. // }}} namespace App\Core; use Functional as F; use Redis; use RedisCluster; use SplFixedArray; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ChainAdapter; abstract class Cache { protected static $pools; protected static $redis; private static string $ENV_VAR = 'SOCIAL_CACHE_ADAPTER'; /** * Configure a cache pool, with adapters taken from `ENV_VAR`. * We may want multiple of these in the future, but for now it seems * unnecessary */ public static function setupCache() { if (!isset($_ENV[self::$ENV_VAR])) { die("A cache adapter is needed in the environment variable {$ENV_VAR}"); } self::$pools = []; self::$redis = []; $adapters = []; foreach (explode(';', $_ENV[self::$ENV_VAR]) as $a) { list($pool, $val) = explode('=', $a); self::$pools[$pool] = []; self::$redis[$pool] = []; foreach (explode(',', $val) as $dsn) { list($scheme, $rest) = explode('://', $dsn); $partial_to_dsn = function ($r) use ($scheme) { return $scheme . '://' . $r; }; switch ($scheme) { case 'redis': // Redis can have multiple servers, but we want to take proper advantage of // redis, not just as a key value store, but using it's datastructures $dsns = explode(',', $rest); if (count($dsns) === 1) { $class = Redis::class; $r = new Redis(); if ($rest[0] != '/' && strstr($rest, ':') != false) { list($host, $port) = explode(':', $rest); $r->pconnect($host, $port); } else { $r->pconnect($rest); } } else { $class = RedisCluster::class; // true for persistent connection $r = new RedisCluster(null, $dsns, null, null, true); // Distribute reads randomly $r->setOption($class::OPT_SLAVE_FAILOVER, $class::FAILOVER_DISTRIBUTE); } // Improved serializer $r->setOption($class::OPT_SERIALIZER, $class::SERIALIZER_MSGPACK); // Persistent connection $r->setOption($class::OPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, true); // Use LZ4 for the improved decompression speed (while keeping an okay compression ratio) $r->setOption($class::OPT_COMPRESSION, $class::COMPRESSION_LZ4); self::$redis[$pool] = $r; $adapters[$pool][] = new Adapter\RedisAdapter($r); break; case 'memcached': // memcached can also have multiple servers $dsns = F\map(explode(',', $rest), $partial_to_dsn); $adapters[$pool][] = new Adapter\MemcachedAdapter($dsns); break; case 'filesystem': $adapters[$pool][] = new Adapter\FilesystemAdapter($rest); break; case 'apcu': $adapters[$pool][] = new Adapter\ApcuAdapter(); break; case 'opcache': $adapters[$pool][] = new Adapter\PhpArrayAdapter($rest, new FilesystemAdapter($rest . '.fallback')); break; case 'doctrine': $adapters[$pool][] = new Adapter\PdoAdapter($dsn); break; default: Log::error("Unknown or discouraged cache scheme '{$scheme}'"); return; } } if (count($adapters[$pool]) === 1) { self::$pools[$pool] = array_pop($adapters[$pool]); } else { self::$pools[$pool] = new ChainAdapter($adapters); } } } public static function set(string $key, mixed $value, string $pool = 'default') { // there's no set method, must be done this way return self::$pools[$pool]->get($key, function ($i) use ($value) { return $value; }, INF); } public static function get(string $key, callable $calculate, string $pool = 'default', float $beta = 1.0) { return self::$pools[$pool]->get($key, $calculate, $beta); } public static function delete(string $key, string $pool = 'default'): bool { return self::$pools[$pool]->delete($key); } public static function getList(string $key, callable $calculate, string $pool = 'default', int $max_count = -1, float $beta = 1.0): array { if (isset(self::$redis[$pool])) { if (!($recompute = $beta === INF || !(self::$redis[$pool]->exists($key)))) { if (!($_ENV['REDIS_CACHE_USE_EXPONENTIAL_UPDATE'] ?? false)) { $recompute = (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() > ((float) ($_ENV['REDIS_CACHE_RANDOM_UPDATE'] ?? 0.95))); Log::info('Item "{key}" elected for early recomputation', ['key' => $key]); } else { if ($recompute = ($idletime = self::$redis[$pool]->object('idletime', $key) ?? false) && ($expiry = self::$redis[$pool]->ttl($key) ?? false) && $expiry <= $idletime / 1000 * $beta * log(random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX) / PHP_INT_MAX)) { Log::info('Item "{key}" elected for early recomputation {delta}s before its expiration', [ 'key' => $key, 'delta' => sprintf('%.1f', $expiry - microtime(true)), ]); } } } if ($recompute) { $save = true; $res = $calculate(null, $save); if ($save) { self::$redis[$pool]->del($key); self::$redis[$pool]->lPush($key, ...$res); } } return self::$redis[$pool]->lRange($key, 0, $max_count); } else { $keys = self::getKeyList($key, $max_count, $beta); $list = new SplFixedArray($keys->count()); foreach ($keys as $k) { $list[] = self::get($k, $calculate, $pool, $beta); } return $list->toArray(); } } public static function pushList(string $key, mixed $value, string $pool = 'default', int $max_count = 64, float $beta = 1.0): void { if (isset(self::$redis[$pool])) { self::$redis[$pool] // doesn't need to be atomic, adding at one end, deleting at the other ->multi(Redis::PIPELINE) ->lPush($key, $value) // trim to $max_count, unless it's 0 ->lTrim($key, 0, $max_count != 0 ? $max_count : -1) ->exec(); } else { $keys = self::getKeyList($key, $max_count, $beta); $vkey = $key . ':' . count($keys); self::set($vkey, $value); $keys[] = $vkey; self::set($key, $keys); } } public static function deleteList(string $key, string $pool = 'default'): bool { if (isset(self::$redis[$pool])) { return self::$redis[$pool]->del($key) == 1; } else { $keys = self::getKeyList($key, $max_count, $beta); if (!F\every($keys, function ($k) use ($pool) { return self::delete($k, $pool); })) { Log::warning("Some element of the list associated with {$key} was not deleted. There may be some memory leakage in the cache process"); } return self::delete($key, $pool); } } private static function getKeyList(string $key, int $max_count, string $pool, float $beta): RingBuffer { // Get the current keys associated with a list. If the cache // is not primed, the function is called and returns an empty // ring buffer return self::get($key, function (ItemInterface $i) use ($max_count) { return new RingBuffer($max_count); }, $pool, $beta); } }