null, 'testEstimateDefaultWordWidth' => null, 'testEstimateWordWidthDifferentSize' => null, 'testEstimateWordWidthDifferentSizeAndUnit' => null, 'testEstimateBoldWordWidth' => null, 'testEstimateMonospaceWordWidth' => null, 'testFontStyleFallback' => null, 'testUtf8FontWidth' => null, 'testCustomFontWidthEstimation' => null, ); /** * Get driver to test * * @return ezcDocumentPdfDriver */ abstract protected function getDriver(); public function testEstimateDefaultWordWidthWithoutPageCreation() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testEstimateDefaultWordWidth() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testEstimateWordWidthDifferentSize() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '14' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testEstimateWordWidthDifferentSizeAndUnit() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '14pt' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testEstimateBoldWordWidth() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testEstimateMonospaceWordWidth() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'monospace' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '12' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testFontStyleFallback() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'ZapfDingbats' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-style', 'italic' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testUtf8FontWidth() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'ℋℇℒℒΩ' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testCustomFontWidthEstimation() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); try { $driver->registerFont( 'my_font', ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_PLAIN, array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/fdb_font.fdb', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/ps_font.pfb', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/font.ttf', ) ); } catch ( ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Fonts are not supported.' ); } $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'my_font' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->expectedWidths[__FUNCTION__], $driver->calculateWordWidth( 'Hello world.' ), 'Wrong word width estimation', .1 ); } public function testRenderHelloWorld() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'sans-serif' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 297, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderHelloWorldSmallFont() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'sans-serif' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '4' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 4, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 297, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderSwitchingFontStates() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '8' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 8, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-style', 'italic' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 18, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-style', 'normal' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 28, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'normal' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 38, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 48, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'serif' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 58, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'normal' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 68, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'Symbol' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 78, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 88, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-style', 'italic' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 98, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'monospace' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 108, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-style', 'italic' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 118, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderUtf8Text() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->drawWord( 10, 10, 'ℋℇℒℒΩ' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderPngImage() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->drawImage( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/images/logo-white.png', 'image/png', 50, 50, ezcDocumentPcssMeasure::create( '113px' )->get(), ezcDocumentPcssMeasure::create( '57px' )->get() ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderResizedJpegImage() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->drawImage( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/pdf/images/large.jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 50, 50, 110, 100 ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderColoredText() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'sans-serif' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '4' ); $color = new ezcDocumentPcssStyleColorValue(); $color->parse( '#204a87' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'color', $color->value ); $driver->drawWord( 10, 10, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderPolygon() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $color = new ezcDocumentPcssStyleColorValue(); $color->parse( '#204a87' ); $driver->drawPolygon( array( array( 10, 10 ), array( 200, 10 ), array( 105, 287 ), ), $color->value ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderPolylineClosed() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $color = new ezcDocumentPcssStyleColorValue(); $color->parse( '#204a87' ); $driver->drawPolyline( array( array( 10, 10 ), array( 200, 10 ), array( 105, 287 ), ), $color->value, 1 ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderPolylineOpen() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $color = new ezcDocumentPcssStyleColorValue(); $color->parse( '#204a87' ); $driver->drawPolyline( array( array( 200, 10 ), array( 105, 287 ), array( 10, 10 ), ), $color->value, ezcDocumentPcssMeasure::create( '1pt' )->get(), false ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderLayeredPolygons() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 210, 297 ); $color = new ezcDocumentPcssStyleColorValue(); $color->parse( '#204a87' ); $driver->drawPolygon( array( array( 10, 10 ), array( 200, 10 ), array( 105, 287 ), ), $color->value ); $color = new ezcDocumentPcssStyleColorValue(); $color->parse( '#2e3436' ); $driver->drawPolyline( array( array( 200, 287 ), array( 105, 10 ), array( 10, 287 ), ), $color->value, 1, false ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testAddExternalLink() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->addExternalLink( 0, 0, 100, 100, '' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testAddInternalLinkWithoutTarget() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->addInternalLink( 0, 0, 100, 50, 'my_target' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testAddInternalLinkAndTarget() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->addInternalLink( 0, 0, 100, 50, 'my_target' ); $driver->addInternalLinkTarget( 'my_target' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testAddInternalLinkAndTargetOnNextPage() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->addInternalLink( 0, 0, 100, 50, 'my_target' ); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->addInternalLinkTarget( 'my_target' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderUnknownFont() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } try { $driver->createPage( 250, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'my_font' ); $this->fail( 'Expected ezcDocumentInvalidFontException.' ); } catch ( ezcDocumentInvalidFontException $e ) { /* Expected */ } } public function testRenderPlainTTFFont() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); try { $driver->registerFont( 'my_font', ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_PLAIN, array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/font.ttf', ) ); } catch ( ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Fonts are not supported.' ); } $driver->createPage( 250, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'my_font' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderUnregisteredBoldTTFFont() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); try { $driver->registerFont( 'my_font', ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_PLAIN, array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/font.ttf', ) ); } catch ( ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Fonts are not supported.' ); } $driver->createPage( 250, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'my_font' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderRegisteredBoldTTFFont() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); try { $driver->registerFont( 'my_font', ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_PLAIN, array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/font.ttf', ) ); $driver->registerFont( 'my_font', ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_BOLD, array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/font2.ttf', ) ); } catch ( ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Fonts are not supported.' ); } $driver->createPage( 250, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'my_font' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-weight', 'bold' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testRenderMultipleAlternativeFonts() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); try { $driver->registerFont( 'my_font', ezcDocumentPdfDriver::FONT_PLAIN, array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/fdb_font.fdb', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/ps_font.pfb', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../files/fonts/font.ttf', ) ); } catch ( ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Fonts are not supported.' ); } $driver->createPage( 250, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-family', 'my_font' ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testSetDocumentMetaDataTitle() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document metadata test.' ); $driver->setMetaData( 'title', 'Test document title' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testSetDocumentMetaDataAuthor() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document metadata test.' ); $driver->setMetaData( 'author', 'Kore Nordmann' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testSetDocumentMetaDataSubject() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document metadata test.' ); $driver->setMetaData( 'subject', 'Test document subject' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testSetDocumentMetaDataCreated() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document metadata test.' ); $driver->setMetaData( 'created', date( 'r', 12345678 ) ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testSetDocumentMetaDataModified() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document metadata test.' ); $driver->setMetaData( 'modified', date( 'r', 12345678 ) ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testGenerateCompressedPdf() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $options = new ezcDocumentPdfOptions(); $options->compress = true; $driver->setOptions( $options ); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document compression test.' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); $this->assertPdfDocumentsSimilar( $pdf, get_class( $driver ) . '_' . __FUNCTION__ ); } public function testGeneratePdfWithOwnerPassword() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $options = new ezcDocumentPdfOptions(); $options->ownerPassword = 'foobar23'; $driver->setOptions( $options ); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document compression test.' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); // We cannot make any proper asserstions here, since the PDF contents // change with each regeneration because of the encryption $this->assertFalse( empty( $pdf ) ); } public function testGenerateEncryptedPdf() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $options = new ezcDocumentPdfOptions(); $options->ownerPassword = 'foobar23'; $options->userPassword = 'foobar'; $driver->setOptions( $options ); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document compression test.' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); // We cannot make any proper asserstions here, since the PDF contents // change with each regeneration because of the encryption $this->assertFalse( empty( $pdf ) ); } public function testGenerateEncryptedProtectedPdf() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); if ( $driver instanceof ezcDocumentPdfSvgDriver ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Not supported by the SVG driver.' ); } $options = new ezcDocumentPdfOptions(); $options->permissions = 0; $options->ownerPassword = 'foobar23'; $options->userPassword = 'foobar'; $driver->setOptions( $options ); $driver->createPage( 100, 100 ); $driver->setTextFormatting( 'font-size', '10' ); $driver->drawWord( 0, 10, 'Document compression test.' ); $pdf = $driver->save(); // We cannot make any proper asserstions here, since the PDF contents // change with each regeneration because of the encryption $this->assertFalse( empty( $pdf ) ); } } ?>