
 * Tests for the KVForm module.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: See the COPYING file included in this distribution.
 * @package OpenID
 * @author JanRain, Inc. <openid@janrain.com>
 * @copyright 2005-2008 Janrain, Inc.
 * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache

require_once 'Auth/OpenID/KVForm.php';

global $_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors;
$_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors = null;

 * Keep a list of the logged errors
function Tests_Auth_OpenID_kvHandleError($errno, $errmsg)
    global $_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors;
    $_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors[] = $errmsg;

class Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
    var $errs;

    function runTest()
        // Re-set the number of logged errors
        global $_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors;
        $_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors = array();



        // Check to make sure we have the expected number of logged errors
        //$this->assertEquals($this->errs, count($_Tests_Auth_OpenID_kverrors));


    function _runTest()
        trigger_error('Must be overridden', E_USER_ERROR);

class Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase_Parse
extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase {
    function Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase_Parse(
        $arr, $str, $lossy, $errs)

        $this->arr = $arr;
        $this->str = $str;
        $this->lossy = $lossy;
        $this->errs = $errs;

    function _runTest()
        // Do one parse, after which arrayToKV and kvToArray should be
        // inverses.
        $parsed1 = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::toArray($this->str);
        $serial1 = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::fromArray($this->arr);

        if ($this->lossy == "neither" || $this->lossy == "str") {
            $this->assertEquals($this->arr, $parsed1, "str was lossy");

        if ($this->lossy == "neither" || $this->lossy == "arr") {
            $this->assertEquals($this->str, $serial1, "array was lossy");

        $parsed2 = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::toArray($serial1);
        $serial2 = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::fromArray($parsed1);

        // Round-trip both
        $parsed3 = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::toArray($serial2);
        $serial3 = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::fromArray($parsed2);

        $this->assertEquals($serial2, $serial3, "serialized forms differ");

        // Check to make sure that they're inverses.
        $this->assertEquals($parsed2, $parsed3, "parsed forms differ");


class Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase_Null
extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase {
    function Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase_Null($arr, $errs)
        $this->arr = $arr;
        $this->errs = $errs;

    function _runTest()
        $serialized = Auth_OpenID_KVForm::fromArray($this->arr);
        $this->assertTrue($serialized === null,
                          'serialization unexpectedly succeeded');

class Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite {
    function Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm($name)
        $testdata_list = array(
            array("name" => "simple",
                  "str" => "college:harvey mudd\n",
                  "arr" => array("college" => "harvey mudd"),
            array("name" => "empty",
                  "str" => "",
                  "arr" => array(),
            array("name" => "empty (just newline)",
                  "str" => "\n",
                  "arr" => array(),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "empty (double newline)",
                  "str" => "\n\n",
                  "arr" => array(),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 2,
            array("name" => "empty (no colon)",
                  "str" => "East is least\n",
                  "arr" => array(),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "two keys",
                  "str" => "city:claremont\nstate:CA\n",
                  "arr" => array('city' => 'claremont',
                                 'state' => 'CA'),
            array("name" => "real life",
                  "str" => "is_valid:true\ninvalidate_handle:" .
                  "arr" => array('is_valid' => 'true',
                                 'invalidate_handle' =>
            array("name" => "empty key and value",
                  "str" => ":\n",
                  "arr" => array(''=>''),
            array("name" => "empty key, not value",
                  "str" => ":missing key\n",
                  "arr" => array(''=>'missing key'),
            array("name" => "whitespace at front of key",
                  "str" => " street:foothill blvd\n",
                  "arr" => array('street'=>'foothill blvd'),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "whitespace at front of value",
                  "str" => "major: computer science\n",
                  "arr" => array('major'=>'computer science'),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "whitespace around key and value",
                  "str" => " dorm : east \n",
                  "arr" => array('dorm'=>'east'),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 2,
            array("name" => "missing trailing newline",
                  "str" => "e^(i*pi)+1:0",
                  "arr" => array('e^(i*pi)+1'=>'0'),
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "missing trailing newline (two key)",
                  "str" => "east:west\nnorth:south",
                  "arr" => array('east'=>'west',
                  "lossy" => "str",
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "colon in key",
                  "arr" => array("k:k" => 'v'),
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "newline in key",
                  "arr" => array("k\nk" => 'v'),
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "newline in value",
                  "arr" => array('k' => "v\nv"),
                  "errors" => 1,
            array("name" => "array whitespace",
                  "arr" => array(" k " => "v"),
                  "lossy" => "both",
                  "str" => " k :v\n",
                  "errors" => 2,
            array("name" => "array ordering 1",
                  "arr" => array("a" => "x",
                                 "b" => "x",
                                 "c" => "x"),
                  "str" => "a:x\nb:x\nc:x\n",
            array("name" => "array ordering 2",
                  "arr" => array("a" => "x",
                                 "c" => "x",
                                 "b" => "x"),
                  "str" => "a:x\nc:x\nb:x\n",

        foreach ($testdata_list as $testdata) {
            if (isset($testdata['str'])) {
                $str = $testdata['str'];
            } else {
                $str = null;

            $arr = $testdata["arr"];

            if (isset($testdata['errors'])) {
                $errs = $testdata["errors"];
            } else {
                $errs = 0;

            if (is_null($str)) {
                $test = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase_Null($arr, $errs);
            } else {
                if (isset($testdata['lossy'])) {
                    $lossy = $testdata["lossy"];
                } else {
                    $lossy = 'neither';
                $test = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_KVForm_TestCase_Parse(
                    $arr, $str, $lossy, $errs);