<?php /** * StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool * * Abstraction for media files in general * * TODO: combine with ImageFile? * * PHP version 5 * * LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category Media * @package StatusNet * @author Robin Millette <robin@millette.info> * @author Zach Copley <zach@status.net> * @copyright 2008-2009 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); } class MediaFile { var $filename = null; var $fileRecord = null; var $user = null; var $fileurl = null; var $short_fileurl = null; var $mimetype = null; function __construct($user = null, $filename = null, $mimetype = null) { if ($user == null) { $this->user = common_current_user(); } else { $this->user = $user; } $this->filename = $filename; $this->mimetype = $mimetype; $this->fileRecord = $this->storeFile(); $this->thumbnailRecord = $this->storeThumbnail(); $this->fileurl = common_local_url('attachment', array('attachment' => $this->fileRecord->id)); $this->maybeAddRedir($this->fileRecord->id, $this->fileurl); $this->short_fileurl = common_shorten_url($this->fileurl); $this->maybeAddRedir($this->fileRecord->id, $this->short_fileurl); } function attachToNotice($notice) { File_to_post::processNew($this->fileRecord->id, $notice->id); $this->maybeAddRedir($this->fileRecord->id, common_local_url('file', array('notice' => $notice->id))); } function shortUrl() { return $this->short_fileurl; } function delete() { $filepath = File::path($this->filename); @unlink($filepath); } function storeFile() { $file = new File; $file->filename = $this->filename; $file->url = File::url($this->filename); $filepath = File::path($this->filename); $file->size = filesize($filepath); $file->date = time(); $file->mimetype = $this->mimetype; $file_id = $file->insert(); if (!$file_id) { common_log_db_error($file, "INSERT", __FILE__); // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a database error was thrown during a file upload operation. throw new ClientException(_('There was a database error while saving your file. Please try again.')); } return $file; } /** * Generate and store a thumbnail image for the uploaded file, if applicable. * * @return File_thumbnail or null */ function storeThumbnail() { if (substr($this->mimetype, 0, strlen('image/')) != 'image/') { // @fixme video thumbs would be nice! return null; } try { $image = new ImageFile($this->fileRecord->id, File::path($this->filename)); } catch (Exception $e) { // Unsupported image type. return null; } $outname = File::filename($this->user->getProfile(), 'thumb-' . $this->filename, $this->mimetype); $outpath = File::path($outname); $maxWidth = common_config('attachments', 'thumb_width'); $maxHeight = common_config('attachments', 'thumb_height'); list($width, $height) = $this->scaleToFit($image->width, $image->height, $maxWidth, $maxHeight); $image->resizeTo($outpath, $width, $height); File_thumbnail::saveThumbnail($this->fileRecord->id, File::url($outname), $width, $height); } function scaleToFit($width, $height, $maxWidth, $maxHeight) { $aspect = $maxWidth / $maxHeight; $w1 = $maxWidth; $h1 = intval($height * $maxWidth / $width); if ($h1 > $maxHeight) { $w2 = intval($width * $maxHeight / $height); $h2 = $maxHeight; return array($w2, $h2); } return array($w1, $h1); } function rememberFile($file, $short) { $this->maybeAddRedir($file->id, $short); } function maybeAddRedir($file_id, $url) { $file_redir = File_redirection::staticGet('url', $url); if (empty($file_redir)) { $file_redir = new File_redirection; $file_redir->url = $url; $file_redir->file_id = $file_id; $result = $file_redir->insert(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($file_redir, "INSERT", __FILE__); // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a database error was thrown during a file upload operation. throw new ClientException(_('There was a database error while saving your file. Please try again.')); } } } static function fromUpload($param = 'media', $user = null) { if (empty($user)) { $user = common_current_user(); } if (!isset($_FILES[$param]['error'])){ return; } switch ($_FILES[$param]['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: // success, jump out break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: // TRANS: Client exception thrown when an uploaded file is larger than set in php.ini. throw new ClientException(_('The uploaded file exceeds the ' . 'upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.')); return; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: throw new ClientException( // TRANS: Client exception. _('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive' . ' that was specified in the HTML form.')); return; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: @unlink($_FILES[$param]['tmp_name']); // TRANS: Client exception. throw new ClientException(_('The uploaded file was only' . ' partially uploaded.')); return; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: // No file; probably just a non-AJAX submission. return; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a temporary folder is not present to store a file upload. throw new ClientException(_('Missing a temporary folder.')); return; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: // TRANS: Client exception thrown when writing to disk is not possible during a file upload operation. throw new ClientException(_('Failed to write file to disk.')); return; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has been stopped by an extension. throw new ClientException(_('File upload stopped by extension.')); return; default: common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ": Unknown upload error " . $_FILES[$param]['error']); // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has failed with an unknown reason. throw new ClientException(_('System error uploading file.')); return; } if (!MediaFile::respectsQuota($user, $_FILES[$param]['size'])) { // Should never actually get here @unlink($_FILES[$param]['tmp_name']); // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation would cause a user to exceed a set quota. throw new ClientException(_('File exceeds user\'s quota.')); return; } $mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedFileType($_FILES[$param]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$param]['name']); $filename = null; if (isset($mimetype)) { $basename = basename($_FILES[$param]['name']); $filename = File::filename($user->getProfile(), $basename, $mimetype); $filepath = File::path($filename); $result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$param]['tmp_name'], $filepath); if (!$result) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation fails because the file could // TRANS: not be moved from the temporary folder to the permanent file location. throw new ClientException(_('File could not be moved to destination directory.')); return; } } else { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has been stopped because the MIME // TRANS: type of the uploaded file could not be determined. throw new ClientException(_('Could not determine file\'s MIME type.')); return; } return new MediaFile($user, $filename, $mimetype); } static function fromFilehandle($fh, $user) { $stream = stream_get_meta_data($fh); if (!MediaFile::respectsQuota($user, filesize($stream['uri']))) { // Should never actually get here // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation would cause a user to exceed a set quota. throw new ClientException(_('File exceeds user\'s quota.')); return; } $mimetype = MediaFile::getUploadedFileType($fh); $filename = null; if (isset($mimetype)) { $filename = File::filename($user->getProfile(), "email", $mimetype); $filepath = File::path($filename); $result = copy($stream['uri'], $filepath) && chmod($filepath, 0664); if (!$result) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation fails because the file could // TRANS: not be moved from the temporary folder to the permanent file location. throw new ClientException(_('File could not be moved to destination directory.' . $stream['uri'] . ' ' . $filepath)); } } else { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a file upload operation has been stopped because the MIME // TRANS: type of the uploaded file could not be determined. throw new ClientException(_('Could not determine file\'s MIME type.')); return; } return new MediaFile($user, $filename, $mimetype); } /** * Attempt to identify the content type of a given file. * * @param mixed $f file handle resource, or filesystem path as string * @param string $originalFilename (optional) for extension-based detection * @return string * * @fixme is this an internal or public method? It's called from GetFileAction * @fixme this seems to tie a front-end error message in, kinda confusing * @fixme this looks like it could return a PEAR_Error in some cases, if * type can't be identified and $config['attachments']['supported'] is true * * @throws ClientException if type is known, but not supported for local uploads */ static function getUploadedFileType($f, $originalFilename=false) { require_once 'MIME/Type.php'; require_once 'MIME/Type/Extension.php'; // We have to disable auto handling of PEAR errors PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $mte = new MIME_Type_Extension(); $cmd = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('MIME_Type', 'fileCmd'); $cmd = common_config('attachments', 'filecommand'); $filetype = null; // If we couldn't get a clear type from the file extension, // we'll go ahead and try checking the content. Content checks // are unambiguous for most image files, but nearly useless // for office document formats. if (is_string($f)) { // assuming a filename $filetype = MIME_Type::autoDetect($f); } else { // assuming a filehandle $stream = stream_get_meta_data($f); $filetype = MIME_Type::autoDetect($stream['uri']); } // The content-based sources for MIME_Type::autoDetect() // are wildly unreliable for office-type documents. If we've // gotten an unclear reponse back or just couldn't identify it, // we'll try detecting a type from its extension... $unclearTypes = array('application/octet-stream', 'application/vnd.ms-office', 'application/zip'); if ($originalFilename && (!$filetype || in_array($filetype, $unclearTypes))) { $type = $mte->getMIMEType($originalFilename); if (is_string($type)) { $filetype = $type; } } $supported = common_config('attachments', 'supported'); if (is_array($supported)) { // Normalize extensions to mime types foreach ($supported as $i => $entry) { if (strpos($entry, '/') === false) { common_log(LOG_INFO, "sample.$entry"); $supported[$i] = $mte->getMIMEType("sample.$entry"); } } } if ($supported === true || in_array($filetype, $supported)) { // Restore PEAR error handlers for our DB code... PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); return $filetype; } $media = MIME_Type::getMedia($filetype); if ('application' !== $media) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown trying to upload a forbidden MIME type. // TRANS: %1$s is the file type that was denied, %2$s is the application part of // TRANS: the MIME type that was denied. $hint = sprintf(_('"%1$s" is not a supported file type on this server. ' . 'Try using another %2$s format.'), $filetype, $media); } else { // TRANS: Client exception thrown trying to upload a forbidden MIME type. // TRANS: %s is the file type that was denied. $hint = sprintf(_('"%s" is not a supported file type on this server.'), $filetype); } // Restore PEAR error handlers for our DB code... PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); throw new ClientException($hint); } static function respectsQuota($user, $filesize) { $file = new File; $result = $file->isRespectsQuota($user, $filesize); if ($result === true) { return true; } else { throw new ClientException($result); } } }