<?php /** * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category StatusNet * @package StatusNet * @author Brenda Wallace <shiny@cpan.org> * @author Brion Vibber <brion@pobox.com> * @author Christopher Vollick <psycotica0@gmail.com> * @author CiaranG <ciaran@ciarang.com> * @author Craig Andrews <candrews@integralblue.com> * @author Evan Prodromou <evan@controlezvous.ca> * @author Gina Haeussge <osd@foosel.net> * @author James Walker <walkah@walkah.net> * @author Jeffery To <jeffery.to@gmail.com> * @author Mike Cochrane <mikec@mikenz.geek.nz> * @author Robin Millette <millette@controlyourself.ca> * @author Sarven Capadisli <csarven@controlyourself.ca> * @author Tom Adams <tom@holizz.com> * @author Zach Copley <zach@status.net> * @copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * * @license GNU Affero General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ */ $_startTime = microtime(true); $_perfCounters = array(); // We provide all our dependencies through our own autoload. // This will probably be configurable for distributing with // system packages (like with Debian apt etc. where included // libraries are maintained through repositories) set_include_path('.'); // mainly fixes an issue where /usr/share/{pear,php*}/DB/DataObject.php is _old_ on various systems... define('INSTALLDIR', dirname(__FILE__)); define('GNUSOCIAL', true); define('STATUSNET', true); // compatibility $user = null; $action = null; function getPath($req) { $p = null; if ((common_config('site', 'fancy') || !array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER)) && array_key_exists('p', $req) ) { $p = $req['p']; } else if (array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER)) { $path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (substr($path, 0, mb_strlen($script)) == $script) { $p = substr($path, mb_strlen($script) + 1); } else { $p = $path; } } else { $p = null; } // Trim all initial '/' $p = ltrim($p, '/'); return $p; } /** * logs and then displays error messages * * @return void */ function handleError($error) { try { if ($error->getCode() == DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_NODATA) { return; } $logmsg = "PEAR error: " . $error->getMessage(); if ($error instanceof PEAR_Exception && common_config('site', 'logdebug')) { $logmsg .= " : ". $error->toText(); } // DB queries often end up with a lot of newlines; merge to a single line // for easier grepability... $logmsg = str_replace("\n", " ", $logmsg); common_log(LOG_ERR, $logmsg); // @fixme backtrace output should be consistent with exception handling if (common_config('site', 'logdebug')) { $bt = $error->getTrace(); foreach ($bt as $n => $line) { common_log(LOG_ERR, formatBacktraceLine($n, $line)); } } if ($error instanceof DB_DataObject_Error || $error instanceof DB_Error || ($error instanceof PEAR_Exception && $error->getCode() == -24) ) { //If we run into a DB error, assume we can't connect to the DB at all //so set the current user to null, so we don't try to access the DB //while rendering the error page. global $_cur; $_cur = null; $msg = sprintf( // TRANS: Database error message. _('The database for %1$s is not responding correctly, '. 'so the site will not work properly. '. 'The site admins probably know about the problem, '. 'but you can contact them at %2$s to make sure. '. 'Otherwise, wait a few minutes and try again.' ), common_config('site', 'name'), common_config('site', 'email') ); $erraction = new DBErrorAction($msg, 500); } elseif ($error instanceof ClientException) { $erraction = new ClientErrorAction($error->getMessage(), $error->getCode()); } elseif ($error instanceof ServerException) { $erraction = new ServerErrorAction($error->getMessage(), $error->getCode(), $error); } else { // If it wasn't specified more closely which kind of exception it was $erraction = new ServerErrorAction($error->getMessage(), 500, $error); } $erraction->showPage(); } catch (Exception $e) { // TRANS: Error message. echo _('An error occurred.'); exit(-1); } exit(-1); } set_exception_handler('handleError'); // quick check for fancy URL auto-detection support in installer. if (preg_replace("/\?.+$/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) === preg_replace("/^\/$/", "", (dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))) . '/check-fancy') { die("Fancy URL support detection succeeded. We suggest you enable this to get fancy (pretty) URLs."); } require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/common.php'; /** * Format a backtrace line for debug output roughly like debug_print_backtrace() does. * Exceptions already have this built in, but PEAR error objects just give us the array. * * @param int $n line number * @param array $line per-frame array item from debug_backtrace() * @return string */ function formatBacktraceLine($n, $line) { $out = "#$n "; if (isset($line['class'])) $out .= $line['class']; if (isset($line['type'])) $out .= $line['type']; if (isset($line['function'])) $out .= $line['function']; $out .= '('; if (isset($line['args'])) { $args = array(); foreach ($line['args'] as $arg) { // debug_print_backtrace seems to use var_export // but this gets *very* verbose! $args[] = gettype($arg); } $out .= implode(',', $args); } $out .= ')'; $out .= ' called at ['; if (isset($line['file'])) $out .= $line['file']; if (isset($line['line'])) $out .= ':' . $line['line']; $out .= ']'; return $out; } function setupRW() { global $config; static $alwaysRW = array('session', 'remember_me'); $rwdb = $config['db']['database']; if (Event::handle('StartReadWriteTables', array(&$alwaysRW, &$rwdb))) { // We ensure that these tables always are used // on the master DB $config['db']['database_rw'] = $rwdb; $config['db']['ini_rw'] = INSTALLDIR.'/classes/statusnet.ini'; foreach ($alwaysRW as $table) { $config['db']['table_'.$table] = 'rw'; } Event::handle('EndReadWriteTables', array($alwaysRW, $rwdb)); } return; } function isLoginAction($action) { static $loginActions = array('login', 'recoverpassword', 'api', 'doc', 'register', 'publicxrds', 'otp', 'opensearch', 'rsd'); $login = null; if (Event::handle('LoginAction', array($action, &$login))) { $login = in_array($action, $loginActions); } return $login; } function main() { global $user, $action; if (!_have_config()) { $msg = sprintf( // TRANS: Error message displayed when there is no StatusNet configuration file. _("No configuration file found. Try running ". "the installation program first." ) ); $sac = new ServerErrorAction($msg); $sac->showPage(); return; } // Make sure RW database is setup setupRW(); // XXX: we need a little more structure in this script // get and cache current user (may hit RW!) $user = common_current_user(); // initialize language env common_init_language(); $path = getPath($_REQUEST); $r = Router::get(); $args = $r->map($path); // If the request is HTTP and it should be HTTPS... if (GNUsocial::useHTTPS() && !GNUsocial::isHTTPS()) { common_redirect(common_local_url($args['action'], $args)); } $args = array_merge($args, $_REQUEST); Event::handle('ArgsInitialize', array(&$args)); $action = basename($args['action']); if (!$action || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/', $action)) { common_redirect(common_local_url('public')); } // If the site is private, and they're not on one of the "public" // parts of the site, redirect to login if (!$user && common_config('site', 'private') && !isLoginAction($action) && !preg_match('/rss$/', $action) && $action != 'robotstxt' && !preg_match('/^Api/', $action)) { // set returnto $rargs =& common_copy_args($args); unset($rargs['action']); if (common_config('site', 'fancy')) { unset($rargs['p']); } if (array_key_exists('submit', $rargs)) { unset($rargs['submit']); } foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie) { unset($rargs[$cookie]); } common_set_returnto(common_local_url($action, $rargs)); common_redirect(common_local_url('login')); } $action_class = ucfirst($action).'Action'; if (!class_exists($action_class)) { // TRANS: Error message displayed when trying to perform an undefined action. throw new ClientException(_('Unknown action'), 404); } call_user_func("$action_class::run", $args); } main(); // XXX: cleanup exit() calls or add an exit handler so // this always gets called Event::handle('CleanupPlugin');