. /** * Database schema for PostgreSQL * * @category Database * @package GNUsocial * @author Evan Prodromou * @author Brenda Wallace * @author Brion Vibber * @copyright 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ defined('GNUSOCIAL') || die(); /** * Class representing the database schema for PostgreSQL * * A class representing the database schema. Can be used to * manipulate the schema -- especially for plugins and upgrade * utilities. * * @copyright 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later */ class PgsqlSchema extends Schema { public static $_single = null; /** * Main public entry point. Use this to get * the singleton object. * * @param object|null $conn * @param string|null dummy param * @return Schema the (single) Schema object */ public static function get($conn = null, $_ = 'pgsql') { if (empty(self::$_single)) { self::$_single = new Schema($conn, 'pgsql'); } return self::$_single; } /** * Returns a table definition array for the table * in the schema with the given name. * * Throws an exception if the table is not found. * * @param string $table Name of the table to get * * @return array tabledef for that table. * @throws SchemaTableMissingException */ public function getTableDef($table) { $def = []; $hasKeys = false; // Pull column data from INFORMATION_SCHEMA $columns = $this->fetchMetaInfo($table, 'columns', 'ordinal_position'); if (count($columns) == 0) { throw new SchemaTableMissingException("No such table: $table"); } // Get information on the emulated "enum" type $enum_info = $this->fetchEnumInfo($table); foreach ($columns as $row) { $name = $row['column_name']; $field = []; $field['type'] = $type = $row['udt_name']; if (in_array($type, ['char', 'bpchar', 'varchar'])) { if ($row['character_maximum_length'] !== null) { $field['length'] = intval($row['character_maximum_length']); } } if ($type == 'numeric') { // Other int types may report these values, but they're irrelevant. // Just ignore them! if ($row['numeric_precision'] !== null) { $field['precision'] = intval($row['numeric_precision']); } if ($row['numeric_scale'] !== null) { $field['scale'] = intval($row['numeric_scale']); } } if ($row['is_nullable'] == 'NO') { $field['not null'] = true; } $col_default = $row['column_default']; if (!is_null($col_default)) { if ($this->isNumericType($field)) { $field['default'] = (int) $col_default; } elseif ($type === 'bool') { $field['default'] = ($col_default === 'true') ? true : false; } else { $match = "/^'(.*)'(::.+)*$/"; if (preg_match($match, $col_default)) { $field['default'] = preg_replace( $match, '\1', $col_default ); } else { $field['default'] = $col_default; } } } if ( $row['is_identity'] === 'YES' && $row['identity_generation'] = 'BY DEFAULT' ) { $field['auto_increment'] = true; } elseif (array_key_exists($name, $enum_info)) { $field['enum'] = $enum_info[$name]; } if (!empty($row['collation_name'])) { $field['collate'] = $row['collation_name']; } $def['fields'][$name] = $field; } $key_info = $this->fetchKeyInfo($table); foreach ($key_info as $row) { $key_name = $row['key_name']; $cols = $row['cols']; switch ($row['key_type']) { case 'primary': $def['primary key'] = $cols; break; case 'unique': $def['unique keys'][$key_name] = $cols; break; case 'gin': // @fixme Way too magical. $cols = array_values(preg_grep( '/^(.+(\(|\)).+|\s*)$/', preg_split('(COALESCE\(|,)', $cols[0]), PREG_GREP_INVERT )); $def['fulltext indexes'][$key_name] = $cols; break; default: $def['indexes'][$key_name] = $cols; } } $foreign_key_info = $this->fetchForeignKeyInfo($table); foreach ($foreign_key_info as $row) { $key_name = $row['key_name']; $cols = $row['cols']; $ref_table = $row['ref_table']; $def['foreign keys'][$key_name] = [$ref_table, $cols]; } return $def; } /** * Pull some INFORMATION.SCHEMA data for the given table. * * @param string $table * @param $infoTable * @param null $orderBy * @return array of arrays * @throws PEAR_Exception */ public function fetchMetaInfo($table, $infoTable, $orderBy = null) { $catalog = $this->conn->dsn['database']; return $this->fetchQueryData(sprintf( <<<'END' SELECT * FROM information_schema.%1$s WHERE table_catalog = '%2$s' AND table_name = '%3$s'%4$s; END, $this->quoteIdentifier($infoTable), $catalog, $table, ($orderBy ? " ORDER BY {$orderBy}" : '') )); } /** * Pull index and keys information for the given table. * * @param string $table * @return array of arrays * @throws PEAR_Exception */ private function fetchKeyInfo(string $table): array { $data = $this->fetchQueryData(sprintf( <<<'EOT' SELECT "rel"."relname" AS "key_name", CASE WHEN "idx"."indisprimary" IS TRUE THEN 'primary' WHEN "idx"."indisunique" IS TRUE THEN 'unique' ELSE "am"."amname" END AS "key_type", CASE WHEN "cols"."attname" IS NOT NULL THEN "cols"."attname" ELSE pg_get_indexdef("idx"."indexrelid", CAST("col_nums"."pos" AS INTEGER), TRUE) END AS "col" FROM pg_index AS "idx" CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest("idx"."indkey") WITH ORDINALITY AS "col_nums" ("num", "pos") INNER JOIN pg_class AS "rel" ON "idx"."indexrelid" = "rel".oid LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS "cols" ON "idx"."indrelid" = "cols"."attrelid" AND "col_nums"."num" = "cols"."attnum" LEFT JOIN pg_am AS "am" ON "rel"."relam" = "am".oid WHERE "idx"."indrelid" = CAST('%s' AS REGCLASS) ORDER BY "key_type", "key_name", "col_nums"."pos"; EOT, $table )); $rows = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $name = $row['key_name']; if (!array_key_exists($name, $rows)) { $row['cols'] = [$row['col']]; unset($row['col']); $rows[$name] = $row; } else { $rows[$name]['cols'][] = $row['col']; } } return array_values($rows); } /** * Pull foreign key information for the given table. * * @param string $table * @return array array of arrays * @throws PEAR_Exception */ private function fetchForeignKeyInfo(string $table): array { $data = $this->fetchQueryData(sprintf( <<<'END' SELECT "con"."conname" AS "key_name", "cols"."attname" AS "col", "ref_rel"."relname" AS "ref_table", "ref_cols"."attname" AS "ref_col" FROM pg_constraint AS "con" CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest("con"."conkey", "con"."confkey") WITH ORDINALITY AS "col_nums" ("num", "ref_num", "pos") LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS "cols" ON "con"."conrelid" = "cols"."attrelid" AND "col_nums"."num" = "cols"."attnum" LEFT JOIN pg_class AS "ref_rel" ON "con"."confrelid" = "ref_rel".oid LEFT JOIN pg_attribute AS "ref_cols" ON "con"."confrelid" = "ref_cols"."attrelid" AND "col_nums"."ref_num" = "ref_cols"."attnum" WHERE "con"."contype" = 'f' AND "con"."conrelid" = CAST('%s' AS REGCLASS) ORDER BY "key_name", "col_nums"."pos"; END, $table )); $rows = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $name = $row['key_name']; if (!array_key_exists($name, $rows)) { $row['cols'] = [$row['col'] => $row['ref_col']]; unset($row['col']); unset($row['ref_col']); $rows[$name] = $row; } else { $rows[$name]['cols'][$row['col']] = $row['ref_col']; } } return array_values($rows); } /** * Pull information about the emulated enum columns * * @param string $table * @return array of arrays * @throws PEAR_Exception */ private function fetchEnumInfo($table) { $data = $this->fetchQueryData( <<quoteIdentifier($row['col'])) . '|' . preg_quote($row['col']) . ')'; $enum = explode("'::text, '", preg_replace( "/^\({$name_regex} = ANY \(ARRAY\['(.+)'::text]\)\)$/D", '\2', $row['check'] )); $rows[$row['col']] = $enum; } return $rows; } private function isNumericType(array $cd): bool { $ints = ['int', 'numeric', 'serial']; return in_array(strtolower($cd['type']), $ints); } /** * Return the proper SQL for creating or * altering a column. * * Appropriate for use in CREATE TABLE or * ALTER TABLE statements. * * @param string $name column name to create * @param array $cd column to create * * @return string correct SQL for that column */ public function columnSql(string $name, array $cd) { $line = []; $line[] = parent::columnSql($name, $cd); // This'll have been added from our transform of 'serial' type if (!empty($cd['auto_increment'])) { $line[] = 'GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY'; } elseif (!empty($cd['enum'])) { foreach ($cd['enum'] as &$val) { $vals[] = "'" . $val . "'"; } $line[] = 'CHECK (' . $name . ' IN (' . implode(',', $vals) . '))'; } return implode(' ', $line); } public function appendAlterDropPrimary(array &$phrase, string $tableName) { // name hack -- is this reliable? $phrase[] = 'DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this->quoteIdentifier($tableName . '_pkey'); } public function buildFulltextIndexList($table, array $def) { foreach ($def as &$val) { $cols[] = $this->buildFulltextIndexItem($table, $val); } return "(to_tsvector('english', " . implode(" || ' ' || ", $cols) . '))'; } public function buildFulltextIndexItem($table, $def) { return sprintf( "COALESCE(%s.%s, '')", $this->quoteIdentifier($table), $def ); } public function mapType($column) { $map = [ 'integer' => 'int', 'char' => 'bpchar', 'datetime' => 'timestamp', 'enum' => 'text', 'blob' => 'bytea' ]; $type = $column['type']; if (array_key_exists($type, $map)) { $type = $map[$type]; } $size = $column['size'] ?? null; switch ($type) { case 'int': if (in_array($size, ['tiny', 'small'])) { $type = 'int2'; } elseif ($size === 'big') { $type = 'int8'; } else { $type = 'int4'; } break; case 'float': $type = ($size !== 'big') ? 'float4' : 'float8'; break; } return $type; } /** * Collation in PostgreSQL format from our format * * @param string $collate * @return string */ protected function collationToPostgreSQL(string $collate): string { if (!in_array($collate, [ 'utf8_bin', 'utf8_general_cs', 'utf8_general_ci', ])) { common_log( LOG_ERR, 'Collation not supported: "' . $collate . '"' ); $collate = 'utf8_bin'; } // @fixme No case-insensitivity support if (substr($collate, 0, 13) === 'utf8_general_') { $collate = 'und-x-icu'; } elseif (substr($collate, 0, 8) === 'utf8_bin') { $collate = 'C'; } return $collate; } public function typeAndSize(string $name, array $column) { $col = parent::typeAndSize($name, $column); if ($this->isStringType($column)) { if (!empty($column['collate'])) { $col .= ' COLLATE "' . $column['collate'] . '"'; } } return $col; } /** * Append an SQL statement with an index definition for a full-text search * index over one or more columns on a table. * * @param array $statements * @param string $table * @param string $name * @param array $def */ public function appendCreateFulltextIndex(array &$statements, $table, $name, array $def) { $statements[] = "CREATE INDEX {$name} ON {$table} USING gin " . $this->buildFulltextIndexList($table, $def); } /** * Filter the given table definition array to match features available * in this database. * * This lets us strip out unsupported things like comments, foreign keys, * or type variants that we wouldn't get back from getTableDef(). * * @param string $tableName * @param array $tableDef * @return array */ public function filterDef(string $tableName, array $tableDef) { $tableDef = parent::filterDef($tableName, $tableDef); foreach ($tableDef['fields'] as $name => &$col) { // No convenient support for field descriptions unset($col['description']); if ($col['type'] === 'serial') { $col['type'] = 'int'; $col['auto_increment'] = true; } if (!empty($col['collate'])) { $col['collate'] = $this->collationToPostgreSQL($col['collate']); } $col['type'] = $this->mapType($col); unset($col['size']); } if (!empty($tableDef['primary key'])) { $tableDef['primary key'] = $this->filterKeyDef($tableDef['primary key']); } foreach (['unique keys', 'indexes'] as $type) { if (!empty($tableDef[$type])) { foreach ($tableDef[$type] as $k => $def) { $tableDef[$type][$k] = $this->filterKeyDef($def); } } } return $tableDef; } /** * Filter the given key/index definition to match features available * in this database. * * @param array $def * @return array */ public function filterKeyDef(array $def) { // PostgreSQL doesn't like prefix lengths specified on keys...? foreach ($def as $i => $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $def[$i] = $item[0]; } } return $def; } }