 * ezcDocumentPdfDriverTcpdfTests
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * @package Document
 * @version //autogen//
 * @subpackage Tests
 * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0

require_once 'renderer_text_box_base_tests.php';

 * Test suite for class.
 * @package Document
 * @subpackage Tests
class ezcDocumentPdfParagraphRendererTests extends ezcDocumentPdfTextBoxRendererBaseTests
     * Renderer used for the tests
     * @var string
    protected $renderer = 'ezcDocumentPdfWrappingTextBoxRenderer';

    public static function suite()
        return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ );

    public function testRenderParagraphSplitting()
        // Additional formatting

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 24 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 25 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'short' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/wrapping.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphWidow()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'article' ),
                    'orphans' => '0',
                    'widows'  => '0',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 24 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 25 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'the' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/widow.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphWidowWrap()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'article' ),
                    'orphans' => '0',
                    'widows'  => '2',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 21 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 22 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'widow,' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 25 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 29.2, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'the' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/widow.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphOrphan()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'article' ),
                    'orphans' => '0',
                    'widows'  => '0',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 22 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 82, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'Second' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 24 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 25 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'which' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/orphan.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphOrphanWrapped()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'article' ),
                    'orphans' => '2',
                    'widows'  => '0',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 22 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 23 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'Second' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/orphan.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphOrphansAndWidows()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'article' ),
                    'orphans' => '3',
                    'widows'  => '3',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 22 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 23 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 10, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 18, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'Second' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/short_orphan.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphSplittingWithBorderFirstPage()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'para' ),
                    'line-height'      => '1',
                    'padding'          => '5',
                    'margin'           => '5',
                    'border'           => '1mm solid #A00000',
                    'background-color' => '#eedbdb',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations for first page
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )->method( 'drawPolygon' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array(
                array( 15, 15 ),
                array( 85, 15 ),
                array( 85, 83 ),
                array( 15, 83 ),
            ), 1. ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .93,
                'green' => .86,
                'blue'  => .86,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 2 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 15.5, 15.5 ), array( 15.5, 82.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 3 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 15.5, 15.5 ), array( 84.5, 15.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 4 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 84.5, 15.5 ), array( 84.5, 82.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 5 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 21, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 29, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'This' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/wrapping.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphSplittingWithBorderSecondPage()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'para' ),
                    'line-height'      => '1',
                    'padding'          => '5',
                    'margin'           => '5',
                    'border'           => '1mm solid #A00000',
                    'background-color' => '#eedbdb',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations for second page
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 18 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 19 ) )->method( 'drawPolygon' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array(
                array( 15, 15 ),
                array( 85, 15 ),
                array( 85, 83 ),
                array( 15, 83 ),
            ), 1. ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .93,
                'green' => .86,
                'blue'  => .86,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 20 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 15.5, 15.5 ), array( 15.5, 82.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 21 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 84.5, 15.5 ), array( 84.5, 82.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 22 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 21, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 29, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'exceeding' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/wrapping.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()

    public function testRenderParagraphSplittingWithBorderLastPage()
        // Additional formatting
        $this->styles->appendStyleDirectives( array(
            new ezcDocumentPcssLayoutDirective(
                array( 'para' ),
                    'line-height'      => '1',
                    'padding'          => '5',
                    'margin'           => '5',
                    'border'           => '1mm solid #A00000',
                    'background-color' => '#eedbdb',
        ) );

        $mock = $this->getMock( 'ezcTestDocumentPdfMockDriver', array(
        ) );

        // Expectations for third page
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 38 ) )->method( 'createPage' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 100, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 100, 1. )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 39 ) )->method( 'drawPolygon' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array(
                array( 15, 15 ),
                array( 85, 15 ),
                array( 85, 51 ),
                array( 15, 51 ),
            ), 1. ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .93,
                'green' => .86,
                'blue'  => .86,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 40 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 15.5, 15.5 ), array( 15.5, 50.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 41 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 84.5, 15.5 ), array( 84.5, 50.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 42 ) )->method( 'drawPolyline' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( array( array( 84.5, 50.5 ), array( 15.5, 50.5 ) ), .1 ),
            $this->equalTo( array(
                'red'   => .63,
                'green' => .0,
                'blue'  => .0,
                'alpha' => 0
            ), .01 )
        $mock->expects( $this->at( 43 ) )->method( 'drawWord' )->with(
            $this->equalTo( 21, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 29, 1. ), $this->equalTo( 'be' )

        $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
        $docbook->loadFile( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/wrapping.xml' );

        $renderer  = new ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer( $mock, $this->styles );
        $pdf = $renderer->render(
            new ezcDocumentPdfDefaultHyphenator()
