
StatusNet 1.1.1 to GNU social

We cannot support migrating from any other version of StatusNet than 
1.1.1. If you are running a StatusNet version lower than this, please 
follow the upgrade procedures for each respective StatusNet version.

You are now running StatusNet 1.1.1 and want to migrate to GNU social.

Before you begin: Make backups. Always make backups. Of your entire 
directory structure and the database too. All tables. All data. Alles.

    0. Stop your queue daemons 'php scripts/stopdaemon.php' should do it.
        Not everyone runs queue daemons, but the above command won't hurt.

    1. Unpack your GNU social code to a fresh directory.
    2. Synchronize your local files to the GNU social directory. These 
        will be the local files such as avatars, config and files:


    3. Replace your old StatusNet directory with the new GNU social
        directory in your webserver root.
    4. Run the upgrade script: 'php scripts/upgrade.php'
    5. Start your queue daemons: 'php scripts/startdaemons.php'
    6. Report any issues at https://gitorious.org/statusnet/gnu-social/ 

Legacy StatusNet instructions

These instructions are here for historical and perhaps informational

If you've been using StatusNet 1.0 or lower, or if you've
been tracking the "git" version of the software, you will probably
want to upgrade and keep your existing data. Try these step-by-step
instructions; read to the end first before trying them.

0. Download StatusNet and set up all the prerequisites as if you were
   doing a new install.
1. Make backups of both your database and your Web directory. UNDER NO
   CIRCUMSTANCES should you try to do an upgrade without a known-good
   backup. You have been warned.
2. Shut down Web access to your site, either by turning off your Web
   server or by redirecting all pages to a "sorry, under maintenance"
3. Shut down XMPP access to your site, typically by shutting down the
   xmppdaemon.php process and all other daemons that you're running.
   If you've got "monit" or "cron" automatically restarting your
   daemons, make sure to turn that off, too.
4. Shut down SMS and email access to your site. The easy way to do
   this is to comment out the line piping incoming email to your
   maildaemon.php file, and running something like "newaliases".
5. Once all writing processes to your site are turned off, make a
   final backup of the Web directory and database.
6. Move your StatusNet directory to a backup spot, like "statusnet.bak".
7. Unpack your StatusNet 1.1.1 tarball and move it to "statusnet" or
   wherever your code used to be.
8. Copy the config.php file and the contents of the avatar/, background/,
   file/, and local/ subdirectories from your old directory to your new
9. Copy htaccess.sample to .htaccess in the new directory. Change the
   RewriteBase to use the correct path.
10. Upgrade the database.

    NOTE: this step is destructive and cannot be
    do it without a known-good backup!

    In your new StatusNet 1.1.1 directory and AFTER YOU MAKE A
    BACKUP run the upgrade.php script like this:

        php ./scripts/upgrade.php

11. Use mysql or psql client to log into your database and make sure that
    the notice, user, profile, subscription etc. tables are non-empty.
12. Turn back on the Web server, and check that things still work.
13. Turn back on XMPP bots and email maildaemon.

NOTE: the 1.0.0 version of StatusNet changed the URLs for all admin
panels from /admin/* to /panel/*. This now allows the (popular)
username 'admin', but blocks the considerably less popular username
'panel'. If you have an existing user named 'panel', you should rename
them before upgrading.


With StatusNet 1.0, our default install profile is for private sites.

If you did not specify the privacy level of your site previously, it
was public. Now, it's private.

If you upgrade a public site, you will need to reset the privacy
level. You can do this in your config.php:

       $config['site']['private'] = false;

...or with setconfig.php in the db:

       php setconfig.php site private false

...or with the site admin panel.