<?php /** * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc. * * A plugin to enable social-bookmarking functionality * * PHP version 5 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category SocialBookmark * @package StatusNet * @author Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net> * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } /** * Bookmark plugin main class * * @category Bookmark * @package StatusNet * @author Brion Vibber <brionv@status.net> * @author Evan Prodromou <evan@status.net> * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ class BookmarkPlugin extends MicroAppPlugin { const VERSION = '0.1'; const IMPORTDELICIOUS = 'BookmarkPlugin:IMPORTDELICIOUS'; /** * Authorization for importing delicious bookmarks * * By default, everyone can import bookmarks except silenced people. * * @param Profile $profile Person whose rights to check * @param string $right Right to check; const value * @param boolean &$result Result of the check, writeable * * @return boolean hook value */ function onUserRightsCheck($profile, $right, &$result) { if ($right == self::IMPORTDELICIOUS) { $result = !$profile->isSilenced(); return false; } return true; } /** * Database schema setup * * @see Schema * @see ColumnDef * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onCheckSchema() { $schema = Schema::get(); $schema->ensureTable('bookmark', Bookmark::schemaDef()); return true; } /** * Show the CSS necessary for this plugin * * @param Action $action the action being run * * @return boolean hook value */ function onEndShowStyles($action) { $action->cssLink($this->path('bookmark.css')); return true; } function onEndShowScripts($action) { $action->script($this->path('js/bookmark.js')); return true; } /** * Map URLs to actions * * @param Net_URL_Mapper $m path-to-action mapper * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onRouterInitialized($m) { if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) { $nickname = User::singleUserNickname(); $m->connect('bookmarks', array('action' => 'bookmarks', 'nickname' => $nickname)); $m->connect('bookmarks/rss', array('action' => 'bookmarksrss', 'nickname' => $nickname)); } else { $m->connect(':nickname/bookmarks', array('action' => 'bookmarks'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT)); $m->connect(':nickname/bookmarks/rss', array('action' => 'bookmarksrss'), array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT)); } $m->connect('api/bookmarks/:id.:format', array('action' => 'ApiTimelineBookmarks', 'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT, 'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)')); $m->connect('main/bookmark/new', array('action' => 'newbookmark'), array('id' => '[0-9]+')); $m->connect('main/bookmark/popup', array('action' => 'bookmarkpopup')); $m->connect('main/bookmark/import', array('action' => 'importdelicious')); $m->connect('main/bookmark/forurl', array('action' => 'bookmarkforurl')); $m->connect('bookmark/:id', array('action' => 'showbookmark'), array('id' => '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}')); $m->connect('notice/by-url/:id', array('action' => 'noticebyurl'), array('id' => '[0-9]+')); return true; } /** * Add our two queue handlers to the queue manager * * @param QueueManager $qm current queue manager * * @return boolean hook value */ function onEndInitializeQueueManager($qm) { $qm->connect('dlcsback', 'DeliciousBackupImporter'); $qm->connect('dlcsbkmk', 'DeliciousBookmarkImporter'); return true; } /** * Plugin version data * * @param array &$versions array of version data * * @return value */ function onPluginVersion(&$versions) { $versions[] = array('name' => 'Bookmark', 'version' => self::VERSION, 'author' => 'Evan Prodromou, Stephane Berube, Jean Baptiste Favre', 'homepage' => 'http://status.net/wiki/Plugin:Bookmark', 'description' => // TRANS: Plugin description. _m('Simple extension for supporting bookmarks. ') . 'BookmarkList feature has been developped by Stephane Berube. ' . 'Integration has been done by Jean Baptiste Favre.'); return true; } /** * Load our document if requested * * @param string &$title Title to fetch * @param string &$output HTML to output * * @return boolean hook value */ function onStartLoadDoc(&$title, &$output) { if ($title == 'bookmarklet') { $filename = INSTALLDIR.'/plugins/Bookmark/bookmarklet'; $c = file_get_contents($filename); $output = common_markup_to_html($c); return false; // success! } return true; } /** * Show a link to our delicious import page on profile settings form * * @param Action $action Profile settings action being shown * * @return boolean hook value */ function onEndProfileSettingsActions($action) { $user = common_current_user(); if (!empty($user) && $user->hasRight(self::IMPORTDELICIOUS)) { $action->elementStart('li'); $action->element('a', array('href' => common_local_url('importdelicious')), // TRANS: Link text in proile leading to import form. _m('Import del.icio.us bookmarks')); $action->elementEnd('li'); } return true; } /** * Output our CSS class for bookmark notice list elements * * @param NoticeListItem $nli The item being shown * * @return boolean hook value */ function onStartOpenNoticeListItemElement($nli) { if (!$this->isMyNotice($nli->notice)) { return true; } $nb = Bookmark::getByNotice($nli->notice); if (empty($nb)) { $this->log(LOG_INFO, "Notice {$nli->notice->id} has bookmark class but no matching Bookmark record."); return true; } $id = (empty($nli->repeat)) ? $nli->notice->id : $nli->repeat->id; $class = 'hentry notice bookmark'; if ($nli->notice->scope != 0 && $nli->notice->scope != 1) { $class .= ' limited-scope'; } $nli->out->elementStart('li', array('class' => $class, 'id' => 'notice-' . $id)); Event::handle('EndOpenNoticeListItemElement', array($nli)); return false; } /** * Modify the default menu to link to our custom action * * Using event handlers, it's possible to modify the default UI for pages * almost without limit. In this method, we add a menu item to the default * primary menu for the interface to link to our action. * * The Action class provides a rich set of events to hook, as well as output * methods. * * @param Action $action The current action handler. Use this to * do any output. * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. * * @see Action */ function onEndPersonalGroupNav($action) { $this->user = common_current_user(); if (!$this->user) { // TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to display bookmarks for a non-existing user. $this->clientError(_('No such user.')); } $action->menuItem(common_local_url('bookmarks', array('nickname' => $this->user->nickname)), // TRANS: Menu item in sample plugin. _m('Bookmarks'), // TRANS: Menu item title in sample plugin. _m('A list of your bookmarks'), false, 'nav_timeline_bookmarks'); return true; } function types() { return array(ActivityObject::BOOKMARK); } /** * When a notice is deleted, delete the related Bookmark * * @param Notice $notice Notice being deleted * * @return boolean hook value */ function deleteRelated($notice) { if ($this->isMyNotice($notice)) { $nb = Bookmark::getByNotice($notice); if (!empty($nb)) { $nb->delete(); } } return true; } /** * Save a bookmark from an activity * * @param Activity $activity Activity to save * @param Profile $profile Profile to use as author * @param array $options Options to pass to bookmark-saving code * * @return Notice resulting notice */ function saveNoticeFromActivity($activity, $profile, $options=array()) { $bookmark = $activity->objects[0]; $relLinkEls = ActivityUtils::getLinks($bookmark->element, 'related'); if (count($relLinkEls) < 1) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a bookmark is formatted incorrectly. throw new ClientException(_m('Expected exactly 1 link '. 'rel=related in a Bookmark.')); } if (count($relLinkEls) > 1) { common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Got too many link rel=related in a Bookmark."); } $linkEl = $relLinkEls[0]; $url = $linkEl->getAttribute('href'); $tags = array(); foreach ($activity->categories as $category) { $tags[] = common_canonical_tag($category->term); } if (!empty($activity->time)) { $options['created'] = common_sql_date($activity->time); } // Fill in location if available $location = $activity->context->location; if ($location) { $options['lat'] = $location->lat; $options['lon'] = $location->lon; if ($location->location_id) { $options['location_ns'] = $location->location_ns; $options['location_id'] = $location->location_id; } } $options['groups'] = array(); $options['replies'] = array(); // TODO: context->attention foreach ($activity->context->attention as $attnUrl=>$type) { try { $other = Profile::fromUri($attnUrl); if ($other->isGroup()) { $options['groups'][] = $other->id; } else { $options['replies'][] = $attnUrl; } } catch (UnknownUriException $e) { // We simply don't know this URI, despite lookup attempts. } } // Maintain direct reply associations // @fixme what about conversation ID? if (!empty($activity->context->replyToID)) { $orig = Notice::getKV('uri', $activity->context->replyToID); if (!empty($orig)) { $options['reply_to'] = $orig->id; } } return Bookmark::saveNew($profile, $bookmark->title, $url, $tags, $bookmark->summary, $options); } function activityObjectFromNotice($notice) { assert($this->isMyNotice($notice)); common_log(LOG_INFO, "Formatting notice {$notice->uri} as a bookmark."); $object = new ActivityObject(); $nb = Bookmark::getByNotice($notice); $object->id = $notice->uri; $object->type = ActivityObject::BOOKMARK; $object->title = $nb->title; $object->summary = $nb->description; $object->link = $notice->getUrl(); // Attributes of the URL $attachments = $notice->attachments(); if (count($attachments) != 1) { // TRANS: Server exception thrown when a bookmark has multiple attachments. throw new ServerException(_m('Bookmark notice with the '. 'wrong number of attachments.')); } $target = $attachments[0]; $attrs = array('rel' => 'related', 'href' => $target->url); if (!empty($target->title)) { $attrs['title'] = $target->title; } $object->extra[] = array('link', $attrs, null); // Attributes of the thumbnail, if any try { $thumbnail = $target->getThumbnail(); $tattrs = array('rel' => 'preview', 'href' => $thumbnail->url); if (!empty($thumbnail->width)) { $tattrs['media:width'] = $thumbnail->width; } if (!empty($thumbnail->height)) { $tattrs['media:height'] = $thumbnail->height; } $object->extra[] = array('link', $tattrs, null); } catch (UnsupportedMediaException $e) { // No image thumbnail metadata available } return $object; } /** * Given a notice list item, returns an adapter specific * to this plugin. * * @param NoticeListItem $nli item to adapt * * @return NoticeListItemAdapter adapter or null */ function adaptNoticeListItem($nli) { return new BookmarkListItem($nli); } function entryForm($out) { return new InitialBookmarkForm($out); } function tag() { return 'bookmark'; } function appTitle() { // TRANS: Application title. return _m('TITLE','Bookmark'); } function onEndUpgrade() { // Version 0.9.x of the plugin didn't stamp notices // with verb and object-type (for obvious reasons). Update // those notices here. $notice = new Notice(); $notice->whereAdd('exists (select uri from bookmark where bookmark.uri = notice.uri)'); $notice->whereAdd('((object_type is null) or (object_type = "' .ActivityObject::NOTE.'"))'); $notice->find(); while ($notice->fetch()) { $original = clone($notice); $notice->verb = ActivityVerb::POST; $notice->object_type = ActivityObject::BOOKMARK; $notice->update($original); } } public function activityObjectOutputJson(ActivityObject $obj, array &$out) { assert($obj->type == ActivityObject::BOOKMARK); $bm = Bookmark::getKV('uri', $obj->id); if (empty($bm)) { throw new ServerException("Unknown bookmark: " . $obj->id); } $out['displayName'] = $bm->title; $out['targetUrl'] = $bm->url; return true; } }