#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2009, StatusNet, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // Abort if called from a web server define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); $helptext = <<<ENDOFHELP fixup_utf8.php <maxdate> <maxid> <minid> Fixup records in a database that stored the data incorrectly (pre-0.7.4 for StatusNet). ENDOFHELP; require_once INSTALLDIR.'/scripts/commandline.inc'; require_once 'DB.php'; class UTF8FixerUpper { var $dbl = null; var $dbu = null; var $args = array(); function __construct($args) { $this->args = $args; if (!empty($args['max_date'])) { $this->max_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strtotime($args['max_date'])); } else { $this->max_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time()); } $this->dbl = $this->doConnect('latin1'); if (empty($this->dbl)) { return; } $this->dbu = $this->doConnect('utf8'); if (empty($this->dbu)) { return; } } function doConnect($charset) { $db = DB::connect(common_config('db', 'database'), array('persistent' => false)); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { echo "ERROR: " . $db->getMessage() . "\n"; return NULL; } $conn = $db->connection; $succ = mysqli_set_charset($conn, $charset); if (!$succ) { echo "ERROR: couldn't set charset\n"; $db->disconnect(); return NULL; } $result = $db->autoCommit(true); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { echo "ERROR: " . $result->getMessage() . "\n"; $db->disconnect(); return NULL; } return $db; } function fixup() { $this->fixupNotices($this->args['max_notice'], $this->args['min_notice']); $this->fixupProfiles(); $this->fixupGroups(); $this->fixupMessages(); } function fixupNotices($max_id, $min_id) { // Do a separate DB connection $sth = $this->dbu->prepare("UPDATE notice SET content = UNHEX(?), rendered = UNHEX(?) WHERE id = ?"); if (PEAR::isError($sth)) { echo "ERROR: " . $sth->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } $sql = 'SELECT id, content, rendered FROM notice ' . 'WHERE LENGTH(content) != CHAR_LENGTH(content) '. 'AND modified < "'.$this->max_date.'" '; if (!empty($max_id)) { $sql .= ' AND id <= ' . $max_id; } if (!empty($min_id)) { $sql .= ' AND id >= ' . $min_id; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY id DESC'; $rn = $this->dbl->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($rn)) { echo "ERROR: " . $rn->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } echo "Number of rows: " . $rn->numRows() . "\n"; $notice = array(); while (DB_OK == $rn->fetchInto($notice)) { $id = ($notice[0])+0; $content = bin2hex($notice[1]); $rendered = bin2hex($notice[2]); echo "$id..."; $result = $this->dbu->execute($sth, array($content, $rendered, $id)); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { echo "ERROR: " . $result->getMessage() . "\n"; continue; } $cnt = $this->dbu->affectedRows(); if ($cnt != 1) { echo "ERROR: 0 rows affected\n"; continue; } $notice = Notice::staticGet('id', $id); $notice->decache(); $notice->free(); echo "OK\n"; } } function fixupProfiles() { // Do a separate DB connection $sth = $this->dbu->prepare("UPDATE profile SET ". "fullname = UNHEX(?),". "location = UNHEX(?), ". "bio = UNHEX(?) ". "WHERE id = ?"); if (PEAR::isError($sth)) { echo "ERROR: " . $sth->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } $sql = 'SELECT id, fullname, location, bio FROM profile ' . 'WHERE (LENGTH(fullname) != CHAR_LENGTH(fullname) '. 'OR LENGTH(location) != CHAR_LENGTH(location) '. 'OR LENGTH(bio) != CHAR_LENGTH(bio)) '. 'AND modified < "'.$this->max_date.'" '. ' ORDER BY modified DESC'; $rn = $this->dbl->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($rn)) { echo "ERROR: " . $rn->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } echo "Number of rows: " . $rn->numRows() . "\n"; $profile = array(); while (DB_OK == $rn->fetchInto($profile)) { $id = ($profile[0])+0; $fullname = bin2hex($profile[1]); $location = bin2hex($profile[2]); $bio = bin2hex($profile[3]); echo "$id..."; $result = $this->dbu->execute($sth, array($fullname, $location, $bio, $id)); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { echo "ERROR: " . $result->getMessage() . "\n"; continue; } $cnt = $this->dbu->affectedRows(); if ($cnt != 1) { echo "ERROR: 0 rows affected\n"; continue; } $profile = Profile::staticGet('id', $id); $profile->decache(); $profile->free(); echo "OK\n"; } } function fixupGroups() { // Do a separate DB connection $sth = $this->dbu->prepare("UPDATE user_group SET ". "fullname = UNHEX(?),". "location = UNHEX(?), ". "description = UNHEX(?) ". "WHERE id = ?"); if (PEAR::isError($sth)) { echo "ERROR: " . $sth->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } $sql = 'SELECT id, fullname, location, description FROM user_group ' . 'WHERE LENGTH(fullname) != CHAR_LENGTH(fullname) '. 'OR LENGTH(location) != CHAR_LENGTH(location) '. 'OR LENGTH(description) != CHAR_LENGTH(description) '. 'AND modified < "'.$this->max_date.'" '. 'ORDER BY modified DESC'; $rn = $this->dbl->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($rn)) { echo "ERROR: " . $rn->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } echo "Number of rows: " . $rn->numRows() . "\n"; $user_group = array(); while (DB_OK == $rn->fetchInto($user_group)) { $id = ($user_group[0])+0; $fullname = bin2hex($user_group[1]); $location = bin2hex($user_group[2]); $description = bin2hex($user_group[3]); echo "$id..."; $result = $this->dbu->execute($sth, array($fullname, $location, $description, $id)); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { echo "ERROR: " . $result->getMessage() . "\n"; continue; } $cnt = $this->dbu->affectedRows(); if ($cnt != 1) { echo "ERROR: 0 rows affected\n"; continue; } $user_group = User_group::staticGet('id', $id); $user_group->decache(); $user_group->free(); echo "OK\n"; } } function fixupMessages() { // Do a separate DB connection $sth = $this->dbu->prepare("UPDATE message SET content = UNHEX(?), rendered = UNHEX(?) WHERE id = ?"); if (PEAR::isError($sth)) { echo "ERROR: " . $sth->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } $sql = 'SELECT id, content, rendered FROM message ' . 'WHERE LENGTH(content) != CHAR_LENGTH(content) '. 'AND modified < "'.$this->max_date.'" '. 'ORDER BY id DESC'; $rn = $this->dbl->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($rn)) { echo "ERROR: " . $rn->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } echo "Number of rows: " . $rn->numRows() . "\n"; $message = array(); while (DB_OK == $rn->fetchInto($message)) { $id = ($message[0])+0; $content = bin2hex($message[1]); $rendered = bin2hex($message[2]); echo "$id..."; $result = $this->dbu->execute($sth, array($content, $rendered, $id)); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { echo "ERROR: " . $result->getMessage() . "\n"; continue; } $cnt = $this->dbu->affectedRows(); if ($cnt != 1) { echo "ERROR: 0 rows affected\n"; continue; } $message = Message::staticGet('id', $id); $message->decache(); $message->free(); echo "OK\n"; } } } $max_date = (count($args) > 0) ? $args[0] : null; $max_id = (count($args) > 1) ? $args[1] : null; $min_id = (count($args) > 2) ? $args[2] : null; $fixer = new UTF8FixerUpper(array('max_date' => $max_date, 'max_notice' => $max_id, 'min_notice' => $min_id)); $fixer->fixup();