. * * @category Offline backup * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { // This check helps protect against security problems; // your code file can't be executed directly from the web. exit(1); } /** * Offline backup queue handler * * @category General * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou * @copyright 2011 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ class OfflineBackupQueueHandler extends QueueHandler { function transport() { return 'backoff'; } function handle($object) { $userId = $object; $user = User::staticGet($userId); common_log(LOG_INFO, "Making backup file for user ".$user->nickname); $fileName = $this->makeBackupFile($user); common_log(LOG_INFO, "Notifying user ".$user->nickname . " of their new backup file."); $this->notifyBackupFile($user, $fileName); return true; } function makeBackupFile($user) { // XXX: this is pretty lose-y; try another way $tmpdir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/offline-backup/' . $user->nickname . '/' . common_date_iso8601(common_sql_now()); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Writing backup data to ' . $tmpdir . ' for ' . $user->nickname); mkdir($tmpdir, 0700, true); $this->dumpNotices($user, $tmpdir); $this->dumpFaves($user, $tmpdir); $this->dumpSubscriptions($user, $tmpdir); $this->dumpSubscribers($user, $tmpdir); $this->dumpGroups($user, $tmpdir); $fileName = File::filename($user->getProfile(), "backup", "application/atom+xml"); $fullPath = File::path($fileName); $this->makeActivityFeed($user, $tmpdir, $fullPath); $this->delTree($tmpdir); return $fileName; } function notifyBackupFile($user, $fileName) { $fileUrl = File::url($fileName); $body = sprintf(_m("The backup file you requested is ready for download.\n\n". "%s\n". "Thanks for your time,\n", "%s\n"), $fileUrl, common_config('site', 'name')); $headers = _mail_prepare_headers('offlinebackup', $user->nickname, $user->nickname); mail_to_user($user, _('Backup file ready for download'), $body, $headers); } function dumpNotices($user, $dir) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping notices by ' . $user->nickname . ' to directory ' . $dir); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $stream = new ProfileNoticeStream($profile, $profile); $page = 1; do { $notice = $stream->getNotices(($page-1)*NOTICES_PER_PAGE, NOTICES_PER_PAGE + 1); while ($notice->fetch()) { $fname = $dir . '/'. common_date_iso8601($notice->created) . '-notice-' . $notice->id . '.atom'; $data = $notice->asAtomEntry(false, false, false, null); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping notice ' . $notice->id . ' to file ' . $fname); file_put_contents($fname, $data); $data = null; } $page++; } while ($notice->N > NOTICES_PER_PAGE); } function dumpFaves($user, $dir) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping faves by ' . $user->nickname . ' to directory ' . $dir); $page = 1; do { $fave = Fave::byProfile($user->id, ($page-1)*NOTICES_PER_PAGE, NOTICES_PER_PAGE + 1); while ($fave->fetch()) { $fname = $dir . '/'. common_date_iso8601($fave->modified) . '-fave-' . $fave->notice_id . '.atom'; $act = $fave->asActivity(); $data = $act->asString(false, false, false); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping fave of ' . $fave->notice_id . ' to file ' . $fname); file_put_contents($fname, $data); $data = null; } $page++; } while ($fave->N > NOTICES_PER_PAGE); } function dumpSubscriptions($user, $dir) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping subscriptions by ' . $user->nickname . ' to directory ' . $dir); $page = 1; do { $sub = Subscription::bySubscriber($user->id, ($page-1)*PROFILES_PER_PAGE, PROFILES_PER_PAGE + 1); while ($sub->fetch()) { if ($sub->subscribed == $user->id) { continue; } $fname = $dir . '/'. common_date_iso8601($sub->created) . '-subscription-' . $sub->subscribed . '.atom'; $act = $sub->asActivity(); $data = $act->asString(false, false, false); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping sub of ' . $sub->subscribed . ' to file ' . $fname); file_put_contents($fname, $data); $data = null; } $page++; } while ($sub->N > PROFILES_PER_PAGE); } function dumpSubscribers($user, $dir) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping subscribers to ' . $user->nickname . ' to directory ' . $dir); $page = 1; do { $sub = Subscription::bySubscribed($user->id, ($page-1)*PROFILES_PER_PAGE, PROFILES_PER_PAGE + 1); while ($sub->fetch()) { if ($sub->subscriber == $user->id) { continue; } $fname = $dir . '/'. common_date_iso8601($sub->created) . '-subscriber-' . $sub->subscriber . '.atom'; $act = $sub->asActivity(); $data = $act->asString(false, true, false); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping sub by ' . $sub->subscriber . ' to file ' . $fname); file_put_contents($fname, $data); $data = null; } $page++; } while ($sub->N > PROFILES_PER_PAGE); } function dumpGroups($user, $dir) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping memberships of ' . $user->nickname . ' to directory ' . $dir); $page = 1; do { $mem = Group_member::byMember($user->id, ($page-1)*GROUPS_PER_PAGE, GROUPS_PER_PAGE + 1); while ($mem->fetch()) { $fname = $dir . '/'. common_date_iso8601($mem->created) . '-membership-' . $mem->group_id . '.atom'; $act = $mem->asActivity(); $data = $act->asString(false, false, false); common_log(LOG_INFO, 'dumping membership in ' . $mem->group_id . ' to file ' . $fname); file_put_contents($fname, $data); $data = null; } $page++; common_debug("Got " . $mem->N . " results on search for groups."); } while ($mem->N > GROUPS_PER_PAGE); } function makeActivityFeed($user, $tmpdir, $fullPath) { $handle = fopen($fullPath, 'c'); $this->writeFeedHeader($user, $handle); $objects = scandir($tmpdir); rsort($objects); foreach ($objects as $object) { $objFull = $tmpdir . '/' . $object; if (!is_dir($objFull)) { $entry = file_get_contents($objFull); fwrite($handle, $entry); $entry = null; } } $this->writeFeedFooter($user, $handle); fclose($handle); } function writeFeedHeader($user, $handle) { fwrite($handle, ''); fwrite($handle, "\n"); fwrite($handle, ''); fwrite($handle, "\n"); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $author = ActivityObject::fromProfile($profile); $xs = new XMLStringer(); $author->outputTo($xs, 'author'); fwrite($handle, $xs->getString()); fwrite($handle, "\n"); } function writeFeedFooter($user, $handle) { fwrite($handle, ''); } function delTree($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") { $this->delTree($dir."/".$object); } else { unlink($dir."/".$object); } } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } }