, in preparation for adding password reset functionality 2021-09-14 13:13:17 +01:00
Hugo Sales f98ce1c3d0
[TESTS] Ignore GNUsocial class from tests, as it simply pipes objects around 2021-09-14 13:13:13 +01:00
Diogo Peralta Cordeiro 8817613016
[CORE][GNUsocial] Fix undefined property typo 2021-09-14 13:13:03 +01:00
Hugo Sales 74f477489b
[TESTS] Raise test coverage for App\Controller\Network to 100% and fixup related code 2021-09-14 13:13:02 +01:00
Hugo Sales 86400ce815
[UTIL] Provide static access to current request and utilities in Common 2021-09-14 13:13:02 +01:00
Hugo Sales 9659762726
[DB] Add table map which allows using table names rather than entities in Doctrine operations 2021-09-14 13:11:50 +01:00
Hugo Sales 299bc5b551
[TWIG] Add way to launch events from TWIG, capture service and add way to render from a string 2021-09-14 13:11:49 +01:00
Hugo Sales 460712e15e
[GIT] Change my email to the new one in all files and bump copyright year 2021-09-14 13:06:56 +01:00
Hugo Sales e949dd654a
[CONFIG] Various fixes to use new configuration format 2021-09-14 13:06:54 +01:00
Hugo Sales dd40255c4a
[CONFIG][DB] Remove config from the database, put it in yaml, so it can be baked into the container 2021-09-14 13:06:53 +01:00
Hugo Sales c0ce25c352
[MODULES] Fix module manager dev-mode rebuild 2021-09-14 13:06:52 +01:00
Hugo Sales a5cf89674e
[DEPENDENCY] Add tgalopin/html-sanitizer-bundle and transitively tgalopin/html-sanitizer 2021-09-14 13:05:57 +01:00
Hugo Sales 6f01b0cebe
[WRAPPER][HTTPClient] Static wrapper around Symfony's HTTP Client 2021-09-14 13:05:56 +01:00
Hugo Sales 213cfe5285
[COMMAND] Fix 'bin/console doctrine:database:create' by only loading defaults if we have a connection 2021-09-14 13:05:54 +01:00
Hugo Sales bd8f4bd277
[AVATAR] Fixed avatar upload, added avatar inline download and updated template and base controller 2021-09-14 13:05:51 +01:00
Hugo Sales 152828ed68
[FRAMEWORK] Avoid double initializing the framework 2021-09-14 13:05:47 +01:00
Hugo Sales 04e31d273d
[MAIL] Make mailserver a required service 2021-09-14 13:05:46 +01:00
Hugo Sales 22e292276c
[CORE][SECURITY][UX] Save previous url on /register and /logout 2021-09-14 13:05:45 +01:00
Hugo Sales 17f854b1d9
[CORE][UX] Save previous url to redirect back after registering 2021-09-14 13:05:44 +01:00
Hugo Sales 7a7f7d3ae1
[MAILER][WRAPPER] Add mailer wrapper that respects the configuration 2021-09-14 13:05:41 +01:00
Hugo Sales c0da90bd3e
[COMMON][SECURITY][WRAPPER] Added security service static wrapper and Common::getUser 2021-09-14 13:05:41 +01:00
Hugo Sales 97fd7620e7
[CORE][ROUTES] Small refactor on entrypoint and RouteLoader 2021-09-14 13:05:41 +01:00
Hugo Sales 0eba267a73
[LOGIN] Implement password checking and related systems 2021-09-14 13:05:40 +01:00
Hugo Sales 284fbe2c5b
[CORE] Refactor GNUsocial.php so it initializes itself as a service 2021-09-14 13:05:39 +01:00
Hugo Sales fffa17448f
[CORE][I18n][DEFAULTS] Remove I18nHelper 2021-09-14 13:05:38 +01:00
Hugo Sales c549bea4a9
[CACHE] Add support for multiple pools with the syntax (as an example) SOCIAL_CACHE_ADAPTER='default=redis://localhost:6379,memcached://localhost:11211;db.config=apcu://' 2021-09-14 13:05:35 +01:00
Hugo Sales 65cc487a29
[CACHE] Add a static wrapper around symfony/cache 2021-09-14 13:05:33 +01:00
Hugo Sales d48cb3f0b8
[QUEUE] Add queueing wrapper, default configuration and example usage 2021-09-14 13:05:33 +01:00
Hugo Sales b7a8861f55
[CORE][Event] Move GSEvent to Event, no longer a name collision 2021-09-14 13:05:28 +01:00
Hugo Sales b32e173749
[FORM] Added Symfony Form wrapper 2021-09-14 13:05:28 +01:00
Hugo Sales 8649b72192
[DEPENDENCY] Upgrade Symfony framework from 5.0 to 5.1 2021-09-14 13:05:28 +01:00
Hugo Sales f283613443
[I18N] Refactor since rfc/use-static-function is not implemented
As the above mentioned RFC is not implemented, `_m` needs to be
outside of the I18n class, otherwise it would have to always be called
with `I18n::_m`.
2021-09-14 13:05:27 +01:00
Hugo Sales 4ffb7c338f
[CORE] Refactoring core 2021-09-14 13:05:26 +01:00
Hugo Sales 7c18f10bd2
[TOOLS] Fixed all licence blocks, to use the same, foldable, format 2021-09-14 13:05:26 +01:00
Hugo Sales b9bc88ddbf
[DATABASE][CONFIG] Loading defaults into database, doctrine static wrapper 2021-09-14 13:05:25 +01:00
Hugo Sales cdb863ba17
[DATABASE][CONFIG] Bring default configs from V2 and implement DATABASE wrapper 2021-09-14 13:05:25 +01:00
Hugo Sales dd559402cd
[CORE][UTIL] Moved classes from util to core
And splitted up Common
2021-09-14 13:05:25 +01:00