* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use PhpCsFixer\Config; use PhpCsFixer\Finder; $finder = Finder::create() ->in([ __DIR__.'/src', __DIR__.'/tests', ]) ->append([ __DIR__.'/.php_cs.dist', ]) ->exclude([ __DIR__.'/fixtures/Parser/files/php', ]) ; return Config::create() ->setRiskyAllowed(true) ->setRules([ '@PSR2' => true, 'blank_line_after_opening_tag' => true, 'blank_line_before_return' => true, 'cast_spaces' => true, 'combine_consecutive_unsets' => true, 'declare_equal_normalize' => true, 'declare_strict_types' => false, 'heredoc_to_nowdoc' => true, 'include' => true, 'header_comment' => [ 'location' => 'after_open', 'header' => <<<'LICENSE' This file is part of the Humbug package. (c) 2015 Pádraic Brady For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. LICENSE ], 'lowercase_cast' => true, 'method_separation' => true, 'modernize_types_casting' => true, 'native_function_casing' => true, 'new_with_braces' => true, 'no_blank_lines_after_class_opening' => true, 'no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc' => true, 'no_empty_comment' => true, 'no_empty_phpdoc' => true, 'no_empty_statement' => true, 'no_leading_import_slash' => true, 'no_leading_namespace_whitespace' => true, 'no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow' => true, 'no_short_bool_cast' => true, 'no_spaces_around_offset' => true, 'no_unused_imports' => true, 'ordered_imports' => true, 'phpdoc_order' => true, 'phpdoc_scalar' => true, 'phpdoc_separation' => true, 'phpdoc_trim' => true, 'php_unit_fqcn_annotation' => true, 'php_unit_test_class_requires_covers' => true, 'single_quote' => true, 'space_after_semicolon' => true, 'standardize_not_equals' => true, 'trim_array_spaces' => true, 'whitespace_after_comma_in_array' => true, ]) ->setFinder($finder) ;