{% block note_actions %} {% if app.user or note_actions_hide is defined %}
  • {{ icon('kebab', 'icon icon-note-actions-extra') | raw }} {{ 'Permalink' | trans }}
    {% for current_action in get_extra_note_actions(note) %} {{ current_action['title'] }} {% endfor %}
  • {% for current_action in get_note_actions(note) %}
  • {% endfor %}
    {% endif %} {% endblock note_actions %} {% block note_replies %} {% import '/cards/macros/note.html.twig' as noteView %} {% if replies is defined and replies is not empty %}
    {% for conversation in replies %} {% if extra.depth is defined %} {% set depth_increment = {'depth': extra.depth + 1} %} {% set parent = {'parent': block('note_author')} %} {% set extra = extra|merge(depth_increment) %} {% set extra = extra|merge(parent) %} {% endif %} {{ noteView.note_vanilla(conversation['note'], conversation['replies'], extra) }} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %} {% endblock note_replies %} {% block note_attachments %} {% if hide_attachments is not defined %} {% if note.getAttachments() is not empty %}
    {% for attachment in note.getAttachments() %} {% include 'cards/blocks/attachment.html.twig' with {'attachment': attachment, 'note': note, 'title': attachment.getBestTitle(note)} only %} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock note_attachments %} {% block note_links %} {% if note.getLinks() is not empty %} {% endif %} {% endblock note_links %} {% block note_text %}
    {% set paragraph_array = note.getRenderedSplit() %} {% if 'conversation' not in app.request.get('_route') and paragraph_array | length > 3 %}

    {{ paragraph_array[0] | raw }}

    {% trans %}Expand to see all content{% endtrans %} {% for paragraph in paragraph_array | slice(1, paragraph_array | length) %}

    {{ paragraph | raw }}

    {% endfor %}
    {% else %} {% for paragraph in paragraph_array %}

    {{ paragraph | raw }}

    {% endfor %} {% endif %}
    {% endblock note_text %} {% block note_author %} {# Microformat's h-card properties indicates a face icon is a "u-logo" #} {% if fullname is not null %}{{ fullname }}{% else %}{{ nickname }}{% endif %} {{ mention }} {% endblock note_author %} {% block note_sidebar %} {% endblock note_sidebar %} {% block note_info %}
    {{ block('note_author') }} {{ 'in conversation' | trans }} {{ note.getModified() | ago }}
    {% endblock note_info %} {% block note_complementary %} {% endblock note_complementary %}