Default supported files need to use consistent names. Bumped version to 1.20.0
ImageFile has been changed to extend MediaFile and rely on it to partially
validate files. This validation has been extended to not rely solely on
Fileinfo, as it is disabled on some places. Now it'll try to use the shell
command `file`, if Fileinfo isn't available.
ImageFile now converts every new upload to PNG, except JPEG and GIF, which
are kept, but still resized (to the same size), to remove possible scripts
embedded therein.
MediaFile::fromUpload will return an ImageFile if the uploaded file is an image
or a MediaFile otherwise.
MediaFile can be constructed with an id with value -1 to denote a temporary
object, which is not added to the DB. This is useful to create a temporary
object for representing images, so it can be used to rescale them.
The supported attachment array needs to be populated with the result of calling
`image_type_to_extension` for the appropriate image type, in the case of images.
This is important so all parts of the code see the same extension for each image
type (jpg vs jpeg).
Added documentation to classes/File.php and to lib/MediaFile and lib/ImageFile
- "Delete" area is now "Actions" area
- Updated themes to better reflect the changes
- index.php?action=finishsyncopenid => finishsyncopenid
- Updated OpenID translation files
- Updated OpenID POT file
- Bump OpenID minor version
- Bump GS patch version
Why would have labeling the Synchronize button of Sync been of bad taste? - answered by XRevan86:
In "synchronise" "ch" is a digraph meaning /k/ (actually /x/ turned into /k/ in English but whatever).
So… not separate letters.
It's like "ph" in "alphabet", or "sh" in "sheep", or "ch" in "chop" -- "ch" can mean a whole variety of sounds.
This reverts commit 38f5038cf0ec01dbdcaa00822cd393b285a0696e.
Random problems with, I assume, Chromium users. Ranted:
This will be back in the future with a vengeance (patches).
Some changes should be implied as larger with an incrementing alpha
release number. Not all commits will increase this of course, but it
will give an indication on which major reworks, features or layout
changes have been made for the version being used on an instance.
spl_autoload_register now calls the GNUsocial_class_autoload function
instead of us replacing the magic __autoload($cls). This means we can
queue up other autoload functions, such as the one now used for extlib
functions which exist directly in the 'extlib/' folder or have proper
namespacing (which our new Markdown class does).
To make the StatusNet::addPlugin() accept only arrays,
the lib/default.php had to be changed because all plugins
had 'null' as default value instead of an array.