<?php /** * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc. * * A sample module to show best practices for StatusNet plugins * * PHP version 5 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @package StatusNet * @author James Walker <james@status.net> * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ class MagicEnvelope { const ENCODING = 'base64url'; const NS = 'http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env'; protected $actor = null; // Profile of user who has signed the envelope protected $data = null; // When stored here it is _always_ base64url encoded protected $data_type = null; protected $encoding = null; protected $alg = null; protected $sig = null; /** * Extract envelope data from an XML document containing an <me:env> or <me:provenance> element. * * @param string XML source * @return mixed associative array of envelope data, or false on unrecognized input * * @fixme will spew errors to logs or output in case of XML parse errors * @fixme may give fatal errors if some elements are missing or invalid XML * @fixme calling DOMDocument::loadXML statically triggers warnings in strict mode */ public function __construct($xml=null, Profile $actor=null) { if (!empty($xml)) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); if (!$dom->loadXML($xml)) { throw new ServerException('Tried to load malformed XML as DOM'); } elseif (!$this->fromDom($dom)) { throw new ServerException('Could not load MagicEnvelope from DOM'); } } elseif ($actor instanceof Profile) { // So far we only allow setting with _either_ $xml _or_ $actor as that's // all our circumstances require. But it may be confusing for new developers. // The idea is that feeding XML must be followed by interpretation and then // running $magic_env->verify($profile), just as in SalmonAction->prepare(...) // and supplying an $actor (which right now has to be a User) will require // defining the $data, $data_type etc. attributes manually afterwards before // signing the envelope.. $this->setActor($actor); } } /** * Retrieve Salmon keypair first by checking local database, but * if it's not found, attempt discovery if it has been requested. * * @param Profile $profile The profile we're looking up keys for. * @param boolean $discovery Network discovery if no local cache? */ public function getKeyPair(Profile $profile, $discovery=false) { if (!$profile->isLocal()) common_debug('Getting magic-public-key for non-local profile id=='.$profile->getID()); $magicsig = Magicsig::getKV('user_id', $profile->getID()); if ($discovery && !$magicsig instanceof Magicsig) { if (!$profile->isLocal()) common_debug('magic-public-key not found, will do discovery for profile id=='.$profile->getID()); // Throws exception on failure, but does not try to _load_ the keypair string. $keypair = $this->discoverKeyPair($profile); $magicsig = new Magicsig(); $magicsig->user_id = $profile->getID(); $magicsig->importKeys($keypair); // save the public key for this profile in our database. // TODO: If the profile generates a new key remotely, we must be able to replace // this (of course after callback-verification). $magicsig->insert(); } elseif (!$magicsig instanceof Magicsig) { // No discovery request, so we'll give up. throw new ServerException(sprintf('No public key found for profile (id==%d)', $profile->id)); } assert($magicsig->publicKey instanceof Crypt_RSA); return $magicsig; } /** * Get the Salmon keypair from a URI, uses XRD Discovery etc. Reasonably * you'll only get the public key ;) * * The string will (hopefully) be formatted as described in Magicsig specification: * https://salmon-protocol.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/draft-panzer-magicsig-01.html#anchor13 * * @return string formatted as Magicsig keypair */ public function discoverKeyPair(Profile $profile) { $signer_uri = $profile->getUri(); if (empty($signer_uri)) { throw new ServerException(sprintf('Profile missing URI (id==%d)', $profile->getID())); } $disco = new Discovery(); // Throws exception on lookup problems try { $xrd = $disco->lookup($signer_uri); } catch (Exception $e) { // Diaspora seems to require us to request the acct: uri $xrd = $disco->lookup($profile->getAcctUri()); } common_debug('Will try to find magic-public-key from XRD of profile id=='.$profile->getID()); $pubkey = null; if (Event::handle('MagicsigPublicKeyFromXRD', array($xrd, &$pubkey))) { $link = $xrd->get(Magicsig::PUBLICKEYREL); if (is_null($link)) { // TRANS: Exception. throw new Exception(_m('Unable to locate signer public key.')); } $pubkey = $link->href; } if (empty($pubkey)) { throw new ServerException('Empty Magicsig public key. A bug?'); } // We have a public key element, let's hope it has proper key data. $keypair = false; $parts = explode(',', $pubkey); if (count($parts) == 2) { $keypair = $parts[1]; } else { // Backwards compatibility check for separator bug in 0.9.0 $parts = explode(';', $pubkey); if (count($parts) == 2) { $keypair = $parts[1]; } } if ($keypair === false) { // For debugging clarity. Keypair did not pass count()-check above. // TRANS: Exception when public key was not properly formatted. throw new Exception(_m('Incorrectly formatted public key element.')); } return $keypair; } /** * The current MagicEnvelope spec as used in StatusNet 0.9.7 and later * includes both the original data and some signing metadata fields as * the input plaintext for the signature hash. * * @return string */ public function signingText() { return implode('.', array($this->data, // this field is pre-base64'd Magicsig::base64_url_encode($this->data_type), Magicsig::base64_url_encode($this->encoding), Magicsig::base64_url_encode($this->alg))); } /** * * @param <type> $text * @param <type> $mimetype * @param Magicsig $magicsig Magicsig with private key available. * * @return MagicEnvelope object with all properties set * * @throws Exception of various kinds on signing failure */ public function signMessage($text, $mimetype) { if (!$this->actor instanceof Profile) { throw new ServerException('No profile to sign message with is set.'); } elseif (!$this->actor->isLocal()) { throw new ServerException('Cannot sign magic envelopes with remote users since we have no private key.'); } // Find already stored key $magicsig = Magicsig::getKV('user_id', $this->actor->getID()); if (!$magicsig instanceof Magicsig) { // and if it doesn't exist, it is time to create one! $magicsig = Magicsig::generate($this->actor->getUser()); } assert($magicsig instanceof Magicsig); assert($magicsig->privateKey instanceof Crypt_RSA); // Prepare text and metadata for signing $this->data = Magicsig::base64_url_encode($text); $this->data_type = $mimetype; $this->encoding = self::ENCODING; $this->alg = $magicsig->getName(); // Get the actual signature $this->sig = $magicsig->sign($this->signingText()); } /** * Create an <me:env> XML representation of the envelope. * * @return string representation of XML document */ public function toXML(Profile $target=null, $flavour=null) { $xs = new XMLStringer(); $xs->startXML(); // header, to point out it's not HTML or anything... if (Event::handle('StartMagicEnvelopeToXML', array($this, $xs, $flavour, $target))) { // fall back to our default, normal Magic Envelope XML. // the $xs element _may_ have had elements added, or could get in the end event $xs->elementStart('me:env', array('xmlns:me' => self::NS)); $xs->element('me:data', array('type' => $this->data_type), $this->data); $xs->element('me:encoding', null, $this->encoding); $xs->element('me:alg', null, $this->alg); $xs->element('me:sig', null, $this->getSignature()); $xs->elementEnd('me:env'); Event::handle('EndMagicEnvelopeToXML', array($this, $xs, $flavour, $target)); } return $xs->getString(); } /* * Extract the contained XML payload, and insert a copy of the envelope * signature data as an <me:provenance> section. * * @return DOMDocument of Atom entry * * @fixme in case of XML parsing errors, this will spew to the error log or output */ public function getPayload() { $dom = new DOMDocument(); if (!$dom->loadXML(Magicsig::base64_url_decode($this->data))) { throw new ClientException('Malformed XML in Salmon payload'); } switch ($this->data_type) { case 'application/atom+xml': if ($dom->documentElement->namespaceURI !== Activity::ATOM || $dom->documentElement->tagName !== 'entry') { throw new ServerException(_m('Salmon post must be an Atom entry.')); } $prov = $dom->createElementNS(self::NS, 'me:provenance'); $prov->setAttribute('xmlns:me', self::NS); $data = $dom->createElementNS(self::NS, 'me:data', $this->data); $data->setAttribute('type', $this->data_type); $prov->appendChild($data); $enc = $dom->createElementNS(self::NS, 'me:encoding', $this->encoding); $prov->appendChild($enc); $alg = $dom->createElementNS(self::NS, 'me:alg', $this->alg); $prov->appendChild($alg); $sig = $dom->createElementNS(self::NS, 'me:sig', $this->getSignature()); $prov->appendChild($sig); $dom->documentElement->appendChild($prov); break; default: throw new ClientException('Unknown Salmon payload data type'); } return $dom; } public function getSignature() { if (empty($this->sig)) { throw new ServerException('You must first call signMessage before getSignature'); } return $this->sig; } public function getSignatureAlgorithm() { return $this->alg; } public function getData() { return $this->data; } public function getDataType() { return $this->data_type; } public function getEncoding() { return $this->encoding; } /** * Find the author URI referenced in the payload Atom entry. * * @return string URI for author * @throws ServerException on failure */ public function getAuthorUri() { $doc = $this->getPayload(); $authors = $doc->documentElement->getElementsByTagName('author'); foreach ($authors as $author) { $uris = $author->getElementsByTagName('uri'); foreach ($uris as $uri) { return $uri->nodeValue; } } throw new ServerException('No author URI found in Salmon payload data'); } /** * Attempt to verify cryptographic signing for parsed envelope data. * Requires network access to retrieve public key referenced by the envelope signer. * * Details of failure conditions are dumped to output log and not exposed to caller. * * @param Profile $profile profile used to get locally cached public signature key * or if necessary perform discovery on. * * @return boolean */ public function verify(Profile $profile) { if ($this->alg != 'RSA-SHA256') { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Salmon error: bad algorithm: '._ve($this->alg)); return false; } if ($this->encoding != self::ENCODING) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Salmon error: bad encoding: '._ve($this->encoding)); return false; } try { $magicsig = $this->getKeyPair($profile, true); // Do discovery too if necessary } catch (Exception $e) { common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Salmon error: getKeyPair for profile id=={$profile->getID()}: "._ve($e->getMessage())); return false; } if (!$magicsig->verify($this->signingText(), $this->getSignature())) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Salmon signature verification failed for profile id=='.$profile->getID()); // TRANS: Client error when incoming salmon slap signature does not verify cryptographically. throw new ClientException(_m('Salmon signature verification failed.')); } common_debug('Salmon signature verification successful for profile id=='.$profile->getID()); $this->setActor($profile); return true; } /** * Extract envelope data from an XML document containing an <me:env> or <me:provenance> element. * * @param DOMDocument $dom * @return mixed associative array of envelope data, or false on unrecognized input * * @fixme may give fatal errors if some elements are missing */ protected function fromDom(DOMDocument $dom) { $env_element = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS, 'env')->item(0); if (!$env_element) { $env_element = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS, 'provenance')->item(0); } if (!$env_element) { return false; } $data_element = $env_element->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS, 'data')->item(0); $sig_element = $env_element->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS, 'sig')->item(0); $this->data = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $data_element->nodeValue); $this->data_type = $data_element->getAttribute('type'); $this->encoding = $env_element->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS, 'encoding')->item(0)->nodeValue; $this->alg = $env_element->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS, 'alg')->item(0)->nodeValue; $this->sig = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $sig_element->nodeValue); return true; } public function setActor(Profile $actor) { if ($this->actor instanceof Profile) { throw new ServerException('Cannot set a new actor profile for MagicEnvelope object.'); } $this->actor = $actor; } public function getActor() { if (!$this->actor instanceof Profile) { throw new ServerException('No actor set for this magic envelope.'); } return $this->actor; } /** * Encode the given string as a signed MagicEnvelope XML document, * using the keypair for the given local user profile. We can of * course not sign a remote profile's slap, since we don't have the * private key. * * Side effects: will create and store a keypair on-demand if one * hasn't already been generated for this user. This can be very slow * on some systems. * * @param string $text XML fragment to sign, assumed to be Atom * @param User $user User who cryptographically signs $text * * @return MagicEnvelope object complete with signature * * @throws Exception on bad profile input or key generation problems */ public static function signAsUser($text, User $user) { $magic_env = new MagicEnvelope(null, $user->getProfile()); $magic_env->signMessage($text, 'application/atom+xml'); return $magic_env; } }