<?php /* * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2009-2010, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } /** * @package OStatusPlugin * @maintainer Brion Vibber <brion@status.net> */ class Ostatus_profile extends Managed_DataObject { public $__table = 'ostatus_profile'; public $uri; public $profile_id; public $group_id; public $peopletag_id; public $feeduri; public $salmonuri; public $avatar; // remote URL of the last avatar we saved public $created; public $modified; public /*static*/ function staticGet($k, $v=null) { return parent::staticGet(__CLASS__, $k, $v); } /** * Return table definition for Schema setup and DB_DataObject usage. * * @return array array of column definitions */ static function schemaDef() { return array( 'fields' => array( 'uri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => true), 'profile_id' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'group_id' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'peopletag_id' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'feeduri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255), 'salmonuri' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255), 'avatar' => array('type' => 'text'), 'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true), 'modified' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true), ), 'primary key' => array('uri'), 'unique keys' => array( 'ostatus_profile_profile_id_idx' => array('profile_id'), 'ostatus_profile_group_id_idx' => array('group_id'), 'ostatus_profile_peopletag_id_idx' => array('peopletag_id'), 'ostatus_profile_feeduri_idx' => array('feeduri'), ), 'foreign keys' => array( 'ostatus_profile_profile_id_fkey' => array('profile', array('profile_id' => 'id')), 'ostatus_profile_group_id_fkey' => array('user_group', array('group_id' => 'id')), 'ostatus_profile_peopletag_id_fkey' => array('profile_list', array('peopletag_id' => 'id')), ), ); } /** * Fetch the StatusNet-side profile for this feed * @return Profile */ public function localProfile() { if ($this->profile_id) { return Profile::staticGet('id', $this->profile_id); } return null; } /** * Fetch the StatusNet-side profile for this feed * @return Profile */ public function localGroup() { if ($this->group_id) { return User_group::staticGet('id', $this->group_id); } return null; } /** * Fetch the StatusNet-side peopletag for this feed * @return Profile */ public function localPeopletag() { if ($this->peopletag_id) { return Profile_list::staticGet('id', $this->peopletag_id); } return null; } /** * Returns an ActivityObject describing this remote user or group profile. * Can then be used to generate Atom chunks. * * @return ActivityObject */ function asActivityObject() { if ($this->isGroup()) { return ActivityObject::fromGroup($this->localGroup()); } else if ($this->isPeopletag()) { return ActivityObject::fromPeopletag($this->localPeopletag()); } else { return ActivityObject::fromProfile($this->localProfile()); } } /** * Returns an XML string fragment with profile information as an * Activity Streams noun object with the given element type. * * Assumes that 'activity' namespace has been previously defined. * * @fixme replace with wrappers on asActivityObject when it's got everything. * * @param string $element one of 'actor', 'subject', 'object', 'target' * @return string */ function asActivityNoun($element) { if ($this->isGroup()) { $noun = ActivityObject::fromGroup($this->localGroup()); return $noun->asString('activity:' . $element); } else if ($this->isPeopletag()) { $noun = ActivityObject::fromPeopletag($this->localPeopletag()); return $noun->asString('activity:' . $element); } else { $noun = ActivityObject::fromProfile($this->localProfile()); return $noun->asString('activity:' . $element); } } /** * @return boolean true if this is a remote group */ function isGroup() { if ($this->profile_id || $this->peopletag_id && !$this->group_id) { return false; } else if ($this->group_id && !$this->profile_id && !$this->peopletag_id) { return true; } else if ($this->group_id && ($this->profile_id || $this->peopletag_id)) { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URI throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid ostatus_profile state: Two or more IDs set for %s.'), $this->uri)); } else { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URI throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid ostatus_profile state: All IDs empty for %s.'), $this->uri)); } } /** * @return boolean true if this is a remote peopletag */ function isPeopletag() { if ($this->profile_id || $this->group_id && !$this->peopletag_id) { return false; } else if ($this->peopletag_id && !$this->profile_id && !$this->group_id) { return true; } else if ($this->peopletag_id && ($this->profile_id || $this->group_id)) { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URI throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid ostatus_profile state: Two or more IDs set for %s.'), $this->uri)); } else { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URI throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid ostatus_profile state: All IDs empty for %s.'), $this->uri)); } } /** * Send a subscription request to the hub for this feed. * The hub will later send us a confirmation POST to /main/push/callback. * * @return bool true on success, false on failure * @throws ServerException if feed state is not valid */ public function subscribe() { $feedsub = FeedSub::ensureFeed($this->feeduri); if ($feedsub->sub_state == 'active') { // Active subscription, we don't need to do anything. return true; } else { // Inactive or we got left in an inconsistent state. // Run a subscription request to make sure we're current! return $feedsub->subscribe(); } } /** * Check if this remote profile has any active local subscriptions, and * if not drop the PuSH subscription feed. * * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ public function unsubscribe() { $this->garbageCollect(); } /** * Check if this remote profile has any active local subscriptions, and * if not drop the PuSH subscription feed. * * @return boolean */ public function garbageCollect() { $feedsub = FeedSub::staticGet('uri', $this->feeduri); return $feedsub->garbageCollect(); } /** * Check if this remote profile has any active local subscriptions, so the * PuSH subscription layer can decide if it can drop the feed. * * This gets called via the FeedSubSubscriberCount event when running * FeedSub::garbageCollect(). * * @return int */ public function subscriberCount() { if ($this->isGroup()) { $members = $this->localGroup()->getMembers(0, 1); $count = $members->N; } else if ($this->isPeopletag()) { $subscribers = $this->localPeopletag()->getSubscribers(0, 1); $count = $subscribers->N; } else { $profile = $this->localProfile(); $count = $profile->subscriberCount(); if ($profile->hasLocalTags()) { $count = 1; } } common_log(LOG_INFO, __METHOD__ . " SUB COUNT BEFORE: $count"); // Other plugins may be piggybacking on OStatus without having // an active group or user-to-user subscription we know about. Event::handle('Ostatus_profileSubscriberCount', array($this, &$count)); common_log(LOG_INFO, __METHOD__ . " SUB COUNT AFTER: $count"); return $count; } /** * Send an Activity Streams notification to the remote Salmon endpoint, * if so configured. * * @param Profile $actor Actor who did the activity * @param string $verb Activity::SUBSCRIBE or Activity::JOIN * @param Object $object object of the action; must define asActivityNoun($tag) */ public function notify($actor, $verb, $object=null, $target=null) { if (!($actor instanceof Profile)) { $type = gettype($actor); if ($type == 'object') { $type = get_class($actor); } // TRANS: Server exception. // TRANS: %1$s is the method name the exception occured in, %2$s is the actor type. throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid actor passed to %1$s: %2$s.'),__METHOD__,$type)); } if ($object == null) { $object = $this; } if ($this->salmonuri) { $text = 'update'; $id = TagURI::mint('%s:%s:%s', $verb, $actor->getURI(), common_date_iso8601(time())); // @fixme consolidate all these NS settings somewhere $attributes = array('xmlns' => Activity::ATOM, 'xmlns:activity' => 'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/', 'xmlns:thr' => 'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0', 'xmlns:georss' => 'http://www.georss.org/georss', 'xmlns:ostatus' => 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0', 'xmlns:poco' => 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0', 'xmlns:media' => 'http://purl.org/syndication/atommedia'); $entry = new XMLStringer(); $entry->elementStart('entry', $attributes); $entry->element('id', null, $id); $entry->element('title', null, $text); $entry->element('summary', null, $text); $entry->element('published', null, common_date_w3dtf(common_sql_now())); $entry->element('activity:verb', null, $verb); $entry->raw($actor->asAtomAuthor()); $entry->raw($actor->asActivityActor()); $entry->raw($object->asActivityNoun('object')); if ($target != null) { $entry->raw($target->asActivityNoun('target')); } $entry->elementEnd('entry'); $xml = $entry->getString(); common_log(LOG_INFO, "Posting to Salmon endpoint $this->salmonuri: $xml"); $salmon = new Salmon(); // ? return $salmon->post($this->salmonuri, $xml, $actor); } return false; } /** * Send a Salmon notification ping immediately, and confirm that we got * an acceptable response from the remote site. * * @param mixed $entry XML string, Notice, or Activity * @param Profile $actor * @return boolean success */ public function notifyActivity($entry, $actor) { if ($this->salmonuri) { $salmon = new Salmon(); return $salmon->post($this->salmonuri, $this->notifyPrepXml($entry), $actor); } return false; } /** * Queue a Salmon notification for later. If queues are disabled we'll * send immediately but won't get the return value. * * @param mixed $entry XML string, Notice, or Activity * @return boolean success */ public function notifyDeferred($entry, $actor) { if ($this->salmonuri) { $data = array('salmonuri' => $this->salmonuri, 'entry' => $this->notifyPrepXml($entry), 'actor' => $actor->id); $qm = QueueManager::get(); return $qm->enqueue($data, 'salmon'); } return false; } protected function notifyPrepXml($entry) { $preamble = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?' . '>'; if (is_string($entry)) { return $entry; } else if ($entry instanceof Activity) { return $preamble . $entry->asString(true); } else if ($entry instanceof Notice) { return $preamble . $entry->asAtomEntry(true, true); } else { // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('Invalid type passed to Ostatus_profile::notify. It must be XML string or Activity entry.')); } } function getBestName() { if ($this->isGroup()) { return $this->localGroup()->getBestName(); } else if ($this->isPeopletag()) { return $this->localPeopletag()->getBestName(); } else { return $this->localProfile()->getBestName(); } } /** * Read and post notices for updates from the feed. * Currently assumes that all items in the feed are new, * coming from a PuSH hub. * * @param DOMDocument $doc * @param string $source identifier ("push") */ public function processFeed(DOMDocument $doc, $source) { $feed = $doc->documentElement; if ($feed->localName == 'feed' && $feed->namespaceURI == Activity::ATOM) { $this->processAtomFeed($feed, $source); } else if ($feed->localName == 'rss') { // @fixme check namespace $this->processRssFeed($feed, $source); } else { // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Unknown feed format.')); } } public function processAtomFeed(DOMElement $feed, $source) { $entries = $feed->getElementsByTagNameNS(Activity::ATOM, 'entry'); if ($entries->length == 0) { common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ": no entries in feed update, ignoring"); return; } for ($i = 0; $i < $entries->length; $i++) { $entry = $entries->item($i); $this->processEntry($entry, $feed, $source); } } public function processRssFeed(DOMElement $rss, $source) { $channels = $rss->getElementsByTagName('channel'); if ($channels->length == 0) { // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('RSS feed without a channel.')); } else if ($channels->length > 1) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, __METHOD__ . ": more than one channel in an RSS feed"); } $channel = $channels->item(0); $items = $channel->getElementsByTagName('item'); for ($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++) { $item = $items->item($i); $this->processEntry($item, $channel, $source); } } /** * Process a posted entry from this feed source. * * @param DOMElement $entry * @param DOMElement $feed for context * @param string $source identifier ("push" or "salmon") */ public function processEntry($entry, $feed, $source) { $activity = new Activity($entry, $feed); if (Event::handle('StartHandleFeedEntryWithProfile', array($activity, $this)) && Event::handle('StartHandleFeedEntry', array($activity))) { // @todo process all activity objects switch ($activity->objects[0]->type) { case ActivityObject::ARTICLE: case ActivityObject::BLOGENTRY: case ActivityObject::NOTE: case ActivityObject::STATUS: case ActivityObject::COMMENT: case null: if ($activity->verb == ActivityVerb::POST) { $this->processPost($activity, $source); } else { common_log(LOG_INFO, "Ignoring activity with unrecognized verb $activity->verb"); } break; default: // TRANS: Client exception. throw new ClientException(_m('Cannot handle that kind of post.')); } Event::handle('EndHandleFeedEntry', array($activity)); Event::handle('EndHandleFeedEntryWithProfile', array($activity, $this)); } } /** * Process an incoming post activity from this remote feed. * @param Activity $activity * @param string $method 'push' or 'salmon' * @return mixed saved Notice or false * @fixme break up this function, it's getting nasty long */ public function processPost($activity, $method) { $oprofile = $this->checkAuthorship($activity); if (empty($oprofile)) { return false; } // It's not always an ActivityObject::NOTE, but... let's just say it is. $note = $activity->objects[0]; // The id URI will be used as a unique identifier for for the notice, // protecting against duplicate saves. It isn't required to be a URL; // tag: URIs for instance are found in Google Buzz feeds. $sourceUri = $note->id; $dupe = Notice::staticGet('uri', $sourceUri); if ($dupe) { common_log(LOG_INFO, "OStatus: ignoring duplicate post: $sourceUri"); return false; } // We'll also want to save a web link to the original notice, if provided. $sourceUrl = null; if ($note->link) { $sourceUrl = $note->link; } else if ($activity->link) { $sourceUrl = $activity->link; } else if (preg_match('!^https?://!', $note->id)) { $sourceUrl = $note->id; } // Use summary as fallback for content if (!empty($note->content)) { $sourceContent = $note->content; } else if (!empty($note->summary)) { $sourceContent = $note->summary; } else if (!empty($note->title)) { $sourceContent = $note->title; } else { // @fixme fetch from $sourceUrl? // TRANS: Client exception. %s is a source URI. throw new ClientException(sprintf(_m('No content for notice %s.'),$sourceUri)); } // Get (safe!) HTML and text versions of the content $rendered = $this->purify($sourceContent); $content = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($rendered), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $shortened = common_shorten_links($content); // If it's too long, try using the summary, and make the // HTML an attachment. $attachment = null; if (Notice::contentTooLong($shortened)) { $attachment = $this->saveHTMLFile($note->title, $rendered); $summary = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($note->summary), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if (empty($summary)) { $summary = $content; } $shortSummary = common_shorten_links($summary); if (Notice::contentTooLong($shortSummary)) { $url = common_shorten_url($sourceUrl); $shortSummary = substr($shortSummary, 0, Notice::maxContent() - (mb_strlen($url) + 2)); $content = $shortSummary . ' ' . $url; // We mark up the attachment link specially for the HTML output // so we can fold-out the full version inline. // @todo FIXME i18n: This tooltip will be saved with the site's default language // TRANS: Shown when a notice is longer than supported and/or when attachments are present. At runtime // TRANS: this will usually be replaced with localised text from StatusNet core messages. $showMoreText = _m('Show more'); $attachUrl = common_local_url('attachment', array('attachment' => $attachment->id)); $rendered = common_render_text($shortSummary) . '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($attachUrl) .'"'. ' class="attachment more"' . ' title="'. htmlspecialchars($showMoreText) . '">' . '…' . '</a>'; } } $options = array('is_local' => Notice::REMOTE_OMB, 'url' => $sourceUrl, 'uri' => $sourceUri, 'rendered' => $rendered, 'replies' => array(), 'groups' => array(), 'peopletags' => array(), 'tags' => array(), 'urls' => array()); // Check for optional attributes... if (!empty($activity->time)) { $options['created'] = common_sql_date($activity->time); } if ($activity->context) { // Any individual or group attn: targets? $replies = $activity->context->attention; $options['groups'] = $this->filterReplies($oprofile, $replies); $options['replies'] = $replies; // Maintain direct reply associations // @fixme what about conversation ID? if (!empty($activity->context->replyToID)) { $orig = Notice::staticGet('uri', $activity->context->replyToID); if (!empty($orig)) { $options['reply_to'] = $orig->id; } } $location = $activity->context->location; if ($location) { $options['lat'] = $location->lat; $options['lon'] = $location->lon; if ($location->location_id) { $options['location_ns'] = $location->location_ns; $options['location_id'] = $location->location_id; } } } if ($this->isPeopletag()) { $options['peopletags'][] = $this->localPeopletag(); } // Atom categories <-> hashtags foreach ($activity->categories as $cat) { if ($cat->term) { $term = common_canonical_tag($cat->term); if ($term) { $options['tags'][] = $term; } } } // Atom enclosures -> attachment URLs foreach ($activity->enclosures as $href) { // @fixme save these locally or....? $options['urls'][] = $href; } try { $saved = Notice::saveNew($oprofile->profile_id, $content, 'ostatus', $options); if ($saved) { Ostatus_source::saveNew($saved, $this, $method); if (!empty($attachment)) { File_to_post::processNew($attachment->id, $saved->id); } } } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "OStatus save of remote message $sourceUri failed: " . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } common_log(LOG_INFO, "OStatus saved remote message $sourceUri as notice id $saved->id"); return $saved; } /** * Clean up HTML */ protected function purify($html) { require_once INSTALLDIR.'/extlib/htmLawed/htmLawed.php'; $config = array('safe' => 1, 'deny_attribute' => 'id,style,on*'); return htmLawed($html, $config); } /** * Filters a list of recipient ID URIs to just those for local delivery. * @param Ostatus_profile local profile of sender * @param array in/out &$attention_uris set of URIs, will be pruned on output * @return array of group IDs */ protected function filterReplies($sender, &$attention_uris) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Original reply recipients: " . implode(', ', $attention_uris)); $groups = array(); $replies = array(); foreach (array_unique($attention_uris) as $recipient) { // Is the recipient a local user? $user = User::staticGet('uri', $recipient); if ($user) { // @fixme sender verification, spam etc? $replies[] = $recipient; continue; } // Is the recipient a local group? // $group = User_group::staticGet('uri', $recipient); $id = OStatusPlugin::localGroupFromUrl($recipient); if ($id) { $group = User_group::staticGet('id', $id); if ($group) { // Deliver to all members of this local group if allowed. $profile = $sender->localProfile(); if ($profile->isMember($group)) { $groups[] = $group->id; } else { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Skipping reply to local group $group->nickname as sender $profile->id is not a member"); } continue; } else { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Skipping reply to bogus group $recipient"); } } // Is the recipient a remote user or group? try { $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURI($recipient); if ($oprofile->isGroup()) { // Deliver to local members of this remote group. // @fixme sender verification? $groups[] = $oprofile->group_id; } else { // may be canonicalized or something $replies[] = $oprofile->uri; } continue; } catch (Exception $e) { // Neither a recognizable local nor remote user! common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Skipping reply to unrecognized profile $recipient: " . $e->getMessage()); } } $attention_uris = $replies; common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Local reply recipients: " . implode(', ', $replies)); common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Local group recipients: " . implode(', ', $groups)); return $groups; } /** * Look up and if necessary create an Ostatus_profile for the remote entity * with the given profile page URL. This should never return null -- you * will either get an object or an exception will be thrown. * * @param string $profile_url * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception on various error conditions * @throws OStatusShadowException if this reference would obscure a local user/group */ public static function ensureProfileURL($profile_url, $hints=array()) { $oprofile = self::getFromProfileURL($profile_url); if (!empty($oprofile)) { return $oprofile; } $hints['profileurl'] = $profile_url; // Fetch the URL // XXX: HTTP caching $client = new HTTPClient(); $client->setHeader('Accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml'); $response = $client->get($profile_url); if (!$response->isOk()) { // TRANS: Exception. %s is a profile URL. throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not reach profile page %s.'),$profile_url)); } // Check if we have a non-canonical URL $finalUrl = $response->getUrl(); if ($finalUrl != $profile_url) { $hints['profileurl'] = $finalUrl; $oprofile = self::getFromProfileURL($finalUrl); if (!empty($oprofile)) { return $oprofile; } } // Try to get some hCard data $body = $response->getBody(); $hcardHints = DiscoveryHints::hcardHints($body, $finalUrl); if (!empty($hcardHints)) { $hints = array_merge($hints, $hcardHints); } // Check if they've got an LRDD header $lrdd = LinkHeader::getLink($response, 'lrdd', 'application/xrd+xml'); if (!empty($lrdd)) { $xrd = Discovery::fetchXrd($lrdd); $xrdHints = DiscoveryHints::fromXRD($xrd); $hints = array_merge($hints, $xrdHints); } // If discovery found a feedurl (probably from LRDD), use it. if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) { return self::ensureFeedURL($hints['feedurl'], $hints); } // Get the feed URL from HTML $discover = new FeedDiscovery(); $feedurl = $discover->discoverFromHTML($finalUrl, $body); if (!empty($feedurl)) { $hints['feedurl'] = $feedurl; return self::ensureFeedURL($feedurl, $hints); } // TRANS: Exception. %s is a URL. throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not find a feed URL for profile page %s.'),$finalUrl)); } /** * Look up the Ostatus_profile, if present, for a remote entity with the * given profile page URL. Will return null for both unknown and invalid * remote profiles. * * @return mixed Ostatus_profile or null * @throws OStatusShadowException for local profiles */ static function getFromProfileURL($profile_url) { $profile = Profile::staticGet('profileurl', $profile_url); if (empty($profile)) { return null; } // Is it a known Ostatus profile? $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::staticGet('profile_id', $profile->id); if (!empty($oprofile)) { return $oprofile; } // Is it a local user? $user = User::staticGet('id', $profile->id); if (!empty($user)) { // @todo i18n FIXME: use sprintf and add i18n (?) throw new OStatusShadowException($profile, "'$profile_url' is the profile for local user '{$user->nickname}'."); } // Continue discovery; it's a remote profile // for OMB or some other protocol, may also // support OStatus return null; } /** * Look up and if necessary create an Ostatus_profile for remote entity * with the given update feed. This should never return null -- you will * either get an object or an exception will be thrown. * * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception */ public static function ensureFeedURL($feed_url, $hints=array()) { $discover = new FeedDiscovery(); $feeduri = $discover->discoverFromFeedURL($feed_url); $hints['feedurl'] = $feeduri; $huburi = $discover->getHubLink(); $hints['hub'] = $huburi; $salmonuri = $discover->getAtomLink(Salmon::NS_REPLIES); $hints['salmon'] = $salmonuri; if (!$huburi && !common_config('feedsub', 'fallback_hub')) { // We can only deal with folks with a PuSH hub throw new FeedSubNoHubException(); } $feedEl = $discover->root; if ($feedEl->tagName == 'feed') { return self::ensureAtomFeed($feedEl, $hints); } else if ($feedEl->tagName == 'channel') { return self::ensureRssChannel($feedEl, $hints); } else { throw new FeedSubBadXmlException($feeduri); } } /** * Look up and, if necessary, create an Ostatus_profile for the remote * profile with the given Atom feed - actually loaded from the feed. * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or * an exception will be thrown. * * @param DOMElement $feedEl root element of a loaded Atom feed * @param array $hints additional discovery information passed from higher levels * @fixme should this be marked public? * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception */ public static function ensureAtomFeed($feedEl, $hints) { $author = ActivityUtils::getFeedAuthor($feedEl); if (empty($author)) { // XXX: make some educated guesses here // TRANS: Feed sub exception. throw new FeedSubException(_m('Cannot find enough profile '. 'information to make a feed.')); } return self::ensureActivityObjectProfile($author, $hints); } /** * Look up and, if necessary, create an Ostatus_profile for the remote * profile with the given RSS feed - actually loaded from the feed. * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or * an exception will be thrown. * * @param DOMElement $feedEl root element of a loaded RSS feed * @param array $hints additional discovery information passed from higher levels * @fixme should this be marked public? * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception */ public static function ensureRssChannel($feedEl, $hints) { // Special-case for Posterous. They have some nice metadata in their // posterous:author elements. We should use them instead of the channel. $items = $feedEl->getElementsByTagName('item'); if ($items->length > 0) { $item = $items->item(0); $authorEl = ActivityUtils::child($item, ActivityObject::AUTHOR, ActivityObject::POSTEROUS); if (!empty($authorEl)) { $obj = ActivityObject::fromPosterousAuthor($authorEl); // Posterous has multiple authors per feed, and multiple feeds // per author. We check if this is the "main" feed for this author. if (array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints) && !empty($obj->poco) && common_url_to_nickname($hints['profileurl']) == $obj->poco->preferredUsername) { return self::ensureActivityObjectProfile($obj, $hints); } } } // @fixme we should check whether this feed has elements // with different <author> or <dc:creator> elements, and... I dunno. // Do something about that. $obj = ActivityObject::fromRssChannel($feedEl); return self::ensureActivityObjectProfile($obj, $hints); } /** * Download and update given avatar image * * @param string $url * @throws Exception in various failure cases */ protected function updateAvatar($url) { if ($url == $this->avatar) { // We've already got this one. return; } if (!common_valid_http_url($url)) { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URL. throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Invalid avatar URL %s.'), $url)); } if ($this->isGroup()) { $self = $this->localGroup(); } else { $self = $this->localProfile(); } if (!$self) { throw new ServerException(sprintf( // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URI. _m('Tried to update avatar for unsaved remote profile %s.'), $this->uri)); } // @fixme this should be better encapsulated // ripped from oauthstore.php (for old OMB client) $temp_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'listener_avatar'); try { if (!copy($url, $temp_filename)) { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URL. throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Unable to fetch avatar from %s.'), $url)); } if ($this->isGroup()) { $id = $this->group_id; } else { $id = $this->profile_id; } // @fixme should we be using different ids? $imagefile = new ImageFile($id, $temp_filename); $filename = Avatar::filename($id, image_type_to_extension($imagefile->type), null, common_timestamp()); rename($temp_filename, Avatar::path($filename)); } catch (Exception $e) { unlink($temp_filename); throw $e; } // @fixme hardcoded chmod is lame, but seems to be necessary to // keep from accidentally saving images from command-line (queues) // that can't be read from web server, which causes hard-to-notice // problems later on: // // http://status.net/open-source/issues/2663 chmod(Avatar::path($filename), 0644); $profile = $this->localProfile(); if (!empty($profile)) { $profile->setOriginal($filename); } $orig = clone($this); $this->avatar = $url; $this->update($orig); } /** * Pull avatar URL from ActivityObject or profile hints * * @param ActivityObject $object * @param array $hints * @return mixed URL string or false */ public static function getActivityObjectAvatar($object, $hints=array()) { if ($object->avatarLinks) { $best = false; // Take the exact-size avatar, or the largest avatar, or the first avatar if all sizeless foreach ($object->avatarLinks as $avatar) { if ($avatar->width == AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE && $avatar->height = AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE) { // Exact match! $best = $avatar; break; } if (!$best || $avatar->width > $best->width) { $best = $avatar; } } return $best->url; } else if (array_key_exists('avatar', $hints)) { return $hints['avatar']; } return false; } /** * Get an appropriate avatar image source URL, if available. * * @param ActivityObject $actor * @param DOMElement $feed * @return string */ protected static function getAvatar($actor, $feed) { $url = ''; $icon = ''; if ($actor->avatar) { $url = trim($actor->avatar); } if (!$url) { // Check <atom:logo> and <atom:icon> on the feed $els = $feed->childNodes(); if ($els && $els->length) { for ($i = 0; $i < $els->length; $i++) { $el = $els->item($i); if ($el->namespaceURI == Activity::ATOM) { if (empty($url) && $el->localName == 'logo') { $url = trim($el->textContent); break; } if (empty($icon) && $el->localName == 'icon') { // Use as a fallback $icon = trim($el->textContent); } } } } if ($icon && !$url) { $url = $icon; } } if ($url) { $opts = array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')); if (Validate::uri($url, $opts)) { return $url; } } return Plugin::staticPath('OStatus', 'images/96px-Feed-icon.svg.png'); } /** * Fetch, or build if necessary, an Ostatus_profile for the actor * in a given Activity Streams activity. * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or * an exception will be thrown. * * @param Activity $activity * @param string $feeduri if we already know the canonical feed URI! * @param string $salmonuri if we already know the salmon return channel URI * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception */ public static function ensureActorProfile($activity, $hints=array()) { return self::ensureActivityObjectProfile($activity->actor, $hints); } /** * Fetch, or build if necessary, an Ostatus_profile for the profile * in a given Activity Streams object (can be subject, actor, or object). * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or * an exception will be thrown. * * @param ActivityObject $object * @param array $hints additional discovery information passed from higher levels * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception */ public static function ensureActivityObjectProfile($object, $hints=array()) { $profile = self::getActivityObjectProfile($object); if ($profile) { $profile->updateFromActivityObject($object, $hints); } else { $profile = self::createActivityObjectProfile($object, $hints); } return $profile; } /** * @param Activity $activity * @return mixed matching Ostatus_profile or false if none known * @throws ServerException if feed info invalid */ public static function getActorProfile($activity) { return self::getActivityObjectProfile($activity->actor); } /** * @param ActivityObject $activity * @return mixed matching Ostatus_profile or false if none known * @throws ServerException if feed info invalid */ protected static function getActivityObjectProfile($object) { $uri = self::getActivityObjectProfileURI($object); return Ostatus_profile::staticGet('uri', $uri); } /** * Get the identifier URI for the remote entity described * by this ActivityObject. This URI is *not* guaranteed to be * a resolvable HTTP/HTTPS URL. * * @param ActivityObject $object * @return string * @throws ServerException if feed info invalid */ protected static function getActivityObjectProfileURI($object) { if ($object->id) { if (ActivityUtils::validateUri($object->id)) { return $object->id; } } // If the id is missing or invalid (we've seen feeds mistakenly listing // things like local usernames in that field) then we'll use the profile // page link, if valid. if ($object->link && common_valid_http_url($object->link)) { return $object->link; } // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('No author ID URI found.')); } /** * @fixme validate stuff somewhere */ /** * Create local ostatus_profile and profile/user_group entries for * the provided remote user or group. * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or * an exception will be thrown. * * @param ActivityObject $object * @param array $hints * * @return Ostatus_profile */ protected static function createActivityObjectProfile($object, $hints=array()) { $homeuri = $object->id; $discover = false; if (!$homeuri) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, __METHOD__ . " empty actor profile URI: " . var_export($activity, true)); // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('No profile URI.')); } $user = User::staticGet('uri', $homeuri); if ($user) { // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Local user cannot be referenced as remote.')); } if (OStatusPlugin::localGroupFromUrl($homeuri)) { // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Local group cannot be referenced as remote.')); } $ptag = Profile_list::staticGet('uri', $homeuri); if ($ptag) { $local_user = User::staticGet('id', $ptag->tagger); if (!empty($local_user)) { // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Local list cannot be referenced as remote.')); } } if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) { $feeduri = $hints['feedurl']; } else { $discover = new FeedDiscovery(); $feeduri = $discover->discoverFromURL($homeuri); } if (array_key_exists('salmon', $hints)) { $salmonuri = $hints['salmon']; } else { if (!$discover) { $discover = new FeedDiscovery(); $discover->discoverFromFeedURL($hints['feedurl']); } $salmonuri = $discover->getAtomLink(Salmon::NS_REPLIES); } if (array_key_exists('hub', $hints)) { $huburi = $hints['hub']; } else { if (!$discover) { $discover = new FeedDiscovery(); $discover->discoverFromFeedURL($hints['feedurl']); } $huburi = $discover->getHubLink(); } if (!$huburi && !common_config('feedsub', 'fallback_hub')) { // We can only deal with folks with a PuSH hub throw new FeedSubNoHubException(); } $oprofile = new Ostatus_profile(); $oprofile->uri = $homeuri; $oprofile->feeduri = $feeduri; $oprofile->salmonuri = $salmonuri; $oprofile->created = common_sql_now(); $oprofile->modified = common_sql_now(); if ($object->type == ActivityObject::PERSON) { $profile = new Profile(); $profile->created = common_sql_now(); self::updateProfile($profile, $object, $hints); $oprofile->profile_id = $profile->insert(); if (!$oprofile->profile_id) { // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('Cannot save local profile.')); } } else if ($object->type == ActivityObject::GROUP) { $group = new User_group(); $group->uri = $homeuri; $group->created = common_sql_now(); self::updateGroup($group, $object, $hints); $oprofile->group_id = $group->insert(); if (!$oprofile->group_id) { // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('Cannot save local profile.')); } } else if ($object->type == ActivityObject::_LIST) { $ptag = new Profile_list(); $ptag->uri = $homeuri; $ptag->created = common_sql_now(); self::updatePeopletag($ptag, $object, $hints); $oprofile->peopletag_id = $ptag->insert(); if (!$oprofile->peopletag_id) { // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('Cannot save local list.')); } } $ok = $oprofile->insert(); if (!$ok) { // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('Cannot save OStatus profile.')); } $avatar = self::getActivityObjectAvatar($object, $hints); if ($avatar) { try { $oprofile->updateAvatar($avatar); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Profile is saved, but Avatar is messed up. We're // just going to continue. common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Exception saving OStatus profile avatar: ". $ex->getMessage()); } } return $oprofile; } /** * Save any updated profile information to our local copy. * @param ActivityObject $object * @param array $hints */ public function updateFromActivityObject($object, $hints=array()) { if ($this->isGroup()) { $group = $this->localGroup(); self::updateGroup($group, $object, $hints); } else if ($this->isPeopletag()) { $ptag = $this->localPeopletag(); self::updatePeopletag($ptag, $object, $hints); } else { $profile = $this->localProfile(); self::updateProfile($profile, $object, $hints); } $avatar = self::getActivityObjectAvatar($object, $hints); if ($avatar && !isset($ptag)) { try { $this->updateAvatar($avatar); } catch (Exception $ex) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Exception saving OStatus profile avatar: " . $ex->getMessage()); } } } public static function updateProfile($profile, $object, $hints=array()) { $orig = clone($profile); // Existing nickname is better than nothing. if (!array_key_exists('nickname', $hints)) { $hints['nickname'] = $profile->nickname; } $nickname = self::getActivityObjectNickname($object, $hints); if (!empty($nickname)) { $profile->nickname = $nickname; } if (!empty($object->title)) { $profile->fullname = $object->title; } else if (array_key_exists('fullname', $hints)) { $profile->fullname = $hints['fullname']; } if (!empty($object->link)) { $profile->profileurl = $object->link; } else if (array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints)) { $profile->profileurl = $hints['profileurl']; } else if (Validate::uri($object->id, array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')))) { $profile->profileurl = $object->id; } $bio = self::getActivityObjectBio($object, $hints); if (!empty($bio)) { $profile->bio = $bio; } $location = self::getActivityObjectLocation($object, $hints); if (!empty($location)) { $profile->location = $location; } $homepage = self::getActivityObjectHomepage($object, $hints); if (!empty($homepage)) { $profile->homepage = $homepage; } if (!empty($object->geopoint)) { $location = ActivityContext::locationFromPoint($object->geopoint); if (!empty($location)) { $profile->lat = $location->lat; $profile->lon = $location->lon; } } // @fixme tags/categories // @todo tags from categories if ($profile->id) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Updating OStatus profile $profile->id from remote info $object->id: " . var_export($object, true) . var_export($hints, true)); $profile->update($orig); } } protected static function updateGroup($group, $object, $hints=array()) { $orig = clone($group); $group->nickname = self::getActivityObjectNickname($object, $hints); $group->fullname = $object->title; if (!empty($object->link)) { $group->mainpage = $object->link; } else if (array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints)) { $group->mainpage = $hints['profileurl']; } // @todo tags from categories $group->description = self::getActivityObjectBio($object, $hints); $group->location = self::getActivityObjectLocation($object, $hints); $group->homepage = self::getActivityObjectHomepage($object, $hints); if ($group->id) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Updating OStatus group $group->id from remote info $object->id: " . var_export($object, true) . var_export($hints, true)); $group->update($orig); } } protected static function updatePeopletag($tag, $object, $hints=array()) { $orig = clone($tag); $tag->tag = $object->title; if (!empty($object->link)) { $tag->mainpage = $object->link; } else if (array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints)) { $tag->mainpage = $hints['profileurl']; } $tag->description = $object->summary; $tagger = self::ensureActivityObjectProfile($object->owner); $tag->tagger = $tagger->profile_id; if ($tag->id) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Updating OStatus peopletag $tag->id from remote info $object->id: " . var_export($object, true) . var_export($hints, true)); $tag->update($orig); } } protected static function getActivityObjectHomepage($object, $hints=array()) { $homepage = null; $poco = $object->poco; if (!empty($poco)) { $url = $poco->getPrimaryURL(); if ($url && $url->type == 'homepage') { $homepage = $url->value; } } // @todo Try for a another PoCo URL? return $homepage; } protected static function getActivityObjectLocation($object, $hints=array()) { $location = null; if (!empty($object->poco) && isset($object->poco->address->formatted)) { $location = $object->poco->address->formatted; } else if (array_key_exists('location', $hints)) { $location = $hints['location']; } if (!empty($location)) { if (mb_strlen($location) > 255) { $location = mb_substr($note, 0, 255 - 3) . ' … '; } } // @todo Try to find location some othe way? Via goerss point? return $location; } protected static function getActivityObjectBio($object, $hints=array()) { $bio = null; if (!empty($object->poco)) { $note = $object->poco->note; } else if (array_key_exists('bio', $hints)) { $note = $hints['bio']; } if (!empty($note)) { if (Profile::bioTooLong($note)) { // XXX: truncate ok? $bio = mb_substr($note, 0, Profile::maxBio() - 3) . ' … '; } else { $bio = $note; } } // @todo Try to get bio info some other way? return $bio; } public static function getActivityObjectNickname($object, $hints=array()) { if ($object->poco) { if (!empty($object->poco->preferredUsername)) { return common_nicknamize($object->poco->preferredUsername); } } if (!empty($object->nickname)) { return common_nicknamize($object->nickname); } if (array_key_exists('nickname', $hints)) { return $hints['nickname']; } // Try the profile url (like foo.example.com or example.com/user/foo) if (!empty($object->link)) { $profileUrl = $object->link; } else if (!empty($hints['profileurl'])) { $profileUrl = $hints['profileurl']; } if (!empty($profileUrl)) { $nickname = self::nicknameFromURI($profileUrl); } // Try the URI (may be a tag:, http:, acct:, ... if (empty($nickname)) { $nickname = self::nicknameFromURI($object->id); } // Try a Webfinger if one was passed (way) down if (empty($nickname)) { if (array_key_exists('webfinger', $hints)) { $nickname = self::nicknameFromURI($hints['webfinger']); } } // Try the name if (empty($nickname)) { $nickname = common_nicknamize($object->title); } return $nickname; } protected static function nicknameFromURI($uri) { if (preg_match('/(\w+):/', $uri, $matches)) { $protocol = $matches[1]; } else { return null; } switch ($protocol) { case 'acct': case 'mailto': if (preg_match("/^$protocol:(.*)?@.*\$/", $uri, $matches)) { return common_canonical_nickname($matches[1]); } return null; case 'http': return common_url_to_nickname($uri); break; default: return null; } } /** * Look up, and if necessary create, an Ostatus_profile for the remote * entity with the given webfinger address. * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or * an exception will be thrown. * * @param string $addr webfinger address * @return Ostatus_profile * @throws Exception on error conditions * @throws OStatusShadowException if this reference would obscure a local user/group */ public static function ensureWebfinger($addr) { // First, try the cache $uri = self::cacheGet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr)); if ($uri !== false) { if (is_null($uri)) { // Negative cache entry // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Not a valid webfinger address.')); } $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::staticGet('uri', $uri); if (!empty($oprofile)) { return $oprofile; } } // Try looking it up $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::staticGet('uri', 'acct:'.$addr); if (!empty($oprofile)) { self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->uri); return $oprofile; } // Now, try some discovery $disco = new Discovery(); try { $xrd = $disco->lookup($addr); } catch (Exception $e) { // Save negative cache entry so we don't waste time looking it up again. // @fixme distinguish temporary failures? self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), null); // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Not a valid webfinger address.')); } $hints = array('webfinger' => $addr); $dhints = DiscoveryHints::fromXRD($xrd); $hints = array_merge($hints, $dhints); // If there's an Hcard, let's grab its info if (array_key_exists('hcard', $hints)) { if (!array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints) || $hints['hcard'] != $hints['profileurl']) { $hcardHints = DiscoveryHints::fromHcardUrl($hints['hcard']); $hints = array_merge($hcardHints, $hints); } } // If we got a feed URL, try that if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) { try { common_log(LOG_INFO, "Discovery on acct:$addr with feed URL " . $hints['feedurl']); $oprofile = self::ensureFeedURL($hints['feedurl'], $hints); self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->uri); return $oprofile; } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed creating profile from feed URL '$feedUrl': " . $e->getMessage()); // keep looking } } // If we got a profile page, try that! if (array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints)) { try { common_log(LOG_INFO, "Discovery on acct:$addr with profile URL $profileUrl"); $oprofile = self::ensureProfileURL($hints['profileurl'], $hints); self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->uri); return $oprofile; } catch (OStatusShadowException $e) { // We've ended up with a remote reference to a local user or group. // @fixme ideally we should be able to say who it was so we can // go back and refer to it the regular way throw $e; } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed creating profile from profile URL '$profileUrl': " . $e->getMessage()); // keep looking // // @fixme this means an error discovering from profile page // may give us a corrupt entry using the webfinger URI, which // will obscure the correct page-keyed profile later on. } } // XXX: try hcard // XXX: try FOAF if (array_key_exists('salmon', $hints)) { $salmonEndpoint = $hints['salmon']; // An account URL, a salmon endpoint, and a dream? Not much to go // on, but let's give it a try $uri = 'acct:'.$addr; $profile = new Profile(); $profile->nickname = self::nicknameFromUri($uri); $profile->created = common_sql_now(); if (isset($profileUrl)) { $profile->profileurl = $profileUrl; } $profile_id = $profile->insert(); if (!$profile_id) { common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__); // TRANS: Exception. %s is a webfinger address. throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not save profile for "%s".'),$addr)); } $oprofile = new Ostatus_profile(); $oprofile->uri = $uri; $oprofile->salmonuri = $salmonEndpoint; $oprofile->profile_id = $profile_id; $oprofile->created = common_sql_now(); if (isset($feedUrl)) { $profile->feeduri = $feedUrl; } $result = $oprofile->insert(); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($oprofile, 'INSERT', __FILE__); // TRANS: Exception. %s is a webfinger address. throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not save OStatus profile for "%s".'),$addr)); } self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->uri); return $oprofile; } // TRANS: Exception. %s is a webfinger address. throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not find a valid profile for "%s".'),$addr)); } /** * Store the full-length scrubbed HTML of a remote notice to an attachment * file on our server. We'll link to this at the end of the cropped version. * * @param string $title plaintext for HTML page's title * @param string $rendered HTML fragment for HTML page's body * @return File */ function saveHTMLFile($title, $rendered) { $final = sprintf("<!DOCTYPE html>\n" . '<html><head>' . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">' . '<title>%s</title>' . '</head>' . '<body>%s</body></html>', htmlspecialchars($title), $rendered); $filename = File::filename($this->localProfile(), 'ostatus', // ignored? 'text/html'); $filepath = File::path($filename); file_put_contents($filepath, $final); $file = new File; $file->filename = $filename; $file->url = File::url($filename); $file->size = filesize($filepath); $file->date = time(); $file->mimetype = 'text/html'; $file_id = $file->insert(); if ($file_id === false) { common_log_db_error($file, "INSERT", __FILE__); // TRANS: Server exception. throw new ServerException(_m('Could not store HTML content of long post as file.')); } return $file; } static function ensureProfileURI($uri) { $oprofile = null; // First, try to query it $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::staticGet('uri', $uri); // If unfound, do discovery stuff if (empty($oprofile)) { if (preg_match("/^(\w+)\:(.*)/", $uri, $match)) { $protocol = $match[1]; switch ($protocol) { case 'http': case 'https': $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureProfileURL($uri); break; case 'acct': case 'mailto': $rest = $match[2]; $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureWebfinger($rest); break; default: // TRANS: Server exception. // TRANS: %1$s is a protocol, %2$s is a URI. throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('Unrecognized URI protocol for profile: %1$s (%2$s).'), $protocol, $uri)); break; } } else { // TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URI. throw new ServerException(sprintf(_m('No URI protocol for profile: %s.'),$uri)); } } return $oprofile; } function checkAuthorship($activity) { if ($this->isGroup() || $this->isPeopletag()) { // A group or propletag feed will contain posts from multiple authors. $oprofile = self::ensureActorProfile($activity); if ($oprofile->isGroup() || $oprofile->isPeopletag()) { // Groups can't post notices in StatusNet. common_log(LOG_WARNING, "OStatus: skipping post with group listed ". "as author: $oprofile->uri in feed from $this->uri"); return false; } } else { $actor = $activity->actor; if (empty($actor)) { // OK here! assume the default } else if ($actor->id == $this->uri || $actor->link == $this->uri) { $this->updateFromActivityObject($actor); } else if ($actor->id) { // We have an ActivityStreams actor with an explicit ID that doesn't match the feed owner. // This isn't what we expect from mainline OStatus person feeds! // Group feeds go down another path, with different validation... // Most likely this is a plain ol' blog feed of some kind which // doesn't match our expectations. We'll take the entry, but ignore // the <author> info. common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Got an actor '{$actor->title}' ({$actor->id}) on single-user feed for {$this->uri}"); } else { // Plain <author> without ActivityStreams actor info. // We'll just ignore this info for now and save the update under the feed's identity. } $oprofile = $this; } return $oprofile; } } /** * Exception indicating we've got a remote reference to a local user, * not a remote user! * * If we can ue a local profile after all, it's available as $e->profile. */ class OStatusShadowException extends Exception { public $profile; /** * @param Profile $profile * @param string $message */ function __construct($profile, $message) { $this->profile = $profile; parent::__construct($message); } }