Starting with tag: [TAG 0.4.2 Evan Prodromou **20080706173453] [don't double-escape bio Evan Prodromou **20080706210809] [prefer, barely, text/html to application/xhtml+xml Evan Prodromou **20080706220020] [First pass at replies support**20080623030837 Doesn't handle a reply to a user that has never updated. ] [fixup conflicts Evan Prodromou **20080706221758] [some twiddles in the db for replies, plus the class Evan Prodromou **20080706223839] [add replies fancy url and include Reply class Evan Prodromou **20080707032348] [twiddle a few bits to make replies work correctly Evan Prodromou **20080707054358] [added a script for adding old replies in Evan Prodromou **20080707055428] [default for datetime in common_relative_profile Evan Prodromou **20080707060733] [use db error logger for common_save_replies Evan Prodromou **20080707061639] [fix constant in common_db_log_error Evan Prodromou **20080707061912] [check for profile Evan Prodromou **20080707062347] [check to see the reply_for worked Evan Prodromou **20080707062618] [created -> modified in Reply Evan Prodromou **20080707063731] [consolidate show_notice and show_reply Evan Prodromou **20080707064155] [change reply info Evan Prodromou **20080707064430] [show replies Evan Prodromou **20080707064607] [use DB_DataObject join Evan Prodromou **20080707070545] [use DB_DataObject join Evan Prodromou *-20080707070545] [add repliesrss Evan Prodromou **20080707072454] [add in the notice form Evan Prodromou **20080707072545] [shorter replies rss Evan Prodromou **20080707072754] [fancy url for replies rss Evan Prodromou **20080707073025] [better error reporting Evan Prodromou **20080707074434] [don't try to do date relative Evan Prodromou **20080707074755] [mcdoyon changes to design on dev server Test Server 1 **20080707173224 Marie-Claude did some changes to the design on the dev server. ] [get rid of one-pixel border on subscriptions Evan Prodromou **20080707181150] [add authorship block to OMB spec Evan Prodromou **20080707234033] [autosubscribe for jabber Evan Prodromou **20080707234050] [autoreply Evan Prodromou **20080708003055] [ignore old password if no old password Evan Prodromou **20080708041210] [more debug output for rememberme cookies Evan Prodromou **20080708064241] [space in title Evan Prodromou **20080705064900] [debugging info for queueing notices Evan Prodromou **20080704083216] [debugging info for queueing notices Evan Prodromou *-20080704083216] [take out queuing debugging Evan Prodromou **20080708070457] [don't do an end tag for empty elements Evan Prodromou **20080708233218] [don't call text if you don't mean it Evan Prodromou **20080708235004] [p.instructions -> div.instructions Evan Prodromou **20080709002242] [notice -> permalink in notices Evan Prodromou **20080709004349] [name of form on remote subscribe changed Evan Prodromou **20080709005342] [better description of what happens when changing settings Evan Prodromou **20080709050022] [some debug stuff for remember me Evan Prodromou **20080709051943] [don't refetch user objects so much Evan Prodromou **20080709055343] [login -> reenter Evan Prodromou **20080709060928] [reword, leave out the OpenID part Evan Prodromou **20080709061118] [forgot to change null check at beginning of set user Evan Prodromou **20080709062502] [replybutton.darc**20080708112016 Add a simple reply button to notices ] [fixup required XMPP library Evan Prodromou **20080709070012] [fallback to newnotice on reply button, new button with mouseover Evan Prodromou **20080709071439] [return false Evan Prodromou **20080709072244] [try another tack Evan Prodromou **20080709072429] [accept replyto for fancy newnotice URL Evan Prodromou **20080709072833] [format replyto name correctly Evan Prodromou **20080709072953] [remove replybutton formatting Evan Prodromou **20080709073159] [remove current notice code which doesn't seem to do anything Evan Prodromou **20080709073305] [better arrow Evan Prodromou **20080709075045] [move some things around Evan Prodromou **20080709080110] [move again Evan Prodromou **20080709080206] [remove version number from OMB spec Evan Prodromou **20080709183833] [changes to database Evan Prodromou **20080709193810] [store rendered content on save; display pre-rendered content Evan Prodromou **20080709195238] [rebuild DB_DataObject classes for new structure Evan Prodromou **20080709200711] [wording change in comment Evan Prodromou **20080709200750] [reply_to is now stored on the notice, not on the reply record Evan Prodromou **20080709202346] [store replies on the notice record, not the reply record Evan Prodromou **20080709202716] [show reply_to for notices in profile stream Evan Prodromou **20080709203237] [use getCurrentNotice() on profile page Evan Prodromou **20080709203831] [use rendered text in profile page stream Evan Prodromou **20080709203910] [don't record a reply_to for responses to self Evan Prodromou **20080709203925] [wrong comparison operator for saving reply to self Evan Prodromou **20080709204050] [defaults for argument functions Evan Prodromou **20080709214433] [first pass at people search Evan Prodromou **20080709214455] [missing comma in people search Evan Prodromou **20080709214659] [move end of form element Evan Prodromou **20080709214713] [common_start_element -> common_element_start Evan Prodromou **20080709214821] [ignore case when highlighting Evan Prodromou **20080709215011] [show p.error when there are no results. Evan Prodromou **20080709215632] [change formatting of search output Evan Prodromou **20080709220045] [add some CSS for the people lists Evan Prodromou **20080709220446] [don't inline p's in the people list Evan Prodromou **20080709220656] [list of profiles Evan Prodromou **20080709220856] [fixup end tag in login (not used, maybe later) Evan Prodromou **20080709221735] [add instructions to people search Evan Prodromou **20080709221754] [remove hr -- CSS takes care of it Evan Prodromou **20080709221826] [add fancy urls for search Evan Prodromou **20080709223144] [fix syntax errors in URL builder Evan Prodromou **20080709223409] [use smarter query builder Evan Prodromou **20080709223701] [try some scoping Evan Prodromou **20080709223803] [better instructions Evan Prodromou **20080709223910] [highlight homepage in search results Evan Prodromou **20080709225929] [specialchars() text in search results Evan Prodromou **20080709225942] [first pass at a notice search Evan Prodromou **20080709230017] [refactor common code between searches and between search and settings Evan Prodromou **20080709231031] [require search action lib in search actions Evan Prodromou **20080709231217] [some debug code to find a problem with terms Evan Prodromou **20080709231503] [found missing second term Evan Prodromou **20080709231539] [better highlighting in URL Evan Prodromou **20080709231638] [missing second argument Evan Prodromou **20080709231821] [change some parens Evan Prodromou **20080709231948] [correct class for ul Evan Prodromou **20080709232350] [add notice search rss ("tracking") Evan Prodromou **20080709234228] [order search rss items by date desc Evan Prodromou **20080710032835] [mc's changes on test1 Test Server 1 **20080710032953] [add both my and mc's stuff to the display.css Evan Prodromou **20080710033108] [update version number Evan Prodromou **20080710042324]