. // }}} /** * Extracts translation messages from PHP code. * * @package GNUsocial * @category I18n * * @author Symfony project * @author Michel Salib * @author Fabien Potencier * @copyright 2011-2019 Symfony project * @author Hugo Sales * @copyright 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ namespace App\Core\I18n; use App\Util\Formatting; use ArrayIterator; use InvalidArgumentException; use Iterator; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\AbstractFileExtractor; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\ExtractorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpStringTokenParser; use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue; /** * Since this happens outside the normal request life-cycle (through a * command, usually), it unfeasible to test this * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ class TransExtractor extends AbstractFileExtractor implements ExtractorInterface { /** * The sequence that captures translation messages. * * @todo add support for all the cases we use */ protected array $sequences = [ // [ // '_m', // '(', // self::MESSAGE_TOKEN, // ',', // self::METHOD_ARGUMENTS_TOKEN, // ',', // self::DOMAIN_TOKEN, // ], [ '_m', '(', self::MESSAGE_TOKEN, ], [ // Special case: when we have calls to _m with a dynamic // value, we need to handle them seperately 'function', '_m_dynamic', self::M_DYNAMIC, ], ]; // TODO probably shouldn't be done this way // {{{Code from PhpExtractor // See vendor/symfony/translation/Extractor/PhpExtractor.php // public const MESSAGE_TOKEN = 300; public const METHOD_ARGUMENTS_TOKEN = 1000; public const DOMAIN_TOKEN = 1001; public const M_DYNAMIC = 1002; /** * Prefix for new found message. */ private string $prefix = ''; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function extract($resource, MessageCatalogue $catalog) { if (($dir = mb_strstr($resource, '/Core/GNUsocial.php', true)) === false) { return; } $files = $this->extractFiles($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { $this->parseTokens(token_get_all(file_get_contents($file)), $catalog, $file); gc_mem_caches(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setPrefix(string $prefix) { $this->prefix = $prefix; } /** * Normalizes a token. */ protected function normalizeToken($token): ?string { if (isset($token[1]) && 'b"' !== $token) { return $token[1]; } return $token; } /** * Seeks to a non-whitespace token. */ private function seekToNextRelevantToken(Iterator $tokenIterator) { for (; $tokenIterator->valid(); $tokenIterator->next()) { $t = $tokenIterator->current(); if (\T_WHITESPACE !== $t[0]) { break; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ private function skipMethodArgument(Iterator $tokenIterator) { $openBraces = 0; for (; $tokenIterator->valid(); $tokenIterator->next()) { $t = $tokenIterator->current(); if ('[' === $t[0] || '(' === $t[0]) { ++$openBraces; } if (']' === $t[0] || ')' === $t[0]) { --$openBraces; } if ((0 === $openBraces && ',' === $t[0]) || (-1 === $openBraces && ')' === $t[0])) { break; } } } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected function canBeExtracted(string $file): bool { return $this->isFile($file) && 'php' === pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION) && mb_strstr($file, '/src/') !== false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function extractFromDirectory($directory) { $finder = new Finder(); return $finder->files()->name('*.php')->in($directory); } /** * Extracts the message from the iterator while the tokens * match allowed message tokens. */ private function getValue(Iterator $tokenIterator) { $message = ''; $docToken = ''; $docPart = ''; for (; $tokenIterator->valid(); $tokenIterator->next()) { $t = $tokenIterator->current(); if ('.' === $t) { // Concatenate with next token continue; } if (!isset($t[1])) { break; } switch ($t[0]) { case \T_START_HEREDOC: $docToken = $t[1]; break; case \T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE: case \T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING: if ('' === $docToken) { $message .= PhpStringTokenParser::parse($t[1]); } else { $docPart = $t[1]; } break; case \T_END_HEREDOC: $message .= PhpStringTokenParser::parseDocString($docToken, $docPart); $docToken = ''; $docPart = ''; break; case \T_WHITESPACE: break; default: break 2; } } return $message; } // }}} /** * Extracts trans message from PHP tokens. */ protected function parseTokens(array $tokens, MessageCatalogue $catalog, string $filename) { $tokenIterator = new ArrayIterator($tokens); for ($key = 0; $key < $tokenIterator->count(); ++$key) { foreach ($this->sequences as $sequence) { $message = ''; $domain = I18n::_mdomain($filename); $tokenIterator->seek($key); foreach ($sequence as $sequenceKey => $item) { $this->seekToNextRelevantToken($tokenIterator); if ($this->normalizeToken($tokenIterator->current()) === $item) { $tokenIterator->next(); continue; } elseif (self::MESSAGE_TOKEN === $item) { $message = $this->getValue($tokenIterator); if (\count($sequence) === ($sequenceKey + 1)) { break; } } elseif (self::METHOD_ARGUMENTS_TOKEN === $item) { $this->skipMethodArgument($tokenIterator); } elseif (self::DOMAIN_TOKEN === $item) { $domainToken = $this->getValue($tokenIterator); if ('' !== $domainToken) { $domain = $domainToken; } break; } elseif (self::M_DYNAMIC === $item) { // Special case self::storeDynamic($catalog, $filename); } else { break; } } if ($message) { self::store($catalog, $message, $domain, $filename, $tokens[$key][2]); // Line no. break; } } } } /** * Store the $message in the message catalogue $mc */ private function store( MessageCatalogue $mc, string $message, string $domain, string $filename, ?int $line_no = null, ) { $mc->set($message, $this->prefix . $message, $domain); $metadata = $mc->getMetadata($message, $domain) ?? []; $metadata['sources'][] = Formatting::normalizePath($filename) . (!empty($line_no) ? ":{$line_no}" : ''); $mc->setMetadata($message, $metadata, $domain); } /** * Calls `::_m_dynamic` from the class defined in $filename and * stores the results in the catalogue. For cases when the * translation can't be done in a static (non-PHP) file */ private function storeDynamic(MessageCatalogue $mc, string $filename) { require_once $filename; $class = preg_replace('/.*\/([A-Za-z]*)\.php/', '\1', $filename); $classes = get_declared_classes(); // Find FQCN of $class foreach ($classes as $c) { if (mb_strstr($c, $class) !== false) { $class = $c; break; } } $messages = $class::_m_dynamic(); $domain = $messages['domain']; unset($messages['domain']); foreach ($messages as $m) { self::store($mc, $m, $domain, $filename); } } }