
 * A test script for the OpenIDStore classes.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: See the COPYING file included in this distribution.
 * @package OpenID
 * @author JanRain, Inc. <openid@janrain.com>
 * @copyright 2005-2008 Janrain, Inc.
 * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache

 * Require classes and functions to run the Store tests.
require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Association.php';
require_once 'Auth/OpenID/CryptUtil.php';
require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Nonce.php';
require_once 'Auth/OpenID.php';

function _Auth_OpenID_mkdtemp()
    if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
        $dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
    else {
        if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0) {
            $dir = $_ENV['TMP'];
            if (!isset($dir)) {
                $dir = 'C:\Windows\Temp';
        } else {
            $dir = @$_ENV['TMPDIR'];
            if (!isset($dir)) {
                $dir = '/tmp';

    return Auth_OpenID_FileStore::_mkdtemp($dir);

 * This is the host where the SQL stores' databases should be created
 * and destroyed.
global $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host;
$_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host = 'dbtest';

 * Generate a sufficently unique database name so many hosts can run
 * SQL store tests on the server at the same time and not step on each
 * other.
function _Auth_OpenID_getTmpDbName()
    $hostname = php_uname('n');
    $hostname = str_replace('.', '_', $hostname);
    $hostname = str_replace('-', '_', $hostname);
    $hostname = strtolower($hostname);

    return sprintf("%s_%d_%s_openid_test",
                   strval(rand(1, time())));

 * Superclass that has methods for testing OpenID stores. Subclass this to
 * test your own store implementation.
 * @package OpenID
class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Store extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

  function pass() {}

     * Prepares for the SQL store tests.
    function setUp()
        $this->letters = Auth_OpenID_letters;
        $this->digits = Auth_OpenID_digits;
        $this->punct = Auth_OpenID_punct;
        $this->allowed_nonce = $this->letters . $this->digits;
        $this->allowed_handle = $this->letters . $this->digits . $this->punct;

     * Generates an association with the specified parameters.
    function genAssoc($now, $issued = 0, $lifetime = 600)
        $sec = Auth_OpenID_CryptUtil::randomString(20);
        $hdl = Auth_OpenID_CryptUtil::randomString(128, $this->allowed_handle);
        return new Auth_OpenID_Association($hdl, $sec, $now + $issued,
                                          $lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1');

     * @access private
    function _checkRetrieve($store, $url, $handle, $expected, $name = null)
        $retrieved_assoc = $store->getAssociation($url, $handle);
        if ($expected === null) {
            $this->assertTrue($retrieved_assoc === null);
        } else {
            $this->assertTrue($expected->equal($retrieved_assoc), $name);

    function _checkRemove($store, $url, $handle, $expected, $name = null)
        $present = $store->removeAssociation($url, $handle);
        $this->assertTrue((!$expected && !$present) ||
                          ($expected && $present),

     * Make sure a given store has a minimum of API compliance. Call
     * this function with an empty store.
     * Raises AssertionError if the store does not work as expected.
     * OpenIDStore -> NoneType
    function _testStore($store)
        // Association functions
        $now = time();

        $server_url = 'http://www.myopenid.com/openid';

        $assoc = $this->genAssoc($now);

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, null,
            'Make sure that a missing association returns no result');

        $store->storeAssociation($server_url, $assoc);
        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc,
            'Check that after storage, getting returns the same result');

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc,
            'more than once');

        $store->storeAssociation($server_url, $assoc);
        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc,
            'Storing more than once has no ill effect');

        // Removing an association that does not exist returns not present
        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle . 'x', false,
                            "Remove nonexistent association (1)");

        // Removing an association that does not exist returns not present
        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url . 'x', $assoc->handle, false,
                            "Remove nonexistent association (2)");

        // Removing an association that is present returns present
        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle, true,
                            "Remove existent association");

        // but not present on subsequent calls
        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle, false,
                            "Remove nonexistent association after removal");

        // Put assoc back in the store
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url, $assoc);

        // More recent and expires after assoc
        $assoc2 = $this->genAssoc($now, $issued = 1);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url, $assoc2);

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc2,
            'After storing an association with a different handle, but the
same $server_url, the handle with the later expiration is

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle, $assoc,
            'We can still retrieve the older association');

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle, $assoc2,
            'Plus we can retrieve the association with the later expiration

        $assoc3 = $this->genAssoc($now, $issued = 2, $lifetime = 100);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url, $assoc3);

        // More recent issued time, so assoc3 is expected.
        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc3, "(1)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle,
                              $assoc, "(2)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                              $assoc2, "(3)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc3->handle,
                              $assoc3, "(4)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle, true, "(5)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc3, "(6)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle,
                              $assoc, "(7)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                              null, "(8)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc3->handle,
                              $assoc3, "(9)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                            false, "(10)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc3->handle,
                            true, "(11)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, $assoc, "(12)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle,
                              $assoc, "(13)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                              null, "(14)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc3->handle,
                              null, "(15)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                            false, "(16)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle,
                            true, "(17)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc3->handle,
                            false, "(18)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, null, null, "(19)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle,
                              null, "(20)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                              null, "(21)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url,$assoc3->handle,
                              null, "(22)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc2->handle,
                            false, "(23)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc->handle,
                            false, "(24)");

        $this->_checkRemove($store, $server_url, $assoc3->handle,
                            false, "(25)");

        // Put associations into store, for two different server URLs
        $assoc1 = $this->genAssoc($now);
        $assoc2 = $this->genAssoc($now + 2);
        $server_url1 = "http://one.example.com/one";
        $server_url2 = "http://two.localhost.localdomain/two";

        $store->storeAssociation($server_url1, $assoc1);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url2, $assoc2);

        // Ask for each one, make sure we get it
        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url1, $assoc1->handle,
                              $assoc1, "(26)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url2, $assoc2->handle,
                              $assoc2, "(27)");

        $store->storeAssociation($server_url1, $assoc1);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url2, $assoc2);

        // Ask for each one, make sure we get it
        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url1, null,
                              $assoc1, "(28)");

        $this->_checkRetrieve($store, $server_url2, null,
                              $assoc2, "(29)");

        // test expired associations
        // assoc 1: server 1, valid
        // assoc 2: server 1, expired
        // assoc 3: server 2, expired
        // assoc 4: server 3, valid
        $assocValid1 = $this->genAssoc($now, -3600, 7200);
        $assocValid2 = $this->genAssoc($now, -5);
        $assocExpired1 = $this->genAssoc($now, -7200, 3600);
        $assocExpired2 = $this->genAssoc($now, -7200, 3600);

        if (!$store->supportsCleanup()) {

        $store->storeAssociation($server_url . '1', $assocValid1);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url . '1', $assocExpired1);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url . '2', $assocExpired2);
        $store->storeAssociation($server_url . '3', $assocValid2);

        $cleaned = $store->cleanupAssociations();
        $this->assertEquals(2, $cleaned);

    function _checkUseNonce($store, $nonce, $expected, $server_url, $msg=null)
        list($stamp, $salt) = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($nonce);
        $actual = $store->useNonce($server_url, $stamp, $salt);
        $this->assertEquals(intval($expected), intval($actual), "_checkUseNonce failed: $server_url, $msg");

    function _testNonce($store)
        // Nonce functions

        $server_url = 'http://www.myopenid.com/openid';

        foreach (array($server_url, '') as $url) {
            // Random nonce (not in store)
            $nonce1 = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce();

            // A nonce is not by default
            $this->_checkUseNonce($store, $nonce1, true, $url, "blergx");

            // Once stored, cannot be stored again
            $this->_checkUseNonce($store, $nonce1, false, $url, 2);

            // And using again has the same effect
            $this->_checkUseNonce($store, $nonce1, false, $url, 3);

            // Nonces from when the universe was an hour old should
            // not pass these days.
            $old_nonce = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce(3600);
            $this->_checkUseNonce($store, $old_nonce, false, $url,
                                  "Old nonce ($old_nonce) passed.");


    function _testNonceCleanup($store) {
        if (!$store->supportsCleanup()) {

        $server_url = 'http://www.myopenid.com/openid';

        $now = time();

        $old_nonce1 = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce($now - 20000);
        $old_nonce2 = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce($now - 10000);
        $recent_nonce = Auth_OpenID_mkNonce($now - 600);

        global $Auth_OpenID_SKEW;
        $orig_skew = $Auth_OpenID_SKEW;

        $Auth_OpenID_SKEW = 0;
        // Set SKEW high so stores will keep our nonces.
        $Auth_OpenID_SKEW = 100000;

        $params = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($old_nonce1);
        array_unshift($params, $server_url);
        $this->assertTrue(call_user_func_array(array($store, 'useNonce'), $params));

        $params = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($old_nonce2);
        array_unshift($params, $server_url);
        $this->assertTrue(call_user_func_array(array($store, 'useNonce'), $params));

        $params = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($recent_nonce);
        array_unshift($params, $server_url);
        $this->assertTrue(call_user_func_array(array($store, 'useNonce'), $params));

        $Auth_OpenID_SKEW = 3600;
        $cleaned = $store->cleanupNonces();
        $this->assertEquals(2, $cleaned); // , "Cleaned %r nonces." % (cleaned,)

        $Auth_OpenID_SKEW = 100000;
        // A roundabout method of checking that the old nonces were
        // cleaned is to see if we're allowed to add them again.

        $params = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($old_nonce1);
        array_unshift($params, $server_url);
        $this->assertTrue(call_user_func_array(array($store, 'useNonce'), $params));
        $params = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($old_nonce2);
        array_unshift($params, $server_url);
        $this->assertTrue(call_user_func_array(array($store, 'useNonce'), $params));

        // The recent nonce wasn't cleaned, so it should still fail.
        $params = Auth_OpenID_splitNonce($recent_nonce);
        array_unshift($params, $server_url);
        $this->assertFalse(call_user_func_array(array($store, 'useNonce'), $params));

        $Auth_OpenID_SKEW = $orig_skew;

 * Class that tests all of the stores included with the OpenID library
 * @package OpenID
class Tests_Auth_OpenID_Included_StoreTest extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_Store {
    function test_memstore()
        require_once 'Tests/Auth/OpenID/MemStore.php';
        $store = new Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemStore();

    function test_filestore()
        require_once 'Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php';

        $temp_dir = _Auth_OpenID_mkdtemp();

        if (!$temp_dir) {
            trigger_error('Could not create temporary directory ' .
                          'with Auth_OpenID_FileStore::_mkdtemp',
            return null;

        $store = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore($temp_dir);

    function test_postgresqlstore()
        // If the postgres extension isn't loaded or loadable, succeed
        // because we can't run the test.
        if (!(extension_loaded('pgsql')) ||
            !(@include_once 'DB.php')) {
            print "(not testing PostGreSQL store)";

        require_once 'Auth/OpenID/PostgreSQLStore.php';

        global $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host;

        $temp_db_name = _Auth_OpenID_getTmpDbName();

        $connect_db_name = 'test_master';

        $dsn = array(
                     'phptype'  => 'pgsql',
                     'username' => 'openid_test',
                     'password' => '',
                     'hostspec' => $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host,
                     'database' => $connect_db_name

        $allowed_failures = 5;
        $result = null;
        $sleep_time = 1.0;
        $sql = sprintf("CREATE DATABASE %s", $temp_db_name);

        for ($failures = 0; $failures < $allowed_failures; $failures++) {
            $template_db =& DB::connect($dsn);

            if (PEAR::isError($template_db)) {
                $result =& $template_db;
            } else {
                // Try to create the test database.
                $result = $template_db->query($sql);


                if (!PEAR::isError($result)) {

            $sleep_time *= ((mt_rand(1, 100) / 100.0) + 1.5);
            print "Failed to create database $temp_db_name.\n".
                "Waiting $sleep_time before trying again\n";

            $int_sleep = floor($sleep_time);
            $frac_sleep = $sleep_time - $int_sleep;
            usleep($frac_sleep * 1000000.0);

        if ($failures == $allowed_failures) {
            $this->pass("Temporary database creation failed after $failures ".
                        " tries ('$temp_db_name'): " . $result->getMessage());

        // Disconnect from template1 and reconnect to the temporary
        // testing database.
        $dsn['database'] = $temp_db_name;
        $db =& DB::connect($dsn);

        if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
            $this->fail("Temporary database connection failed " .
                        " ('$temp_db_name'): " . $db->getMessage());

        $store = new Auth_OpenID_PostgreSQLStore($db);






        // Connect to template1 again so we can drop the temporary
        // database.
        $dsn['database'] = $connect_db_name;
        $template_db =& DB::connect($dsn);

        if (PEAR::isError($template_db)) {
            $this->fail("Template database connection (to drop " .
                        "temporary database) failed: " .

        $result = $template_db->query(sprintf("DROP DATABASE %s",

        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
            $this->fail("Dropping temporary database failed: " .


    function test_sqlitestore()
        // If the sqlite extension isn't loaded or loadable, succeed
        // because we can't run the test.
        if (!(extension_loaded('sqlite')) ||
            !(@include_once 'DB.php')) {
            print "(not testing SQLite store)";

        require_once 'Auth/OpenID/SQLiteStore.php';

        $temp_dir = _Auth_OpenID_mkdtemp();

        if (!$temp_dir) {
            trigger_error('Could not create temporary directory ' .
                          'with Auth_OpenID_FileStore::_mkdtemp',
            return null;

        $dsn = 'sqlite:///' . urlencode($temp_dir) . '/php_openid_storetest.db';
        $db =& DB::connect($dsn);

        if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
            $this->pass("SQLite database connection failed: " .
        } else {
            $store = new Auth_OpenID_SQLiteStore($db);
            $this->assertTrue($store->createTables(), "Table creation failed");

        unlink($temp_dir . '/php_openid_storetest.db');

    function test_mysqlstore()
        // If the mysql extension isn't loaded or loadable, succeed
        // because we can't run the test.
        if (!(extension_loaded('mysql')) ||
            !(@include_once 'DB.php')) {
            print "(not testing MySQL store)";

        require_once 'Auth/OpenID/MySQLStore.php';

        global $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host;

        $dsn = array(
                     'phptype'  => 'mysql',
                     'username' => 'openid_test',
                     'password' => '',
                     'hostspec' => $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host

        $db =& DB::connect($dsn);

        if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
            print "MySQL database connection failed: " .

        $temp_db_name = _Auth_OpenID_getTmpDbName();

        $result = $db->query("CREATE DATABASE $temp_db_name");

        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
            $this->pass("Error creating MySQL temporary database: " .

        $db->query("USE $temp_db_name");

        $store = new Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore($db);

        $db->query("DROP DATABASE $temp_db_name");

    function test_mdb2store()
        // The MDB2 test can use any database engine. MySQL is chosen
        // arbitrarily.
        if (!(extension_loaded('mysql') ||
            (function_exists('dl') && @dl('mysql.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX))) ||
            !(@include_once 'MDB2.php')) {
            print "(not testing MDB2 store)";

        require_once 'Auth/OpenID/MDB2Store.php';

        global $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host;

        $dsn = array(
                     'phptype'  => 'mysql',
                     'username' => 'openid_test',
                     'password' => '',
                     'hostspec' => $_Auth_OpenID_db_test_host

        $db =& MDB2::connect($dsn);

        if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
            print "MySQL database connection failed: " .

        $temp_db_name = _Auth_OpenID_getTmpDbName();

        $result = $db->query("CREATE DATABASE $temp_db_name");

        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
            $this->pass("Error creating MySQL temporary database: " .

        $db->query("USE $temp_db_name");

        $store =& new Auth_OpenID_MDB2Store($db);
        if (!$store->createTables()) {
            $this->fail("Failed to create tables");

        $db->query("DROP DATABASE $temp_db_name");

 * This is the host that the store test will use
global $_Auth_OpenID_memcache_test_host;
$_Auth_OpenID_memcache_test_host = 'localhost';

class Tests_Auth_OpenID_MemcachedStore_Test extends Tests_Auth_OpenID_Store {
    function test_memcache()
        // If the memcache extension isn't loaded or loadable, succeed
        // because we can't run the test.
        if (!extension_loaded('memcache')) {
            print "(skipping memcache store tests)";
        require_once 'Auth/OpenID/MemcachedStore.php';

        global $_Auth_OpenID_memcache_test_host;

        $memcached = new Memcache();
        if (!$memcached->connect($_Auth_OpenID_memcache_test_host)) {
            print "(skipping memcache store tests - couldn't connect)";
        } else {
            $store = new Auth_OpenID_MemcachedStore($memcached);



class Tests_Auth_OpenID_StoreTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite {
    function getName()
        return "Tests_Auth_OpenID_StoreTest";

      function Tests_Auth_OpenID_StoreTest()