'im.server.tld', 'port' => 5222, 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'proto' => 'xmpphp', 'domain' => 'domain.net', 'printlog' => true, 'loglevel' => XMPPHP\Log::LEVEL_VERBOSE, ]; // Easy and simple for access to variables with their names extract($conf); $conn = new XMPPHP\XMPP($server, $port, $username, $password, $proto, $domain, $printlog, $loglevel); $conn->autoSubscribe(); $vcard_request = []; try { $conn->connect(); while (!$conn->isDisconnected()) { $events = ['message', 'presence', 'end_stream', 'session_start', 'vcard']; $payloads = $conn->processUntil($events); foreach ($payloads as $result) { list($event, $data) = $result; if (isset($data)) { extract($data); } switch ($event) { case 'message': if (!$body) { break; } echo str_repeat('-', 80); echo "Message from: $from"; if (isset($subject)) { echo "Subject: $subject"; } echo $body; echo str_repeat('-', 80); $cmd = explode(' ', $body); $body = "Mi no entender! '$body'"; $conn->message($from, $body, $type); if (isset($cmd[0])) { if ($cmd[0] == 'quit') { $conn->disconnect(); } if ($cmd[0] == 'break') { $conn->send(''); } if ($cmd[0] == 'vcard') { if (!isset($cmd[1])) { $cmd[1] = $conn->user; } // Take a note which user requested which vcard $vcard_request[$from] = $cmd[1]; // Request the vcard $conn->getVCard($cmd[1]); } } break; case 'presence': echo "Presence: $from [$show] $status\n"; break; case 'session_start': echo "Session start\n"; $conn->getRoster(); $conn->presence('Quasar!'); break; case 'vcard': $deliver = array_keys($vcard_request, $from); $msg = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $msg .= $key . ': '; if (is_array($item)) { $msg .= "\n"; foreach ($item as $subkey => $subitem) { $msg .= ' ' . $subkey . ':' . $subitem . "\n"; } } else { $msg .= $item . "\n"; } } foreach ($deliver as $sendjid) { unset($vcard_request[$sendjid]); $conn->message($sendjid, $msg, 'chat'); } break; } } } } catch (XMPPHP\Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); }