_m('Email'), 'constraints' => [ new NotBlank(['message' => _m('Please enter an email') ]) ]]], ['password_reset_request', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Submit request')]], ]); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { return EmailVerifier::processSendingPasswordResetEmail($form->get('email')->getData(), $this); } return [ '_template' => 'reset_password/request.html.twig', 'password_reset_form' => $form->createView(), ]; } /** * Confirmation page after a user has requested a password reset. */ public function checkEmail() { // We prevent users from directly accessing this page if (null === ($resetToken = $this->getTokenObjectFromSession())) { throw new RedirectException('request_reset_password'); } return [ '_template' => 'reset_password/check_email.html.twig', 'resetToken' => $resetToken, ]; } /** * Validates and process the reset URL that the user clicked in their email. */ public function reset(Request $request, string $token = null) { if ($token) { // We store the token in session and remove it from the URL, to avoid the URL being // loaded in a browser and potentially leaking the token to 3rd party JavaScript. $this->storeTokenInSession($token); throw new RedirectException('reset_password'); } $token = $this->getTokenFromSession(); if (null === $token) { throw new ClientException(_m('No reset password token found in the URL or in the session')); } try { $user = EmailVerifier::validateTokenAndFetchUser($token); } catch (ResetPasswordExceptionInterface $e) { $this->addFlash('reset_password_error', _m('There was a problem validating your reset request - {reason}', ['reason' => $e->getReason()])); throw new RedirectException('request_reset_password'); } // The token is valid; allow the user to change their password. $form = Form::create([ FormFields::repeated_password(), ['password_reset', SubmitType::class, ['label' => _m('Change password')]], ]); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { // A password reset token should be used only once, remove it. EmailVerifier::removeResetRequest($token); $user->setPassword(LocalUser::hashPassword($form->get('password')->getData())); DB::flush(); // The session is cleaned up after the password has been changed. $this->cleanSessionAfterReset(); throw new RedirectException('main_all'); } return [ '_template' => 'reset_password/reset.html.twig', 'resetForm' => $form->createView(), ]; } }