/** Init for Autocomplete (requires jquery-ui) * * @package Plugin * @author Mikael Nordfeldth <mmn@hethane.se> * @copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ var origInit = SN.Init.NoticeFormSetup; SN.Init.NoticeFormSetup = function(form) { origInit(form); // Only attach to traditional-style forms var textarea = form.find('.notice_data-text:first'); if (textarea.length === 0) { return; } function termSplit(val) { return val.split(/ \s*/); } function extractLast( term ) { return termSplit(term).pop(); } var apiUrl = $('#autocomplete-api').attr('data-url'); // migrated "multiple" and "multipleSeparator" from // http://www.learningjquery.com/2010/06/autocomplete-migration-guide textarea .bind('keydown', function( event ) { if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $( this ).data( "ui-autocomplete" ).menu.active ) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .autocomplete({ minLength: 1, // 1 is default source: function (request, response) { $.getJSON( apiUrl, { term: extractLast(request.term) }, response ); }, search: function () { // custom minLength, we though we match the 1 below var term = extractLast(this.value); if (term.length <= 1) { return false; } }, focus: function () { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function (event, ui) { var terms = termSplit(this.value); terms.pop(); // remove latest term terms.push(ui.item.value); // insert terms.push(''); // empty element, for the join() this.value = terms.join(' '); return false; }, }) .data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function (ul, item) { return $('<li></li>') .data('ui-autocomplete-item', item) .append('<a><img style="display:inline; vertical-align: middle"><span /></a>') .find('img').attr('src', item.avatar).end() .find('span').text(item.label).end() .appendTo(ul); }; }; /** * Called when a people tag edit box is shown in the interface * * - loads the jQuery UI autocomplete plugin * - sets event handlers for tag completion * */ SN.Init.PeopletagAutocomplete = function(txtBox) { var split, extractLast; split = function(val) { return val.split( /\s+/ ); }; extractLast = function(term) { return split(term).pop(); }; // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item txtBox .on('keydown', function(event) { if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $(this).data('ui-autocomplete').menu.active) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .autocomplete({ minLength: 0, source: function(request, response) { // delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term response($.ui.autocomplete.filter( SN.C.PtagACData, extractLast(request.term))); }, focus: function () { return false; }, select: function(event, ui) { var terms = split(this.value); terms.pop(); terms.push(ui.item.value); terms.push(''); this.value = terms.join(' '); return false; } }) .data('ui-autocomplete') ._renderItem = function (ul, item) { // FIXME: with jQuery UI you cannot have it highlight the match var _l = '<a class="ptag-ac-line-tag">' + item.tag + ' <em class="privacy_mode">' + item.mode + '</em>' + '<span class="freq">' + item.freq + '</span></a>'; return $('<li/>') .addClass('mode-' + item.mode) .addClass('ptag-ac-line') .data('item.autocomplete', item) .append(_l) .appendTo(ul); }; }; $(document).on('click', '.peopletags_edit_button', function () { SN.Init.PeopletagAutocomplete($(this).closest('dd').find('[name="tags"]')); });