#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * StatusNet - a distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); $shortoptions = 'x::'; $longoptions = array('extensions='); $helptext = <<<END_OF_UPGRADE_HELP php upgrade.php [options] Upgrade database schema and data to latest software END_OF_UPGRADE_HELP; require_once INSTALLDIR.'/scripts/commandline.inc'; function main() { if (Event::handle('StartUpgrade')) { updateSchemaCore(); updateSchemaPlugins(); // These replace old "fixup_*" scripts fixupNoticeRendered(); fixupNoticeConversation(); initConversation(); initInbox(); fixupGroupURI(); initLocalGroup(); initNoticeReshare(); initFaveURI(); initSubscriptionURI(); initGroupMemberURI(); initProfileLists(); Event::handle('EndUpgrade'); } } function tableDefs() { $schema = array(); require INSTALLDIR.'/db/core.php'; return $schema; } function updateSchemaCore() { printfnq("Upgrading core schema..."); $schema = Schema::get(); $schemaUpdater = new SchemaUpdater($schema); foreach (tableDefs() as $table => $def) { $schemaUpdater->register($table, $def); } $schemaUpdater->checkSchema(); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function updateSchemaPlugins() { printfnq("Upgrading plugin schema..."); Event::handle('CheckSchema'); printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupNoticeRendered() { printfnq("Ensuring all notices have rendered HTML..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->whereAdd('rendered IS NULL'); $notice->find(); while ($notice->fetch()) { $original = clone($notice); $notice->rendered = common_render_content($notice->content, $notice); $notice->update($original); } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupNoticeConversation() { printfnq("Ensuring all notices have a conversation ID..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->whereAdd('conversation is null'); $notice->orderBy('id'); // try to get originals before replies $notice->find(); while ($notice->fetch()) { try { $cid = null; $orig = clone($notice); if (empty($notice->reply_to)) { $notice->conversation = $notice->id; } else { $reply = Notice::staticGet('id', $notice->reply_to); if (empty($reply)) { $notice->conversation = $notice->id; } else if (empty($reply->conversation)) { $notice->conversation = $notice->id; } else { $notice->conversation = $reply->conversation; } unset($reply); $reply = null; } $result = $notice->update($orig); $orig = null; unset($orig); } catch (Exception $e) { printv("Error setting conversation: " . $e->getMessage()); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function fixupGroupURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all groups have an URI..."); $group = new User_group(); $group->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($group->find()) { while ($group->fetch()) { $orig = User_group::staticGet('id', $group->id); $group->uri = $group->getUri(); $group->update($orig); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initConversation() { printfnq("Ensuring all conversations have a row in conversation table..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->query('select distinct notice.conversation from notice '. 'where notice.conversation is not null '. 'and not exists (select conversation.id from conversation where id = notice.conversation)'); while ($notice->fetch()) { $id = $notice->conversation; $uri = common_local_url('conversation', array('id' => $id)); // @fixme db_dataobject won't save our value for an autoincrement // so we're bypassing the insert wrappers $conv = new Conversation(); $sql = "insert into conversation (id,uri,created) values(%d,'%s','%s')"; $sql = sprintf($sql, $id, $conv->escape($uri), $conv->escape(common_sql_now())); $conv->query($sql); } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initInbox() { printfnq("Ensuring all users have an inbox..."); $user = new User(); $user->whereAdd('not exists (select user_id from inbox where user_id = user.id)'); $user->orderBy('id'); if ($user->find()) { while ($user->fetch()) { try { $notice = new Notice(); $notice->selectAdd(); $notice->selectAdd('id'); $notice->joinAdd(array('profile_id', 'subscription:subscribed')); $notice->whereAdd('subscription.subscriber = ' . $user->id); $notice->whereAdd('notice.created >= subscription.created'); $ids = array(); if ($notice->find()) { while ($notice->fetch()) { $ids[] = $notice->id; } } $notice = null; $inbox = new Inbox(); $inbox->user_id = $user->id; $inbox->pack($ids); $inbox->insert(); } catch (Exception $e) { printv("Error initializing inbox: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initLocalGroup() { printfnq("Ensuring all local user groups have a local_group..."); $group = new User_group(); $group->whereAdd('NOT EXISTS (select group_id from local_group where group_id = user_group.id)'); $group->find(); while ($group->fetch()) { try { // Hack to check for local groups if ($group->getUri() == common_local_url('groupbyid', array('id' => $group->id))) { $lg = new Local_group(); $lg->group_id = $group->id; $lg->nickname = $group->nickname; $lg->created = $group->created; // XXX: common_sql_now() ? $lg->modified = $group->modified; $lg->insert(); } } catch (Exception $e) { printfv("Error initializing local group for {$group->nickname}:" . $e->getMessage()); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initNoticeReshare() { printfnq("Ensuring all reshares have the correct verb and object-type..."); $notice = new Notice(); $notice->whereAdd('repeat_of is not null'); $notice->whereAdd('(verb != "'.ActivityVerb::SHARE.'" OR object_type != "'.ActivityObject::ACTIVITY.'")'); if ($notice->find()) { while ($notice->fetch()) { try { $orig = Notice::staticGet('id', $notice->id); $notice->verb = ActivityVerb::SHARE; $notice->object_type = ActivityObject::ACTIVITY; $notice->update($orig); } catch (Exception $e) { printfv("Error updating verb and object_type for {$notice->id}:" . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initFaveURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all faves have a URI..."); $fave = new Fave(); $fave->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($fave->find()) { while ($fave->fetch()) { try { $fave->decache(); $fave->query(sprintf('update fave '. 'set uri = "%s", '. ' modified = "%s" '. 'where user_id = %d '. 'and notice_id = %d', Fave::newURI($fave->user_id, $fave->notice_id, $fave->modified), common_sql_date(strtotime($fave->modified)), $fave->user_id, $fave->notice_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error updated fave URI: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initSubscriptionURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all subscriptions have a URI..."); $sub = new Subscription(); $sub->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($sub->find()) { while ($sub->fetch()) { try { $sub->decache(); $sub->query(sprintf('update subscription '. 'set uri = "%s" '. 'where subscriber = %d '. 'and subscribed = %d', Subscription::newURI($sub->subscriber, $sub->subscribed, $sub->created), $sub->subscriber, $sub->subscribed)); } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error updated subscription URI: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initGroupMemberURI() { printfnq("Ensuring all group memberships have a URI..."); $mem = new Group_member(); $mem->whereAdd('uri IS NULL'); if ($mem->find()) { while ($mem->fetch()) { try { $mem->decache(); $mem->query(sprintf('update group_member set uri = "%s" '. 'where profile_id = %d ' . 'and group_id = %d ', Group_member::newURI($mem->profile_id, $mem->group_id, $mem->created), $mem->profile_id, $mem->group_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error updated membership URI: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } function initProfileLists() { printfnq("Ensuring all profile tags have a corresponding list..."); $ptag = new Profile_tag(); $ptag->selectAdd(); $ptag->selectAdd('tagger, tag, count(*) as tagged_count'); $ptag->whereAdd('NOT EXISTS (SELECT tagger, tagged from profile_list '. 'where profile_tag.tagger = profile_list.tagger '. 'and profile_tag.tag = profile_list.tag)'); $ptag->groupBy('tagger, tag'); $ptag->orderBy('tagger, tag'); if ($ptag->find()) { while ($ptag->fetch()) { $plist = new Profile_list(); $plist->tagger = $ptag->tagger; $plist->tag = $ptag->tag; $plist->private = 0; $plist->created = common_sql_now(); $plist->modified = $plist->created; $plist->mainpage = common_local_url('showprofiletag', array('tagger' => $plist->getTagger()->nickname, 'tag' => $plist->tag));; $plist->tagged_count = $ptag->tagged_count; $plist->subscriber_count = 0; $plist->insert(); $orig = clone($plist); // After insert since it uses auto-generated ID $plist->uri = common_local_url('profiletagbyid', array('id' => $plist->id, 'tagger_id' => $plist->tagger)); $plist->update($orig); } } printfnq("DONE.\n"); } main();