<?php /** * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2011, StatusNet, Inc. * * Microapp plugin for event invitations and RSVPs * * PHP version 5 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category Event * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net> * @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { // This check helps protect against security problems; // your code file can't be executed directly from the web. exit(1); } /** * Event plugin * * @category Sample * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net> * @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ class EventPlugin extends MicroappPlugin { /** * Set up our tables (event and rsvp) * * @see Schema * @see ColumnDef * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onCheckSchema() { $schema = Schema::get(); $schema->ensureTable('happening', Happening::schemaDef()); $schema->ensureTable('rsvp', RSVP::schemaDef()); return true; } /** * Load related modules when needed * * @param string $cls Name of the class to be loaded * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onAutoload($cls) { $dir = dirname(__FILE__); switch ($cls) { case 'NeweventAction': case 'NewrsvpAction': case 'CancelrsvpAction': case 'ShoweventAction': case 'ShowrsvpAction': include_once $dir . '/' . strtolower(mb_substr($cls, 0, -6)) . '.php'; return false; case 'EventForm': case 'RSVPForm': case 'CancelRSVPForm': include_once $dir . '/'.strtolower($cls).'.php'; break; case 'Happening': case 'RSVP': include_once $dir . '/'.$cls.'.php'; return false; default: return true; } } /** * Map URLs to actions * * @param Net_URL_Mapper $m path-to-action mapper * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onRouterInitialized($m) { $m->connect('main/event/new', array('action' => 'newevent')); $m->connect('main/event/rsvp', array('action' => 'newrsvp')); $m->connect('main/event/rsvp/cancel', array('action' => 'cancelrsvp')); $m->connect('event/:id', array('action' => 'showevent'), array('id' => '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}')); $m->connect('rsvp/:id', array('action' => 'showrsvp'), array('id' => '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}')); return true; } function onPluginVersion(&$versions) { $versions[] = array('name' => 'Event', 'version' => STATUSNET_VERSION, 'author' => 'Evan Prodromou', 'homepage' => 'http://status.net/wiki/Plugin:Event', 'description' => _m('Event invitations and RSVPs.')); return true; } function appTitle() { return _m('Event'); } function tag() { return 'event'; } function types() { return array(Happening::OBJECT_TYPE, RSVP::POSITIVE, RSVP::NEGATIVE, RSVP::POSSIBLE); } /** * Given a parsed ActivityStreams activity, save it into a notice * and other data structures. * * @param Activity $activity * @param Profile $actor * @param array $options=array() * * @return Notice the resulting notice */ function saveNoticeFromActivity($activity, $actor, $options=array()) { if (count($activity->objects) != 1) { throw new Exception('Too many activity objects.'); } $happeningObj = $activity->objects[0]; if ($happeningObj->type != Happening::OBJECT_TYPE) { throw new Exception('Wrong type for object.'); } $notice = null; switch ($activity->verb) { case ActivityVerb::POST: $notice = Happening::saveNew($actor, $start_time, $end_time, $happeningObj->title, null, $happeningObj->summary, $options); break; case RSVP::POSITIVE: case RSVP::NEGATIVE: case RSVP::POSSIBLE: $happening = Happening::staticGet('uri', $happeningObj->id); if (empty($happening)) { // FIXME: save the event throw new Exception("RSVP for unknown event."); } $notice = RSVP::saveNew($actor, $happening, $activity->verb, $options); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown verb for events"); } return $notice; } /** * Turn a Notice into an activity object * * @param Notice $notice * * @return ActivityObject */ function activityObjectFromNotice($notice) { $happening = null; switch ($notice->object_type) { case Happening::OBJECT_TYPE: $happening = Happening::fromNotice($notice); break; case RSVP::POSITIVE: case RSVP::NEGATIVE: case RSVP::POSSIBLE: $rsvp = RSVP::fromNotice($notice); $happening = $rsvp->getEvent(); break; } if (empty($happening)) { throw new Exception("Unknown object type."); } $notice = $happening->getNotice(); if (empty($notice)) { throw new Exception("Unknown event notice."); } $obj = new ActivityObject(); $obj->id = $happening->uri; $obj->type = Happening::OBJECT_TYPE; $obj->title = $happening->title; $obj->summary = $happening->description; $obj->link = $notice->bestUrl(); // XXX: how to get this stuff into JSON?! $obj->extra[] = array('dtstart', array('xmlns' => 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcal'), common_date_iso8601($happening->start_time)); $obj->extra[] = array('dtend', array('xmlns' => 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcal'), common_date_iso8601($happening->end_time)); // XXX: probably need other stuff here return $obj; } /** * Change the verb on RSVP notices * * @param Notice $notice * * @return ActivityObject */ function onEndNoticeAsActivity($notice, &$act) { switch ($notice->object_type) { case RSVP::POSITIVE: case RSVP::NEGATIVE: case RSVP::POSSIBLE: $act->verb = $notice->object_type; break; } return true; } /** * Custom HTML output for our notices * * @param Notice $notice * @param HTMLOutputter $out */ function showNotice($notice, $out) { switch ($notice->object_type) { case Happening::OBJECT_TYPE: $this->showEventNotice($notice, $out); break; case RSVP::POSITIVE: case RSVP::NEGATIVE: case RSVP::POSSIBLE: $this->showRSVPNotice($notice, $out); break; } // @fixme we have to start the name/avatar and open this div $out->elementStart('div', array('class' => 'event-info')); // EVENT-INFO.ENTRY-CONTENT IN $profile = $notice->getProfile(); $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE); $out->element('img', array('src' => ($avatar) ? $avatar->displayUrl() : Avatar::defaultImage(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE), 'class' => 'avatar photo bookmark-avatar', 'width' => AVATAR_MINI_SIZE, 'height' => AVATAR_MINI_SIZE, 'alt' => $profile->getBestName())); $out->raw(' '); // avoid for AJAX XML compatibility $out->elementStart('span', 'vcard author'); // hack for belongsOnTimeline; JS needs to be able to find the author $out->element('a', array('class' => 'url', 'href' => $profile->profileurl, 'title' => $profile->getBestName()), $profile->nickname); $out->elementEnd('span'); } function showRSVPNotice($notice, $out) { $rsvp = RSVP::fromNotice($notice); $out->elementStart('div', 'rsvp'); $out->raw($rsvp->asHTML()); $out->elementEnd('div'); return; } function showEventNotice($notice, $out) { $profile = $notice->getProfile(); $event = Happening::fromNotice($notice); assert(!empty($event)); assert(!empty($profile)); $out->elementStart('div', 'vevent event'); // VEVENT IN $out->elementStart('h3'); // VEVENT/H3 IN if (!empty($event->url)) { $out->element('a', array('href' => $event->url, 'class' => 'event-title entry-title summary'), $event->title); } else { $out->text($event->title); } $out->elementEnd('h3'); // VEVENT/H3 OUT $startDate = strftime("%x", strtotime($event->start_time)); $startTime = strftime("%R", strtotime($event->start_time)); $endDate = strftime("%x", strtotime($event->end_time)); $endTime = strftime("%R", strtotime($event->end_time)); // FIXME: better dates $out->elementStart('div', 'event-times'); // VEVENT/EVENT-TIMES IN $out->element('strong', null, _('Time:')); $out->element('abbr', array('class' => 'dtstart', 'title' => common_date_iso8601($event->start_time)), $startDate . ' ' . $startTime); $out->text(' - '); if ($startDate == $endDate) { $out->element('span', array('class' => 'dtend', 'title' => common_date_iso8601($event->end_time)), $endTime); } else { $out->element('span', array('class' => 'dtend', 'title' => common_date_iso8601($event->end_time)), $endDate . ' ' . $endTime); } $out->elementEnd('div'); // VEVENT/EVENT-TIMES OUT if (!empty($event->location)) { $out->elementStart('div', 'event-location'); $out->element('strong', null, _('Location: ')); $out->element('span', 'location', $event->location); $out->elementEnd('div'); } if (!empty($event->description)) { $out->elementStart('div', 'event-description'); $out->element('strong', null, _('Description: ')); $out->element('span', 'description', $event->description); $out->elementEnd('div'); } $rsvps = $event->getRSVPs(); $out->elementStart('div', 'event-rsvps'); $out->element('strong', null, _('Attending: ')); $out->element('span', 'event-rsvps', sprintf(_('Yes: %d No: %d Maybe: %d'), count($rsvps[RSVP::POSITIVE]), count($rsvps[RSVP::NEGATIVE]), count($rsvps[RSVP::POSSIBLE]))); $out->elementEnd('div'); $user = common_current_user(); if (!empty($user)) { $rsvp = $event->getRSVP($user->getProfile()); if (empty($rsvp)) { $form = new RSVPForm($event, $out); } else { $form = new CancelRSVPForm($rsvp, $out); } $form->show(); } $out->elementEnd('div'); // vevent out } /** * Form for our app * * @param HTMLOutputter $out * @return Widget */ function entryForm($out) { return new EventForm($out); } /** * When a notice is deleted, clean up related tables. * * @param Notice $notice */ function deleteRelated($notice) { switch ($notice->object_type) { case Happening::OBJECT_TYPE: common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting event from notice..."); $happening = Happening::fromNotice($notice); $happening->delete(); break; case RSVP::POSITIVE: case RSVP::NEGATIVE: case RSVP::POSSIBLE: common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting rsvp from notice..."); $rsvp = RSVP::fromNotice($notice); common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "to delete: $rsvp->id"); $rsvp->delete(); break; default: common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Not deleting related, wtf..."); } } function onEndShowScripts($action) { $action->inlineScript('$(document).ready(function() { $("#startdate").datepicker(); $("#enddate").datepicker(); });'); } function onEndShowStyles($action) { $action->cssLink($this->path('event.css')); return true; } }