mxn.register('yahoo', { Mapstraction: { init: function(element,api) { var me = this; if (YMap) { this.maps[api] = new YMap(element); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.MouseClick, function(event,location) { me.clickHandler(location.Lat, location.Lon, location, me);{'location': new mxn.LatLonPoint(location.Lat, location.Lon)}); }); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.changeZoom, function() { me.moveendHandler(me);; }); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.endPan, function() { me.moveendHandler(me);; }); YEvent.Capture(this.maps[api], EventsList.endAutoPan, function() {; }); this.loaded[api] = true;; } else { alert(api + ' map script not imported'); } }, applyOptions: function(){ /* if (this.options.enableDragging) { map.enableDragMap(); } else { map.disableDragMap(); }*/ }, resizeTo: function(width, height){ this.maps[this.api].resizeTo(new YSize(width,height)); }, addControls: function( args ) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; if (args.pan) { map.addPanControl(); } else { // Yahoo doesn't check the pan control is there before trying to remove it // so throws an exception :( map.addPanControl(); map.removePanControl(); } if (args.zoom == 'large') { map.addZoomLong(); } else if ( args.zoom == 'small' ) { map.addZoomShort(); } else { map.removeZoomScale(); } }, addSmallControls: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.addPanControl(); map.addZoomShort(); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'small'; }, addLargeControls: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.addPanControl(); map.addZoomLong(); this.addControlsArgs.pan = true; // keep the controls in case of swap this.addControlsArgs.zoom = 'large'; }, addMapTypeControls: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.addTypeControl(); }, dragging: function(on) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; if (on) { map.enableDragMap(); } else { map.disableDragMap(); } }, setCenterAndZoom: function(point, zoom) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var pt = point.toProprietary(this.api); var yzoom = 18 - zoom; // maybe? map.drawZoomAndCenter(pt,yzoom); }, addMarker: function(marker, old) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var pin = marker.toProprietary(this.api); map.addOverlay(pin); YEvent.Capture(pin, EventsList.MouseClick, function() {; }); YEvent.Capture(pin, EventsList.openSmartWindow, function() {; }); YEvent.Capture(pin, EventsList.closeSmartWindow, function() {; }); return pin; }, removeMarker: function(marker) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.removeOverlay(marker.proprietary_marker); }, removeAllMarkers: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.removeMarkersAll(); }, declutterMarkers: function(opts) { throw 'Not implemented'; }, addPolyline: function(polyline, old) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var pl = polyline.toProprietary(this.api); map.addOverlay(pl); return pl; }, removePolyline: function(polyline) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.removeOverlay(polyline.proprietary_polyline); }, getCenter: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var pt = map.getCenterLatLon(); var point = new mxn.LatLonPoint(pt.Lat, pt.Lon); return point; }, setCenter: function(point, options) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var pt = point.toProprietary(this.api); map.panToLatLon(pt); }, setZoom: function(zoom) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var yzoom = 18 - zoom; // maybe? map.setZoomLevel(yzoom); }, getZoom: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; return 18 - map.getZoomLevel(); }, getZoomLevelForBoundingBox: function( bbox ) { throw 'Not implemented'; }, setMapType: function(type) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; switch(type) { case mxn.Mapstraction.ROAD: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_REG); break; case mxn.Mapstraction.SATELLITE: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_SAT); break; case mxn.Mapstraction.HYBRID: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_HYB); break; default: map.setMapType(YAHOO_MAP_REG); } }, getMapType: function() { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var type = map.getCurrentMapType(); switch(type) { case YAHOO_MAP_REG: return mxn.Mapstraction.ROAD; case YAHOO_MAP_SAT: return mxn.Mapstraction.SATELLITE; case YAHOO_MAP_HYB: return mxn.Mapstraction.HYBRID; default: return null; } }, getBounds: function () { var map = this.maps[this.api]; var ybox = map.getBoundsLatLon(); return new mxn.BoundingBox(ybox.LatMin, ybox.LonMin, ybox.LatMax, ybox.LonMax); }, setBounds: function(bounds){ var map = this.maps[this.api]; var sw = bounds.getSouthWest(); var ne = bounds.getNorthEast(); if(sw.lon > ne.lon) { sw.lon -= 360; } var center = new YGeoPoint(( +, (ne.lon + sw.lon)/2); var container = map.getContainerSize(); for(var zoom = 1 ; zoom <= 17 ; zoom++){ var sw_pix = mxn.util.convertLatLonXY_Yahoo(sw,zoom); var ne_pix = mxn.util.convertLatLonXY_Yahoo(ne,zoom); if(sw_pix.x > ne_pix.x) { sw_pix.x -= (1 << (26 - zoom)); //earth circumference in pixel } if(Math.abs(ne_pix.x - sw_pix.x) <= container.width && Math.abs(ne_pix.y - sw_pix.y) <= container.height){ map.drawZoomAndCenter(center, zoom); //Call drawZoomAndCenter here: OK if called multiple times anyway break; } } }, addImageOverlay: function(id, src, opacity, west, south, east, north, oContext) { throw 'Not implemented'; }, setImagePosition: function(id) { throw 'Not implemented'; }, addOverlay: function(url, autoCenterAndZoom) { var map = this.maps[this.api]; map.addOverlay(new YGeoRSS(url)); }, addTileLayer: function(tile_url, opacity, copyright_text, min_zoom, max_zoom) { throw 'Not implemented'; }, toggleTileLayer: function(tile_url) { throw 'Not implemented'; }, getPixelRatio: function() { throw 'Not implemented'; }, mousePosition: function(element) { throw 'Not implemented'; } }, LatLonPoint: { toProprietary: function() { return new YGeoPoint(,this.lon); }, fromProprietary: function(yahooPoint) { = yahooPoint.Lat; this.lon = yahooPoint.Lon; } }, Marker: { toProprietary: function() { var ymarker, size; var infoBubble, event_action, infoDiv, div; if(this.iconSize) { size = new YSize(this.iconSize[0], this.iconSize[1]); } if(this.iconUrl) { if(this.iconSize){ ymarker = new YMarker(this.location.toProprietary('yahoo'), new YImage(this.iconUrl, size)); } else { ymarker = new YMarker(this.location.toProprietary('yahoo'), new YImage(this.iconUrl)); } } else { if(this.iconSize) { ymarker = new YMarker(this.location.toProprietary('yahoo'), null, size); } else { ymarker = new YMarker(this.location.toProprietary('yahoo')); } } if(this.labelText) { ymarker.addLabel(this.labelText); } if(this.infoBubble) { infoBubble = this.infoBubble; if(this.hover) { event_action = EventsList.MouseOver; } else { event_action = EventsList.MouseClick; } YEvent.Capture(ymarker, event_action, function() { ymarker.openSmartWindow(infoBubble); }); } if(this.infoDiv) { infoDiv = this.infoDiv; div = this.div; if(this.hover) { event_action = EventsList.MouseOver; } else { event_action = EventsList.MouseClick; } YEvent.Capture(ymarker, event_action, function() { document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = infoDiv; }); } return ymarker; }, openBubble: function() { var ypin = this.proprietary_marker; ypin.openSmartWindow(this.infoBubble); }, hide: function() { this.proprietary_marker.hide(); }, show: function() { this.proprietary_marker.unhide(); }, update: function() { throw 'Not implemented'; } }, Polyline: { toProprietary: function() { var ypolyline; var ypoints = []; for (var i = 0, length = this.points.length ; i< length; i++){ ypoints.push(this.points[i].toProprietary('yahoo')); } ypolyline = new YPolyline(ypoints,this.color,this.width,this.opacity); return ypolyline; }, show: function() { throw 'Not implemented'; }, hide: function() { throw 'Not implemented'; } } });