Due to space constraint on mobile screens, prior actions placement proved to be a problem. Additionally, note replies are now separated from their parent, allowing more horizontal space to be used if necessary/more reply depth to be presented in a reasonable fashion.
[TWIG] Cards are now divided into blocks and macros, additional macros done, attachments page no longer inside cards directory
[CARDS][Navigation] Now using macros to create section, details, and nav elements
[PLUGINS][Favourite] Foreign keys now properly defined on schema
[CARDS][Note] Note text is now hidden by default if too many paragraphs/line breaks are present, BlogCollection plugin will certainly need this feature
[COMPONENTS][LeftPanel] Removed onEndShowStyles event since the corresponding CSS needed is now consolidated into the default_theme itself [COMPONENTS][RightPanel] Deleted components/RightPanel/RightPanel.php, since its only method (onEndShowStyles) wasn't needed anymore
[CSS] Simplyfying rules, re-ordering and removing unnecessary and costly 'display: flex' rules
[CARDS][Note] Minimal note macro has info inside the note itself now, since horizontal space is limited
[COMPONENTS][Circle] Removed any Group related route from shouldAddToRightPanel event
[CARDS][Profile] Block should now allow inline long nicknames to not
According to 'High Performance Web Sites' (ISBN 10: 0596529309), @import has a negative impact on web page performance. Since all imports dependant on base.css will only start downloading after that one is fully gathered.
[PLUGINS][AttachmentCollections] Renamed respective Controller to
differentiate it between The Controller and itself, renamed templates
and removed unnecessary HTML from templates
[PLUGINS][Favourite] Added complementary information on user action
[COMPONENTS][Conversation] Fixed AppendCardNote issue where cached query
would only act on Notes with depth > 1
[PLUGINS][Favourite] Added complementary information on user action
[COMPONENTS][Conversation] Fixed AppendCardNote issue where cached query
would only act on Notes with depth > 1
For instance, the actor_url was set using note.getActor().getUrl() instead of using the actor from the start (since actor was needed in other setters as well).
Attachments may use only a specific block, not the full note macro itself. Since this is the case, the actor needs to be retrieved for the minimal macro note.
[CARDS][Forms] Added custom social form theme
[CSS] Replaced/added new classes to be used with forms
Base form theme created, can be extended to create complex blocks to be
called by twig when rendering a specific form.