#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * Laconica - a distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2008, Controlez-Vous, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ # Abort if called from a web server if (isset($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER)) { print "This script must be run from the command line\n"; exit(); } define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); define('LACONICA', true); require_once(INSTALLDIR . '/lib/common.php'); require_once(INSTALLDIR . '/lib/jabber.php'); require_once(INSTALLDIR . '/lib/queuehandler.php'); set_error_handler('common_error_handler'); define('CLAIM_TIMEOUT', 1200); class XmppConfirmHandler extends QueueHandler { var $_id = 'confirm'; function start() { # Low priority; we don't want to receive messages $this->log(LOG_INFO, "INITIALIZE"); $this->conn = jabber_connect($this->_id); if ($this->conn) { $this->conn->addEventHandler('message', 'forward_message', $this); $this->conn->addEventHandler('reconnect', 'handle_reconnect', $this); $this->conn->setReconnectTimeout(600); jabber_send_presence("Send me a message to post a notice", 'available', NULL, 'available', -1); } return !is_null($this->conn); } function handle_reconnect(&$pl) { $this->conn->processUntil('session_start'); $this->conn->presence(NULL, 'available', NULL, 'available', -1); } function run() { if (!$this->start()) { return false; } $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'checking for queued confirmations'); do { $confirm = $this->next_confirm(); if ($confirm) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Sending confirmation for ' . $confirm->address); $user = User::staticGet($confirm->user_id); if (!$user) { $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Confirmation for unknown user ' . $confirm->user_id); continue; } $success = jabber_confirm_address($confirm->code, $user->nickname, $confirm->address); if (!$success) { $this->log(LOG_ERR, 'Confirmation failed for ' . $confirm->address); # Just let the claim age out; hopefully things work then continue; } else { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Confirmation sent for ' . $confirm->address); # Mark confirmation sent $original = clone($confirm); $confirm->sent = $confirm->claimed; $result = $confirm->update($original); if (!$result) { $this->log(LOG_ERR, 'Cannot mark sent for ' . $confirm->address); # Just let the claim age out; hopefully things work then continue; } } $this->idle(0); } else { # $this->clear_old_confirm_claims(); $this->idle(10); } } while (true); if (!$this->finish()) { return false; } return true; } function next_confirm() { $confirm = new Confirm_address(); $confirm->whereAdd('claimed IS NULL'); $confirm->whereAdd('sent IS NULL'); # XXX: eventually we could do other confirmations in the queue, too $confirm->address_type = 'jabber'; $confirm->orderBy('modified DESC'); $confirm->limit(1); if ($confirm->find(TRUE)) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Claiming confirmation for ' . $confirm->address); # working around some weird DB_DataObject behaviour $confirm->whereAdd(''); # clears where stuff $original = clone($confirm); $confirm->claimed = common_sql_now(); $result = $confirm->update($original); if ($result) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Succeeded in claim! '. $result); return $confirm; } else { $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Failed in claim!'); return false; } } return NULL; } function clear_old_confirm_claims() { $confirm = new Confirm(); $confirm->claimed = NULL; $confirm->whereAdd('now() - claimed > '.CLAIM_TIMEOUT); $confirm->update(DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY); } function idle($timeout=0) { $this->conn->processTime($timeout); } function forward_message(&$pl) { if ($pl['type'] != 'chat') { $this->log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Ignoring message of type ' . $pl['type'] . ' from ' . $pl['from']); return; } $listener = $this->listener(); if (strtolower($listener) == strtolower($pl['from'])) { $this->log(LOG_WARNING, 'Ignoring loop message.'); return; } $this->log(LOG_INFO, 'Forwarding message from ' . $pl['from'] . ' to ' . $listener); $this->conn->message($this->listener(), $pl['body'], 'chat', NULL, $this->ofrom($pl['from'])); } function ofrom($from) { $address = "<addresses xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/address'>\n"; $address .= "<address type='ofrom' jid='$from' />\n"; $address .= "</addresses>\n"; return $address; } function listener() { if (common_config('xmpp', 'listener')) { return common_config('xmpp', 'listener'); } else { return jabber_daemon_address() . '/' . common_config('xmpp','resource') . '-listener'; } } } ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"); ini_set("max_input_time", "0"); set_time_limit(0); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); $resource = ($argc > 1) ? $argv[1] : (common_config('xmpp', 'resource').'-confirm'); $handler = new XmppConfirmHandler($resource); $handler->runOnce();