<?php declare(strict_types = 1); // {{{ License // This file is part of GNU social - https://www.gnu.org/software/social // // GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with GNU social. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // }}} /** * WebMonetization for GNU social * * @package GNUsocial * @category Plugin * * @author Phablulo <phablulo@gmail.com> * @copyright 2018-2019, 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ namespace Plugin\PinnedNotes; use App\Core\DB; use App\Core\Event; use App\Core\Modules\Plugin; use App\Core\Router\RouteLoader; use App\Core\Router\Router; use App\Entity\Actor; use App\Entity\LocalUser; use App\Entity\Note; use App\Util\Common; use App\Util\Formatting; use App\Util\Nickname; use Component\Collection\Collection; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ExpressionBuilder; use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr; use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder; use Plugin\PinnedNotes\Controller as C; use Plugin\PinnedNotes\Entity as E; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class PinnedNotes extends Plugin { public function onAddRoute(RouteLoader $r): bool { // Pin and unpin notes $r->connect(id: 'toggle_note_pin', uri_path: '/object/note/{id<\d+>}/pin', target: [C\PinnedNotes::class, 'togglePin']); // list of user pins, by id and nickname // it's meant to be used by the ActivityPub plugin $r->connect( id: 'list_pinned_notes_by_id', uri_path: '/actor/{id<\d+>}/pinned_notes', target: [C\PinnedNotes::class, 'listPinsById'], ); $r->connect( id: 'list_pinned_notes_by_nickname', uri_path: '/@{nickname<' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . '>}/pinned_notes', target: [C\PinnedNotes::class, 'listPinsByNickname'], ); return Event::next; } public function onBeforeFeed(Request $request, &$res): bool { $path = $request->attributes->get('_route'); if ($path === 'actor_view_nickname') { $actor = LocalUser::getByNickname($request->attributes->get('nickname'))->getActor(); } elseif ($path === 'actor_view_id') { $actor = DB::findOneBy(Actor::class, ['id' => $request->attributes->get('id')]); } else { return Event::next; } $locale = Common::currentLanguage()->getLocale(); $notes = Collection::query('pinned:true actor:' . $actor->getId(), 1, $locale, $actor); $res[] = Formatting::twigRenderFile('PinnedNotes/notes.html.twig', ['pinned_notes' => $notes['notes']]); return Event::next; } public function onCollectionQueryAddJoins(QueryBuilder &$note_qb, QueryBuilder &$actor_qb): bool { if (!\in_array('pinned_notes', $note_qb->getAllAliases())) { $note_qb->leftJoin(E\PinnedNotes::class, 'pinned_notes', Expr\Join::WITH, 'note.id = pinned_notes.note_id'); } return Event::next; } public function onCollectionQueryCreateExpression(ExpressionBuilder $eb, string $term, ?string $language, ?Actor $actor, &$note_expr, &$actor_expr): bool { if ($term === 'pinned:true') { $note_expr = $eb->neq('pinned_notes', null); return Event::stop; } if (str_starts_with($term, 'actor:')) { $actor_id = (int) mb_substr($term, 6); $actor_expr = $eb->eq('actor.id', $actor_id); return Event::stop; } return Event::next; } public function onAddNoteActions(Request $request, Note $note, array &$actions): bool { $user = Common::user(); if ($user->getId() !== $note->getActorId()) { return Event::next; } $opts = ['note_id' => $note->getId(), 'actor_id' => $user->getId()]; $is_pinned = !\is_null(DB::findOneBy(E\PinnedNotes::class, $opts, return_null: true)); $router_args = ['id' => $note->getId()]; $router_type = Router::ABSOLUTE_PATH; $action_url = Router::url('toggle_note_pin', $router_args, $router_type); $action_url .= '?from=' . urlencode($request->getRequestUri()); // so we can go back $actions[] = [ 'url' => $action_url, 'title' => ($is_pinned ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin') . ' this note', 'classes' => 'button-container pin-button-container ' . ($is_pinned ? 'pinned' : ''), 'id' => 'pin-button-container-' . $note->getId(), ]; return Event::next; } public function onEndShowStyles(array &$styles, string $route): bool { $styles[] = 'plugins/PinnedNotes/assets/css/pinned-notes.css'; return Event::next; } // Activity Pub handling stuff public function onActivityStreamsTwoContext(array &$activity_streams_two_context): bool { $activity_streams_two_context[] = ['toot' => 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#']; $activity_streams_two_context[] = [ 'featured' => [ '@id' => 'toot:featured', '@type' => '@id', ], ]; return Event::next; } public function onActivityPubAddActivityStreamsTwoData(string $type_name, &$type): bool { if ($type_name === 'Person') { $actor = \Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Explorer::getOneFromUri($type->get('id')); $router_args = ['id' => $actor->getId()]; $router_type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL; $action_url = Router::url('list_pinned_notes_by_id', $router_args, $router_type); $type->set('featured', $action_url); } return Event::next; } }