scheme = $scheme; $this->schemeProtocol = $schemeProtocol; $this->schemeExtensions = $schemeExtensions; $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->path = $path; $this->queryString = $queryString; $this->queryBag = new QueryBag($query); } public function getScheme(): string { return $this->scheme; } public function getSchemeProtocol(): string { return $this->schemeProtocol; } public function getSchemeExtensions(): array { return $this->schemeExtensions; } public function hasSchemeExtension(string $extension): bool { return in_array($extension, $this->schemeExtensions, true); } public function getUser(): ?string { return $this->user; } public function getPassword(): ?string { return $this->password; } public function getHost(): ?string { return $this->host; } public function getPort(): ?int { return $this->port; } public function getPath(): ?string { return $this->path; } public function getQueryString(): ?string { return $this->queryString; } public function getQueryBag(): QueryBag { return $this->queryBag; } public function getQuery(): array { return $this->queryBag->toArray(); } public function getString(string $name, string $default = null): ?string { return $this->queryBag->getString($name, $default); } public function getDecimal(string $name, int $default = null): ?int { return $this->queryBag->getDecimal($name, $default); } public function getOctal(string $name, int $default = null): ?int { return $this->queryBag->getOctal($name, $default); } public function getFloat(string $name, float $default = null): ?float { return $this->queryBag->getFloat($name, $default); } public function getBool(string $name, bool $default = null): ?bool { return $this->queryBag->getBool($name, $default); } public function getArray(string $name, array $default = []): QueryBag { return $this->queryBag->getArray($name, $default); } public function toArray() { return [ 'scheme' => $this->scheme, 'schemeProtocol' => $this->schemeProtocol, 'schemeExtensions' => $this->schemeExtensions, 'user' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->password, 'host' => $this->host, 'port' => $this->port, 'path' => $this->path, 'queryString' => $this->queryString, 'query' => $this->queryBag->toArray(), ]; } public static function parseFirst(string $dsn): ?self { return self::parse($dsn)[0]; } /** * @param string $dsn * * @return Dsn[] */ public static function parse(string $dsn): array { if (false === strpos($dsn, ':')) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The DSN is invalid. It does not have scheme separator ":".')); } list($scheme, $dsnWithoutScheme) = explode(':', $dsn, 2); $scheme = strtolower($scheme); if (false == preg_match('/^[a-z\d+-.]*$/', $scheme)) { throw new \LogicException('The DSN is invalid. Scheme contains illegal symbols.'); } $schemeParts = explode('+', $scheme); $schemeProtocol = $schemeParts[0]; unset($schemeParts[0]); $schemeExtensions = array_values($schemeParts); $user = parse_url($dsn, PHP_URL_USER) ?: null; if (is_string($user)) { $user = rawurldecode($user); } $password = parse_url($dsn, PHP_URL_PASS) ?: null; if (is_string($password)) { $password = rawurldecode($password); } $path = parse_url($dsn, PHP_URL_PATH) ?: null; if ($path) { $path = rawurldecode($path); } $query = []; $queryString = parse_url($dsn, PHP_URL_QUERY) ?: null; if (is_string($queryString)) { $query = self::httpParseQuery($queryString, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986); } $hostsPorts = ''; if (0 === strpos($dsnWithoutScheme, '//')) { $dsnWithoutScheme = substr($dsnWithoutScheme, 2); $dsnWithoutUserPassword = explode('@', $dsnWithoutScheme, 2); $dsnWithoutUserPassword = 2 === count($dsnWithoutUserPassword) ? $dsnWithoutUserPassword[1] : $dsnWithoutUserPassword[0] ; list($hostsPorts) = explode('#', $dsnWithoutUserPassword, 2); list($hostsPorts) = explode('?', $hostsPorts, 2); list($hostsPorts) = explode('/', $hostsPorts, 2); } if (empty($hostsPorts)) { return [ new self( $scheme, $schemeProtocol, $schemeExtensions, null, null, null, null, $path, $queryString, $query ), ]; } $dsns = []; $hostParts = explode(',', $hostsPorts); foreach ($hostParts as $key => $hostPart) { unset($hostParts[$key]); $parts = explode(':', $hostPart, 2); $host = $parts[0]; $port = null; if (isset($parts[1])) { $port = (int) $parts[1]; } $dsns[] = new self( $scheme, $schemeProtocol, $schemeExtensions, $user, $password, $host, $port, $path, $queryString, $query ); } return $dsns; } /** * based on with some slight modifications. */ private static function httpParseQuery(string $queryString, string $argSeparator = '&', int $decType = PHP_QUERY_RFC1738): array { $result = []; $parts = explode($argSeparator, $queryString); foreach ($parts as $part) { list($paramName, $paramValue) = explode('=', $part, 2); switch ($decType) { case PHP_QUERY_RFC3986: $paramName = rawurldecode($paramName); $paramValue = rawurldecode($paramValue); break; case PHP_QUERY_RFC1738: default: $paramName = urldecode($paramName); $paramValue = urldecode($paramValue); break; } if (preg_match_all('/\[([^\]]*)\]/m', $paramName, $matches)) { $paramName = substr($paramName, 0, strpos($paramName, '[')); $keys = array_merge([$paramName], $matches[1]); } else { $keys = [$paramName]; } $target = &$result; foreach ($keys as $index) { if ('' === $index) { if (is_array($target)) { $intKeys = array_filter(array_keys($target), 'is_int'); $index = count($intKeys) ? max($intKeys) + 1 : 0; } else { $target = [$target]; $index = 1; } } elseif (isset($target[$index]) && !is_array($target[$index])) { $target[$index] = [$target[$index]]; } $target = &$target[$index]; } if (is_array($target)) { $target[] = $paramValue; } else { $target = $paramValue; } } return $result; } }