. // }}} /** * Doctrine entity manager static wrapper * * @package GNUsocial * @category DB * * @author Hugo Sales * @copyright 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ namespace App\Core\DB; use App\Core\Entity; use App\Util\Exception\DuplicateFoundException; use App\Util\Exception\NotFoundException; use Closure; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ExpressionBuilder; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; use Doctrine\ORM\Query; use Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMappingBuilder; use Exception; use Functional as F; /** * @mixin EntityManager * @template T of Entity * * @method static ?T find(string $class, array $values) // Finds an Entity by its identifier. * @method static ?T getReference(string $class, array $values) // Special cases: It's like find but does not load the object if it has not been loaded yet, it only returns a proxy to the object. (https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.10/reference/unitofwork.html) * @method static void remove(object $entity) // Removes an entity instance. * @method static T merge(object $entity) // Merges the state of a detached entity into the persistence context * @method static void persist(object $entity) // Tells the EntityManager to make an instance managed and persistent. * @method static bool contains(object $entity) // Determines whether an entity instance is managed in this EntityManager. * @method static void flush() // Flushes the in-memory state of persisted objects to the database. * @method mixed wrapInTransaction(callable $func) // Executes a function in a transaction. Warning: suppresses exceptions */ class DB { private static ?EntityManagerInterface $em; public static function setManager($m): void { self::$em = $m; } /** * Table name to class map, used to allow specifying table names instead of classes in doctrine calls */ private static array $table_map = []; private static array $class_pk = []; private static ?string $sql_table_entity_pattern = null; private static ?array $dql_table_name_patterns = null; public static function initTableMap() { $all = self::$em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata(); foreach ($all as $meta) { self::$table_map[$meta->getTableName()] = $meta->getMetadataValue('name'); self::$class_pk[$meta->getMetadataValue('name')] = $meta->getIdentifier(); } self::$sql_table_entity_pattern = '/(' . implode('|', array_keys(self::$table_map)) . ')\s([^\s]+)/'; self::$dql_table_name_patterns = F\map(self::$table_map, fn ($_, $s) => "/(?setDQL($query); if (isset($options['limit'])) { $q->setMaxResults($options['limit']); } if (isset($options['offset'])) { $q->setFirstResult($options['offset']); } foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $q->setParameter($k, $v); } $results = $q->getResult(); // So, Doctrine doesn't return 'select a, b from a join b' as [[a, a], [b, b]], but as [a, b, a, b] (or even [b, // a, b, a]), so we do it ourselves. For whatever reason, neither the AST nor the ResultSetMapping have the // entities in the correct order, so we need to "parse" the query ourselves. This only applies if there's no '.' // in the select clause (i.e. we're selecting whole entities, not just a bunch of columns) $matches = []; // v not a space in case of line breaks if ($ret = preg_match('/SELECT.([^\.]*).FROM/is', $query, $matches)) { // Grab the entities from the select clause and trim spaces $entities = F\map(explode(',', $matches[1]), fn ($p) => trim($p)); if (\count($entities) > 1) { // If more than one entities in the select clause // Call protected method getResultSetMapping, get the alias map (to avoid parsing it ourselves, or // dealing with the AST) $aliases = Closure::bind(fn ($q) => $q->getResultSetMapping(), null, $q)($q)->aliasMap; // Since the order is not necessarily the correct one in the results (for whatever reason) (though it // presumably is the same as in the AST, but just in case), use Functional\partition to chunk the // results into groups of the same class return F\partition( $results, ...F\map( // partition partitions into one more array than we want (those that don't pass any predicate), // so drop the last F\but_last($entities), // Map into a list of callables that each check if the given object is an instance of the class // in $aliases fn ($p) => (fn ($o) => $o instanceof $aliases[$p]), ), ); } else { return $results; } } else { return $results; } } /** * Perform a native, parameterized, SQL query. $entities is a map * from table aliases to class names. Replaces '{select}' in * $query with the appropriate select list */ public static function sql(string $query, array $params = [], ?array $entities = null) { if ($_ENV['APP_ENV'] === 'dev' && str_starts_with($query, 'select *')) { throw new Exception('Cannot use `select *`, use `select {select}` (see ResultSetMappingBuilder::COLUMN_RENAMING_INCREMENT)'); } $rsmb = new ResultSetMappingBuilder(self::$em, \is_null($entities) ? ResultSetMappingBuilder::COLUMN_RENAMING_INCREMENT : ResultSetMappingBuilder::COLUMN_RENAMING_NONE); if (\is_null($entities)) { $matches = []; preg_match_all(self::$sql_table_entity_pattern, $query, $matches); $entities = []; foreach (F\zip($matches[1], $matches[2]) as [$table, $alias]) { $entities[$alias] = self::$table_map[$table]; } } foreach ($entities as $alias => $entity) { $rsmb->addRootEntityFromClassMetadata($entity, $alias); } $query = preg_replace('/{select}/', $rsmb->generateSelectClause(), $query); $q = self::$em->createNativeQuery($query, $rsmb); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $q->setParameter($k, $v); } return $q->getResult(); } /** * A list of possible operations needed in self::buildExpression */ private static array $find_by_ops = [ 'or', 'and', 'eq', 'neq', 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte', 'is_null', 'in', 'not_in', 'contains', 'member_of', 'starts_with', 'ends_with', ]; /** * Build a Doctrine Criteria expression from the given $criteria. * * @see self::findBy for the syntax */ private static function buildExpression(ExpressionBuilder $eb, array $criteria): array { $expressions = []; foreach ($criteria as $op => $exp) { if ($op == 'or' || $op == 'and') { $method = "{$op}X"; $expr = self::buildExpression($eb, $exp); if (\is_array($expr)) { $expressions[] = $eb->{$method}(...$expr); } } elseif ($op == 'is_null') { $expressions[] = $eb->isNull($exp); } else { if (\in_array($op, self::$find_by_ops)) { foreach ($exp as $field => $value) { $expressions[] = $eb->{$op}($field, $value); } } else { $expressions[] = $eb->eq($op, $exp); } } } return $expressions; } /** * Query $table according to $criteria. If $criteria's keys are * one of self::$find_by_ops (and, or, etc), build a subexpression * with that operator and recurse. Examples of $criteria are * `['and' => ['lt' => ['foo' => 4], 'gte' => ['bar' => 2]]]` or * `['in' => ['foo', 'bar']]` */ public static function findBy(string $table, array $criteria, ?array $order_by = null, ?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null): array { $criteria = array_change_key_case($criteria, \CASE_LOWER); $ops = array_intersect(array_keys($criteria), self::$find_by_ops); /** @var EntityRepository */ $repo = self::getRepository($table); if (empty($ops)) { return $repo->findBy($criteria, $order_by, $limit, $offset); } else { $eb = Criteria::expr(); $criteria = new Criteria($eb->andX(...self::buildExpression($eb, $criteria)), $order_by, $offset, $limit); return $repo->matching($criteria)->toArray(); // Always work with array or it becomes really complicated } } /** * Return the first element of the result of @see self::findBy */ public static function findOneBy(string $table, array $criteria, ?array $order_by = null, ?int $offset = null, bool $return_null = false) { $res = self::findBy($table, $criteria, $order_by, 2, $offset); // Use limit 2 to check for consistency switch (\count($res)) { case 0: if ($return_null) { return null; } else { throw new NotFoundException("No value in table {$table} matches the requested criteria"); } // no break case 1: return $res[0]; default: throw new DuplicateFoundException("Multiple values in table {$table} match the requested criteria"); } } public static function removeBy(string $table, array $criteria): void { $class = self::$table_map[$table]; if (empty(array_intersect(self::getPKForClass($class), array_keys($criteria)))) { self::remove(self::findOneBy($class, $criteria)); } else { self::remove(self::getReference($table, $criteria)); } } public static function count(string $table, array $criteria) { /** @var EntityRepository */ $repo = self::getRepository($table); return $repo->count($criteria); } /** * Insert all given objects with the generated ID of the first one */ public static function persistWithSameId(object $owner, object|array $others, ?callable $extra = null) { $conn = self::getConnection(); $metadata = self::getClassMetadata(\get_class($owner)); $seqName = $metadata->getSequenceName($conn->getDatabasePlatform()); self::persist($owner); $id = (int) $conn->lastInsertId($seqName); F\map(\is_array($others) ? $others : [$others], function ($o) use ($id) { $o->setId($id); self::persist($o); }); if (!\is_null($extra)) { $extra($id); } self::flush(); return $id; } /** * Intercept static function calls to allow refering to entities * without writing the namespace (which is deduced from the call * context) */ public static function __callStatic(string $name, array $args) { if (isset($args[0])) { $args[0] = self::filterTableName($name, $args); } return self::$em->{$name}(...$args); } public const METHODS_ACCEPTING_TABLE_NAME = ['find', 'getReference', 'getPartialReference', 'getRepository']; /** * For methods in METHODS_ACCEPTING_TABLE_NAME, replace the first argument */ public static function filterTableName(string $method, array $args): mixed { if (\in_array($method, self::METHODS_ACCEPTING_TABLE_NAME) && \is_string($args[0]) && \array_key_exists($args[0], self::$table_map)) { return self::$table_map[$args[0]]; } else { return $args[0]; } } }