 * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
 * Copyright (C) 2011, StatusNet, Inc.
 * Microapp plugin for Questions and Answers
 * PHP version 5
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @category  QnA
 * @package   StatusNet
 * @author    Zach Copley <zach@status.net>
 * @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc.
 * @license   http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0
 * @link      http://status.net/

if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
    // This check helps protect against security problems;
    // your code file can't be executed directly from the web.

 * Question and Answer plugin
 * @category  Plugin
 * @package   StatusNet
 * @author    Zach Copley <zach@status.net>
 * @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc.
 * @license   http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0
 * @link      http://status.net/
class QnAPlugin extends MicroAppPlugin

    var $oldSaveNew = true;

     * Set up our tables (question and answer)
     * @see Schema
     * @see ColumnDef
     * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.
    function onCheckSchema()
        $schema = Schema::get();

        $schema->ensureTable('qna_question', QnA_Question::schemaDef());
        $schema->ensureTable('qna_answer', QnA_Answer::schemaDef());
        $schema->ensureTable('qna_vote', QnA_Vote::schemaDef());

        return true;

    public function newFormAction() {
        return 'qnanewquestion';

     * Map URLs to actions
     * @param URLMapper $m path-to-action mapper
     * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.

    public function onRouterInitialized(URLMapper $m)
        $UUIDregex = '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}';

            array('action' => 'qnanewquestion')
            array('action' => 'qnaclosequestion')
            array('action' => 'qnanewanswer')
            array('action' => 'qnareviseanswer')
            array('action' => 'qnavote', 'type' => 'question'),
            array('id' => $UUIDregex)
            array('action' => 'qnashowquestion'),
            array('id' => $UUIDregex)
            array('action' => 'qnavote', 'type' => 'answer'),
            array('id' => $UUIDregex)
            array('action' => 'qnashowanswer'),
            array('id' => $UUIDregex)

        return true;

    function onPluginVersion(array &$versions)
        $versions[] = array(
            'name'        => 'QnA',
            'version'     => GNUSOCIAL_VERSION,
            'author'      => 'Zach Copley',
            'homepage'    => 'http://status.net/wiki/Plugin:QnA',
            'description' =>
             // TRANS: Plugin description.
             _m('Question and Answers micro-app.')
        return true;

    function appTitle() {
        // TRANS: Application title.
        return _m('TITLE','Question');

    function tag() {
        return 'question';

    function types() {
        return array(

     * Given a parsed ActivityStreams activity, save it into a notice
     * and other data structures.
     * @param Activity $activity
     * @param Profile $actor
     * @param array $options=array()
     * @return Notice the resulting notice
    function saveNoticeFromActivity(Activity $activity, Profile $actor, array $options=array())
        if (count($activity->objects) != 1) {
            // TRANS: Exception thrown when there are too many activity objects.
            throw new Exception(_m('Too many activity objects.'));

        $questionObj = $activity->objects[0];

        if ($questionObj->type != QnA_Question::OBJECT_TYPE) {
            // TRANS: Exception thrown when an incorrect object type is encountered.
            throw new Exception(_m('Wrong type for object.'));

        $notice = null;

        switch ($activity->verb) {
        case ActivityVerb::POST:
            $notice = QnA_Question::saveNew(
        case Answer::ObjectType:
            $question = QnA_Question::getKV('uri', $questionObj->id);
            if (empty($question)) {
                // FIXME: save the question
                // TRANS: Exception thrown when answering a non-existing question.
                throw new Exception(_m('Answer to unknown question.'));
            $notice = QnA_Answer::saveNew($actor, $question, $options);
            // TRANS: Exception thrown when an object type is encountered that cannot be handled.
            throw new Exception(_m('Unknown object type.'));

        return $notice;

     * Turn a Notice into an activity object
     * @param Notice $notice
     * @return ActivityObject

    function activityObjectFromNotice(Notice $notice)
        $question = null;

        switch ($notice->object_type) {
        case QnA_Question::OBJECT_TYPE:
            $question = QnA_Question::fromNotice($notice);
        case QnA_Answer::OBJECT_TYPE:
            $answer   = QnA_Answer::fromNotice($notice);
            $question = $answer->getQuestion();

        if (empty($question)) {
            // TRANS: Exception thrown when an object type is encountered that cannot be handled.
            throw new Exception(_m('Unknown object type.'));

        $notice = $question->getNotice();

        if (empty($notice)) {
            // TRANS: Exception thrown when requesting a non-existing question notice.
            throw new Exception(_m('Unknown question notice.'));

        $obj = new ActivityObject();

        $obj->id      = $question->uri;
        $obj->type    = QnA_Question::OBJECT_TYPE;
        $obj->title   = $question->title;
        $obj->link    = $notice->getUrl();

        // XXX: probably need other stuff here

        return $obj;

     * Output our CSS class for QnA notice list elements
     * @param NoticeListItem $nli The item being shown
     * @return boolean hook value

    function onStartOpenNoticeListItemElement(NoticeListItem $nli)
        $type = $nli->notice->object_type;

        case QnA_Question::OBJECT_TYPE:
            $id = (empty($nli->repeat)) ? $nli->notice->id : $nli->repeat->id;
            $class = 'h-entry notice question';
            if ($nli->notice->scope != 0 && $nli->notice->scope != 1) {
                $class .= ' limited-scope';

            $question = QnA_Question::getKV('uri', $nli->notice->uri);

            if (!empty($question->closed)) {
                $class .= ' closed';

                'li', array(
                    'class' => $class,
                    'id'    => 'notice-' . $id
            Event::handle('EndOpenNoticeListItemElement', array($nli));
            return false;
        case QnA_Answer::OBJECT_TYPE:
            $id = (empty($nli->repeat)) ? $nli->notice->id : $nli->repeat->id;

            $cls = array('h-entry', 'notice', 'answer');

            $answer = QnA_Answer::getKV('uri', $nli->notice->uri);

            if (!empty($answer) && !empty($answer->best)) {
                $cls[] = 'best';

                    'class' => implode(' ', $cls),
                    'id'    => 'notice-' . $id
            Event::handle('EndOpenNoticeListItemElement', array($nli));
            return false;
            return true;

        return true;

     * Output the HTML for this kind of object in a list
     * @param NoticeListItem $nli The list item being shown.
     * @return boolean hook value
     * @todo FIXME: WARNING WARNING WARNING this closes a 'div' that is implicitly opened in BookmarkPlugin's showNotice implementation
    function onStartShowNoticeItem(NoticeListItem $nli)
        if (!$this->isMyNotice($nli->notice)) {
            return true;

        $out = $nli->out;
        $notice = $nli->notice;

        $nli->showNotice($notice, $out);



        if ($notice->object_type == QnA_Question::OBJECT_TYPE) {
            $user = common_current_user();
            $question = QnA_Question::getByNotice($notice);

            if (!empty($user) and !empty($question)) {
                $profile = $user->getProfile();
                $answer = $question->getAnswer($profile);

                // Output a placeholder input -- clicking on it will
                // bring up a real answer form

                // NOTE: this whole ul is just a placeholder
                if (empty($question->closed) && empty($answer)) {
                    $out->elementStart('ul', 'notices qna-dummy');
                    $out->elementStart('li', 'qna-dummy-placeholder');
                            'class' => 'placeholder',
                            // TRANS: Placeholder value for a possible answer to a question
                            // TRANS: by the logged in user.
                            'value' => _m('Your answer...')

        return false;

    function adaptNoticeListItem($nli) {
        return new QnAListItem($nli);

    static function shorten($content, $notice)
        $short = null;

        if (Notice::contentTooLong($content)) {
            common_debug("content too long");
            $max = Notice::maxContent();
            // TRANS: Link description for link to full notice text if it is longer than
            // TRANS: what will be dispplayed.
            $ellipsis = _m('…');
            $short = mb_substr($content, 0, $max - 1);
            $short .= sprintf('<a href="%1$s" rel="more" title="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
                              // TRANS: Title for link that is an ellipsis in English.
        } else {
            $short = $content;

        return $short;

     * Form for our app
     * @param HTMLOutputter $out
     * @return Widget
    function entryForm($out)
        return new QnanewquestionForm($out);

     * When a notice is deleted, clean up related tables.
     * @param Notice $notice
    function deleteRelated(Notice $notice)
        switch ($notice->object_type) {
        case QnA_Question::OBJECT_TYPE:
            common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting question from notice...");
            $question = QnA_Question::fromNotice($notice);
        case QnA_Answer::OBJECT_TYPE:
            common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting answer from notice...");
            $answer = QnA_Answer::fromNotice($notice);
            common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "to delete: $answer->id");
            common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Not deleting related, wtf...");

    function onEndShowScripts($action)
        return true;

    function onEndShowStyles($action)
        return true;