<?php /** * Stores cookies and passes them between HTTP requests * * PHP version 5 * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to BSD 3-Clause License that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE and available at the URL * https://raw.github.com/pear/HTTP_Request2/trunk/docs/LICENSE * * @category HTTP * @package HTTP_Request2 * @author Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net> * @copyright 2008-2014 Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_Request2 */ /** Class representing a HTTP request message */ require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php'; /** * Stores cookies and passes them between HTTP requests * * @category HTTP * @package HTTP_Request2 * @author Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_Request2 */ class HTTP_Request2_CookieJar implements Serializable { /** * Array of stored cookies * * The array is indexed by domain, path and cookie name * .example.com * / * some_cookie => cookie data * /subdir * other_cookie => cookie data * .example.org * ... * * @var array */ protected $cookies = array(); /** * Whether session cookies should be serialized when serializing the jar * @var bool */ protected $serializeSession = false; /** * Whether Public Suffix List should be used for domain matching * @var bool */ protected $useList = true; /** * Array with Public Suffix List data * @var array * @link http://publicsuffix.org/ */ protected static $psl = array(); /** * Class constructor, sets various options * * @param bool $serializeSessionCookies Controls serializing session cookies, * see {@link serializeSessionCookies()} * @param bool $usePublicSuffixList Controls using Public Suffix List, * see {@link usePublicSuffixList()} */ public function __construct( $serializeSessionCookies = false, $usePublicSuffixList = true ) { $this->serializeSessionCookies($serializeSessionCookies); $this->usePublicSuffixList($usePublicSuffixList); } /** * Returns current time formatted in ISO-8601 at UTC timezone * * @return string */ protected function now() { $dt = new DateTime(); $dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); return $dt->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } /** * Checks cookie array for correctness, possibly updating its 'domain', 'path' and 'expires' fields * * The checks are as follows: * - cookie array should contain 'name' and 'value' fields; * - name and value should not contain disallowed symbols; * - 'expires' should be either empty parseable by DateTime; * - 'domain' and 'path' should be either not empty or an URL where * cookie was set should be provided. * - if $setter is provided, then document at that URL should be allowed * to set a cookie for that 'domain'. If $setter is not provided, * then no domain checks will be made. * * 'expires' field will be converted to ISO8601 format from COOKIE format, * 'domain' and 'path' will be set from setter URL if empty. * * @param array $cookie cookie data, as returned by * {@link HTTP_Request2_Response::getCookies()} * @param Net_URL2 $setter URL of the document that sent Set-Cookie header * * @return array Updated cookie array * @throws HTTP_Request2_LogicException * @throws HTTP_Request2_MessageException */ protected function checkAndUpdateFields(array $cookie, Net_URL2 $setter = null) { if ($missing = array_diff(array('name', 'value'), array_keys($cookie))) { throw new HTTP_Request2_LogicException( "Cookie array should contain 'name' and 'value' fields", HTTP_Request2_Exception::MISSING_VALUE ); } if (preg_match(HTTP_Request2::REGEXP_INVALID_COOKIE, $cookie['name'])) { throw new HTTP_Request2_LogicException( "Invalid cookie name: '{$cookie['name']}'", HTTP_Request2_Exception::INVALID_ARGUMENT ); } if (preg_match(HTTP_Request2::REGEXP_INVALID_COOKIE, $cookie['value'])) { throw new HTTP_Request2_LogicException( "Invalid cookie value: '{$cookie['value']}'", HTTP_Request2_Exception::INVALID_ARGUMENT ); } $cookie += array('domain' => '', 'path' => '', 'expires' => null, 'secure' => false); // Need ISO-8601 date @ UTC timezone if (!empty($cookie['expires']) && !preg_match('/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\+0000$/', $cookie['expires']) ) { try { $dt = new DateTime($cookie['expires']); $dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $cookie['expires'] = $dt->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new HTTP_Request2_LogicException($e->getMessage()); } } if (empty($cookie['domain']) || empty($cookie['path'])) { if (!$setter) { throw new HTTP_Request2_LogicException( 'Cookie misses domain and/or path component, cookie setter URL needed', HTTP_Request2_Exception::MISSING_VALUE ); } if (empty($cookie['domain'])) { if ($host = $setter->getHost()) { $cookie['domain'] = $host; } else { throw new HTTP_Request2_LogicException( 'Setter URL does not contain host part, can\'t set cookie domain', HTTP_Request2_Exception::MISSING_VALUE ); } } if (empty($cookie['path'])) { $path = $setter->getPath(); $cookie['path'] = empty($path)? '/': substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/') + 1); } } if ($setter && !$this->domainMatch($setter->getHost(), $cookie['domain'])) { throw new HTTP_Request2_MessageException( "Domain " . $setter->getHost() . " cannot set cookies for " . $cookie['domain'] ); } return $cookie; } /** * Stores a cookie in the jar * * @param array $cookie cookie data, as returned by * {@link HTTP_Request2_Response::getCookies()} * @param Net_URL2 $setter URL of the document that sent Set-Cookie header * * @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception */ public function store(array $cookie, Net_URL2 $setter = null) { $cookie = $this->checkAndUpdateFields($cookie, $setter); if (strlen($cookie['value']) && (is_null($cookie['expires']) || $cookie['expires'] > $this->now()) ) { if (!isset($this->cookies[$cookie['domain']])) { $this->cookies[$cookie['domain']] = array(); } if (!isset($this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']])) { $this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']] = array(); } $this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']][$cookie['name']] = $cookie; } elseif (isset($this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']][$cookie['name']])) { unset($this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']][$cookie['name']]); } } /** * Adds cookies set in HTTP response to the jar * * @param HTTP_Request2_Response $response HTTP response message * @param Net_URL2 $setter original request URL, needed for * setting default domain/path */ public function addCookiesFromResponse(HTTP_Request2_Response $response, Net_URL2 $setter) { foreach ($response->getCookies() as $cookie) { $this->store($cookie, $setter); } } /** * Returns all cookies matching a given request URL * * The following checks are made: * - cookie domain should match request host * - cookie path should be a prefix for request path * - 'secure' cookies will only be sent for HTTPS requests * * @param Net_URL2 $url Request url * @param bool $asString Whether to return cookies as string for "Cookie: " header * * @return array|string Matching cookies */ public function getMatching(Net_URL2 $url, $asString = false) { $host = $url->getHost(); $path = $url->getPath(); $secure = 0 == strcasecmp($url->getScheme(), 'https'); $matched = $ret = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->cookies) as $domain) { if ($this->domainMatch($host, $domain)) { foreach (array_keys($this->cookies[$domain]) as $cPath) { if (0 === strpos($path, $cPath)) { foreach ($this->cookies[$domain][$cPath] as $name => $cookie) { if (!$cookie['secure'] || $secure) { $matched[$name][strlen($cookie['path'])] = $cookie; } } } } } } foreach ($matched as $cookies) { krsort($cookies); $ret = array_merge($ret, $cookies); } if (!$asString) { return $ret; } else { $str = ''; foreach ($ret as $c) { $str .= (empty($str)? '': '; ') . $c['name'] . '=' . $c['value']; } return $str; } } /** * Returns all cookies stored in a jar * * @return array */ public function getAll() { $cookies = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->cookies) as $domain) { foreach (array_keys($this->cookies[$domain]) as $path) { foreach ($this->cookies[$domain][$path] as $name => $cookie) { $cookies[] = $cookie; } } } return $cookies; } /** * Sets whether session cookies should be serialized when serializing the jar * * @param boolean $serialize serialize? */ public function serializeSessionCookies($serialize) { $this->serializeSession = (bool)$serialize; } /** * Sets whether Public Suffix List should be used for restricting cookie-setting * * Without PSL {@link domainMatch()} will only prevent setting cookies for * top-level domains like '.com' or '.org'. However, it will not prevent * setting a cookie for '.co.uk' even though only third-level registrations * are possible in .uk domain. * * With the List it is possible to find the highest level at which a domain * may be registered for a particular top-level domain and consequently * prevent cookies set for '.co.uk' or '.msk.ru'. The same list is used by * Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers to restrict cookie setting. * * Note that PSL is licensed differently to HTTP_Request2 package (refer to * the license information in public-suffix-list.php), so you can disable * its use if this is an issue for you. * * @param boolean $useList use the list? * * @link http://publicsuffix.org/learn/ */ public function usePublicSuffixList($useList) { $this->useList = (bool)$useList; } /** * Returns string representation of object * * @return string * * @see Serializable::serialize() */ public function serialize() { $cookies = $this->getAll(); if (!$this->serializeSession) { for ($i = count($cookies) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if (empty($cookies[$i]['expires'])) { unset($cookies[$i]); } } } return serialize(array( 'cookies' => $cookies, 'serializeSession' => $this->serializeSession, 'useList' => $this->useList )); } /** * Constructs the object from serialized string * * @param string $serialized string representation * * @see Serializable::unserialize() */ public function unserialize($serialized) { $data = unserialize($serialized); $now = $this->now(); $this->serializeSessionCookies($data['serializeSession']); $this->usePublicSuffixList($data['useList']); foreach ($data['cookies'] as $cookie) { if (!empty($cookie['expires']) && $cookie['expires'] <= $now) { continue; } if (!isset($this->cookies[$cookie['domain']])) { $this->cookies[$cookie['domain']] = array(); } if (!isset($this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']])) { $this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']] = array(); } $this->cookies[$cookie['domain']][$cookie['path']][$cookie['name']] = $cookie; } } /** * Checks whether a cookie domain matches a request host. * * The method is used by {@link store()} to check for whether a document * at given URL can set a cookie with a given domain attribute and by * {@link getMatching()} to find cookies matching the request URL. * * @param string $requestHost request host * @param string $cookieDomain cookie domain * * @return bool match success */ public function domainMatch($requestHost, $cookieDomain) { if ($requestHost == $cookieDomain) { return true; } // IP address, we require exact match if (preg_match('/^(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/', $requestHost)) { return false; } if ('.' != $cookieDomain[0]) { $cookieDomain = '.' . $cookieDomain; } // prevents setting cookies for '.com' and similar domains if (!$this->useList && substr_count($cookieDomain, '.') < 2 || $this->useList && !self::getRegisteredDomain($cookieDomain) ) { return false; } return substr('.' . $requestHost, -strlen($cookieDomain)) == $cookieDomain; } /** * Removes subdomains to get the registered domain (the first after top-level) * * The method will check Public Suffix List to find out where top-level * domain ends and registered domain starts. It will remove domain parts * to the left of registered one. * * @param string $domain domain name * * @return string|bool registered domain, will return false if $domain is * either invalid or a TLD itself */ public static function getRegisteredDomain($domain) { $domainParts = explode('.', ltrim($domain, '.')); // load the list if needed if (empty(self::$psl)) { $path = '@data_dir@' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'HTTP_Request2'; if (0 === strpos($path, '@' . 'data_dir@')) { $path = realpath( dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' ); } self::$psl = include_once $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public-suffix-list.php'; } if (!($result = self::checkDomainsList($domainParts, self::$psl))) { // known TLD, invalid domain name return false; } // unknown TLD if (!strpos($result, '.')) { // fallback to checking that domain "has at least two dots" if (2 > ($count = count($domainParts))) { return false; } return $domainParts[$count - 2] . '.' . $domainParts[$count - 1]; } return $result; } /** * Recursive helper method for {@link getRegisteredDomain()} * * @param array $domainParts remaining domain parts * @param mixed $listNode node in {@link HTTP_Request2_CookieJar::$psl} to check * * @return string|null concatenated domain parts, null in case of error */ protected static function checkDomainsList(array $domainParts, $listNode) { $sub = array_pop($domainParts); $result = null; if (!is_array($listNode) || is_null($sub) || array_key_exists('!' . $sub, $listNode) ) { return $sub; } elseif (array_key_exists($sub, $listNode)) { $result = self::checkDomainsList($domainParts, $listNode[$sub]); } elseif (array_key_exists('*', $listNode)) { $result = self::checkDomainsList($domainParts, $listNode['*']); } else { return $sub; } return (strlen($result) > 0) ? ($result . '.' . $sub) : null; } } ?>