setSelfTags(), $actor->addSelfTags(), $actor->removeSelfTags() */ public static function settingsSelfTags(Request $request, E\Actor $target, string $details_id) { $actor = Common::actor(); if (!$actor->canModerate($target)) { throw new ClientException(_m('You don\'t have enough permissions to edit {nickname}\'s settings', ['{nickname}' => $target->getNickname()])); } $actor_self_tags = $target->getSelfTags(); [$add_form, $existing_form] = SelfTagsForm::handleTags( $request, $actor_self_tags, handle_new: /** * Handle adding tags */ function ($form) use ($request, $target, $details_id) { $data = $form->getData(); $tags = $data['new-tags']; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = CompTag::sanitize($tag); [$actor_tag, $actor_tag_existed] = ActorTag::checkExistingAndCreateOrUpdate([ 'tagger' => $target->getId(), // self tag means tagger = tagger in ActorTag 'tagged' => $target->getId(), 'tag' => $tag, ]); if (!$actor_tag_existed) { DB::persist($actor_tag); // Try to find the self-tag circle $actor_circle = DB::findOneBy( ActorCircle::class, [ 'tagger' => null, // Self-tag circle 'tag' => $tag, ], return_null: true, ); // It is the first time someone uses this self-tag! if (\is_null($actor_circle)) { DB::persist(ActorCircle::create([ 'tagger' => null, // Self-tag circle 'tag' => $tag, 'private' => false, // by definition 'description' => null, // The controller can show this in every language as appropriate ])); } } } DB::flush(); Cache::delete(E\Actor::cacheKeys($target->getId())['self-tags']); throw new RedirectException($request->get('_route'), ['nickname' => $target->getNickname(), 'open' => $details_id, '_fragment' => $details_id]); }, handle_existing: /** * Handle changes to the existing tags */ function ($form, array $form_definition) use ($request, $target, $details_id) { $changed = false; foreach (array_chunk($form_definition, 2) as $entry) { $tag = CompTag::sanitize($entry[0][2]['data']); /** @var SubmitButton $remove */ $remove = $form->get($entry[1][0]); if ($remove->isClicked()) { $changed = true; DB::removeBy( 'actor_tag', [ 'tagger' => $target->getId(), 'tagged' => $target->getId(), 'tag' => $tag, ], ); // We intentionally leave the self-tag actor circle, even if it is now empty } } if ($changed) { DB::flush(); Cache::delete(E\Actor::cacheKeys($target->getId())['self-tags']); throw new RedirectException($request->get('_route'), ['nickname' => $target->getNickname(), 'open' => $details_id, '_fragment' => $details_id]); } }, remove_label: _m('Remove self tag'), add_label: _m('Add self tag'), ); return [ '_template' => 'self_tags_settings.fragment.html.twig', 'add_self_tags_form' => $add_form->createView(), 'existing_self_tags_form' => $existing_form?->createView(), ]; } }